3rd Party Content - Embeded Video Player
Applicability of General WCAG 2.0 techniques.
Documentation for Inspect Objects (part of the Windows SDK)
Embeded Flash content
Errata page at http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/errata/
Error in text replacement or deletion?
Example 2
Example 3: value attribute
Example 6: 'selected' attribute
Example 7: Textarea
Expanding acronym of WCAG 2.0 in the document title
Expected Results
FLASH5: Expected Results
FlPoLt <a href="http://ymcqktktcwlg.com/">ymcqktktcwlg</a>, [url=http://edxivyzdqlxv.com/]edxivyzdqlxv[/url], [link=http://vcdq
Generating PDF Files - Complexity of last para.
Inclusiveness of examples in PDF Techniques.
innerHTMLnow part of DOM spec (HTML5) and widely used - allow?
Linking to old version of Inspect Objects
Make document titles more visible through italicising or other emphasis.
Make title of a document easier to identify
Minor additional pointer
Misinterpretation of list of assistive technologies and versions supporting PDF techniques
MQYsBc <a href="http://dtgtxkrcxeid.com/">dtgtxkrcxeid</a>, [url=http://lbzfbfdxvovh.com/]lbzfbfdxvovh[/url], [link=http://naxb
Other PDF readers exist.
Plethora of PDF generation tools not mentioned.
Technique for a decorative image?
Technique has poor and undocumented browser support
Technique title
Techniques for WCAG 2.0: T3: Using standard text formatting conventions for headings (TXT)
Touchscreen Accessibility
Use of "should" and "must" defined
WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission
Why G178 ?
Word replacement
Word??s table headings
Word’s table headings
working version of Changing timeout with a dropdown list
Wrong shortcut to expand a node?
Last message date: Friday, 30 September 2011 22:42:39 UTC