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nep-cis New Economics Papers
on Confederation of Independent States
Issue of 2008‒06‒07
two papers chosen by
Anna Y. Borodina
Perm State University

  1. Consumption Smoothing and Vulnerability in Russia By Christopher Gerry; Carmen A Li
  2. Factors Influencing Corporate Governance in post-Socialist Companies: an Analytical Framework By Andreas Heinrich; Aleksandra Lis; Heiko Pleines

  1. By: Christopher Gerry; Carmen A Li
    Abstract: Applying bootstrapped quantile regression to the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) data, we examine the channels through which individuals experience and seek to cope with changes in consumption. We find that married individuals living in small households, with educated heads in urban areas are better equipped to smooth consumption. Investigating the impact of idiosyncratic shocks, we find that the labour market is an important transmission mechanism allowing households to smooth their consumption but also exposing them to risk, mainly through job loss. Outside of pension payments the formal social safety net does not facilitate consumption smoothing, thus heightening the importance of informal coping institutions. It transpires that both support from relatives/friends and home production act as important insurance mechanisms for the most vulnerable.
    Keywords: Russia, economics, vulnerability, consumption smoothing, quantile regression
    JEL: I31 P20
    Date: 2007–07–01
  2. By: Andreas Heinrich; Aleksandra Lis; Heiko Pleines
    Abstract: In explaining the corporate governance performance of post-socialist companies, this article identifies four factors of influence: (1) pressure from majority shareholders, (2) pressure from outside minority shareholders, (3) pressure resulting from internationalization/ globalization and (4) pressure exerted by the state in the form of legal regulation. If all four factors have an impact on corporate governance performance, their interaction has to be explained. On the basis of research conducted thus far, this article suggests an analytical framework for the examination of corporate governance performance of postsocialist companies. Case studies of oil and gas firms from Central and Eastern Europe illustrate how the above factors influence a company’s corporate governance performance.
    Keywords: corporate governance, Russia, Central Eastern Europe, oil and gas industry
    JEL: G34 L71 M14 P21 P31
    Date: 2007–10–01

This nep-cis issue is ©2008 by Anna Y. Borodina. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.

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