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स्त्रीवाद आणि लोकसाहित्य २०२५ सुरू झाला आहे!
चला विकिपीडियावर महिला व लोकसाहित्य विषयी लेख वाढवू या..

कृपया सामील होण्यापूर्वी अटी वाचा.


विकिपीडिया, मुक्‍त ज्ञानकोशातून
शास्त्रीय वर्गीकरण
(unranked) Monocots
(unranked) Commelinids

आले हे महत्त्वाचे मसाल्याचे पीक असून त्याची लागवड मे महिन्याच्या पहिल्या पंधरवड्यात करतात. हे पीक उष्ण हवामानात चांगले येते. आले ही एक वनस्पती आहे. तिचे मूळ हे सुगंधी असल्याने मसाल्याचा पदार्थ म्हणून वापरले जाते.

आले हे खोकला घालविण्यासाठी खाल्ले जाते, तसेच अनेक औषधांमध्ये वापरले जाते. आले मसाला म्हणून स्वयंपाकातही वापरले जाते. हळदीप्रमाणेच 'जमिनीखालील मुळी' म्हणून याला ओळखले जाते. आल्यास लागवडीची दीर्घकालीन परंपरा आहे.आशिया खंडात उत्पन्न होऊन भारतात, तसेच दक्षिण आशिया, पश्चिम आफ्रिकाकॅरिबियन बेटे येथे त्याची लागवड केली जाते.[] काही वस्तूंच्या नावापासून वेगळेपणा जपण्यासाठी आल्यास काही ठिकाणी 'आल्याचे मूळ' असेही म्हणतात.

जवळपास १० किलो वजनाचे आल्याचे मोठे मूळ

रासायनिक विश्लेषण


The characteristic odor and flavor of ginger root is caused by a mixture of zingerone, shogaols and gingerols, volatile oils that compose about one to three percent of the weight of fresh ginger. In laboratory animals, the gingerols increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and have analgesic, sedative, antipyretic and antibacterial properties.[]

Ginger contains up to three percent of a fragrant essential oil whose main constituents are sesquiterpenoids, with (-)-zingiberene as the main component. Smaller amounts of other sesquiterpenoids (β-sesquiphellandrene, bisabolene and farnesene) and a small monoterpenoid fraction (β-phelladrene, cineol, and citral) have also been identified.

The pungent taste of ginger is due to nonvolatile phenylpropanoid-derived compounds, particularly gingerols and shogaols, which form from gingerols when ginger is dried or cooked. Zingerone is also produced from gingerols during this process; this compound is less pungent and has a spicy-sweet aroma.[] Ginger is also a minor chemical irritant, and because of this was used as a horse suppository by pre-World War I mounted regiments for feaguing.

Ginger has a sialagogue action, stimulating the production of saliva, which makes swallowing easier.



Culinary uses



आल्याचे लोणचे

Young ginger rhizomes are juicy and fleshy with a very mild taste. They are often pickled in vinegar or sherry as a snack or just cooked as an ingredient in many dishes. They can also be stewed in boiling water to make ginger tea, to which honey is often added as a sweetener; sliced orange or lemon fruit may also be added. Mature ginger roots are fibrous and nearly dry. The juice from old ginger roots is often used as a spice in Indian recipes and Chinese cuisine to flavor dishes such as seafood or mutton and vegetarian recipes. Powdered dry ginger root (ginger powder) is typically used to spice gingerbread and other recipes. Fresh ginger can be substituted for ground ginger at a ratio of 6 parts fresh for 1 part ground, although the flavors of fresh and dried ginger are not exactly interchangeable.

Ginger is also made into candy, is used as a flavoring for cookies, crackers and cake, and is the main flavor in ginger ale—a sweet, carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage, as well as the similar, but spicier ginger beer which is popular in the Caribbean.

Fresh ginger should be peeled before being eaten [ संदर्भ हवा ]. For storage, the ginger should be wrapped tightly in a towel and placed in a plastic bag, and can be kept for about three weeks in a refrigerator and up to three months in a freezer.

स्थानिक उपयोग


भारतात यास आले/अद्रक म्हणतात. ताजे आले हा अनेक खाद्यपदार्थाचा घटक आहे. थंडीमध्ये चहाची व वेग वेगळ्या पदार्थ चव वाढविण्यासाठी त्यात आले टाकतात. काही ठिकाणी आले हे गर्भार व बाळंतीण बाईस चवीसाठी देतात. आल्यापासून वड्यांच्या स्वरूपात असलेला आलेपाक बनतो.

हे सुद्धा पहा



  1. ^ "Spices: Exotic Flavours & Medicines: Ginger". 2007-08-08 रोजी पाहिले.
  2. ^ MD O' Hara, Mary (1998). "A Review of 12 Commonly Used Medicinal Herbs". Archives of Family Medicine. 7 (7): 523–536. doi:10.1001/archfami.7.6.523. PMID 9821826. 2007-08-06 रोजी मूळ पान पासून संग्रहित. 2007-08-06 रोजी पाहिले. Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (सहाय्य)
  3. ^ McGee, Harold (2004). On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen (2nd ed.). New York: Scribner pp. 425-426.

आले सर्व माहिती, गुण व औषधी उपयोग Archived 2021-10-25 at the Wayback Machine.

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