Note: Coordinates locations for regions or countries are for reference only, and do not imply that the place of production or activity is limited to that specific point.
- Name
- Paris
- # Entries
- This place is used in 3678 entries
- Parent
- / Europe / France
- Lat. / Long.
- 48.8667, 2.3333
- Place Authority
- 7008038
- Evidence
- There is no additional evidence recorded.
- Associated Named Entities
Paris is associated with 541 names
Showing names 0 to 10 of 541
Showing names 10 to 20 of 541
Showing names 20 to 30 of 541
Showing names 30 to 40 of 541
- Barré de Lancy, Auguste-Louis-Fridolphe (1834-1924) (1834 to 1924)
- Barrette, John, active 1837
- Barrois, Jacques-Marie, 1704-1769
- Bartholomaeus, Anglicus, active 13th century
- Batiffol, Pierre, 1861-1929 (1878 to 1929-01-13)
- Baudoin, Henri
- Beaumont de La Forêt, Louis de
- Béhague, Martine Marie Pol, comtesse de, 1870-1939
- Belin, Th. (Théophile), Mme. (before 1935)
- Belin, Théophile, 1851-1921
Showing names 40 to 50 of 541
Showing names 50 to 60 of 541
Showing names 60 to 70 of 541
- Bluet, Guillaume
- Bochart, Elie, active 1724
- Bohic, Henri, 1310-approximately 1390
- Boisgirard-Antonini (Firm)
- Boislisle, Arthur André Gabriel Michel de, 1835-1908 (before 1908)
- Bonaventure, active 1903
- Bonn, Mademoiselle, active early 20th century
- Bonnaud, Georges, Commissaire-priseur
- Bonnefoi Livres Anciens
- Bordier, Henri-Léonard, 1817-1888 (1817 to 1888)
Showing names 70 to 80 of 541
- Bossange, Frères (after 1871)
- Bosse, Charles, 1871?-1944
- Bouchard-Huzard, Veuve de Louis (179.?-187.?)
- Boudin, Émile, 1861-19.., Commissaire-Priseur
- Boulland, Georges, Me, Commissaire-priseur
- Bourdariat, J.
- Bourdillon, Jean-Louis, 1782-1856
- Bourgeois, Raymond (fils), active 16th c.
- Bourgoin, Louis
- Bourré, Jehan, 15th century
Showing names 80 to 90 of 541
Showing names 90 to 100 of 541
- Champion, Édouard, 1882-1938
- Champion, Honoré, 1846-1913
- Chardin, Auguste (c. 1750-1823) (1740 to 1823)
- Chardin, Charles, 1742-1826?
- Chasles, M. (Michel), 1793-1880
- Chenavard, Aimé, 1798-1838 (before 1838)
- Chevallier, Me Paul, Commissaire-Priseur (Paris)
- Cholet Group
- Choppin de Villy, René Amédée 1806-1886
- Chrétien, Georges, active 20th century
Showing names 100 to 110 of 541
- Christie's Paris (after 2002)
- Churchill, Sidney John Alexander, 1862-1921 (before 1921-01-11)
- Claude de Gobillon (d.1615)
- Claudin, A. (Anatole), 1833-1906 (1833 to 1906)
- Cléry, Léon, 1831-1904
- Coene, Jean, IV, active approximately 1490-1520 (1475 to 1525)
- Cognacq, Gabriel, 1880-1951
- Collège de Clermont
- Collège de La Marche Paris
- Collège de maître Gervais
Showing names 110 to 120 of 541
- Collège des Carmes Paris
- Collège des Cholets Paris
- Collège du Trésorier (Paris)
- Convent des Feuillants (Paris) (after 1587)
- Convent of the Cordeliers of St. Marcel, Paris (after 1270)
- Convent Saint-Mathurin Paris (Trinitarians)
- Cornuau, Paul 1863-1924
- Couppel du Lude, Jacques, 1918-2008
- Courteval, Pierre, active 1796 to 1836 (1796 to 1836)
- Coutanceau, Fernand, Me, Commissaire-Priseur
Showing names 120 to 130 of 541
- Couvent des Carmes déchaussés Paris
- Couvent Saint-Jacques Paris (1217-1791) (1217 to 1791)
- Couvent Saint-Jacques, Paris, 1217-1791 (1217 to 1791)
- Couvent Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie
- Coyecque, Ernest, 1864-1954
- Cretaine, A.-C.
- Croiset family
- Crosse, Hippolyte, 1826-1898
- Crozet, Joseph (Firm)
- Curmer, L. (Henri Léon), 1801-1870 (1801 to 1870)
Showing names 130 to 140 of 541
Showing names 140 to 150 of 541
- Debure, Guillaume, 1734-1820 (1734 to 1820)
- Debure, Jean-Jacques, 1765-1853
- Debure, Marie-Jacques, 1767-1847
- Delacour-Damonville, Michel, 1690-1756 (before 1756-07-01)
- Delbergue-Cormont, Victorien 1816-1888
- Depping, Guillaume, 1829-1901
- Desvouges, Me André, Commissaire-Priseur (Paris)
- Deyrolle, Émile 1838-1917
- Doistau, Félix (1846 to 1936)
- Dominican convent, Rue St. Jacques
Showing names 150 to 160 of 541
Showing names 160 to 170 of 541
- Eberhardus, de Valle Scholarum, -approximately 1272
- Egerton Master, active 1410 (1375 to 1425)
- Em. Paul et Fils et Guillemin
- Em. Paul, L. Huard et Guillemin
- Emmery de Grozyeulx, Jacques (1783-1839) (before 1839)
- Etienne Charavay (Firm)
- Étienne Libert et Alain Castor, Commissaires-Priseurs
- Étienne Libert, Damien Libert et Alain Castor
- Ettinghausen, Maurice L. (Maurice Léon)
- Etude Couturier Nicolay, S.C.P.
Showing names 170 to 180 of 541
Showing names 180 to 190 of 541
- Florange, Jules, 1863-1937
- Flury-Hérard, Paul Luce Hippolyte, 1836-1913
- Flury-Hérard, Prosper, 1804-1873
- Fondulo, Girolamo, b. c. 1590-1540 (after 1521)
- Forgeot & Quentin
- Fortia d'Urban, Agricol Joseph François, marquis de, 1756-1843
- Foullon, Pierre, active 1920-1965
- Foy, A., active early 20th century
- France. Chambre des comptes (Paris, France)
- France. Tribunat. Bibliothèque
Showing names 190 to 200 of 541
Showing names 200 to 210 of 541
- Galerie Georges Petit
- Galerie Jean-Marie Le Fell
- Galignani, John Anthony, 1796-1873
- Galignani, William, 1798-1882
- Ġanī, Qāsim, 1893-1952 (after 1923)
- Géjou, I Élias, 1894-1939 (1894 to 1939)
- Georges Heilbrun (Firm)
- Gilles de Paris, approximately 1162 - approximately 1220
- Giordano da Pisa, approximately 1255-1311 (1285 to 1288)
- Giraud-Badin | Jean Marlio
Showing names 210 to 220 of 541
- Giraud-Badin | Cornuau
- Giraud-Badin | Hoepli
- Giraud-Badin | Schele
- Giraud-Badin, Louis
- Giroux, Alphonse
- Gogué & Née de la Rochelle, Imprimeur-libriaire
- Goloubew, Victor, 1878-1945
- Gounelle, Léon-Jean, Abbé (1827 to 1902-11-02)
- Greppe, Francis
- Grivaud de la Vincelle, Claude Madeleine, 1762-1819 (before 1819-12-04)
Showing names 220 to 230 of 541
Showing names 230 to 240 of 541
- Harlay, Achille IV de, comte de Beaumont, marquis de Bréval, 1668-1717 (1668 to 1717)
- Harlay, He. (fl. 1602)
- Hatvany, Ferenc, Baron, 1881-1958
- Haughton, Graves Champney, 1788-1849 (before 1849-08-28)
- Heinrich von Gorkum, approximately 1386-1431 (1395 to 1419)
- Honore, active 1288-1296 (1258 to 1326)
- Hotel Drouot | Chretien | Cogeval
- Hotel Drouot | Delestre | Pawlowski
- Hotel Drouot | Firmin-Didot | Delestre | Pawlowski
- Hotel Drouot | Francois | Du May
Showing names 240 to 250 of 541
- Hotel Drouot | Guerin | Ader | Picard
- Hotel Drouot | Labitte
- Hotel Drouot | Leclerc | Delestre
- Hotel Drouot | Leclerc | Desvouges
- Hotel Drouot | Leclerc | Lair-Dubreuil
- Hotel Drouot | Leclerc | Leman | Lair-Dubreuil
- Hotel Drouot | Paul, Emile, L. Huard et Guillemin
- Hotel Drouot | Porquet
- Hotel Drouot | Rahair | Delestre
- Hotel Drouot | Techener
Showing names 250 to 260 of 541
Showing names 260 to 270 of 541
- Johannes Holand
- Jomard, M. (Edme-François), 1777-1862
- Jossin, A., active 1900
- Kalebdjian frères (1905 to 1930)
- Kann, Maurice 1839-1906 (1866 to 1905-05-07)
- Kann, Rudolf, -1905 (before 1905)
- Klincksieck (Firm)
- La Rochefoucauld-Doudeauville, Marie-Charles-Gabriel-Sosthène de 1825-1908
- La Rochefoucauld, Jean, duc de, 1887-1970
- Labitte
Showing names 270 to 280 of 541
Showing names 280 to 290 of 541
- Lazard, active 1912 (1875 to 1925)
- Le Boucher, Michel, active 1770-1791
- Le Brun, Ponce-Denis Écouchard (1729-1807)
- Le Peletier, Louis Ier
- Le Roux (firm)
- Lebaube, Victor, active late 19th century
- Leblanc (Firm)
- Leblanc | Determes
- Leblanc, Pierre-François-Jean-Baptiste
- Léchaudé d'Anisy, 1772-1857 (before 1857-08-23)
Showing names 290 to 300 of 541
Showing names 300 to 310 of 541
- Lemallier, Georges, 1865-1927
- Leman, Henri, 18..-19..
- Lenormand Paris
- Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau, Michel, 1760-1793 (1760-05-29 to 1793-01-20)
- Les Enluminures (Firm) (after 1991)
- Lesoufaché, Joseph, 1804-1887
- Lesoufaché, Joseph, Mme Veuve
- Lévi, Israël (1856 to 1939)
- Libert (maison de ventes)
- Libraires Parisiens
Showing names 310 to 320 of 541
- Librairie Alphonse Picard & Fils
- Librairie Ancienne Denis
- Librairie Auguste Fontaine
- Librairie Bachelin-Deflorenne
- Librairie Baillieu
- Librairie Camille Sourget
- Librairie Damascène Morgand
- Librairie Damascène Morgand (Edouard Rahir et cie, successeurs) (after 1897)
- Librairie de l'Abbaye
- Librairie Emile Lechevalier
Showing names 320 to 330 of 541
Showing names 330 to 340 of 541
- Librairie Potier (1831 to 1872)
- Librairie R. Bourdon
- Librairie Théophile Belin
- Librairie Thomas-Scheler
- Librairie Valleriaux Paris
- Librairie Victor Lemasle
- Librarie Le Feu Follet
- Library Paliens (Paris)
- Lignerolles, Raoul Léonor L'Homme Dieu du Tranchant, comte de, 1817-1893
- Livres Anciens Ariane Adeline
Showing names 340 to 350 of 541
- Loliée, Barthélemy, -1789
- Loménie de Brienne, Étienne Charles de, 1727-1794 (after 1727-10-09)
- Longnon, Auguste, 1844-1911
- Lotrain, Alain, active 16th century
- Mailloc, Claude de (before 1598)
- Maison Charavay (Firm)
- Maison Gabriel Charavay (Firm)
- Maison Silvestre | Pierre Jannet | Amedee Clerambault
- Maisonneuve Frères (1835 to 1924)
- Maître des entrées parisiennes, French illuminator, active 1500-1520 (1500 to 1520)
Showing names 350 to 360 of 541
- Malezieu, Nicolas de (1650-1727) (1650 to 1727)
- Mannheim, Charles, 1833-1910 (1833 to 1910)
- Marcassus, Pierre de, 1584-1664 (1584 to 1664-12-00)
- Marcellot, Ch., active early 20th century
- Marguier (Paris)
- Martin, Adrien, active 1504 (1475 to 1525)
- Martin, François
- Martin, Jules, active late 19th century
- Masséna, Victor, Prince d'Esssling and 3rd Duc de Rivoli (1836-1910)
- Massey, R., active 1672
Showing names 360 to 370 of 541
- Masson, Pierre, active 17th century
- Master Jean de Mauléon, active 1520s
- Master of Johannete de Ravenelle
- Master of Octavien de Saint-Gelais, active late 15th century
- Master of Petrarch's Triumphs, active 1499-1514
- Master of Philippe of Guelders, active c. 1500-1510 (1475 to 1525)
- Master of the Boqueteaux, active 1350-1380 (1350 to 1380)
- Master of the Chronique scandaleuse (active ca. 1493-1510)
- Master of the Coronation of the Virgin, active 1399-1405 (1375 to 1425)
- Master of the Entrées of Claude de France
Showing names 370 to 380 of 541
- Master of the Foucault-Boccace
- Master of the Gingins Last Judgment, active ca. 1410-1430 (1380 to 1450)
- Master of the Munich Golden Legend, active 1420-1450
- Master of the Rose of the Ste. Chapelle in Paris
- Mathias et Cie (Firm)
- Mathieu Saturi
- Mathurin Atelier (1240 to 1255)
- Maurice Delestre, Commissaire-Priseur (Paris)
- Maurilius Musaeus Parisiensis
- Me Dubourg, Commissaire Priseur
Showing names 380 to 390 of 541
- Meaudre
- Méquignon, Paul-Denis, 1750?-1837
- Merlin, bookseller, active 18th-19th centuries
- Merlin, Jacques-Simon, 1765-1835 (1765 to 1835)
- Mes. Ader, Picard, et Pescheteau (Hotel Drouot)
- Meyer, active late 19th century
- Meynial, Jules, active early 20th century
- Michel, Francisque, 1809-1887 (before 1887-05-18)
- Michelis
- Minimes de Paris
Showing names 390 to 400 of 541
- Minne, Achille, 1874-1960
- Mionnet, Théodore-Edme, 1770-1842 (1770 to 1842)
- Mirgodin, Marcel, -approximately 1988
- Misset, E. (Eugène), 1850-1920
- Monastère des Blancs-Manteaux Paris
- Monastère des Célestins Paris
- Monastery of Saint-Martin-des-Champs
- Montbaston, Jeanne de, active approximately 1320-1355 (1300 to 1360)
- Montbaston, Richard de, active late 14th century (1350 to 1450)
- Monypenny, Alexander, active 1483-1515
Showing names 400 to 410 of 541
Showing names 410 to 420 of 541
- Noël Charavay (Firm)
- Notre-Dame de Paris (Cathedral)
- Oger-Dumont (firm)
- Olis, W.F. (active 1858)
- Ortiz-Patiño, Jaime (1930-2003) (after 1930-06-20)
- Ouseley, William, 1767-1842
- Palais Galleria
- Papeleu Master, active 14th century.
- Paris de Meyzieu, Jean Baptiste, 1718-1778
- Paris, Bibliotheque de l'Universite
Showing names 420 to 430 of 541
Showing names 430 to 440 of 541
- Pichard, Christin, frère, active 16th century
- Pierre Bergé & associés
- Pierre de St. Benedict, O.F.M.,
- Pierre Fijan I, active 17th century
- Pierre-Antoine de Milly, 1728-
- Pinelli, Noel
- Plassard, Philibert
- Plommyer, Allard
- Poizot, L., active early 20th century
- Ponchier, Étienne, 1444-1524 or 1525 (1503 to 1519)
Showing names 440 to 450 of 541
Showing names 450 to 460 of 541
- Quereuil, J. A.
- Quevremont, Marie Charles Narcisse, 1838-
- Rahir, Édouard, 1862-1924 (before 1924)
- Randon, Jean-Baptiste-Jules
- Raoulin, Jean, active 15th/16th c.
- Raoulin, Pierre
- Rau, Arthur, 1898-1972 (1898 to 1972)
- Regnard, Jean François Nicolas, 1790-...., commissaire-priseur
- Renart, Ernest, active late 19th/early 20th century
- Renaud Paris
Showing names 460 to 470 of 541
- Renaudot, Eusèbe, 1646-1720.
- Renouard, Ant. Aug. (Antoine Augustin), 1765-1853
- Richard, Pierre, active 15th century
- Rieunier & associés
- Rohan-Chabot, Anne de (1648 to 1709-02-04)
- Rohan, François de, 1480-1536 (1480 to 1536)
- Romilly family, active 18th-19th centuries
- Rosenberg, Alexandre P., 1921-1987 (1921-03-08 to 1940)
- Rothschild, Adolphe, Baron 1823-1900 (before 1900)
- Rothschild, Julie de, 1830-1907 (1902 to 1830)
Showing names 470 to 480 of 541
- Rothschild, Nathan James Edouard, baron de, 1844-1881
- Rothschild, Thérèse von, 1847-1931 (1847 to 1931)
- Rousseau-Girard, Jean
- Royez, Marie-Madeleine-Esther
- Rozière, Eugène de, 1820-1896
- Rylands, Enriqueta Augustina, 1843-1908
- Saffroy, Gaston, 1909-1985
- Saibante-Gianfilippi collection
- Saint-Germain-des-Prés
- Saint-Jorre, libraire
Showing names 480 to 490 of 541
Showing names 490 to 500 of 541
- Schmidt, Paul (1871 to 1907)
- Scotus, Johannes (scribe)
- Ségvier, Marie, Sister, active 1603
- Seminary St. Sulpice (Paris)
- Silvestre, Maison de vente
- Simon de Lenis (1250 to 1300)
- Sittard, Arnold-André, active 1577-1581 (1577 to 1581)
- Smith, Jeanne, 1857-1943
- Smith, Madeleine, 1864-1940
- Société biblique française
Showing names 500 to 510 of 541
- Society of Jesus, Paris (before 1762)
- Soltykoff, Alexis, prince, 1806-1859 (after 1840)
- Sorel, E., active early 20th century
- Sotheby's France SA (after 1968)
- Spitzer, Frédéric, 1815-1890 (1852 to 1890)
- Stebbins, Richard, active 1801
- Stora, M. and R.
- Strachan, Adam
- Street, Caroline M., active mid 19th century
- Symes, Langford Jeremiah
Showing names 510 to 520 of 541
- Tabbagh frères (Firm)
- Tagaut, Jean, c. 1517-1560
- Targny, Louis de 1659-1737
- Techener
- Techener | Pillet
- Techener, J. (Jacques) Joseph, 1802-1870
- Techener, Léon, 1832-1888
- Terquem, Émile, active late 19th-early 20th century (1830 to 1965)
- Thiboutot, Jean-Baptiste-Léon de, 1734-1800 (1734 to 1792)
- Thierry de Maigret (Firm)
Showing names 520 to 530 of 541
Showing names 530 to 540 of 541
- Vidal-Megret, Gomez
- Vidal-Megret, Hotel Drouot
- Villahermosa Paris
- Villeroy, active 1765
- Vivien, Robert
- Vogüé, Melchior, marquis de, 1829-1916.
- Voisin, A., libraire
- Wasset, François-Achille, 1818-1895 (1818 to 1895)
- Webb, Philip Barker, 1793-1854 (before 1854-08-31)
- William of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris, 1180-1249
Showing name 540 to 541 of 541
- Last Updated
Emma Thomson
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- Profile
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on 2018-09-12 15:29:54 -0400
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