Total Number of Residents
Refine Results
Timeframe: 2013
Data View: Number
Locations: United States, States
Total Number of Residents
Location | Total Residents |
United States | 313,395,400 |
Alabama | 4,755,200 |
Alaska | 699,900 |
Arizona | 6,654,800 |
Arkansas | 2,941,100 |
California | 38,114,300 |
Colorado | 5,294,200 |
Connecticut | 3,545,500 |
Delaware | 907,900 |
District of Columbia | 650,700 |
Florida | 19,379,400 |
Georgia | 9,787,100 |
Hawaii | 1,369,900 |
Idaho | 1,591,700 |
Illinois | 12,797,300 |
Indiana | 6,404,000 |
Iowa | 3,070,800 |
Kansas | 2,840,600 |
Kentucky | 4,371,300 |
Louisiana | 4,514,900 |
Maine | 1,312,200 |
Maryland | 5,945,000 |
Massachusetts | 6,595,300 |
Michigan | 9,848,100 |
Minnesota | 5,404,600 |
Mississippi | 2,920,000 |
Missouri | 6,005,100 |
Montana | 1,002,200 |
Nebraska | 1,844,800 |
Nevada | 2,760,400 |
New Hampshire | 1,317,700 |
New Jersey | 8,849,300 |
New Mexico | 2,100,000 |
New York | 19,518,100 |
North Carolina | 9,638,800 |
North Dakota | 711,300 |
Ohio | 11,477,300 |
Oklahoma | 3,722,400 |
Oregon | 3,941,300 |
Pennsylvania | 12,759,200 |
Rhode Island | 1,048,300 |
South Carolina | 4,683,900 |
South Dakota | 835,800 |
Tennessee | 6,455,600 |
Texas | 26,422,500 |
Utah | 2,878,200 |
Vermont | 620,000 |
Virginia | 8,180,700 |
Washington | 6,862,300 |
West Virginia | 1,832,500 |
Wisconsin | 5,632,100 |
Wyoming | 579,600 |
Population and demographic data on are based on analysis of the Census Bureau’s March 2014 Current Population Survey (CPS; Annual Social and Economic Supplement) and may differ from other population estimates published yearly by the Census Bureau. U.S. and state population data displayed on this site are restricted to the non-institutionalized population. Data may not sum to totals due to rounding. Population numbers are rounded to the nearest 100.
Kaiser Family Foundation estimates based on the Census Bureau's March 2014 Current Population Survey (CPS: Annual Social and Economic Supplement).
new & updated indicators
data collection
Medicaid Benefits Data Collection
This data collection reflects Medicaid benefits covered in each state, limitations applied to those benefits, cost-sharing charges, and the reimbursement methodologies used for those benefits as of October 1, 2012. Data for five additional points in time (January 1, 2003, October 1, 2004, October 1, 2006, October 1, 2008, and October 1, 2010) are also available.
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Medicare Health and Prescription Drug Plans
Data indicators about private plans participating in the Medicare Advantage program and the Medicare prescription drug program. The Medicare Health and Prescription Drug Plan Tracker enables users to monitor trends in enrollment, market penetration and other topics for Medicare Advantage plans since 1999 and stand-alone Medicare drug plans since 2006 by state, county and other sub-state geographies.
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Medicaid Managed Care Market Tracker
More than half of Medicaid beneficiaries now receive all or most of their care from risk-based managed care organizations (MCO), and states are rapidly expanding their reliance on risk contracting. The Medicaid Managed Care Market Tracker houses extensive information about states, MCOs, and managed care firms to support understanding and analysis of the growing Medicaid managed care market.
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