var timelineDummyInterval; var currentYear = new Date().getFullYear(); var MAX_TIME_TILL_NOT_WORKING_ANYMORE = 0; //deactivated due to missleading results (wished by Focht) function makeTimelineDummy(data, id) { var yearMax = 2022; var yearMin = 1400; var paths = {}; var collectText = []; var collectPath = []; var radiusHead = 5; var pixelPerCharacter = 6; //var strokeWidth = 1; var heightLegend = 20; /* var fillColor = "#58ACFA"; var timeStartYear; var timeEndYear; var preferredHeight = $("#" + id).height() - heightLegend; */ var timeWidth = $("#" + id).width(); var lowerBorder = Math.floor(yearMin / 10) * 10; var upperBorder = Math.ceil(yearMax / 10) * 10; var pixelPerYear = timeWidth / (upperBorder - lowerBorder + 10); var timeHeight = 300; $("#" + id).height(timeHeight); $("#timeline").empty(); var timePaper = Raphael(document.getElementById("timeline"), timeWidth, timeHeight); //LEGEND START //############ var showHundredYears = (pixelPerCharacter * 5 * (upperBorder - lowerBorder) / 100 < timeWidth) ? true : false; var showFiftyYears = (pixelPerCharacter * 5 * (upperBorder - lowerBorder) / 50 < timeWidth) ? true : false; var showTenYears = (pixelPerCharacter * 5 * (upperBorder - lowerBorder) / 10 < timeWidth) ? true : false; for (var i = lowerBorder + 10; i <= upperBorder - 10; i += 10) //+10 -10 for making last and first one invisible { var x = (i - lowerBorder) * pixelPerYear; if (i % 100 == 0 && showHundredYears) { collectText.push([x, timeHeight - heightLegend / 2, i, { "font-size": 12 }]); collectPath.push(["M" + x + " 0 l0 " + (timeHeight - heightLegend), { "stroke-dasharray": "--", "stroke-width": 1 }]); } else if (showFiftyYears && i % 50 == 0) { collectText.push([x, timeHeight - heightLegend / 2, i, { "font-size": 11 }]); collectPath.push(["M" + x + " 0 l0 " + (timeHeight - heightLegend), { "stroke-dasharray": "--", "stroke-width": 0.5 }]); } else if (showTenYears) { collectText.push([x, timeHeight - heightLegend / 2, i, { "font-size": 10 }]); collectPath.push(["M" + x + " 0 l0 " + (timeHeight - heightLegend), { "stroke-dasharray": "--", "stroke-width": 0.2 }]); } } //LEGEND END //############ for (key in collectText) { timePaper.text(collectText[key][0], collectText[key][1], collectText[key][2]).attr(collectText[key][3]); } for (key in collectPath) { timePaper.path(collectPath[key][0]).attr(collectPath[key][1]); } var randomIndex = 0; addRandomTimelineFeature(); timelineDummyInterval = window.setInterval(addRandomTimelineFeature, 1000); var timeSelection = timePaper.path("M0 0 L0 0"); function addRandomTimelineFeature() { randomIndex++; makeArrow((timeWidth / 3) + (randomIndex * pixelPerYear * 10) + Math.random() * 10 * pixelPerYear, 300 - radiusHead * (randomIndex + 1) * 2, radiusHead, 186 + (Math.random() * 100), "genau", "genau", { "stroke-width": 1, "fill": "#58ACFA", "key": "dummy" + randomIndex }, [1653, 1720]); } var start = 75; // x var height = 75; //y function buildExactLeft(height, dist) { return [ [0, -2 * height], [0, 0] ]; } function buildExactRight(height, dist) { return [ [0, 2 * height], [0, 0] ]; } function buildNoData(height, dist) { return buildExactRight(height, dist); //[[dist/4, 0], [-dist/4, 2*height]]; } function makeArrow(start, startY, height, dist, left, right, attr, text) { var leftGeo = ""; var rightGeo = ""; var tmpHeight = timeHeight - (startY + height); leftGeo = buildExactLeft(height, dist); rightGeo = buildExactRight(height, dist); var buildArray = [ [start, startY - 2 * height, dist, 0] ] for (var key in rightGeo) { buildArray.push(rightGeo[key]); } buildArray.push([-dist, 0]); for (var key in leftGeo) { buildArray.push(leftGeo[key]); } text = [ start + length / 2., startY, text ]; buildPath(buildArray, attr, text); } function buildPath(buildArray, attr, text) { var path = "M" + buildArray[0][0] + " " + buildArray[0][1] + " l" + buildArray[0][2] + " " + buildArray[0][3] + " "; for (var i = 1; i < buildArray.length; i++) { path += buildArray[i][0] + " " + buildArray[i][1] + " "; } var path = timePaper.path(path).attr(attr); $(path).attr("key", attr["key"]); paths[attr["key"]] = path; } } function makeTimeline(data, id, needLegend = false, dateTypes = [], isSingle = true) { if (timelineDummyInterval !== undefined){ clearInterval(timelineDummyInterval); } var yearMax = -1; var yearMin = 10000; var paths = {}; var collectArrows = []; //Collecting all arrows that shall be painted. Calculate them and determine needed height, then create the paper and paint them var collectText = []; var collectPath = []; var radiusHead; //will be determined later var pixelPerCharacter = 6; var strokeWidth = 1; var heightLegend = 20; var fillColor = "#58ACFA"; var dragColor = "#58ACFA"; var alpha = 0.1; //opacitiy for non wirkung var timeDrag = false; var timeDragStart; var timeDragStartYear; var timeSelectionLeftToRight = false; //If selection is asc or desc var timeSelectionIds = []; var timeStartYear; var timeEndYear; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var singleData = data[i]; //F13 Geburt, F14 Tod, F17 erste Erwähnung F18 letzte Erwähnung if (!(singleData["F13"] || singleData["F17"] || singleData["F14"] || singleData["F18"])) { data.splice(i, 1); i--; continue; } var dateStartTmp = getDateBorder(data[i], "min"); var dateStart = dateStartTmp[1]; var uncertaintyLeft = dateStartTmp[0]; var dateEndTmp = getDateBorder(data[i], "max"); var dateEnd = dateEndTmp[1]; var uncertaintyRight = dateEndTmp[0]; if (dateStart === false) { dateStart = dateEnd; uncertaintyLeft = "vor"; } if (dateEnd === false) { if (data[i]["F17"]){ dateEnd = data[i]["F17"]; } else { dateEnd = dateStart; } uncertaintyRight = "nach"; } if (singleData["F14"] == "" && singleData["F18"] == "" ) { uncertaintyRight = "nach"; if(currentYear - dateStart < MAX_TIME_TILL_NOT_WORKING_ANYMORE) { dateEnd = currentYear; } } if(singleData["F13"] == "" && singleData["F14"] == "" && singleData["F18"] == "" && singleData["F17"] != "") { switch(uncertaintyLeft) { case "vor": uncertaintyRight = "ellipticalRight"; break; case "um": uncertaintyRight = "ellipticalRight"; break; case "nach": uncertaintyRight = "ellipticalRight"; break; default: uncertaintyRight = "ellipticalRight"; uncertaintyLeft = "ellipticalLeft"; } } if (!isNaN(dateStart)) //Needed to prevent data errors from crashing timeline { yearMin = Math.min(yearMin, dateStart); data[i].dateStart = dateStart; data[i].uncertaintyLeft = uncertaintyLeft; } else { dateStart = dateStart.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, "").substring(0, 4); yearMin = Math.min(yearMin, dateStart); data[i].dateStart = dateStart; data[i].uncertaintyLeft = uncertaintyLeft; } if (!isNaN(dateEnd)) { yearMax = Math.max(yearMax, dateEnd); data[i].dateEnd = dateEnd; data[i].uncertaintyRight = uncertaintyRight; } else { dateEnd = dateEnd.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, "").substring(0,4); yearMax = Math.max(yearMax, dateEnd); data[i].dateEnd = dateEnd; data[i].uncertaintyRight = uncertaintyRight; } if( data[i]["F17"] !== ""){ data[i].workStart = data[i]["F17"]; } else { data[i].workStart = dateStart; } if( data[i]["F18"] !== ""){ data[i].workEnd = data[i]["F18"]; } else { data[i].workEnd = dateEnd; } } //Version for faster right to left interaction var endSortedData = Array.from(data); endSortedData.sort(function(a, b) { return a.dateEnd - b.dateEnd; }); data.sort(function(a, b) { return a.dateStart - b.dateStart; }); //DETERMINE RADIUS HEAD START var yearCount = {}; var yearCountMax = 0; var highestUsedPixel = 0; //determined later on for (var key in data) { for (var i = data[key].dateStart; i <= data[key].dateEnd; ++i) { yearCount[i] = yearCount[i] ? ++yearCount[i] : 1; yearCountMax = Math.max(yearCountMax, yearCount[i]); } } var preferredHeight = $("#" + id).height() - heightLegend; var radiusHeadCalculated = ((preferredHeight / yearCountMax) - strokeWidth * 2) / 2; //strokeWidth: The size of a path is radiusHead+strokeWidth. Substract strokewidth while calculating to correctly calculate the needed size radiusHead = Math.floor(radiusHeadCalculated); radiusHead = Math.max(radiusHead, 1); radiusHead = Math.min(radiusHead, 10); if ($("#" + id).width() === null) { return; } var timeWidth = $("#" + id).width(); var drawWidth = $("#" + id).width(); if (needLegend && dateTypes.length > 0){ var longesttype = dateTypes.slice(0, MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS).map(e => { return e["type"]; }).reduce(function (a, b) { return a.length > b.length ? a : b; }); longesttype = longesttype ? longesttype : ""; drawWidth -= 40 + 5 * longesttype.length; } //DETERMINE RADIUS HEAD END //USED SPACE START //############ var usedSpace = {}; for (var i = 0; i < drawWidth; ++i) { usedSpace[i] = {}; } /* for(var i = 0; i < timeWidth; ++i) { for(var j = 0; j < timeHeight; ++j) { if(usedSpace[i] === undefined) { usedSpace[i] = {}; } usedSpace[i][j] = false; } }*/ var typeObject = {}; //USED SPACE END //############ var lowerBorder = Math.floor(yearMin / 10) * 10; var upperBorder = Math.ceil(yearMax / 10) * 10; // var pixelPerYear = timeWidth / (yearMax - yearMin); var pixelPerYear = drawWidth / (upperBorder - lowerBorder + 10); //TIME DATA START //############ for (var key in data) { var xPos = Math.round((data[key]["dateStart"] - lowerBorder) * pixelPerYear); var text = [data[key]["dateStart"], data[key]["dateEnd"], String(data[key]["workStart"]), String(data[key]["workEnd"]), data[key]["Art"] ]; var length = Math.round((data[key].dateEnd - data[key].dateStart) * pixelPerYear); var yPos = findEmptyHeight(xPos, 0, 0, length); if (type = data[key]["Art"]) { var index = typesOfPlaces[activeTab].indexOf(type); if (index > MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS ){ //we only have MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS +1 colors index = MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS ; } if (index >= 0) { fillColor = tabsArray[index][3].substring(0, tabsArray[index][3].indexOf("\/\/")).replace("0.", "1."); } else { typesOfPlaces[activeTab].push(type); synTypeOfPlaces[activeTab].push(type); index = typesOfPlaces[activeTab].indexOf(type); if (index > MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS ){ index = MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS ; } fillColor = tabsArray[index][3].substring(0, tabsArray[index][3].indexOf("\/\/")).replace("0.", "1."); } } //yPos is from y=0 upwards. Needs still to be translated down to heightMax as Raphael.js has inverted y-coordinates (after determining the actual height) var attr = { "stroke-width": strokeWidth, "fill": fillColor, "fill-opacity": alpha, "key": data[key]["F41"] }; //für baccae einzelansicht ->leitet auf eventa weiter if (isSingle && data[key]["eventID"] !== undefined) { attr["key"] = data[key]["eventID"]; } collectArrows.push([xPos, yPos, radiusHead, length, data[key].uncertaintyLeft, data[key].uncertaintyRight, attr, text]); } //TIME DATA END //############ //Musici uses Blue - use Startpage color for other tabs if (activeTab !== 0){ dragColor = tabsArray[activeTab][3].substring(0, tabsArray[activeTab][3].indexOf("\/\/")); } timeHeight = highestUsedPixel + heightLegend + radiusHead * 2; //radiusHead as padding if (needLegend) { //Adjust legend heigth in case of a bigger legend if ( timeHeight < Math.min(20 * dateTypes.length + 20, 20 * (MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS +1) + 20) ) { timeHeight = Math.min(20 * dateTypes.length + 20, 20 * (MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS +1) + 20); } } $("#" + id).height(timeHeight); $("#timeline").empty(); var timePaper = Raphael(document.getElementById("timeline"), timeWidth, timeHeight); var legendWidth = 16; //IN CASE OF EXTRA LEGEND if (needLegend) { var lastY = timeHeight -20 - Math.min(dateTypes.length-1, MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS ) * 20; for (var i = dateTypes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var legendEntry; var index = typesOfPlaces[activeTab].indexOf(dateTypes[i]["type"]); if (index <= MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS ){ //we only have MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS +1 colors var legendcolor = tabsArray[index][3].substring(0, tabsArray[index][3].indexOf("\/\/"));//.replace("0.", "1."); var legendX = drawWidth + 5; var legendY = timeHeight -20 - Math.min(MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS - i, dateTypes.length -1 - i ) * 20; if (index == MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS ) { //case for sonstige legendEntry = timePaper.rect(legendX, legendY, legendWidth, legendWidth).attr({fill: legendcolor, opacitiy: 1, "fill-opacity": 1 }); //circle(circleX, circleY , 8)."text", "Sonstige"); timePaper.text( legendX + 20, legendY + legendWidth/2, "Sonstige").attr({'text-anchor': 'start'});; } else { legendEntry = timePaper.rect(legendX, legendY, legendWidth, legendWidth).attr({fill: legendcolor, opacitiy: 1, "fill-opacity": 1 }); //circle(circleX, circleY , 8)."text", dateTypes[i]["type"]); timePaper.text( legendX + 20, legendY + legendWidth/2, dateTypes[i]["type"]).attr({'text-anchor': 'start'});; } if (legendEntry !== undefined) { //if legend is clickable add class if (!isSingle) { legendEntry.node.setAttribute("class", "legendTimeline"); } legendEntry.mouseover(function() { $(".legend" +"text")).attr({ "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-opacity": 0.6 }); }); legendEntry.mouseout(function() { $(".legend" +"text")).attr({ "stroke-width": 1, "stroke-opacity": 1 }); }); //einzelansicht nicht klickbar if (!isSingle) { { $(".legend" +"text")).each( function() { timeSelectionIds.push($(this).attr("class").split(" ")[0].split("newPath")[1]); }); filterResultElements(timeSelectionIds); }); } } } } timePaper.path("M" + drawWidth + " " + (lastY - legendWidth/2 ) + " l0 " + timeHeight + "M" + drawWidth + " " + (lastY - legendWidth/2) +"H" + $("#" + id).width() ); } //END //LEGEND START //############ var showHundredYears = (pixelPerCharacter * 5 * (upperBorder - lowerBorder) / 100 < timeWidth) ? true : false; var showFiftyYears = (pixelPerCharacter * 5 * (upperBorder - lowerBorder) / 50 < timeWidth) ? true : false; var showTenYears = (pixelPerCharacter * 5 * (upperBorder - lowerBorder) / 10 < timeWidth) ? true : false; for (var i = lowerBorder + 10; i <= upperBorder - 10; i += 10) //+10 -10 for making last and first one invisible { var x = (i - lowerBorder) * pixelPerYear; if (i % 100 == 0 && showHundredYears) { collectText.push([x, timeHeight - heightLegend / 2, i, { "font-size": 12 }]); collectPath.push(["M" + x + " 0 l0 " + (timeHeight - heightLegend), { "stroke-dasharray": "--", "stroke-width": 1 }]); } else if (showFiftyYears && i % 50 == 0) { collectText.push([x, timeHeight - heightLegend / 2, i, { "font-size": 11 }]); collectPath.push(["M" + x + " 0 l0 " + (timeHeight - heightLegend), { "stroke-dasharray": "--", "stroke-width": 0.5 }]); } else if (showTenYears) { collectText.push([x, timeHeight - heightLegend / 2, i, { "font-size": 10 }]); collectPath.push(["M" + x + " 0 l0 " + (timeHeight - heightLegend), { "stroke-dasharray": "--", "stroke-width": 0.2 }]); } } if (collectText.length === 0){ for (var i = lowerBorder + 1 ; i <= upperBorder -1; i++) { var x = (i - lowerBorder) * pixelPerYear; collectText.push([ x, timeHeight - heightLegend / 2, i, { "font-size": 10 }]); collectPath.push(["M" + x + " 0 l0 " + (timeHeight - heightLegend), { "stroke-dasharray": "--", "stroke-width": 0.2 }]) } } //LEGEND END //############ for (key in collectText) { timePaper.text(collectText[key][0], collectText[key][1], collectText[key][2]).attr(collectText[key][3]); } for (key in collectPath) { timePaper.path(collectPath[key][0]).attr(collectPath[key][1]); } for (var key in collectArrows) { //Lebenszeitraum if (activeTab === 0){ makeArrow(collectArrows[key][0], collectArrows[key][1] + timeHeight - heightLegend, collectArrows[key][2], collectArrows[key][3], collectArrows[key][4], collectArrows[key][5], collectArrows[key][6], collectArrows[key][7], false); } //Wirkungszeitraum var text = collectArrows[key][7]; var left = "genau"; var right = "genau"; if (text[2].indexOf("um") != -1){ left = "um"; } if (text[3].indexOf("um") != -1){ right = "um"; } if (text[2].indexOf("vor") != -1){ left = "vor"; } if (text[3].indexOf("vor") != -1){ right = "vor"; } if (text[2].indexOf("nach") != -1 || collectArrows[key][4].indexOf("nach") != -1 ){ left = "nach"; } if (text[3].indexOf("nach") != -1 || collectArrows[key][5].indexOf("nach") != -1 ){ right = "nach"; } if(isNaN(text[2])){ text[2] = text[2].replace(/\D/g,'').substring(0,4); } if(isNaN(text[3])){ text[3] = text[3].replace(/\D/g,'').substring(0,4); } makeArrow(collectArrows[key][0], collectArrows[key][1] + timeHeight - heightLegend, collectArrows[key][2], collectArrows[key][3], left, right, collectArrows[key][6], text, true); } var timeSelection = timePaper.path("M0 0 L0 0"); $("#" + id).on("mousedown", function(event) { timeDrag = true; timeDragStart = event.pageX - $(this).offset().left; timeDragStartYear = Math.round(timeDragStart / pixelPerYear + yearMin); }); $("#" + id).on("mouseup", function(event) { timeDrag = false; timeStartYear = Math.round(timeDragStart / pixelPerYear + yearMin); timeEndYear = Math.round(xPos / pixelPerYear + yearMin); if (timeStartYear > timeEndYear) { var tmp = timeStartYear; timeStartYear = timeEndYear; timeEndYear = tmp; } if (timeSelectionIds.length > 0) { filterResultElements(timeSelectionIds); } timeSelectionLeftToRight = false; }); $("#" + id).on("mousemove", function(event) { if (timeDrag) { var xPos = event.pageX - $(this).offset().left; var xPosYear = Math.round(xPos / pixelPerYear + yearMin) - Number(yearMin.toString().split('').pop()); //there were some errors when yearMin != lowerbound if (xPos > timeDragStart) { timeSelectionLeftToRight = true; } else { timeSelectionLeftToRight = false; } timeStartYear = Math.round(timeDragStart / pixelPerYear + yearMin) - Number(yearMin.toString().split('').pop()); if (timeSelectionLeftToRight) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].dateStart > xPosYear) { var id = data[i]["F41"]; var index = -1; for (var key in timeSelectionIds) { if (timeSelectionIds[key] === id) { index = key; } } if (index !== -1) { timeSelectionIds.splice(index, 1); } else { break; } } //BeforeStart || In if ((data[i].dateStart >= timeStartYear && data[i].dateStart <= xPosYear) || (data[i].dateStart <= timeStartYear && data[i].dateEnd >= timeStartYear)) { var id = data[i]["F41"]; var found = false; for (var key in timeSelectionIds) { if (timeSelectionIds[key] === id) { found = true; } } if (!found) { timeSelectionIds.push(data[i]["F41"]); } } } } else { //Selection Right to left for (var i = endSortedData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (endSortedData[i].dateEnd < xPosYear) { var id = endSortedData[i]["F41"]; var index = -1; for (var key in timeSelectionIds) { if (timeSelectionIds[key] === id) { index = key; } } if (index !== -1) { timeSelectionIds.splice(index, 1); } else { break; } } //AfterEnd || In if ((endSortedData[i].dateEnd <= timeStartYear && endSortedData[i].dateEnd >= xPosYear) || (endSortedData[i].dateStart <= timeStartYear && endSortedData[i].dateEnd >= timeStartYear)) { var id = endSortedData[i]["F41"]; var found = false; for (var key in timeSelectionIds) { if (timeSelectionIds[key] === id) { found = true; } } if (!found) { timeSelectionIds.push(endSortedData[i]["F41"]); } } } } timeSelection.remove(); timeSelection = timePaper.path("M" + timeDragStart + " 0L" + timeDragStart + " " + timeHeight + " " + xPos + " " + timeHeight + " " + xPos + " 0").attr({ "fill": dragColor, "opacity": 0.3 }); } }); //DEBUG /* for(var key in usedSpace) { for(var key2 in usedSpace[key]) { if(usedSpace[key][key2] == 1) { timePaper.rect(key, Number(timeHeight) + Number(key2) - 10 - Number(heightLegend), 1,1); } } }*/ function getDateBorder(singleData, type) { if (type === "max") { if (!singleData["F14"] || !singleData["F18"]) { var tmpResult = getDateAndBorder(singleData["F14"]); if (tmpResult[0]) return tmpResult else return getDateAndBorder(singleData["F18"]); } else { var a = getDateAndBorder(singleData["F14"]); var b = getDateAndBorder(singleData["F18"]); if (a[1] > b[1]) return a; else return b; } } else { if (!singleData["F13"] || !singleData["F17"]) { var tmpResult = getDateAndBorder(singleData["F13"]); if (tmpResult[0]) return tmpResult; else return getDateAndBorder(singleData["F17"]); } else { var a = getDateAndBorder(singleData["F13"]); var b = getDateAndBorder(singleData["F17"]); if (a[1] < b[1]) return a; else return b; } } } function getDateAndBorder(dateString) { if (!dateString) return [false, false]; else if (dateString.length === 0) //would throw an undefined exception for tabs without F14 or F13 return [false, false]; var returnArray = []; var tokens = dateString.match(/(\w+|\d+)+/g); if (isNaN(tokens[0])) { returnArray = [tokens[0], Number(tokens[1])]; } else { returnArray.push("genau"); returnArray.push(Number(tokens[0])); } return returnArray; } //Caution! We want to determine the needed height. Thus we have no hight given to start with. Raphael.JS has an inverse y-axis, thus if we want to paint something on the bottom line it should be at y heightMax (which is unknown at this point) // For this we set the default height to 0 (in raphael.js it is the topmost position) and determine unused space in negative direction. This results in negative positions, which have to be negated before painting function findEmptyHeight(start, heightPin, count, length) { var pixelAreEmpty = true; var breaking = false; for (var i = 0; i <= length; i++) // <= to account 0-length glyphs (only one edge is given) { for (var j = -radiusHead; j < radiusHead; j++) { if (typeof usedSpace[start + i][heightPin + j] === "undefined") { usedSpace[start + i][heightPin + j] = 0; } if (usedSpace[start + i][heightPin + j] == 1) { pixelAreEmpty = false; breaking = true; break; } } if (breaking) { break; } } if (count > 50) { console.log("ERROR, no position found after 50 iterations. Aborting!"); return -10; } if (!pixelAreEmpty) { var newHeight = heightPin - radiusHead; return findEmptyHeight(start, newHeight, count++, length); } else { //declare space as being used for (var i = start - 3; i <= start + length + 3; ++i) //6 pixel to account for edge glyphs { for (var j = heightPin - radiusHead; j <= heightPin /*+ radiusHead*/ ; ++j) { if (!usedSpace[i]) { // console.log("Warning. tried to paint outside painting area! " + i + " . " + j); break; } usedSpace[i][j] = 1; } } highestUsedPixel = Math.max(highestUsedPixel, Math.abs(heightPin - 2 * radiusHead)); //Determine if the height of the div should be corrected after painting. return heightPin; //Flip the y-coordinates. We determined the height inverse (as we did not had a fixed height and raphael.js' inverse y position) } } var start = 75; // x var height = 75; //y function buildBeforeLeft(height, dist) { var x = height - (height / 2); return [ [-x, -height], [x, -height] ]; } function buildBeforeRight(height, dist) { var x = height - (height / 2); return [ [-x, +height], [x, +height] ]; /* dist -= 10; //give more space for labels return [[-dist/2, height], [ dist/2, height]];*/ } function buildAfterRight(height, dist) { var x = height - (height / 2); return [ [x, height], [-x, height] ]; } function buildAfterLeft(height, dist) { var x = height/2.; return [ [x, -height], [-x, -height] ]; /* dist -= 10; return [[ dist/2, -height], [-dist/2, -height]];*/ } function buildExactLeft(height, dist) { return [ [0, -2 * height], [0, 0] ]; } function buildExactRight(height, dist) { return [ [0, 2 * height], [0, 0] ]; } /* function buildNoDataRight(height, dist) { return [ [dist*2, height/2], [-2*dist, height] ]; }*/ function buildNoData(height, dist) { // return buildNoDataRight(height, dist); return buildExactRight(height, dist); //[[dist/4, 0], [-dist/4, 2*height]]; } function buildAroundRight(height) { return [ [-height / 4, height / 4], [+height / 2, height / 4], [-height / 2, height / 4], [+height / 2, height / 4], [-height / 2, height / 4], [+height / 2, height / 4], [-height / 2, height / 4], [+height / 4, height / 4] ]; } function buildAroundLeft(height) { return [ [+height / 4, -height / 4], [-height / 2, -height / 4], [+height / 2, -height / 4], [-height / 2, -height / 4], [+height / 2, -height / 4], [-height / 2, -height / 4], [+height / 2, -height / 4], [-height / 4, -height / 4] ]; } function buildEllipticalLeft(height) { return [0, 0];/*[ [0, 0+"q-50 50 0 "+height] ];*/ } function buildEllipticalRight(height) { return [ [0, 0+"q"+(height/2.)+" "+(height)+" 0 "+(2*height)] ]; } function makeArrow(start, startY, height, dist, left, right, attr, text, isSecond) { var leftGeo = ""; var rightGeo = ""; var tmpHeight = timeHeight - (startY + height); // var legs = [[start-dist, startY+height, 0, tmpHeight],[2*dist, 0], [0, -tmpHeight]]; switch (left) { case "vor": leftGeo = buildBeforeLeft(height, dist); break; case "nach": leftGeo = buildAfterLeft(height, dist); break; case "genau": leftGeo = buildExactLeft(height, dist); break; case "um": leftGeo = buildAroundLeft(height); break; case "ellipticalLeft": leftGeo = buildEllipticalLeft(height); break; } switch (right) { case "vor": rightGeo = buildBeforeRight(height, dist); break; case "nach": rightGeo = buildAfterRight(height, dist); break; case "genau": rightGeo = buildExactRight(height, dist); break; case "nodata": rightGeo = buildNoData(height, dist); break; case "um": rightGeo = buildAroundRight(height); break; case "ellipticalRight": rightGeo = buildEllipticalRight(height); break; } var buildArray = [ [start, startY - 2 * height, dist, 0] ] for (var key in rightGeo) { buildArray.push(rightGeo[key]); } buildArray.push([-dist, 0]); for (var key in leftGeo) { buildArray.push(leftGeo[key]); } text = { "x": start + length / 2., "y": startY, "text": [ Number(text[0]), Number(text[1]) ], "work": [ Number(text[2]), Number(text[3]) ], "type": text[4] }; var aroundRight = false; if (right === "um"){ aroundRight = true; } buildPath(buildArray, attr, text, isSecond, aroundRight); } function buildPath(buildArray, attr, text, isSecond, aroundRight) { var texts = text["text"]; var zeitraum = "Lebenszeitraum:"; if (isSecond){ if (activeTab === 0 ) { zeitraum = "Wirkungszeitraum:"; } else if ( (activeTab === 5 || activeTab === 2) && text["type"]){ zeitraum = text["type"] + ":"; } else { zeitraum = ""; } texts = text["work"]; attr["fill-opacity"] = 1; attr["stroke-width"] = 1; var startDiff = text["work"][0]- text["text"][0]; var endDiff = text["text"][1] - text["work"][1]; if (aroundRight) { buildArray[9][0] += endDiff * pixelPerYear + startDiff * pixelPerYear; } else { buildArray[3][0] += endDiff * pixelPerYear + startDiff * pixelPerYear; } var path = "M" + (buildArray[0][0] + (startDiff * pixelPerYear )) + " " + buildArray[0][1] + " l" + (buildArray[0][2] - endDiff * pixelPerYear - startDiff * pixelPerYear) + " " + buildArray[0][3] + " "; } else { attr["stroke-width"] = 0.5; var path = "M" + buildArray[0][0] + " " + buildArray[0][1] + " l" + buildArray[0][2] + " " + buildArray[0][3] + " "; } for (var i = 1; i < buildArray.length-1; i++) { path += buildArray[i][0] + " " + buildArray[i][1] + " "; } path += "Z"; var path = timePaper.path(path).attr(attr); $(path).attr("key", attr["key"]); //Problem die Sucheart (Einfache Suche) verschwindet aus der URL - war aber von Focht explizit gewünscht //path.attr("href", buildURLPath("search", activeTab, [{attribute: "mxp", value: attr["key"] }]) ); //buildSelectedURLPath braucht passendes Format für beliebig viele Suchanfragen /*var searchParams = window.location.href.split("?")[1]; path.attr("href", buildSelectedURLPath( {"attribute": searchParams.split("=")[0], "value":searchParams.split("=")[1]}, activeTab, attr["key"]));*/ if (!isSecond){ path.node.setAttribute("class", "path"); path.node.setAttribute("id", "path" + attr["key"]); } else { path.node.setAttribute("class", "newPath" + attr["key"]); if (text["type"] !== undefined) { //case for sonstige if (attr["fill"] === tabsArray[MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS][3].substring(0, tabsArray[MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLORS][3].indexOf("\/\/")).replace("0.", "1.") ){ path.node.setAttribute("class", "newPath" + attr["key"] + " legendSonstige"); } else { path.node.setAttribute("class", "newPath" + attr["key"] + " legend" + text["type"]); } } } paths[attr["key"]] = path; texts = texts.filter(function(item, pos) { return texts.indexOf(item) == pos; }); path.mouseover(function() { this.attr({ "stroke-width": 4, "stroke-opacity": 0.6 }); highlightResultElements([this["key"]]); var content = zeitraum + " " + texts.join(" - "); toolTip_mouseover_timeline(content); }); path.mouseout(function() { if (this.node.classList.contains("newPath" + attr["key"])){ this.attr({ "stroke-width": 1, "stroke-opacity": 1 }); } else { this.attr({ "stroke-width": 0.5, "stroke-opacity": 1 }); } highlightResultElements([]); toolTip_mouseout(); }); path.mousemove(function(event) { //-20 because it is the normal distance between timeline and the resultcontent toolTip_mousemove_timeline(event.layerX, event.layerY + (this.paper.canvas.parentNode.offsetTop - 20) ); }); { filterResultElements([this["key"]]); }); } }