FExifMM*J.6(HMS Renown (British battlecruiser, 1916) photographed during World War I, probably in 1918. Note training scales painted on A and Y turrets and aircraft atop B and Y turrets. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.HHICC_PROFILEprtrGRAYXYZ  8acspMSFT-cprt2descgwtpt\bkptpkTRC textCopyright (c) 2009 Corel Corporationdesc Dot Gain 20%XYZ -XYZ curv 0@PaDuRY9.9W" a A )   ,Ee$W2xov'D !q"."#$p%4%&'(U)")*+,e-:../01}2\3=4556789:~;m<^=Q>E?;@3A,B&C"D EF G#H'I-J4Kg)zIǮ0κc{[du_'դ^ RP Yq彮o$:,-ZlhVc=bE h +}@|(>o-.Q[GK[N2CԀѵel[I/Yd,:t>s>jjfE >HpI\ cqYtP .& sS&3$9W$mAI6g.@psy\0@VW?EB"e^M$p~KKSI6 u-L~uu=QOUP3Wo ۝ m 6`3u.Tgo-ƣ%3 1hdMG2 E*-lO4IEAP"QƳ*FQ33I7rT HvQIG}%<TC FN:N'=Ing ImNR& et V[as+FRG@Q5'pƟ-^MUe_VAL-k؁ϗQX/يJomb蘴.n,\a UT.C`KlpP'# ־qqc9L0B ,TØGTE z{X*9 OjUWRU<_L(H- *1V6&=cMVO$pn?