Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Survey of 2020 Gubernatorial campaign websites

Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from Gubernatorial campaign websites (number of quotes indicated):
- Aimee Winder Newton (2) Utah Utah Democratic Governor
- Andru Volinsky (10) New Hampshire Democratic candidate for governor
- Casey Schreiner (8) Montana Democratic 2020 Gubernatorial Challenger
- Dan Feltes (7) New Hampshire Democratic candidate for governor
- Dan Forest (8) North Carolina Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
- David Lamar Williams (7) Delaware Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- David Zuckerman (20) Vermont Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Eddie Melton (5) Indiana Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Greg Hughes (2) Utah Utah Republican Governor
- Holly Grange (4) North Carolina Republican candidate for governor
- Jack Ciattarelli (7) New Jersey Republican Challenger
- Jeff Burningham (11) Utah Republican candidate for governor
- Jim Neely (2) Missouri Republican candidate for governor
- Julianne Murray (4) Delaware Delaware Republican Governor
- Mark Herring (3) Virginia Democratic candidate for governor
- Michael Coachman (8) North Dakota Republican candidate for governor
- Michael Folk (4) West Virginia Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
- Mike Cooney (9) Montana Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Nicole Galloway (2) Missouri Democratic candidate for governor
- Phil Fortunato (7) Washington Republican challenger for Governor
- Phil Scott (2) Vermont Republican challenger for Governor
- Rebecca Holcombe (15) Vermont Democratic candidate for governor
- Reilly Neill (1) Montana Democratic 2020 Gubernatorial Challenger
- Ron Stollings (2) West Virginia Democratic candidate for governor
- Shelley Lenz (1) North Dakota North Dakota Democratic Governor
- Stephen Noble Smith (21) West Virginia Democratic 2020 Gubernatorial Challenger
- Tim Fox (4) Montana Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
- Wanda Vazquez Garced (2) Puerto Rico Democratic candidate for governor
- Whitney Williams (3) Montana Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Woody Myers (7) Indiana Democratic candidate for governor
- Woody Thrasher (6) West Virginia Republican Gubernatorial Challenger
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Aimee Winder Newton: Abortion only permitted in extreme circumstances.
Andru Volinsky: Take politics out of funding targeted by extremists.
Dan Feltes: Supports Planned Parenthood; opposes parental notification.
David Zuckerman: Add reproductive autonomy to Vermont Constitution.
David Zuckerman: Protect funding for Planned Parenthood.
Holly Grange: Pro-life; fought to eliminate infanticide.
Jeff Burningham: Strongly believe in protecting rights of unborn.
Michael Coachman: Individuals, including unborn, have intrinsic right to life.
Mike Cooney: Fought to reject laws restricting access to health care.
Stephen Noble Smith: Guarantee access to reproductive healthcare for women.
Tim Fox: Ensure Montana is national leader protecting innocent life.
Woody Thrasher: I'm a pro-life conservative.
Budget & Economy
Eddie Melton: Gaming licenses issued to support new jobs & revenue.
Holly Grange: Cut red tape; pass tort reform.
Jack Ciattarelli: Lower property taxes, grow the economy.
Jeff Burningham: Eliminate onerous occupational licensing laws.
Jeff Burningham: Infrastructure planning critical to quality of life.
Julianne Murray: Increase evidence required for government spending.
Michael Folk: Support free enterprise, job creation, and tax reform.
Mike Cooney: Spearheaded tax credit for businesses hiring apprentices.
Nicole Galloway: As auditor uncovered $350 million in waste.
Phil Fortunato: Partial zero-based budgets; 1/4 of budget every two years.
Phil Fortunato: Open up state to building housing of all kinds.
Stephen Noble Smith: Invest in and simplify rules for small businesses.
Civil Rights
Andru Volinsky: Women are entitled to equal pay for equal work.
Dan Feltes: We work best when we embrace diversity and inclusion.
David Zuckerman: Root out structural and systemic oppression.
David Zuckerman: Voted to override veto of gay marriage law.
David Zuckerman: Women should be paid equally and treated equally.
Eddie Melton: Will fight to enact state hate crimes law.
Eddie Melton: Endorsed by the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus PAC.
Michael Coachman: Nurture strong marriages of one man and one woman.
Mike Cooney: Invest in economic opportunities on and off reservations.
Mike Cooney: Avidly supports equal protection for all, especially LGBTQ.
Stephen Noble Smith: Tax incentives to hire people with disabilities.
Stephen Noble Smith: End discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation.
Woody Myers: Fought to keep teenage boy with AIDS in school after banning.
Julianne Murray: Small businesses must have rights & less restrictions.
Stephen Noble Smith: Raise corporate income tax rate to 9%.
Casey Schreiner: Reformed child sex abuse law, justice for Indigenous women.
David Zuckerman: We need an extensive and systemic collection of racial data.
Michael Coachman: Preserve right of self-defense without excessive burdens.
Rebecca Holcombe: End racial disparities in Vermont's criminal justice system.
Stephen Noble Smith: Courts, police, schools will track bias, & get help to fix.
Woody Thrasher: Hard labor & death penalty for drug crimes.
Mark Herring: More resources for public safety and law enforcement.
David Zuckerman: Provide needle exchanges, overdose prevention medication.
Jim Neely: Opposes raising age for vaping from 18 to 21.
Julianne Murray: Declare opioid crisis public health emergency.
Ron Stollings: Establish Governor's Office of Substance Abuse.
Stephen Noble Smith: Clear waiting lists for addiction recovery treatment.
Stephen Noble Smith: Legalize cannabis; expunge drug offenses after 3 years.
Woody Thrasher: Substance abuse significant problem in West Virginia.
Mark Herring: Crack down on dealers & traffickers who profit off addiction.
Andru Volinsky: Fund schools fairly, teachers should be paid well.
Andru Volinsky: Control college debt; provide alternatives to college.
Casey Schreiner: For public preschool, better funding for public schools.
Dan Forest: A leader in the school choice movement.
Dan Forest: Expand voucher program for every family.
Dan Forest: Every public school needs strong principal & armed guard.
David Lamar Williams: Improve chances for learning for all ages, circumstances.
David Zuckerman: Supports universal afterschool and pre-K education.
David Zuckerman: Free in-state tuition for trade schools & higher education.
Eddie Melton: Worked for Obama on mentoring boys and young men of color.
Eddie Melton: Increasing pay will address state teacher shortage.
Greg Hughes: For charter schools, parental choice, more local control.
Jeff Burningham: Education should be free from federal influence.
Michael Coachman: Don't restrict children in prayer, religious expression.
Michael Folk: Repeal Common Core and Testing.
Mike Cooney: Oppose diverting public funding toward private education.
Phil Fortunato: Let local schools get waivers from unfunded state mandates.
Rebecca Holcombe: Public schools reveal strength of a community.
Rebecca Holcombe: Fallout from inadequate funding measured in generations.
Stephen Noble Smith: Create 100 public "Entrepreneurial Schools".
Stephen Noble Smith: Index pay for teachers and tie it to inflation.
Stephen Noble Smith: Support technical education & apprenticeship programs.
Woody Myers: We can take a hard look at our voucher program.
Woody Myers: We need multiple pathways to obtain good-paying jobs.
Energy & Oil
Andru Volinsky: We need to be carbon net-zero as fast as we can.
Casey Schreiner: Reduce our reliance on fossil fuels over time.
David Zuckerman: Work toward renewable, sustainable energy as primary sources.
David Zuckerman: Encourage alternatives to single-use vehicles.
Jack Ciattarelli: Should accelerate use of natural gas, not phase it out.
Mike Cooney: Focus on a realistic transition to renewable energy.
Rebecca Holcombe: Will move us to a sustainable, green energy future.
Rebecca Holcombe: Climate change is here, renewable energy is our future.
Woody Myers: State is a big polluter, that needs to change.
Woody Myers: Indiana must shift to renewable energy to meet our needs.
Andru Volinsky: Protect our natural resources and our tourist economy.
Casey Schreiner: Opposes sale of public lands to highest bidder.
David Lamar Williams: Network to find ideas to preserve our air, land, and water.
David Lamar Williams: Improve preservation of our air, land, and water resources.
Jack Ciattarelli: Will be a green governor; safe, clean water imperative.
Jeff Burningham: Unlock our State Institutional Trust Lands.
Rebecca Holcombe: Restore quality of water, soils, forests to cleaner days.
Rebecca Holcombe: Protect working lands, ensure food security.
Shelley Lenz: Balance energy needs with need to preserve grasslands.
Whitney Williams: Defend Montana against wealthy interests buying public land.
Families & Children
Casey Schreiner: Equal opportunity for women in education & employment.
Dan Feltes: Stop any effort to backslide on marriage equality.
David Zuckerman: Supports universal, statewide paid family leave.
Rebecca Holcombe: Make sure every child can be part of good community school.
Stephen Noble Smith: For family leave, and equal pay for equal work.
Stephen Noble Smith: Kinship families receive same support as foster families.
Mark Herring: Innovative tech to protect children & catch perpetrators.
Government Reform
Dan Feltes: Fundamental right to vote.
Jack Ciattarelli: Call for Constitutional Convention and referendums.
Jeff Burningham: I'll get government out of your way.
Michael Coachman: Size of government & regulations should be limited.
Nicole Galloway: Government should be totally transparent.
Rebecca Holcombe: Public has the right to know leaders work for public.
Rebecca Holcombe: Rebuild trust by strengthening ethics requirements.
Stephen Noble Smith: Offer public financing for all state elections.
Stephen Noble Smith: Implement automatic voter registration.
Wanda Vazquez Garced: Expands transparency policy on Island reconstruction.
Gun Control
Greg Hughes: 2nd Amendment guarantees right to bear arms.
Jeff Burningham: Gun owner who supports the Second Amendment.
Julianne Murray: Overt gun control is not necessary; violates 2nd amendment.
Michael Coachman: Uphold right solemnly confirmed by 2d Amendment.
Tim Fox: Fight any effort to undermine this fundamental right.
Woody Thrasher: I believe in the Second Amendment.
Health Care
Andru Volinsky: Healthcare is a basic human right.
Casey Schreiner: Won reauthorization of Medicaid expansion.
Casey Schreiner: Will fight to lower drug costs, take on big pharma.
David Lamar Williams: Legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.
David Lamar Williams: Provide advanced health care options for all.
David Zuckerman: Supports Medicare for All.
David Zuckerman: Stop seeing mental health as separate from physical health.
Jim Neely: Championed "Right to Try" experimental treatments law.
Jack Ciattarelli: Protect those with pre-existing conditions; lower costs.
Jeff Burningham: Choice and competition rather than government programs.
Michael Folk: Abolish "Certificate of Need" law as anti-competitive.
Mike Cooney: Lower the cost, expand access to care.
Rebecca Holcombe: Will confront out of control costs of healthcare, drugs.
Rebecca Holcombe: Confront out of control costs; coordinate state government.
Ron Stollings: Would reinstate health department funding that had been cut.
Stephen Noble Smith: Create public option for individuals & local small business.
Woody Myers: Now is the time to put a doctor in the Governor's Office.
Homeland Security
Dan Feltes: Ensure veterans get access to basic benefits and housing.
Dan Forest: $2500 bonus to business hiring, training veterans.
Aimee Winder Newton: Allow citizenship for those who wait their turn.
Dan Forest: Require students to pass US citizenship exam.
David Zuckerman: Immigrants & refugees welcome in Vermont.
Holly Grange: Border is a national security issue.
Jack Ciattarelli: Let local law agencies work with ICE on illegal immigration.
Jeff Burningham: Let each state set number of guest worker visas needed.
Tim Fox: Need for increased border security non-negotiable.
Andru Volinsky: Investing in infrastructure creates jobs.
Andru Volinsky: Raise minimum wage to $15; federal rate "starvation wage".
Casey Schreiner: Spending on infrastructure will create jobs across state.
Dan Forest: Train guidance counselors to help students enter trades.
Dan Forest: Assistance for veterans joining state law enforcement.
David Lamar Williams: Provide a livable standard wage for all.
David Zuckerman: Raise minimum wage to $15/hr; plus paid family leave.
Jack Ciattarelli: Reform public employee benefits system.
Rebecca Holcombe: Unions support wage equity & safe workplaces.
Rebecca Holcombe: Unions support wage equity and safe workplaces.
Stephen Noble Smith: Pass strongest pro-labor laws in the country.
Tim Fox: Market-oriented policies can promote high-wage jobs.
Woody Myers: Diversify our economy, improve business environment.
Woody Thrasher: Will work to pass "right-to-work" legislation.
Principles & Values
Dan Feltes: Transparency: tax returns, campaign expenses, contributions.
Michael Coachman: People should be responsible for their own behavior.
Whitney Williams: Parents were elected officials in Congress, state Senate.
Whitney Williams: Founded WilliamsWorks, helping philanthropic efforts.
Woody Thrasher: I've learned a lot from President Donald Trump.
Social Security
Andru Volinsky: Joined with Labor to protect public pensions.
Michael Folk: Eliminate state tax on Social Security.
Wanda Vazquez Garced: Island police will contribute to Social Security.
Tax Reform
Dan Forest: Eliminate state tax on out-of-state military pay.
David Zuckerman: Differentiate between those who can or cannot pay more taxes.
Jeff Burningham: Cut waste before imposing new taxes.
Michael Coachman: Taxes for government, not forced redistribution of wealth.
Phil Fortunato: Fund transportation needs with inflation-linked sales tax.
Phil Fortunato: Introduced bill to exempt older seniors from property tax.
Phil Scott: Scott and Republicans blocked many new taxes.
Phil Scott: Tax burden takes a toll on economic development.
Stephen Noble Smith: Institute a lobbying tax.
Stephen Noble Smith: Shift tax breaks to small, local businesses.
Stephen Noble Smith: Half-penny wealth tax over $2 million nonresidential assets.
David Zuckerman: Must increase broadband access in rural Vermont.
Phil Fortunato: Sound Transit 3 & Mileage Tax won't solve the problem.
Stephen Noble Smith: Update road funding formula; tax trucks for damage.
War & Peace
Holly Grange: Protect veterans and first responders.
Welfare & Poverty
Dan Feltes: Address discrimination in housing as a civil right.
David Lamar Williams: Will address issue to provide affordable housing.
David Zuckerman: Support new affordable housing, improve existing homes.
Phil Fortunato: Implement transitional housing for homeless.
Rebecca Holcombe: Target investment at affordable homes & rentals.
Reilly Neill: Need to double down on community effort to feed the hungry.
The above quotations are from Survey of 2020 Gubernatorial campaign websites.
2018-21 Governors' book excerpts:
- Can't Is Not an Option, by Gov. Nikki Haley (R,SC)
- Crossroads, by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D,NY)
- Dialogues, by Governor Jerry Brown (D,CA)
- From Power to Purpose, by Gov. Sam Brownback (R,KS)
- Governor`s Travels, by Gov. Angus King (I,ME)
- Leadership and Crisis, by Gov. Bobby Jindal (R,LA)
- The Opposite of Woe, by Gov. John Hickenlooper (D,CO)
- A Reason to Believe, by Gov. Deval Patrick (D,MA)
- Romney: An Inside Look, about Gov. Mitt Romney (R,MA)
- Scorpions for Breakfast, by Gov. Jan Brewer (R,AZ)
- Stand For Something, by Gov. John Kasich (R,OH)
- Unintimidated, by Governor Scott Walker (R,WI)
- What A Party!, by Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D,VA)
- 2020 Senatorial debates:
AK -
AL -
AR -
AZ -
CO -
DE -
GA-2 -
GA-6 -
IA -
ID -
IL -
KS -
KY -
LA -
MA -
ME -
MI -
MN -
MS -
MT -
NC -
NE -
NH -
NJ -
NM -
OK -
OR -
RI -
SC -
SD -
TN -
TX -
VA -
WV -
WY -