Tim Walz on Government Reform
People think we can get rid of regulations; some are needed
TW: Whenever we talk regulations, people think they can get rid of them. I think you want to be able to get out of your house in a fire.
I think you want to make sure that it's fireproof and those types of things. So which are the regulations? Because the vice president's not responsible for those. Congress writes those.
JDV: [Inflation] is not the entire driver of higher housing prices. It's also the regulatory regime of Kamala Harris. Look, we are a country of builders. We're a country of doers. We're a country of explorers.
But we increasingly have a Federal administration that makes it harder to develop our resources, makes it harder to build things, and wants to throw people in jail for not doing everything exactly as Kamala Harris says that they have to do.
Source: 2024 Vice Presidential debate: Tim Walz vs. JD Vance
, Oct 2, 2024
Restore voting rights for formerly incarcerated people
Gov. Walz signed into law the largest expansion of voting rights in Minnesota in the last half century, restoring voting rights for over 55,000 formerly incarcerated people in Minnesota, establishing automatic voter registration, creating a permanent
absentee voting status, and pre-registering 16- and 17-year-olds to vote. Gov.Walz also signed the Minnesota Voting Rights Act into law--prohibiting standards that would deny or limit any citizen's right to vote based on their race, color, or language.
Source: 2022 Minnesota Governor campaign website mn.gov/Governor
, Aug 6, 2024
State investments come back to you tenfold over
Walz and GOP challenger Scott Jensen [held] their only televised debate. Walz stressed that the return on state investments in things like education, roads & health care "comes back to you tenfold over.""You get a choice here of a vision of Minnesota,
one that questions our elections, one that tells women they can't make their choices, one that defunds our public schools or you get an opportunity that brought so many of us to Minnesota. An opportunity for a state that is inclusive," Walz said.
Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune on 2022 Minnesota Governor race
, Oct 18, 2022
Limit corporate campaign donations, and disclose all
Q: Require political ads to disclose their largest funders?Jeff Johnson (R): Unknown.
Tim Walz (D): Yes. Co-sponsored 2012 DISCLOSE Act, requiring full disclosure of independent campaign expenditures.
Q: Support Citizens United decision,
allowing unlimited political donations from corporations & unions?
Johnson: Unknown.
Walz: No. Disagrees with Supreme Court decision that lifts limits on corporations' & unions' spending in US elections.
Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race
, Oct 9, 2018
Remove barriers to voting
Q: Voting Rights: Support stricter voting rules such as voter ID requirements, even if they prevent some people from voting?Jeff Johnson (R): Yes. Supports requiring voters to show photo ID, although Minnesotans rejected that idea in a 2012 vote.
Source: 2018 CampusElect.org Issue Guide on Minnesota Governor race
, Oct 9, 2018
Ban all privately funded congressional trips
The era of closed-door favors to insider lobbyists must come to an end, but we cannot rely on those that are part of the culture of corruption to police themselves. Walz will consistently vote to give the House ethics committee authority to investigate
and indict members without the consent of party leadership. Additionally, Walz will vote to strengthen lobbyist registration rules, bar lobbyists from congressional chambers and ban all privately funded congressional trips.
Source: 2006 House campaign website, www.timwalz.org, "Issues"
, Nov 7, 2006
Public funding for political campaigns
Indicate which principles you support regarding campaign finance and government reform. - Support public taxpayer funding for federal candidates who comply with campaign spending limits.
Require Section 527 organizations to register with the Federal Election Commission as Political Action Committees.
- Support instant run-off voting?
- Election Day should be a national holiday?
Source: 2006 Congressional National Political Awareness Test
, Nov 7, 2006
Establish the United States Public Service Academy.
Walz co-sponsored establishing the United States Public Service Academy
Introductory statement by Sponsor:
Sen. CLINTON: I rise today to introduce legislation that will create an undergraduate institution designed to cultivate a generation of young leaders dedicated to public service. The US Public Service Academy Act (The PSA Act) will form a national academy to serve as an extraordinary example of effective, national public education.
The tragic events of September 11 and the devastation of natural disasters such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita underscore how much our Nation depends on strong public institutions and competent civilian leadership at all levels of society. Congress must take a step forward to ensure competent civilian leadership and improve our Nation`s ability to respond to future emergencies and to confront daily challenges.
This legislation will create the US Public Service Academy to groom future public servants and build a corps of capable civilian leaders. Modeled after the military service academies, this academy
will provide a four-year, federally-subsidized college education for more than 5,000 students a year in exchange for a five year commitment to public service.
The PSA Act will meet critical national needs as the baby-boomer generation approaches retirement. Already, studies show looming shortages in the Federal civil service, public education, law enforcement, the non-profit sector and other essential areas.
Unfortunately our young people are priced out of public service careers all too often. By providing a service-oriented education at no cost to the student, the PSA Act will tap into the strong desire to serve that already exists among college students while erasing the burden of enormous college debt.
The establishment of a United States Public Service Academy is an innovative way to strengthen and protect America by creating a corps of well-trained, highly-qualified civilian leaders. I am hopeful that my Senate colleagues from both sides of the aisle will join me today.
Source: United States Public Service Academy Act (S.960 & HR.1671) 07-HR1671 on Mar 23, 2007
Require full disclosure of independent campaign expenditures.
Walz co-sponsored DISCLOSE Act
Congressional Summary:
- Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections Act of 2012 or DISCLOSE Act:
- Amends the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (FECA) to add to the definition of `independent expenditure` an expenditure by a person that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, or takes a position on a candidates, qualifications, or fitness for office.
- Expands the period during which certain communications are treated as electioneering communications.
- Prescribes disclosure requirements for corporations, labor organizations, and certain other entities, including a political committee with an account established for the purpose of accepting donations or contributions that do not comply with the contribution limits or source prohibitions under FECA (but only with respect to such accounts).
- Repeals the prohibition against political contributions by individuals age 17 or younger.
Wikipedia & OnTheIssue Summary:- On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, ruled that prohibiting corporations and unions from making independent expenditures in political campaigns was unconstitutional. This ruling is frequently described as permitting corporations and unions to donate to political campaigns, but these claims are incorrect. The ruling did remove the previous ban on corporations and organizations using their funds for direct advocacy, including endorsing for or against specific candidates, actions that were previously prohibited.
The result of Citizens United was that `Super PACs` spent millions on TV ads in the 2012 election, advocating both issues and candidates. The DISCLOSE Act attempts to reduce the negative effect of Citizens United by requiring disclosure of independent expenditures made by advocacy groups.
Source: S3369/HR4010 12-HR4010 on Feb 9, 2012
Matching fund for small donors, with debate requirements.
Walz signed Fair Elections Now Act
Congressional Summary:Fair Elections Now Act--Amends 1971 FECA with respect to:
- 500% matching payments to candidates for certain small dollar contributions;
- a public debate requirement;
- establishment of the Fair Elections Fund and of a Fair Elections Oversight Board;
- remission to the Fair Elections Fund of unspent funds after an election civil penalties for violation of contribution and expenditure requirements;
- Requires all designations, statements, and reports required to be filed under FECA to be filed directly with the FEC in electronic form accessible by computers.
Statement of support for corresponding Senate bill: (Sunlight Foundation) Now we bring you the Senate Campaign Disclosure Parity Act, a bill that should probably be the least controversial of all. S. 375 would simply require senators and Senate candidates to file their public campaign finance disclosure reports electronically with the Federal Election Commission,
the way House candidates and presidential candidates have been filing for over a decade. A version of the bill has been introduced during every congress starting in 2003 (!) yet it has been blocked repeatedly, a victim of political football.
Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., has introduced the most recent version, which would ensure that paper Senate campaign finance reports are a thing of the past. But even with 50 bipartisan cosponsors, the bill faces an uphill battle. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, has repeatedly prevented the bill from coming to the Senate floor. We won`t be deterred--as long as McConnell continues to block the bill, we`ll continue to highlight that his intransigence results in delayed disclosure of vital, public campaign finance information, not to mention wasting $500,000 in taxpayer money annually. Eventually, we`ll win.
Source: S.375/H.R.269 14_H269 on Jan 15, 2013
Establish "My Voice Voucher" small campaign contributions.
Walz co-sponsored Government By the People Act
Congressional summary:
- A refundable tax credit of 50% of congressional House campaign contributions, to be known as `My Voice Federal` contributions.
- Establishes the Government by the People Oversight Commission, which will launch a pilot program and select 3 eligible states to operate a voucher pilot program.
- Provide each qualified individual during the election cycle, upon his or her request, with a `My Voice Voucher` worth $50 (in either paper or electronic form).
- Authorizes the individual to submit the My Voice Voucher to qualified federal election candidates, allocating a portion of its value in $5 increments.
- Prohibits a certified participating candidate from establishing or controlling a leadership PAC (political action committee).
Proponent`s argument in favor (by Reps. Nancy Pelosi & John Sarbanes): Citizens United shook the foundation of our democracy: the principle that it is the voices of the people, not the
bank accounts of the privileged few, that determine the outcome of our elections and the policies of our government. Most members of Congress would leap at the chance to fund their campaigns without having to turn to a familiar cast of big donors and entrenched interests. Today, that`s virtually impossible. But we can and must break the grip of special interests on our politics: rally around H.R. 20.
Opponent`s argument against (The Examiner): The proposed legislation seeks to undo the Citizens United v. FEC ruling which has been a thorn in the side of progressives ever since the Supreme Court ruled in 2010 that political spending was `a form of protected speech under the First Amendment.` Although the `Government by the People Act` innocently claims to want to get big money out of politics, the real goal is to smash the Tea Party. The fear that conservative groups would have access to funds typically granted to progressive groups and unions was too much to bear.
Source: H.R.20 14-H0020 on Feb 5, 2014
Repeal automatic Congressional pay raises.
Walz signed Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act
A bill to prevent Members of Congress from receiving any automatic pay adjustment in 2010.
For purposes of the provision of law amended by section 704(a)(2)(B) of the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 (5 U.S.C. 5318 note), no adjustment under section 5303 of title 5, United States Code, shall be considered to have taken effect in fiscal year 2010 in the rates of pay under the General Schedule.
Source: S.542&HR.156 2009-S542 on Jan 6, 2009
Page last updated: Jan 01, 2025; copyright 1999-2022 Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org