Year | From | To | ||
1912 | Diocese of Saint-Albert, Alberta, Canada (Southern part) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Erected |
1912 | Diocese of Saint-Albert, Alberta, Canada | Name Changed | Archdiocese of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (Name Changed and Diocese raised to an Archdiocese) | Name Changed |
1912 | Vicariate Apostolic of Athabaska, Alberta, Canada (from Saint-Boniface)
Vicariate Apostolic of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories, Canada (from Saint-Boniface) | Metropolitan Changed | ||
1923 | Diocese of Pesqueira, Pernambuco, Brazil (Petrolina, Boa Vista, Cabrob, Leopoldina, Serrinha, Ouricuri, So Gonalo, Exu, and Granito) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil | Erected |
1928 | Diocese of Botucatu, Brazil (Assisi, Campos Novos, Candido Motta, Coneieao de Monte Alegre, Maraeahy, Palmital, Paraguass, Platina, Presidente Prudente, Quota, Salto Grande, Santo Anastasio, and San Pedro do Turvo) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Assis, Sao Paulo, Brazil | Erected |
1950 | Diocese of Tuguegarao, Philippines (Islands of Batanes, Babuyan, and Fuga) | Territory Lost | Territorial Prelature of Batanes and the Babuyan Islands, Philippines | Erected |
1977 | Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussel {Malines-Brussels}, Belgium (St. John the Evangelist in Konings-Hooikt and St. Joseph in Peulis) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Antwerpen {Antwerp}, Belgium | Territory Added |
1977 | Diocese of Lige (Luik, Lttich), Belgium (St. Remigius in Landenne, B. M. V. Auxiliatrix in Petit-Wret, St. Stephen in Seilles and SS. Peter and Paul in Povedroux)
Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussel {Malines-Brussels}, Belgium (S. Philibert in Noville-sur-Mehaigne) Diocese of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium (St. Lambert in Boigne) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Namur {Namen}, Belgium | Territory Added |
1977 | Diocese of Namur {Namen}, Belgium (S. Maurice in Arbrefontaine, B. M. V. Assumptae in My and the Chapel of S. Stephen in Ville) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Lige (Luik, Lttich), Belgium | Territory Added |
1987 | Vicariate Apostolic of Alexandria in Egypt {Alessandria di Egitto}
Vicariate Apostolic of Eliopoli di Egitto, Egypt Vicariate Apostolic of Port-Said, Egypt | United | Vicariate Apostolic of Alexandria of Egypt {Alessandria di Egitto} (-Eliopoli di Egitto-Port-Said) | United |
1990 | Vicariate Apostolic of Constantinople, Turkey (Eastern parts)
Mission "Sui Iuris" of Trabzon, Turkey | Suppressed | Vicariate Apostolic of Asia Minor, Turkey
Vicariate Apostolic of Anatolia, Turkey | Elevated |
1990 | Vicariate Apostolic of Constantinople, Turkey | Name Changed | Vicariate Apostolic of Istanbul, Turkey | Name Changed |
1996 | Vicariate Apostolic of Buenaventura, Colombia | Elevated | Diocese of Buenaventura, Colombia | Elevated |
1996 | Diocese of Los Teques, Venezuela (Acevedo, Andrs Bello, Brin, Buroz, Pez, Plaza, Pedro Guai, and Zamora) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Guarenas, Venezuela | Erected |
1996 | Vicariate Apostolic of Mit-Puerto Inrida, Colombia (Guainia)
Prefecture Apostolic of Vichada, Colombia (Part of Guaviare) | Territory Lost | Vicariate Apostolic of Inrida, Colombia | Erected |
1996 | Vicariate Apostolic of Mit-Puerto Inrida, Colombia | Split | Vicariate Apostolic of Mit, Colombia | Split |
1996 | Diocese of Dli, Timor-Leste (Eastern part) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Baucau, Timor-Leste | Erected |
1996 | Archdiocese of Kampala, Uganda (Luweero) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Kasana-Luweero, Uganda | Erected |
1996 | Archdiocese of Kampala, Uganda (Mukono) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Lugazi, Uganda | Erected |
1997 | Missionary Congregation of Saint Andrew the Apostle (Ukrainian) | Founded | ||
2009 | Titular See of Cibalae | Established | ||
2011 | Diocese of Dibougou, Burkina Faso (Poni and Noumbiel) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Gaoua, Burkina Faso | Erected |
2017 | Vicariate Apostolic of Bluefields, Nicaragua (Siuna, Rosita, Bonanza, Waslala, Mulukuku, Prinzapolka, Bocana de Paiwas, La Cruz de Ro Grande, Desembocadura de Ro Grande, Puerto Cabezas, and Waspam) | Territory Lost | Diocese of Siuna, Nicaragua | Erected |
2017 | Vicariate Apostolic of Bluefields, Nicaragua | Elevated | Diocese of Bluefields, Nicaragua | Elevated |
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