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Names Me-Mi

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Names with 20 or more awards and/or judges credits are in bold. Those with 5 or more award records include additional pages arranged chronologically (-C) and, for book and story titles, by title (-T), as indicated by links.
Meacham, Beth -C -T
Mead, David
Mead, Donald
Mead, Syd
Meadley, Robert G.
Meadows, Anna
Meadows, Foz -C
Meadows, Patrick
Meads, Kat
Meaney, John -C -T
Meara, Mike
Meares, Bernard
Mebane, Banks
Meddor, Michael
Medina, Tony
Meehan, Angelina
Meehan, Joshua
Meek, S. P.
Meeker, Natania
Meeks, Miranda
Mehan, Uppinder
Mehrotra, Rati
Meier, Wilma
Meikle, Denis
Meikle, William
Meisner, Karen
Meisner, Richard D.
Melanson, Devin
Melbourne Collective
Melemed, Jennie
Melen, Terry
M�li�s, Georges
Melki-Wagner, Skye
Melko, Paul -C -T
Mellas, H.
Mellick, Carlton, Iii
Mellor, Greg
Melott, Adrian L.
Meloy, Paul -C -T
Melton, Henry
Melton, J. Gordon
Meltzer, David
Meltzer, Michael Paul
Melville, Herman
Melzack, Gene
Memmott, David
Menacho, Luis
Mendelson, Drew
Mendelsund, Peter
Mendlesohn, Farah -C -T
Mendoza, Eddie
Meng, David -C -T
Meng, Fiona
Menon, Anil
Menville, Douglas
Menzies, Gordon R.
Mercado, Marcel
Mercier, Louis-Sebastien
Mercurio, Jed
Meredith, George
Meredith, Jerry
Meredith, Richard C.
Meril�inen, Ville
Merisca, Lucian
Merle, Robert
Merlino, Stephen
Merliss, R. R.
Merriam, Daniel
Merriam, Joanne
Merrick, Helen -C -T
Merril, Judith -C -T
Merritt, A.
Merritt, Scott
Merritt, Tom
Merrow, JL
Merto, Alex
Merwin, Sam, Jr.
Merwin, W. S.
Meseld�ija, Petar -C -T
Meskys, Edmund R.
Metcalf, John
Metcalfe, John
Methe, Ann
Metzger, Lois
Metzger, Robert A.
Meyer, Adam
Meyer, Angela
Meyer, Deon
Meyer, Ilene
Meyer, Kai
Meyer, Marissa
Meyer, Stephenie
Meyer, Susan E.
Meyers, Edward
Meyers, Kent
Meyers, Walter
Meynard, Yves
Meyrink, Gustav
Mezlekia, Nega
Miceli, Samantha
Michaels, Gibson
Michaels, Linda -C
Michaels, Melisa C.
Michalson, Karen
Michaluk, Stephen, Jr.
Michaud, Al
Michaud, Marc -C
Michaux, Henri
Michel, John B.
Michel, Lincoln
Michelfeld, Ted
Michera, Michael
Michniewitz, Sue
Micklem, Sarah
Middlemiss, Perry -C
Middleton, Richard
Mielonen, Tero
Mierau, John
Miesel, Sandra -C -T
Mi�ville, China -C -T
Mignola, Mike -C -T
Mikhailov, Vladimir
Miklowitz, Gloria
Mikol, Paul -C
Mil�n, Victor
Milburn, Colin
Milburn, Michelle
Mildenhall, Kate
Miles, Georgina
Miles, Jo
Miles, Lawrence
Miles, Paul
Miles, Rosalind
Miles, Roy -C
Milford, Kate
Milholland, Billie
Milicia, Joseph
Milius, John
Mill, Anna
Millar, Jeff
Millar, Mark
Millard, Doug
Millard, Glenda
Miller, A. Kaay
Miller, Amy
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Christopher
Miller, Chuck -C -T
Miller, Edward -C -T
Miller, Elizabeth
Miller, Eric
Miller, Faren
Miller, Frank
Miller, Ian -C -T
Miller, Jesse
Miller, John J.
Miller, John Jackson
Miller, Karen
Miller, Laura
Miller, Lion
Miller, Madeline
Miller, Marc
Miller, Mark Alan
Miller, Martin
Miller, Michael D.
Miller, P. Schuyler
Miller, Paul
Miller, R. DeWitt
Miller, Rex
Miller, Ron -C -T
Miller, Rowenna
Miller, Russell
Miller, Sam J. -C -T
Miller, Sarah
Miller, Steve -C -T
Miller, T. S.
Miller, Timothy S.
Miller, Walter M., Jr. -C -T
Millerman, John
Millet, Lydia
Millhauser, Steven -C -T
Millhiser, Marlys
Millidge, Gary Spencer
Million, Deborah
Mills, Adam
Mills, Allison
Mills, Jennifer
Mills, K. E.
Mills, Phil
Mills, Robert P. -C
Milne, A. A.
Milne, Robert Duncan
Milner, Andrew
Milosevic, Mario
Milot, Ren�
Minamoto, Hiroko
Minato, Kanae
Minear, Tim
Mingin, William
Minkel, Elizabeth
Minkevics, Jeff
Minnhagen, Matts
Minsky, Marvin
Minton, D. Thomas
Minz, Jim
Mirabelli, Eugene
Miracola, Jeff
Miranda Barreras, �ngel Luis
Miravete, Gabriela Dami�n
Miriam and Geoff
Mirolevich, Artem
Mirrlees, Hope
Miskell, Vincent
Miskowski, S. P. -C -T
Mitchell, Anthony
Mitchell, Betsy -C -T
Mitchell, D. M.
Mitchell, David -C -T
Mitchell, David Robert
Mitchell, E. Mark
Mitchell, Edward Page
Mitchell, Elizabeth
Mitchell, J. A.
Mitchell, J. Leslie
Mitchell, Kirk
Mitchell, Lia Swope
Mitchell, Mary Ann
Mitchell, Rose
Mitchell, Syne
Mitchell, William
Mitchison, Naomi
Mitra, Premendra
Mixon, Laura J.
Miyazaki, Hayao -C
Miyazawa, Takeshi
Copyright 2012 - 2025 by Mark R. Kelly and the Locus Science Fiction Foundation. All rights reserved.
This page last updated Friday 24 Dec 2021 at 14:22 PT

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