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nep-cis New Economics Papers
on Confederation of Independent States
Issue of 2018‒04‒30
eleven papers chosen by

  1. Towards increased complexity in Russian regions : networks, diversification and growth By Lyubimov, Ivan; Gvozdeva, Margarita; Lysyuk, Maria
  2. Market Quality in the Russian Far East from the Viewpoint of Company Management By Hirofumi Arai; Ichiro Iwasaki
  3. Spatial Integration of Siberian Regional Markets By Gluschenko, Konstantin
  4. An Estimation of Production Indices for Industry and Agriculture in Imperial Russia By Suhara, Manabu
  5. The impact of EU funding on real estate asset management of public universities in Estonia By Kaia Kask
  6. Inequality in Poland: Estimating the whole distribution by g-percentile 1983-2015 By Pawel Bukowski; Filip Novokmet
  7. Drivers of Growth in Fast Emerging Economies: a Dynamic Instrumental Quantile Approach to Real Output and its Rates of Growth in BRICS and MINT countries, 2001-2011 By Simplice Asongu; Nicholas Odhiambo
  8. Economists in Ukraine: who are they and where do they publish? By Maksym Obrizan
  9. Economic Effects of Free Trade Agreements in Northeast Asia: CGE Analysis with the GTAP 9.0a Data Base By Enkhbayar Shagdar; Tomoyoshi Nakajima
  11. Auswirkungen nuklearer Unfälle auf den Menschen und die Umwelt By Hübner, Felix; Jung, Jennifer Jana; Schultmann, Frank

  1. By: Lyubimov, Ivan; Gvozdeva, Margarita; Lysyuk, Maria
    Abstract: Following Hausmann et al. (2011), we apply a network approach to measure the level of economic complexity and diversification opportunities of Russian regions. Using Russian and international export data, we find that the complexity of Russian regional economies varies substantially: rela-tively high in western and central regions, lower in southern and northern Russia and lowest in eastern regions. While Russian regions, on average, have poor diversification opportunities, regions can still diversify their exports by participating in international value-added chains or cooperating in developing group strategies. Our results are highly consistent with two well-established rankings of Russian regional R&D development based on numerous regional indicators, and imply that our network-based measure of complexity captures important features such as the level of regional R&D.
    JEL: O14 O25 R11
    Date: 2018–04–16
  2. By: Hirofumi Arai (Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA)); Ichiro Iwasaki (Hitotsubashi University)
    Abstract: In the framework of the project titled gMarket Quality in the Russian Far East from the Viewpoint of Company Management h initiated by the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA), a Japan-Russia research team carried out a large-scale questionnaire survey of Russian firms located in 17 federal subjects from October to December 2015 (ERINA Enterprise Survey). In this paper, we briefly describe the background, purpose, and organization of the project and report the chronology, outline, and preliminary results of the enterprise survey.
    JEL: D22 L22 P25 P31 R11
    Date: 2016–10
  3. By: Gluschenko, Konstantin
    Abstract: This paper studies market integration of 13 regions constituting Siberia with one another and all other Russian regions. The law of one price serves as a criterion of market integration. The data analyzed are time series of the regional costs of a basket of basic foods (staples basket) over 2001–2015. Pairs of regional markets are divided into four groups: perfectly integrated, conditionally integrated, not integrated but tending towards integration (converging), and neither integrated nor converging. Nonlinear time series models with asymptotically decaying trends describe price convergence. Integration of Siberian regional markets is found to be fairly strong; they are integrated and converging with about 70% of country’s regions (including Siberian regions themselves).
    Keywords: market integration law of one price price convergence nonlinear trend Russian regions
    JEL: C32 L81 P22 R15
    Date: 2018–04–02
  4. By: Suhara, Manabu
    Date: 2018–03
  5. By: Kaia Kask
    Abstract: The main research object of the paper is real estate owned, used and disposed by universities in Estonia. The main research question asked within the paper is, how to achieve the financing sustainability and avoid the potential financing gap in keeping up the set of real estate in terms of universities’ limited budgetary conditions after the major cut of the support via the EU structural funds in Estonia? Three main autonomous public universities in Estonia are analysed as a case study – University of Tartu (UT), Tallinn University of Technology and Estonian University of Life Sciences.Universities real estate asset management (UREAM) model implemented in Estonia is rather straightforward – public universities own and manage their real estate assets and they have the whole autonomy to decide over their sets of real estate assets’ acquisition, management, development, maintenance and disposition. Therefore, the primary mode of UREAM in Estonia is non-rental and decentralized, which by universities’ law is not seen to be change in the future. At the same time, the universities see real estate as a supporting service to their primary service – they have established a real estate department to deal with the operational real estate decisions, but the strategic and financing decisions are made on the level of universities’ board.From the financing side, the universities are largely dependent on the governmental budget and its limits; e.g., approximately 90% of the origin of the UT revenues is from public sector. During the Estonian Research and Development and Innovation Strategy (RD&I strategy) "Knowledge-based Estonia", phase II at 2007-2013, universities used extensive amount of the EU structural funds for developing several new buildings. As the development and maintenance of the infrastructure require long-term budgetary stability, then one of the main concerns for the universities is, how the budgetary limits support the achievement of goals of the Estonian RD&I strategy on its 3rd stage, during 2014-2020?The aim of the paper is to evaluate the impact of the EU funding to UREAM on the universities’ budgets in Estonia during the Estonian RD&I strategy phase II and III (2007-2020). The implemented methodology involves mainly the document inquiry with the quantitative benefit-cost analysis, but also the interviews with universities-level elites. The research results are the basis for further managerial and policy implications of UREAM in Estonia.
    Keywords: Asset Management; Benefit-cost analysis; EU funding; financing sustainability; university real estate
    JEL: R3
    Date: 2017–07–01
  6. By: Pawel Bukowski; Filip Novokmet
    Abstract: This paper combines national accounts, survey and tax data to provide consistent series on income distribution in Poland over the 1983-2015 period. We find that official survey-based inequality estimates substantially underestimate the rise of inequality since the end of Communism. The top 10% income share increased from 23% to 40% and the top 1% income share from 4% to 14% between 1989 and 2015. Frequently quoted Poland’s transition success has largely benefited top income groups. Over this period, top 1% has captured almost twice as large portion of the total income growth than the bottom 50% (24% versus 13%). We also find that inequality has continued to grow after the initial upward adjustment during the transition in the 1990s, especially since the early 2000s, and today has reached levels found in more unequal European countries. However, the transition from communism to capitalism has led to lower income concentration in Poland than in Russia. We relate this to different transition policies, institutions and natural resources endowments.
    Date: 2018–02
  7. By: Simplice Asongu (Yaoundé/Cameroun); Nicholas Odhiambo (Pretoria, South Africa)
    Abstract: We analyze the evolution of fast emerging economies of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa) and MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria & Turkey) countries, by assessing growth determinants throughout the conditional distributions of the growth rate and real GDP output for the period 2001-2011. An instrumenal variable (IV) quantile regression approach is complemented with Two-Stage-Least Squares and IV Least Absolute Deviations. We find that the highest rates of growth of real GDP per head, among the nine countries of this study, corresponded to China, India, Nigeria, Indonesia and Turkey, but the highest increases in real GDP per capita corresponded, in descending order, to Turkey China, Brazil, South Africa and India. This study analyzes the impacts of several indicators on the increase of the rate of growth of real GDP and on the logarithm of the real GDP. We analyze several limitations of the methodology, related with the selection of the explained and the explanatory variables, the effect of missing variables, and the particular problems of some indicators. Our results show that Net Foreign Direct Investment, Natural Resources, and Political Stability have a positive and significant impact on the rate of growth of real GDP or on real GDP.
    Keywords: Economic Growth; Emerging countries; Quantile regression
    JEL: C52 F21 F23 O40 O50
    Date: 2018–01
  8. By: Maksym Obrizan (Kyiv School of Economics)
    Abstract: This paper analyses 1,672 articles published in English by economists working in Ukraine over 1991-2017 using SCOPUS database and bibliometrix package in R. Between 2011 and 2012 when the number of published papers increased more than ten times with Actual Problems of Economics and Economic Annals-XXI being the two most important outlets accounting for more than 70 percent of all publications. Despite this increased visibility the citation counts show rather modest contribution of economists in Ukraine. Regression analysis of citations indicates that articles with a foreign co-author and Digital Object Identifier are more likely to receive citations.
    Keywords: Economists, Ukraine, SCOPUS, bibliometrics, ranking
    JEL: A1
    Date: 2018–03
  9. By: Enkhbayar Shagdar (Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA)); Tomoyoshi Nakajima (Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia (ERINA))
    Abstract: Despite growing trade and economic relations among the countries in the Northeast Asian (NEA) region, there are only two bilateral free trade agreements in effect currently. The China?ROK Free Trade Agreement entered into force on 20 December 2015 and the Japan?Mongolia Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) became effective on 7 June 2016. However, several EPAs and free trade agreements (FTAs) are under negotiation or have prospects to emerge among not only the countries in the region, but also surrounding regions and countries. An analysis of the economic effects of the ongoing FTA (China?Japan?Korea Trilateral Free Trade Agreement (CJK FTA)), and several other prospective FTAs?Northeast Asia Preferential Free Trade Agreement (NEA FTA); Northeast Asia plus the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) Preferential Free Trade Area (NEA+EAEU FTA); and Northeast Asia plus the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) plus the EAEU Preferential Free Trade Area (NEA+RCEP+EAEU FTA)?using the standard CGE Model and GTAP Data Base 9.0a revealed that all parties of the agreements will benefit from the formation of these free trade agreements, having welfare gains and real GDP expansions regardless of international capital mobility status?i.e. whether the capital is internationally mobile or not. Moreover, the results indicated that for the NEA region as a whole, the NEA FTA is preferable to the CJK FTA alone, and it would be even better off with the formation of wider free trade areas, such as with the other RCEP and EAEU members.
    Keywords: free trade; CGE analysis
    JEL: F15 C68
    Date: 2018
  11. By: Hübner, Felix; Jung, Jennifer Jana; Schultmann, Frank
    Abstract: In den 1950er und 1960er Jahren glaubten viele Länder, dass sie mit Hilfe der zivilen Nutzung der Kernenergie energieautark werden können. Unter anderem aus diesem Grund erlebte die Kernenergie in diesen Jahren international einen enormen Aufschwung. In den folgenden Jahrzehnten wurden viele Kernkraftwerke geplant und gebaut. Trotz einiger Kritiker, die auf die Gefahren der Kernenergienutzung aufmerksam machten, war ein Ende des Aufschwungs zunächst nicht in Sicht. Als im Jahr 1979 der Reaktorunfall eines Kernkraftwerkes westlicher Bauart in Three Mile Island in Harrisburg (USA) auf internationaler Ebene für Aufsehen sorgte, wurde die Kritik an der Kernenergienutzung lauter. Allerdings wurde vielen Europäern die von Kernkraftwerken ausgehende Gefahr erst im Jahr 1986 bewusst, als es im ukrainischen Kernkraftwerk Tschernobyl zu einer Nuklearkatastrophe kam. Aufgrund der relativen Nähe zu Mitteleuropa waren Auswirkungen dieser Nuklearkatastrophe auch in diesen Gebieten spürbar. Zuletzt hat die Nuklearkatastrophe im japanischen Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi dazu geführt, dass in Deutschland und weltweit ein beschleunigter Ausstieg aus der Nutzung der Kernenergie vorangetrieben wird. In dieser Arbeit stehen nicht die politischen Auswirkungen der genannten nuklearen Unfälle, sondern vielmehr die Auswirkungen nuklearer Unfälle auf Menschen, Tiere und die Umwelt im Vordergrund. Dazu werden insbesondere Berichte über die Vorkommnisse in Tschernobyl und Fukushima sowie Studien über deren Auswirkungen analysiert und zusammengefasst.
    Date: 2017

General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.

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