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Donald Trump on Civil Rights

2016 Republican incumbent President; 2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President


No crackdown on China for repressing Falun Gong or Catholics

CNN obtained a copy of the book before its June 23 release, which the White House is scrambling furiously to stop. Here are some of the things we've learned from Bolton's tell-all about his former boss:

Trump had no problem with China's concentration camps: Bolton describes several instances where Trump waffles on China-related issues after conversations with Xi, notably on the mass concentration camps Beijing was using to imprison and 're-educate' Uyghur Muslims. Bolton writes that according to the US interpreter in the room during a conversation between Xi and Trump at the G-20 meeting in June 2019, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was 'exactly the right thing to do.' Bolton adds that Trump didn't wan

Source: CNN excerpts from "The Room Where It Happened" , Jun 18, 2020

DC won't become a state because they'd elect Democrats

Trump says Washington, DC, won't ever be a state because Republicans aren't "stupid" enough to add guaranteed Democratic seats in Congress. "DC will never be a state," Trump told The Post. "You mean District of Columbia, a state? Why? So we can have two more Democratic -- Democrat senators and five more congressmen? No thank you. That'll never happen." The capital city is home to roughly 700,000 people -- more people than Vermont and Wyoming, and nearly as many as Alaska.

DC license plates carry the slogan "Taxation Without Representation" in protest of the lack of seats in Congress. Residents have a non-voting delegate in the House and no senators. If it were a state, DC would have one House member and two senators. A "Taxation Without Representation" DC license plate adorned Barack Obama's limo during his presidency.

Source: New York Post on Trump Administration , May 5, 2020

2017: removing Confederacy monuments destroys our heritage

A group of white supremacists held a "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. People marched on August 11 chanting, "Jews will not replace us," and on August 12 their celebration of white nationalism turned deadly when one of the white supremacists deliberately drove his car into a crowd of peaceful counter protestors, killing one woman and injuring 28 others.

Trump said there were "very fine people on both sides" and initially refused to condemn white supremacy. This abdication of moral leadership was one of the lowest points in his presidency.

The white supremacist rally occurred during a time that around the country, monuments to the confederacy [were being removed]. Trump opposed what was happening. "Sad to see the history & culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments," he tweeted on Aug. 17. Trump had told his aides many times that summer, "This is a shame. They're destroying our heritage."

Source: A Very Stable Genius, by P.Rucker & C.Leonnig, p.154-5 , Jan 21, 2020

Respectfully check mosques; we have to look at profiling

Q: You said you would check respectfully the mosques. How do you respectfully check a mosque?

TRUMP: Well, you do as they used to do in New York, prior to this mayor dismantling. Right now, they're doing it in France. In fact, in some instances, they are closing down mosques.

Q: Are you talking about increasing profiling of Muslims in America?

TRUMP: Well, I think profiling is something that we're going to have to start thinking about as a country. And other countries do it. You look at Israel and you look at others, and they do it. And they do it successfully. And I hate the concept of profiling. But we have to start using common sense, and we have to use our heads. Recently, we had tremendous numbers of people coming into a speech I was making. And people that obviously had no weapons, had no anything, they were going through screening--the same scrutiny as somebody else that looked like it could have been a possible person [of interest]. So, we really have to look at profiling.

Source: CBS Face the Nation 2016 interviews of presidential hopefuls , Jun 19, 2016

Put the Confederate flag in a museum, not on statehouses

Source: 2016 presidential hopefuls: "Confederate flag" , Jun 17, 2016

Political correctness is country's problem, not my problem

Q: You don't use a politician's filter. However, that is not without its downsides, in particular, when it comes to women. You've called women you don't like "fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals."

TRUMP: Only Rosie O'Donnell!

Q: You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?

TRUMP: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. I don't have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either. This country is in big trouble. We don't win anymore. We lose to China. We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. We lose to everybody. And frankly, what I say, and oftentimes it's fun, it's kidding. We have a good time. What I say is what I say. But you know, we need strength, we need energy, we need quickness and we need brain in this country to turn it around.

Source: Fox News/Facebook Top Ten First Tier debate transcript , Aug 6, 2015

Donald Trump on LGBT Rights

Transgender protections destroying women's sports

Joe Biden and the Democrats are even pushing policies that would destroy women's sports. Now young girls and women are in sets that they are now being forced to compete against those who are biological males. It's not good for women. The records that stood for years, even decades are now being smashed. If this is not changed women's sports as we know it will die.
Source: Remarks by Pres. Trump at the 2021 CPAC Conference , Feb 28, 2021

Job discrimination rules don't apply to transgender status

The Supreme Court ruled that existing federal law forbids job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or transgender status, a major victory for advocates of gay rights and for the nascent transgender rights movement.

By a vote of 6-3, the court said Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes it illegal for employers to discriminate because of a person's sex, among other factors, also covers sexual orientation and transgender status.

The Trump administration had urged the court to rule that Title VII does not cover cases like these, in a reversal from the position the government took during the Obama administration. "The ordinary meaning of 'sex' is biologically male or female; it does not include sexual orientation," the Justice Department said. "An employer who discriminates against employees in same-sex relationships thus does not violate Title VII as long as it treats men in same-sex relationships the same as women in same-sex relationships."

Source: NBC News on BOSTOCK v. CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA , Jun 15, 2020

Global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality

The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay.

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading the effort. The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality--mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean. "It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct," said a U.S. official involved in organizing the event.

Although the decriminalization strategy is still being hashed out, officials say it's likely to include working with global organizations like the United Nations and the European Union, as well as other countries whose laws already allow for gay rights.

Source: Josh Lederman, NBC News, on 2019 Trump administration , Feb 19, 2019

1980s: personal lawyer gay & closeted & Trump kept secret

In the Fall of 1984, Roy Cohn fell ill, maintaining that he had liver cancer. But he was suffering from the effects of HIV infection. Trump had always known that Cohn was gay. Cohn was "invariably with some very good-looking young man," Trump wrote in his first book. "But Roy never talked about it. He just didn't like the image. He felt that to the average person, being gay was almost synonymous with being a wimp." If someone brought up gay rights, Trump noted, "Roy was always the first one to speak out against them."

As Cohn's health deteriorated, his unethical behavior as a lawyer caught up to him. A host of luminaries rose to defend Cohn's good character, including Trump, returning to his friend's side and inviting him to visit Mar-a-Lago.

In 1986, Cohn was disbarred. He was fifty-nine. His friends held a memorial service for him. Trump attended, standing silently in the back.

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.111-2 , Aug 23, 2016

2000: extend Civil Rights Act to apply to gays and lesbians

[In 2000], Trump called himself a conservative but sounded like a liberal on many issues. In the Advocate, a gay-oriented newsmagazine, Trump took issue with how Buchanan talked about "Jews, blacks, gays, and Mexicans. He wants to divide our country." Trump called himself a conciliator, saying he would extend the Civil Rights Act to include protections for lesbians and gays and allow them to serve openly in the military, repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the Clinton-era policy that had lifted a ban on gays in the military, but forbade them from talking about their orientation while in the service.

Although he had pulled out of the race, Trump's name remained on the Reform Party ballot in Michigan and California. He won both primaries.

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.285-7 , Aug 23, 2016

Sexual orientation is invalid reason for firing workers

Source: 2016 presidential hopefuls: "Gender identity" , Jun 17, 2016

After Supreme Court vote, gay marriage is a reality

Q: You say you would have liked the states, rather than the Supreme Court, to decide on gay marriage.

A: Some people have hopes of passing [Constitutional] amendments, but it's not going to happen. Congress can't pass simple things, let alone that. So anybody that's making that an issue is doing it for political reasons. The Supreme Court ruled on it [and hence only a Constitutional amendment can overrule that].

Source: Hollywood Reporter 2015 coverage: 2016 presidential hopefuls , Aug 19, 2015

Same-sex marriage is a state issue

What does Donald Trump believe? Social Issues: Marriage is between a man and a woman and should be defined state by state.

In a Bloomberg interview in January, the businessman asserted that he personally believes marriage is between a man and a woman. While he sees it as a state issue, Trump indicated that the Supreme Court could issue a ruling to determine the law.

Source: PBS News Hour "2016 Candidate Stands" series , Jun 16, 2015

No gay marriage; no same-sex partner benefits

On Thursday, Trump talked about "exploring" a presidential run, and was asked f he supports "allowing same-sex couples to marry."

Trump said "no," but didn't stop there. When asked whether gay couples should have access to "the same benefits as married couples," the mogul initially replied that his attitude on the issue was not yet "fully formed."

After thinking about it for a moment, however, Trump said: "As of this moment, I would say no and no" to gay marriage and civil benefits.

That answer may have resonated with Iowa conservatives who overwhelmingly opposed the Iowa Supreme Court's 2009 decision to overturn the state's gay marriage ban. But not in New York, home to one of the largest gay and lesbian communities in the US.

Trump was traveling Sunday and could not be reached for comment. Through a spokesman, he said only: "I'm opposed to gay marriage."

Source: New York Daily News, "Offends gay activist" , Mar 7, 2011

Tolerate diversity; prosecute hate crimes against gays

One of our next presidents most important goals must be to induce a greater tolerance for diversity. The senseless murder of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming-where an innocent boy was killed because of his sexual orientation- turned my stomach. We must work towards an America where these kinds of hate crimes are unthinkable.
Source: The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 31 , Jul 2, 2000

Donald Trump on Minority Rights

I am not a racist but BLM calling police pigs is wrong

TRUMP: The first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter, they were chanting, "Pigs in a blanket," talking about police, pigs, pigs, talking about our police. "Pigs in a blanket; fry them like bacon." I said, "That's a horrible thing." And they were marching down the street. And that was my first glimpse of Black Lives Matter. As far as my relationships with all people, I think I have great relationships with all people. I am the least racist person in this room. Nobody has done more for the Black community than Donald Trump with the exception of Abraham Lincoln.

BIDEN: Abraham Lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents we've had in modern history, he pours fuel on every single racist fire. Started off his campaign coming down the escalator saying he's getting rid of those Mexican rapists, he's banned Muslims because they're Muslims. About the Proud Boys, he said, "I tell them to stand down and stand ready." Come on, this guy has a dog whistle about as big as a foghorn.

Source: Third 2020 Presidential Debate, moderated by Kristen Welker , Oct 22, 2020

Aside from Lincoln, no one has done more for Blacks

TRUMP: He's been in government 47 years, he never did a thing, except in 1994 [referring to Biden's Crime Bill], when he did such harm to the Black community, and he called them super predators. Nobody has done more for the Black community than Donald Trump with the exception of Abraham Lincoln. Criminal justice reform, Obama and Joe didn't do it. If you had to see the arms I had to twist to get that done, it was not a pretty picture.

BIDEN: This is a guy who said, "The problem with the crime bill, there's not enough people in jail." This is a guy who in the Central Park Five, five innocent black kids, he continued to push for the death penalty. He commuted 20 people's sentences. We commuted over 1,000 sentences. The federal prison system was reduced by 38,000 people under our administration. I'm offering $20 billion to states to change their laws to eliminate minimum mandatories and set up drug courts. No one should be going to jail because they have a drug problem.

Source: Third 2020 Presidential Debate, moderated by Kristen Welker , Oct 22, 2020

I denounce white supremacy; and I denounce ANTIFA

Q: You were asked at the first debate, point blank, to denounce white supremacy. In the moment, you didn't. A couple of days later, you denounced white supremacy.

TRUMP: You always do this. I denounce white supremacy. Okay? I've denounced white supremacy, for years, but you always do it. You didn't ask Joe Biden, whether or not he denounces Antifa.

Q: This is a little bit of a dodge.

TRUMP: Are you listening? I denounce white supremacy. What's your next question?

Q: It feels sometimes you're hesitant to do so, like you wait a beat.

TRUMP: Hesitant? Here we go again. My people said, "I'm sure they'll ask you the white supremacy question." I denounce white supremacy. And frankly, you want to know something? I denounce ANTIFA, and I denounce these people on the left that are burning down our cities, that are run by Democrats who don't know what they're doing.

Source: Second 2020 Presidential Debate/NBC Town Hall Miami , Oct 15, 2020

OpEd: incapable of seeing Floyd murder as un-American

Trump was incapable for seeing the Floyd murder for what it was: un-American. America doesn't knock someone to the ground and then step on the person. Americans don't gang up on a person then kick a man when he's down. Seeing four uniformed officers holding down and suffocating a man to death stunned Americans. But Trump missed it. The great irony is that Trump was obsessed with winning his own election, but he was also blinded by his obsession. The George Floyd murder, like the COVID crisis, was a moment Trump could have stepped up to lead this nation and actually help his reelection.
Source: American Crisis, by Andrew Cuomo, p.327 , Oct 13, 2020

FactCheck: Proud Boys standing by to deal with Antifa

The Proud Boys pledged allegiance to Trump after he told the group to "stand back and stand by" during the first presidential debate. One social media account for the group made "Stand back. Stand by" part of its new logo.

Trump was asked by debate moderator Chris Wallace to disavow white supremacy. But Trump did not denounce any far-right group, pivoting to talk about Antifa, a left-wing organization.

One Proud Boys organizer posted "President Trump told the proud boys to stand by because someone needs to deal with ANTIFA... well sir! we're ready!!"

The Proud Boys, a self-described "Western chauvinist" organization, is considered a violent, nationalistic, and misogynistic hate group, according to the Anti-Defamation League. Proud Boys members marched at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and have organized against Black Lives Matter protests in recent months.

[Pres. Trump walked back his statement post-debate, and denounced the Proud Boys].

Source: NBC News Fact-Check on First 2020 Presidential Debate , Sep 29, 2020

Proud Boys: stand back & stand by; against Antifa

Q: You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa and other left wing extremist groups. But are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and to say that they need to stand down?

TRUMP: Almost everything I see is from the left wing not from the right wing. Give me a name; who do you want me to condemn?

Q: White supremacist and right-wing militia.

BIDEN: Proud Boys.

TRUMP: Proud Boys, stand back and stand by. But I'll tell you what somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left, because this is not a right wing problem, this is a left wing.

BIDEN: He's own FBI Director said unlike white supremacists, Antifa is an idea, not an organization, not a militia--

TRUMP: Oh, you got to be kidding me. Well, then you know what, he's wrong. Antifa is bad. Antifa is a dangerous radical group.

Source: First 2020 Presidential Debate, moderated by Chris Wallace , Sep 29, 2020

Racial sensitivity training is racist: a radical revolution

Q: Why did you decide to end racial sensitivity training?

TRUMP: I ended it because it's racist. I ended it because a lot of people were complaining that they were asked to do things that were absolutely insane. That it a radical revolution that was taking place in our military, in our schools, all over the place.

Q: What is radical about racial sensitivity training?

TRUMP: If you were a certain person, you had no status in life. It was sort of a reversal. And if you look at the people, we were paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach very bad ideas and frankly, very sick ideas. They were teaching people to hate our country And I'm not going to do that. We have to go back to the core values of this country. They were teaching people that our country is a horrible place. It's a racist place. And they were teaching people to hate our country. I'm not going to allow that to happen.

Source: First 2020 Presidential Debate, moderated by Chris Wallace , Sep 29, 2020

Agrees vibrant economy key to addressing racial tensions

Q: You believe that the key to addressing racial tensions is to have a vibrant economy?

TRUMP: That's right. We had the best African American employment numbers in history by far, not even close. We had the best Hispanic American, the best Asian American, the best numbers in history. We had the greatest economy in the history of the world and we had to close it because of the China virus.

Source: AARP Survey on 2020 Presidential hopefuls , Sep 28, 2020

Best employment & best homeownership for Black Americans

Q: When has America been great for African Americans?

TRUMP: We have tremendous African American support. If you look at just prior to this horrible situation coming in from China, when the virus came in, that was the probably the highest point, home ownership for the black community, homeownership, lower crime, the best jobs they've ever had, highest income, the best employment numbers they've ever had. If you go back and you want to look over many years, go back six or seven months, that was the best single moment in the history of the African-American people in this country

Q: Your statement is though, make it great again. Are you aware of how tone deaf that comes off to the African American community? You have yet to acknowledge that there's been a race problem in America.

TRUMP: Well, I hope there's not a race problem. I can tell you, there's none with me, because I have great respect for all races, for everybody. This country is great because of it.

Source: ABC This Week: special edition 2020 Town Hall interview , Sep 15, 2020

FactCheck: LBJ civil rights laws dwarf any Trump action

Trump claimed that he has done more for the African American community than any other president since Abraham Lincoln.

FactCheck: It's absurd to say Lincoln is a "possible" exception; emancipating the slaves was obviously more important for Black Americans than anything Trump has done. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, monumental bills whose impact dwarfed the impact of any legislation Trump has signed.

Source: CNN Fact-Check on 2020 Republican Convention speech , Aug 28, 2020

Treat Judaism as nationality, not just religion

President Donald Trump will sign an executive order to interpret Judaism as a nationality and not just a religion, a move that the Trump administration believes will fight what they perceive as anti-Semitism on college campuses. It's an order that would allow Trump to take further steps to combat anti-Israel sentiments and divestment movements on college campuses by requiring colleges and universities to treat those movements as discriminatory in order to keep their funding.
Source: on 2020 presidential hopefuls , Dec 11, 2019

Charlottesville: you had very fine people on both sides

At the [summer 2017] press briefing, the questions were about Charlottesville. He took out his statement: "As I said, we condemn in the strongest possible terms the egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence." He left out the part about "very fine people on both sides," but this time he added, "The alt-left came charging at the rally. You had a group on the other side that was also very violent. And nobody wants to say that, but I'll say it right now.

"Not all those people were Neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all those people were white supremacists, by any stretch. Many of those people were there to protect the statue of Robert E. Lee. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson after that?" Both had been slave owners he noted. "You really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?"

Source: Fear: Trump in the White House, by Bob Woodward, p.245-246 , Sep 10, 2019

Skipped 2019 NAACP meeting, due to "format" disagreements

President Donald Trump says he won't address the NAACP convention because of changes in the date and format of an appearance. Trump says that "I very much wanted to go" speak to the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization as members gather next week in Detroit. He says an agreed-upon date for his appearance was changed and "unfortunately, they want to do it in the form of a question and answer." Trump says he agreed to deliver a speech.

Trump often speaks about policies he says are helping African Americans, including low unemployment and sentencing reform. Several Democratic and one other Republican presidential candidate are slated to participate in an NAACP's forum on July 24, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. [The NAACP Convention voted to impeach Trump].

Source: Detroit Free Press on impeaching Trump , Jul 18, 2019

FactCheck: Yes, record number of women in Congress

NPR touted a fact check that critiqued Trump for praising the record number of women in Congress simply because he didn't mention that most of them are Democrats.

Social media strategist Caleb Hull pointed out that Trump "never claimed his party was responsible" for the increase in women in Congress.

OnTheIssues FactCheck: So who's right? Here's what Trump actually said: "We have more women in the workforce than ever before--and exactly one century after the Congress passed the Constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote, we also have more women serving in the Congress than ever before." Trump never claimed credit for himself nor for the Republican Party for the record number of women in Congress. Fox News is correct; NPR is incorrect. Trustworthy fact-check sources, such as OnTheIssues, always refer back to the original speech!

Source: Fox News vs. NPR Fact-Check on 2019 State of the Union , Feb 6, 2019

More jobs for women; now we will help women outside US too

No one has benefitted more from our thriving economy than women, who have filled 58% of the new jobs created in the last year. One century after the Congress passed the amendment giving women the right to vote, we also have more women serving in the Congress than ever before. As part of our commitment to improving opportunity for women everywhere, this Thursday we are launching the first ever Government-wide initiative focused on economic empowerment for women in developing countries.
Source: 2019 State of the Union address to United States Congress , Feb 5, 2019

Sued in 1970s for racist rental policy, but same as everyone

CLINTON: Donald started his political activity based on this racist lie that our first black president was not an American citizen. Donald started his career back in 1973 being sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination because he would not rent apartments in one of his developments to African-Americans, and he made sure that the people who worked for him understood that was the policy. He actually was sued twice by the Justice Department. So he has a long record of engaging in racist behavior.

TRUMP: As far as the lawsuit, yes, when I was very young, I went into my father's real estate company in Brooklyn and Queens, and we, along with many, many other companies throughout the country--it was a federal lawsuit--were sued. We settled the suit with no admission of guilt. I'll go one step further. In Palm Beach, Florida, a wealthy community, I opened a club, and really got great credit for it: no discrimination against African- Americans, against Muslims, against anybody.

Source: First 2016 Presidential Debate at Hofstra University , Sep 26, 2016

Minorities in disaster cities: what do you have to lose?

I have outlined a new civil rights agenda for our time--the right to a safe community, a great education and a secure job. And I say to African-American parents, I say to Hispanic American parents--and I say it with great respect--our inner cities are a disaster--crime, no jobs, education is the worst, in many cases almost worldwide bad and in many cases actually worldwide bad. I say, with great respect, what do you have to lose? It can't get any worse. You choose Donald Trump, I'm going to fix the problem. You're going to have safety. You're going to have good education. We're going to get jobs, because we're going to bring our jobs back. Mexico's taking our jobs. So many other places, they're taking our jobs. What China's doing to us is horrible. We're going to have jobs. What do you have to lose? I'm going to fix this. I'm going to fix it.
Source: 11th Annual Value Voters Summit - 2016 , Sep 9, 2016

1973: sued for racial bias against black tenants

Phyllis Spiro, a white woman, went undercover in 1973 at Trump's Beach Haven. She told investigators that a building superintendent acknowledged to her "that he followed a racially discriminatory rental policy at the direction of his superiors, and that there were only very few 'colored' tenants" at the complex. More than four decades later, Spiro said she and her fellow housing activists found "a constant pattern and practice of discrimination" at Trump buildings.

Citing the experiences of Spiro and others, the Justice Department announced one of the most significant racial bias cases of the era: USA v. Fred Trump & Donald Trump. On Oct. 15, 1973, the Justice Department said the Trumps had violated the law "by refusing to rent and negotiate rentals with blacks, requiring different rental terms and conditions because of race, and misrepresenting that apartments were not available." Trump was livid, saying the charges were "absolutely ridiculous. We never have discriminated."

Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p. 56-7 , Aug 23, 2016

Pushed town council to allow blacks & Jews into Mar-a-Lago

Appalled by Trump's ostentatious behavior at Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach town council handed him a list of restrictions it was imposing on membership. But Trump took his battle to the court of public opinion. His sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination--Gentleman's Agreement, about a journalist who pretend to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, about a white couple's reaction to their daughter's bringing home a black fiance. The point was clear and painful: the town's political leaders for decades had condoned rules by which the established private clubs in town excluded Jews and blacks, and now they wanted to slap Trump with tough rules on his club, which was open to anyone who could afford the fees. Council members insisted that their only concern was that Trump was turning a quiet stretch of beachfront into a noisy party. No matter: Trump's tactic worked. Over time, he got most of the restrictions lifted.
Source: Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish & Mark Fisher, p.161-2 , Aug 23, 2016

Promoted gender equality in a male-dominated industry

None of the people who whine about the way I talk to women mention the fact that I voluntarily promoted gender equality in a male-dominated industry. The women who have worked for me will vouch for the fact that I was as demanding of them as I was of their male counterparts.

That's the kind of "gender equality" we need. Leadership that inspires the best in people, male or female, not a wishy-washy former secretary of state who doesn't understand the lunacy of having her own private e-mail server.

Source: Crippled America, by Donald Trump, p.166 , Nov 3, 2015

I'm "fine" with affirmative action, for now

Q: You said that you're "fine" with affirmative action. What about those who say the time for that kind of preferential treatment has come and gone?

TRUMP: I'm fine with it, but we have it, it's there. But it's coming to a time when maybe we don't need it. That would be a wonderful thing. I don't think we need it so much anymore. It has served its place, and it served its time. Some people have loved it and some people don't like it at all. But I think there will be a time when you don't need it.

Source: Fox News Sunday 2015 Coverage of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Oct 18, 2015

Well-educated blacks have advantage over whites

Trump favored a stubbornly anti-intellectual type of common sense that played to the grievances of the kind of white men represented by the TV character Archie Bunker, who, like Trump, came from Queens and offered his opinions with chin-jutting pride.

Donald displayed his inner Archie in 1989 when he told a TV interviewer, "a well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market. I've said, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black because I believe they have an actual advantage." In the universe of "well-educated black" men, some HAD gained from affirmative action programs, but only the most superficial view of the landscape would lead someone to agree with Trump. On the same TV program, filmmaker Spike Lee called Trump's statement "garbage" because it reeked of racial ignorance. But it sounded like tell-it-like-it-is honesty to many.

Source: Never Enough, by Michael D'Antonio, p.193 , Sep 22, 2015

OpEd: "bigotry" was more like racial insensitivity

In his public life in the 1970s, Trump had exhibited what might be called insensitivity rather than bigotry. None of his earlier comments and actions compared with his attacks on Obama as he questioned the president's admission to Harvard and Colombia and repeatedly demanded proof of his birth in Hawaii, even after the proper record had been made public. For his part, Trump insisted that he was just asking questions about an issue that was, in his mind, unresolved. This shred-of-doubt strategy required Trump to ignore a reliable record and insult the president, but he was not alone as he flailed away. The election and reelection of America's first black president caused some on the right to become so unhinged that
Source: Never Enough by M. D'Antonio, p.292 , Sep 22, 2015

I'm no misogynist; I put women in charge of construction

Q: You've recently been criticized as misogynist due to your controversial treatment of women such as Megyn Kelly and Carly Fiorina. How do you respond to this?

TRUMP: I've always had a great relationship to the women I work with. The relationship has been amazing in terms of thousands of employees, top-level employees. And, you know, I was one of the first people in the construction industry to put women in charge of major construction projects and my relationship has been great. I have many executives that are women and doing a phenomenal job. And I'm doing very well with the women voters. So I don't really worry about those false accusations.

Source: ABC This Week 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Aug 9, 2015

Disinvited from RedState gathering for misogynistic comments

Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution on 2015 GOP RedState Gathering , Aug 8, 2015

Obama's presidency has done nothing for African Americans

Q: You said of Barack Obama, "Sadly, because he's done such a poor job as president, you won't see another black president for generations." What did you mean by that?

TRUMP: Well, I think he's been a very poor president. We have $18 trillion right now in debt and going up rapidly. We don't have victories anymore. China is killing us on trade. Mexico's killing us at the border and also killing us on trade.

Q: I understand your critique, but why we won't see another black president for generations?

TRUMP: Because I think that he has set a very poor standard and it's a shame for the African American people. He really has done nothing for African Americans. You look at what's gone on with their income levels, and with their youth. They have problems now in terms of unemployment numbers. We have a black president who's done very poorly for the African Americans of this country.

Source: ABC This Week 2015 interviews of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Aug 2, 2015

Created first club in Palm Beach open to blacks & Jews

[In the early 1990s], I was living happily at Mar-a-Lago with Ivana and the kids. But in actuality, as a house it was far too big. I went through years of legal skirmishes with the town of Palm Beach. I stated that Mar-a-Lago should have always been a club. A club would have been the maximum use for the property.

Ultimately, the town council of Palm Beach approved Mar-a-Lago for use as a private club. They fought me every inch of the way. But right won out.

One of the principal reason that I had such strong support from the people within Palm Beach was that, unlike the other clubs in town, Mar-a-Lago would be open to all races, colors and creeds. Paul Rampell really pushed this point. The Bath and Tennis Club and the Everglades Club had no Jewish or black members.

Mar-a-Lago would be open to all, and this appealed to a large group of supporters. It also sparked a tremendous fight by those who wanted to preserve the existing system, a system that, in this day and age, seems archaic.

Source: The Art of the Comeback, by Donald Trump, p. 67-72 , Oct 27, 1997

Women are far stronger than men; don't believe "weaker sex"

I grew up in a very normal family. I was always of the opinion that aggression, sex drive, and everything that goes along with it was on the man's part of the table, not the woman's. As I grew older and witnessed life firsthand from a front-row seat at the great clubs, social events, and parties of the world--I have seen just about everything--I began to realize that women are far stronger than men. Their sex drive makes us look like babies. Some women try to portray themselves as being of the weaker sex, but don't believe it for a minute.

Women have one of the great acts of all time. The smart ones act very feminine and needy, but inside they are real killers. The person who came up with the expression "the weaker sex" was either very naive or had to be kidding. I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye--or perhaps another body part. I have seen some of the roughest, toughest guys on earth, and yet they're afraid of their 120 pound girlfriends or wives.

Source: The Art of the Comeback, by Donald Trump, p.116-8 , Oct 27, 1997

Other candidates on Civil Rights: Donald Trump on other issues:
2020 Presidential Candidates:
Pres.Donald Trump (R-NY)
V.P.Mike Pence (R-IN)
V.P.Joe Biden (D-DE)
Sen.Kamala Harris (D-CA)
CEO Don Blankenship (Constitution-WV)
CEO Rocky De La Fuente (R-CA)
Howie Hawkins (Green-NY)
Jo Jorgensen (Libertarian-IL)
Gloria La Riva (Socialist-CA)
Kanye West (Birthday-CA)

2020 GOP and Independent primary candidates:
Rep.Justin Amash (Libertarian-MI)
Gov.Lincoln Chafee (Libertarian-RI)
Gov.Larry Hogan (R-MD)
Zoltan Istvan (Libertarian-CA)
Gov.John Kasich (R-OH)
Gov.Mark Sanford (R-SC)
Ian Schlackman (Green-MD)
CEO Howard Schultz (Independent-WA)
Gov.Jesse Ventura (Green-MN)
V.C.Arvin Vohra (Libertarian-MD)
Rep.Joe Walsh (R-IL)
Gov.Bill Weld (Libertarian-NY,R-MA)

2020 Democratic Veepstakes Candidates:
State Rep.Stacey Abrams (D-GA)
Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D-GA)
Rep.Val Demings (D-FL)
Sen.Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)
Sen.Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Sen.Maggie Hassan (D-NH)
Gov.Michelle Lujan-Grisham (D-NM)
Sen.Catherine Masto (D-NV)
Gov.Gina Raimondo (D-RI)
Amb.Susan Rice (D-ME)
Sen.Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Sen.Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)
Gov.Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI)
A.G.Sally Yates (D-GA)
Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
Homeland Security
Social Security
Tax Reform

External Links about Donald Trump:

2020 Withdrawn Democratic Candidates:
Sen.Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Mayor Mike Bloomberg (I-NYC)
Sen.Cory Booker (D-NJ)
Gov.Steve Bullock (D-MT)
Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN)
Secy.Julian Castro (D-TX)
Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-NYC)
Rep.John Delaney (D-MD)
Rep.Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI)
Sen.Mike Gravel (D-AK)
Gov.John Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Gov.Jay Inslee (D-WA)
Mayor Wayne Messam (D-FL)
Rep.Seth Moulton (D-MA)
Rep.Beto O`Rourke (D-TX)
Gov.Deval Patrick (D-MA)
Rep.Tim Ryan (D-CA)
Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Adm.Joe Sestak (D-PA)
CEO Tom Steyer (D-CA)
Rep.Eric Swalwell (D-CA)
Marianne Williamson (D-CA)
CEO Andrew Yang (D-NY)

Page last updated: Jan 03, 2022
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