JD Vance on Immigration | |
I think Kamala Harris and the Democrats, they want to give these millions upon millions of illegal aliens the right to vote. And that means fundamentally the end of American democracy. Because you're talking about 25 million people here. If Kamala Harris gives 10 million of those people legal status and allows them to vote in American elections, then, you know, say 70-30, they go Democrat. Republicans will never win a national election in this country in my lifetime.
TW: Fifteen hundred new border agents, detection for drugs, DOJ money to speed up these adjudications on this. Just what America wants. But as soon as it was getting ready to pass and actually tackle this Donald Trump said "No," told them to vote against it because it gives him a campaign issue. It gives him, what would Donald Trump talk about if we actually did some of these things? And they need to be done by the legislature. You can't just do this through the executive branch.
VANCE: In Springfield and all across this country, you've got schools and hospitals that are overwhelmed,; you've got housing that is totally unaffordable because we brought in millions of illegal immigrants to compete with Americans for scarce homes. The people that I'm most worried about in Springfield, Ohio, are the American citizens who have had their lives destroyed by Kamala Harris's open border.
WALZ: This is blaming migrants for everything.
Q: To clarify for our viewers, Springfield, Ohio does have a large number of Haitian migrants who have legal status: Temporary protected status.
VANCE: Since you're fact checking me, the CBP One app where you can go on as an illegal migrant, apply for asylum or apply for parole and be granted legal status at the wave of a Kamala Harris open border wand.
The Ohio senator and vice-presidential candidate JD Vance wrote on X about reports of "Haitian illegal immigrants" abducting and eating pets and causing "general chaos" in Springfield.
An urban legend alleging that Chinese restaurants serve dog meat, cat meat or rats dates back to the beginning of Chinese immigration to the US. An editorial from a Mississippi newspaper in 1852, for example, laments that trade with China is "not what it ought to be", then says, "and besides, the Chinese still eat dog-pie". Chinese people may have been the first immigrant group to be widely profiled as "dog eaters", but the slur was soon directed at other Asian communities
According to the Denver Gazette, "15 GOP senators asked the Biden administration to finish the border wall along the southern border. The senators claim the Biden administration has 'failed to acknowledge the crisis at our border,' and they note how the administration has sent 1,500 active-duty troops to assist border officials 'who are tasked with defending nearly 2,000 miles of border territory,' according to the letter. Senators who signed the letter include Rubio (R-FL) and Vance (R-OH)." [Denver Gazette, 5/10/23]
A: Strongly Agree. If we spent as much time concerned about securing our borders as much as we do securing the borders of other countries, we would be a much safer and prosperous country.
Q: State and federal funds shall be denied to any public or private entity, such as a sanctuary city, that is not in compliance with immigration laws.
A: Strongly Agree
Q: Who should be allowed to immigrate to the U.S. and under what circumstances?
A: Legal immigration should happen based on merit and skills, not family relationships as it currently is. I support the Raise Act, which would change our legal immigration system to put our citizens first.
We also must reform our legal immigration system. In no other developed country do we allow migration primarily based on family relations rather than skills. Millions of people want to come here, and we should only allow them if they contribute something meaningful to our country. Our capacity to assimilate the next generation of immigrants is limited, and our legal immigration system should account for this fact by changing who we let in and reducing the total numbers.