WV Senate contender and Constitution Party presidential nominee
Repeal 17th amendment; end direct election of senators
If we are to see a return to the states those powers, programs, and sources of revenue that the federal government has unconstitutionally taken away, then it is also vital that we repeal the Seventeenth Amendment
and return to state legislatures the function of electing the Senate. In so doing, the U.S. Senate would return to being a body that represents the legislatures of the several states on the federal level and part of the checks and balances that our
Constitution originally provided.
We oppose any attempt to call for a Constitutional convention, for any purpose whatsoever, because it cannot be limited to any single issue,
and such convention could seriously erode our Constitutionally protected unalienable rights.
Oppose National Popular Vote proposal to elect president
The so-called National Popular Vote is a dangerous threat, allowing as few as eighteen to twenty-one states to circumvent the Constitutional requirement of 38 states to amend the Constitution. The National Popular Vote process would effectively
eliminate the last vestiges of the Electoral College as originally set forth in the United States Constitution. The National Popular Vote creates a fake majority by forcing electors to vote against the votes cast by their own constituents.
The Constitution does not provide for the election of the President and Vice President of the United States by popular vote, but rather by the selection of "Electors" according to rules adopted by each state's legislators. These electors would
receive the list of certified candidates. They would then cast their vote for whomever they ascertained as best qualified to fill these two highest offices of trust with the federal government. The Constitution Party seeks a restoration of this process.
We oppose any effort to confer statehood on the District of Columbia or any representation in Congress comparable to that of an independent state in the federal union. We oppose efforts to confer statehood upon the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico or expand statehood beyond the current fifty states. We acknowledge that each state's membership in the Union is voluntary.
Source: Constitution Platform adopted by 2020 presidential hopeful
, May 2, 2020
Media & Republicans conspired to defame me
My attorneys filed a lawsuit against Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and others. The lawsuit is a defamation claim. The suit makes clear that the purpose of Fox and other major media outlets defaming me was to
impact the outcome of the May 2018 Republican Primary Election in West Virginia. The purposeful and illegal defamation was carried out as a result of collusion with and encouragement from Republican government officials.
Source: Constitution Party on 2018 West Virginia Senate race
, Jan 1, 2018