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Friday, April 1, 2016

Quick update

We have updated our petition on with contacts for all entities that could have a hand in helping to restore this vital service.What does this mean to you? Well, if you signed, share this petition with your friends and family so that they may also sign. Each decision maker from a town to national level will receive this letter. The more people sign, the better chances that the entities involved will listen. Share this petition on Facebook, Twitter, with your email lists, and anywhere else you can so that we can send a strong message that we want this service back. With new spending on fixing and expanding rail service in New York and New Jersey, there never has been a better time to have our voices hea...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sussex County Chamber of Commerce

The Sussex County Chamber of Commerce has actively favored the restoration of rail service on the New York, Susquehanna and Western Rail Line for many years.  This included an aggressive PR campaign that led to the purchase of property by New Jersey Transit to support rail operations: We spearheaded an aggressive marketing and public relations effort a number of years ago. That public relations effort helped to convince the State of NJ to purchase an abandoned landfill property in Hardyston Township for a future rail facility. All of this after Sparta declined the opportunity.   (Note: While the correspondence happened in February, we just got permission recently to post this.) The endorsement for bringing passenger rail service back to the NYS&W continues to slowly gain steam....

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Archive of links now online

Thanks to one of our intrepid volunteers, we now have a comprehensive archive of links and documents that outline just how many times this issue has been studied. Read more about how this effort has been studied, restudied and discussed by clicking he...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kinnelon supports rail service

Thank you to all of our supporters who continue to push for the restoration of passenger rail service on the New York, Susquehanna and Western Rail Line.  With your support, another town along with Route 23 corridor has gone on record to support rail service: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Kinnelon's Feburary 16, 2011 council meeting, Kinnelon Mayor Robert Collins went on record stating that he is "on board with the idea" of restoring commuter rail service along Route 23.  The article (linked below) states:Collins said the growth in population has resulted in congestion along Route 23, and a commuter rail line would reduce traffic. Freeholder Gene Feyl recognized that the idea of reinstating...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We need your help. Find out more.

We would like to take a moment to thank those who have volunteered their time to helping our cause and contacting their friends, co-workers, and political officials, as well as distributing our flyer and spreading the word online about our Facebook page.  Without your dedication, the cause would not be where it is now. As we enter into 2012, a new phase in the push to bring passenger rail service back to the NYS&W will be entering a new phase.  We need your help to start our petition drive, as well as contact other town and county councils along the NYS&W rail line to gain their support.  Please take a moment to read about how you can help the cause by clicking here.  We will be starting our petition drive, presenting at council meetings and having open meetings...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions

In an effort to educate the public on the benefits of passenger rail service, we have started to compile a list of frequently asked questions.  This new section addresses everything from the argument of crime, to the economic opportunity, and provides links to articles and excerpts on specific studies that cite the benefits of investing in passenger rail service.  To read this section, please click here. As a group of public individuals advocating the re-introduction of this service, we want both the pro-rail advocates and anti-rail individuals to have an equal voice so that we could continue to address the concerns of public at large. Please let us know what questions you might have about the re-introduction of passenger rail on the NYS&W line, as well as passenger rail service...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to the website headquarters for the restoration of passenger rail service on the New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad through New York and New Jersey.  This site, along with our Facebook and Twitter profiles was established to educate and rally support for this vital service. Please take a moment to explore how you can help us in pushing for the restoration of this service.  We will be adding more information as the effort progresses, and ask that you please keep checking back for the latest updates.&nb...

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