Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Michael Burgess: Constitution already guarantees right to life.
Denise Majette: Support a womans right to choose.
Devin Nunes: Protect unborn with exceptions for rape, incest, health.
Trent Franks: Protect unborn children.
Dave Freudenthal: Protect a womans right to choose.
Dick Posthumus: Protect life; abortion only to save mothers life.
Linda Lingle: Oppose partial-birth abortion; support parental notification.
Roger Moe: No new restrictions: defend the right to choose.
Tim Penny: No new restrictions: refocus on unwanted pregnancies.
Frank Vondersaar: Expand women's choice.
Mike Taylor: Opposes abortion; promote adoption.
Budget & Economy
Michael Burgess: Highway funds to Texas.
Chellie Pingree: More corporate disclosure; less insider transactions.
John Cornyn: Supports fewer lawsuits, regulations, & taxes.
Cory Booker: Performance-based budgeting with no tax increases.
Civil Rights
Joyce Jansa Corcoran: Ratify anti-gender discrimination treaty.
David Cobb: Revoke charters when corporations flagrantly violate law.
Linda Lingle: Implemented 3-strikes law for habitual violent felons.
Trent Franks: Harsher penalties including Three Strikes law.
Dick Posthumus: MI Exile: Mandatory minimums for felons possessing guns.
Linda Lingle: End death penalty; DNA proves innocence.
Bill Bradbury: Community policing: more COPS funding.
Mark Pryor: More resources for police & more enforcement.
John Cornyn: Fight crime by making criminals pay.
Linda Lingle: Addicts get treatment; dealers & repeat users get jail.
Michael Burgess: Parents and school boards should control local education.
Denise Majette: Increase federal funding; no vouchers.
Raul Grijalva: Increase federal share of funding for public schools.
Doug Racine: Improve Act 60 funding system by removing sharing pool.
Jim Douglas: Public school choice for poor & middle class.
Dick Posthumus: Annual testing to measure student progress.
Linda Lingle: No vouchers; more funding, more charters.
Roger Moe: More funding, then accountability.
Roger Moe: Vouchers drain resources from public schools.
Tim Penny: Limit bureaucracy; deregulate education.
Tim Penny: No vouchers: educate the young in public schools.
Joe Neal: Increase funding with gaming tax.
Stormy Dean: Fund Education First: higher priority for state funding.
Stormy Dean: Reform funding formula to reduce property taxes.
Bill Curry: Increase education funding.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: Raise teacher salaries by $4,000.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: Double classroom funding for supplies.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: $2.7M for 1,000 new teacher signing bonuses.
Sonny Perdue: Streamline school bureaucracy; empower parents.
Bill Bradbury: Increase funding--don't drain to private schools.
Lois Combs Weinberg: More funding; no vouchers.
Norm Coleman: Supports charters; and teacher accountability.
Susan Parker: More federal funding for public schools; smaller classes.
Joyce Jansa Corcoran: Increase resources: children and teachers are first concern.
Mark Pryor: Increase federal funding; raise teacher salaries.
Alan Blinken: Increase school funding instead of cutting taxes.
Gloria Tristani: Increase federal funding; money IS part of the answer.
Chellie Pingree: Reform schools through increased funding.
Jim Talent: Return local control to Missouri's public schools.
David Walters: Educate children to protect the environment.
David Walters: Improve schools with standards and accountability.
David Walters: Increase resources for public schools.
John Cornyn: Competition would help improve our public schools.
Energy & Oil
Dave Freudenthal: Link development of wind power with electrical transmission.
Katherine Harris: Prevent Orimulsion use; no offshore drilling near FL.
Raul Grijalva: No ANWR drilling, permanently.
Roger Moe: Incentives for alternative fuel programs.
Frank Vondersaar: Support ANWR exploration.
Norm Coleman: Alternative energy; no ANWR drilling.
Joyce Jansa Corcoran: No nuclear waste shipping -- look for alternative energy.
James Durkin: New drilling in ANWR is OK.
David Walters: Stop transport of nuclear waste through OK.
David Walters: Support wind farms and alternative fuel development.
David Walters: Opposes new oil drilling in Alaska.
John Cornyn: Drill in Alaska; oppose global warming treaties.
Raul Grijalva: Reform environmental regulations to make them stronger.
Alan Blinken: Stricter CAFE standards instead of ANWR drilling.
Chellie Pingree: Supports clean environment; $50M for public land.
David Walters: Delicate balance between the environment and progress.
David Walters: Established first state Department of Environment in 1992.
David Walters: Enforce water quality standards; limit sewage discharges.
David Walters: Encourage government recycling.
Families & Children
John Cornyn: Strengthen families by supporting marriage.
Free Trade
Alan Blinken: Fair trade over free trade; NAFTA needs more enforcement.
Government Reform
Jim Douglas: Cost Control Council to audit state government spending.
Sonny Perdue: End partisan redistricting.
Cory Booker: Make it harder for wealthy to influence politicians.
Gun Control
Denise Majette: Support gun safety requirements including gun locks.
Devin Nunes: Support 2nd amendment; no gun registration requirement.
Trent Franks: Unwaveringly protect the right to own and bear arms.
Linda Lingle: No new restrictions on the right to bear arms.
Tim Penny: Uniform permit laws; support constitutional right.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: Hunter education instead of any new restrictions.
Bill Bradbury: Safety locks; stronger background checks.
Lois Combs Weinberg: No new restrictions; enforce existing laws.
Mark Pryor: No new restrictions; 2nd amendment is vital.
Mike Taylor: Oppose every single restriction on gun rights.
Health Care
Dave Freudenthal: Prevention emphasis could help curb health costs.
Michael Burgess: Empower individuals to help the uninsured.
Michael Burgess: Delay federal privacy laws to guarantee patient care.
Michael Burgess: Limit non-economic damages in malpractice cases.
Michael Burgess: Favors prescription drug program.
Michael Burgess: Streamline approval process for new drugs.
Doug Racine: Expand coverage through flexible Medicare/Medicaid funding.
Eli Bebout: Seek WYs fair share of federal Medicare funds.
Jim Douglas: Lower Rx drug costs with buying consortium.
Roger Moe: Lower Rx costs via expanded MN programs.
Bill Curry: Expand health coverage; reduce costs by cooperative purchase.
Jimmie Lou Fisher: Lower Rx drug costs: 40% AR discount.
Bill Bradbury: Broaden access to coverage.
Mark Pryor: Extend insurance coverage with tax credits.
Mark Pryor: Supports patients right to sue HMOs.
Alan Blinken: Extend patents in exchange for reasonable Rx drug prices.
Chellie Pingree: Allow states to negotiate lower drug prices.
Chellie Pingree: Fight drug companies to make generic drugs available.
Mike Taylor: Medical savings accounts to pay for insurance.
Mike Taylor: Prescriptions: Make generic drugs available.
Jim Talent: 1st Health Security Initiative: Rx benefit & accountability.
David Walters: Support Medicare prescription drug benefit.
David Walters: Set prices for Medicare prescriptions.
David Walters: Expand access to health coverage via small business.
David Walters: Enforceable Patient's Rights, with right to sue.
David Walters: Increase funding for biomedical & AIDS research.
Chellie Pingree: Patients Rights to protect privacy.
Douglas Forrester: Americans deserve affordable access to prescription drugs.
John Cornyn: Freedom from health care tyranny & more individual choice.
John Cornyn: Supports prescription drug coverage for seniors.
Homeland Security
Frank Vondersaar: Limit spending; no missile defense.
Joyce Jansa Corcoran: Pacifistic abhorrence of war: don't babysit the world.
Alan Blinken: Increase military capabilities; but use it sparingly.
Jim Talent: Strengthen national defense, improve military readiness.
Jim Talent: Keep F-18 production lines open in Missouri.
Ray Clatworthy: Ban immigration from terrorist sponsoring nations.
Douglas Forrester: Our safety depends on enforcing US immigration laws.
John Cornyn: Fight crime by securing our borders.
Dave Freudenthal: Drought relief from water storage.
Doug Racine: Increase funding for worker re-training.
Eli Bebout: Support farm prices with producer cooperatives.
Norm Coleman: Fair prices for farm goods.
Jim Talent: Open new markets for Missouri's producers.
Cory Booker: Held over 100 Job Fairs to employ local residents.
Local Issues
Linda Lingle: No gambling: its a mythical economic cure.
Stormy Dean: Expand gambling: keep the money in-state.
Principles & Values
David Cobb: Coordinated Nader 2000 campaign in Texas.
David Cobb: Former member of Pipeline Workers Local Union.
Michael Burgess: Bring an ordinary citizens perspective to Congress.
Douglas Forrester: Lessons on virtue & religion belong in schools.
Social Security
Devin Nunes: Preserve existing benefits; add personal retirement accounts.
Katherine Harris: Preserve social security trust fund.
Raul Grijalva: No privatization; no stock market investment.
Trent Franks: Remove earnings test; create optional private investment.
Lois Combs Weinberg: No privatization; it risks our seniors? future.
Susan Parker: No privatization: stock market is risky.
Mark Pryor: Preserve trust fund; no privatization.
Alan Blinken: Reform needed, but not privatization.
Gloria Tristani: Fight any attempts at privatization.
Jim Talent: Keep promises to seniors: preserve and protect Soc. Sec.
David Walters: Save Social Security without benefit cuts or new taxes.
Douglas Forrester: Safeguard Social Security by giving workers some control.
John Cornyn: Social Security benefits are sacred.
Tax Reform
Dave Heineman: I will continue to lower taxes.
Jim Douglas: Reduced property tax rate by 7 cents.
Michael Burgess: Flatter and fairer tax.
Denise Majette: Repeal the estate tax; dont penalize financial success.
Michael Burgess: Repeal the death tax and the marriage tax.
Michael Burgess: Work towards flat tax as a fairer system.
Tim Penny: Work to avoid tax hike; but no-tax pledge is irresponsible.
Stormy Dean: New Tax Cabinet for long-term tax relief.
Bill Curry: Cut property taxes by $1B.
Sonny Perdue: Amendment: all surplus pays debt or cuts taxes.
Lois Combs Weinberg: Limit tax breaks for the rich.
Gloria Tristani: Fair tax cuts; responsible budget.
James Durkin: Reduce marginal rate and death tax permanently.
Chellie Pingree: Close corporate tax loopholes.
Mike Taylor: Lower taxes help local economy.
Jim Talent: Permanent repeal of death tax and marriage penalty.
David Walters: Cut taxes for middle & lower classes first.
David Walters: Cut wasteful programs instead of raising taxes.
Ray Clatworthy: Make the Bush tax cut permanent.
Ray Clatworthy: Reduce Capital Gains tax rate from 20% to 15%.
Ray Clatworthy: End the death tax: its double taxation.
Douglas Forrester: Strongly supports Bush tax cut & fiscal responsibility.
John Cornyn: Make Bush tax cuts permanent, kill death tax.
Douglas Forrester: Wants permanent repeal of death tax.
Rocky Raczkowski: Tax cuts help economy.
War & Peace
Michael Burgess: As a doctor, understands biological weaponry.
Welfare & Poverty
Jim Talent: Co-author of 1996 Welfare Reform bill.
John Cornyn: Supports work requirement for welfare recipients.
Cory Booker: Force landlords to provide heat to residents.