Al Gilman
- SC-958, 1218 not quite agree [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call ...] (Wednesday, 27 June)
- LC-1209 agree w/comment Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call ...] (Wednesday, 27 June)
- SC 1.1.1 and 2.4 6 [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call...] (Tuesday, 26 June)
- LC-1200, 1203, 1204, 1206 disagree [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call...] (Saturday, 23 June)
- LC-979 respectfully disagree [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call...] (Saturday, 23 June)
- a few more A-OK dispositions [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call...] (Saturday, 23 June)
- LC-1214 accept with comment Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call...] (Saturday, 23 June)
- LC-1213 accept w/comment Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call...] (Saturday, 23 June)
- disagree LC-1202 (with how to salvage...) [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call ...] (Saturday, 23 June)
- LC-1201 accept w/fresh comment [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call...] (Saturday, 23 June)
- disagree LC-1196 [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call...] (Saturday, 23 June)
- disagree LC-1195 [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call ...] (Friday, 22 June)
- LC-978 OK w/comment [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Draft...] (Friday, 22 June)
- A-OK dispositions [was: Re: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Draft of April 2006 (n of 4)] (Sunday, 17 June)
Alastair Campbell
Alexandre Alapetite
Andi Snow-Weaver
Andrew Arch
Andrew LaHart
Bailey Bruce
Ben Caldwell
Charles McCathieNevile
Christophe Strobbe
Craig Francis
David MacDonald
Gian Sampson-Wild
- Comment LC-1053 (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Comment LC-1052 (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Comment LC-1051 (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Comment LC-1047 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1044 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- LC-1043 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1042 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1041 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1040 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1039 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1038 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1037 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- RE: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Draft of April 2006 (2 of 8) (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1034 (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Comment LC-1033 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1032 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1031 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1030 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1029 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1028 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1027 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1026 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1024 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1022 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1023 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1021 (Sunday, 24 June)
- Comment LC-1020 (Sunday, 24 June)
- RE: Your comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Draft of April 2006 (1 of 8) (Sunday, 24 June)
Greg Gay
Greg Lowney
Gregg Vanderheiden
Hansen, Eric
Ian B. Jacobs
Jason Gottshall
Jim Thatcher
Johannes Koch
Jon Gunderson
Judy Brewer
Kiyochika Nakamura
Lachlan Hunt
Liddy Nevile
Lisa Seeman
Loretta Guarino Reid
Maciej Jaros
Martin Stehle
Matt Morgan-May
Richard Ishida
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: rp doesn't provide information (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: Ruby resources (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: H62 Ex4 descn (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: Commonness of ruby (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: pr tags missing (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: Description of ruby positions (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: RFC 3066 in H58 tests (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: Tests ignore xml:lang (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: Language tagging link (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: XML 1.01 (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: je ne sais quoi (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: xml:lang missing in H58 title (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: RFC 3066 reference in tests (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: xml:lang missing in tests (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: Bidi links (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: Direction of text (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: RFC 3066 links (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: Tutorial link (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: head missing (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: XHTML 1.0 (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: xml:lang missing in H57 title (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: Primary natural language (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: Repeated Japanese text (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: Non-English resources please (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: Missing xml:lang (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: Lang value length (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: No pointer to i18n language decl doc (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: Liam's resources (Wednesday, 6 June)
- [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: Content in two languages (Wednesday, 6 June)
- [UND WCAG2] i18n comment: dc:lang (Wednesday, 6 June)
- RE: [WCAG2] i18n comment: Natural languages (Wednesday, 6 June)
- Re: [WCAG2] i18n comment 2: Primary natural language (Wednesday, 6 June)
- Re: [WCAG2] i18n comment: Provide simpler text (Wednesday, 6 June)
Sailesh Panchang
Sandra Vassallo
Shawn Henry
Wayne Dick
WCAG 2.0 Comment Form
- How does \"I accept this license agreement\" type operation conform (Saturday, 30 June)
- viewing size of non-text content without alternatives (Saturday, 30 June)
- \"non-text content\" (Saturday, 30 June)
- \"non-text content\" (Saturday, 30 June)
- \"large scale\" (Saturday, 30 June)
- \"keyboard interface\" (Friday, 29 June)
- \"idioms\" (Friday, 29 June)
- \"human language\" (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Contrast ratio\" definition and user-selected colours (Friday, 29 June)
- resizing of form controls (Friday, 29 June)
- Handling non-conformance of one of many pages in a product (Friday, 29 June)
- \'Description of the URI\' does not map well to a \'product\' (Friday, 29 June)
- Requirement for \'7.) Full Pages\' may be too narrow (Friday, 29 June)
- Editorial (Friday, 29 June)
- Editorial (Friday, 29 June)
- Readability is broken (Friday, 29 June)
- Interface Design (Friday, 29 June)
- What about non-visually evident? (Friday, 29 June)
- An advisory on anti-aliased fonts. (Friday, 29 June)
- A new Success Criterion regarding use of color. (Friday, 29 June)
- Keep 2.4.4 as a Level-A Success Criterion. (Friday, 29 June)
- Significant improvement over previous drafts. (Friday, 29 June)
- Transcripts not given adequate relevance (Friday, 29 June)
- Transcript = text allows no captions (Friday, 29 June)
- Wording suggests that a link context is required (Friday, 29 June)
- elevator safety code violations ---IHS (Friday, 29 June)
- Definition of \"Mechanism\" needs clarification (Friday, 29 June)
- Referencing User Agents and Assistive Technologies (Friday, 29 June)
- Defintion of \"programmatically determined link context\" refers to \"sentence\". (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Interruptions\" may warrant a higher priority (Friday, 29 June)
- Respecting OS keyboard accessibility features (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Optional components...\" meta-data reference, pt 2 (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Optional components...\" typo and awkward sentence (Friday, 29 June)
- \"machine-readable metadata\" preferred...but do UAs support it? (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Non-Interference\" \"No Keyboard Trap\" dependend on UA/plugin as well (Friday, 29 June)
- Addition to \"Accessibility-Supported Technologies\" (Friday, 29 June)
- \"all\" of the following requirements CAN\'T be met, as depends on chosen level (Friday, 29 June)
- Addition to \"Creating your own list...\" section. (Friday, 29 June)
- Addition to \"Creating your own list...\" section. (Friday, 29 June)
- Awkward and incomplete wording (Friday, 29 June)
- bullet 2, \"checked\", seems unnecessary (Friday, 29 June)
- just \"in text\"? (Friday, 29 June)
- reclassing it from AAA to A (Friday, 29 June)
- mechanism, or should it be \"programmatically determined\", or both? (Friday, 29 June)
- whole SC seems unnecessary (Friday, 29 June)
- just \"users with disabilities\"? (Friday, 29 June)
- the SC should be applicable even on a single page (Friday, 29 June)
- in practice, difference between \"blink\" and \"flash\" still unclear, even with appendix (Friday, 29 June)
- just \"users with disabilities\"? (Friday, 29 June)
- 2.1.1. trying to cover two separate issues in one go? (Friday, 29 June)
- resized without AT (same issue as my comment to 1.4.4) (Friday, 29 June)
- resized without AT (Friday, 29 June)
- Awkwkard non-word \"turnon\" (Friday, 29 June)
- just \"visually\" evident? (Friday, 29 June)
- just \"people with disabilities\"? (Friday, 29 June)
- just applicable to \"instructions\"? (Friday, 29 June)
- Can CSS colour be classed as \"programmatically determined\"? (Friday, 29 June)
- prerecorded or pre-recorded? (Friday, 29 June)
- 1.1. Non-text Content / Controls-Input (Friday, 29 June)
- Rewording 1.1 slightly to include pure text, and a comma (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Accessibility Supported\" awkward sentence (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Accessibility Supported\" comma and small change (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Programmatically Determined\" addition to last sentence (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Programmatically Determined\" awkward sentence (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Web Page\" definition and user agents, pt 2 (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Web Page\" definition and user agents (Friday, 29 June)
- \"Web Page\" definition (Friday, 29 June)
- Comma and \"but\" in \"Advisory Techniques\" (Friday, 29 June)
- Apologetic whining in \"Sufficient Techniques\" explanation (Friday, 29 June)
- Awkward wording for new technologies bit (Friday, 29 June)
- Awkward wording on confomance level (Friday, 29 June)
- AT heavy \"levels of conformance\" bullet points (Friday, 29 June)
- Stray comma (Friday, 29 June)
- Sound Volume Control (Friday, 29 June)
- Stray comma and \"standard\"? (Friday, 29 June)
- Accessible Technology (Friday, 29 June)
- Intro to the four principles (Friday, 29 June)
- only 9 pages long (Friday, 29 June)
- Guidelines, not requirements? (Friday, 29 June)
- Responsible for \"200%\" and 50%\" (Friday, 29 June)
- How to measure dB(A) SPL and Tools (Friday, 29 June)
- Rationale for \"200%\" and 50%? (Friday, 29 June)
- Why \"18 point or 14 point bold\"? (Friday, 29 June)
- What does \"accessibility support\" mean? (Friday, 29 June)
- Why \"Documented lists\" needed? (Friday, 29 June)
- about \"Accessibility Supported\" (Friday, 29 June)
- Notes 1 and 2 on the Assistive Technology Definition (Friday, 29 June)
- The presentation is unnecessarily difficult. (Friday, 29 June)
- Use heading for different columns in web page layouts? (Friday, 29 June)
- Let the user use her preferred format for input (Friday, 29 June)
- Present more techiques on how improve texts (Friday, 29 June)
- Change alternative number two \"Checked\" (Friday, 29 June)
- Add video-clips to illustrate solutions (Friday, 29 June)
- Replace term \"visually rendered\" (Friday, 29 June)
- Addition of a related resource (Friday, 29 June)
- Mention of the Microsoft Word Readability Formulas (Friday, 29 June)
- Replace example 4 (Friday, 29 June)
- Human testers should always be persons with disabilities (Friday, 29 June)
- Symbols illustrating texts can be ignored by assistive technology (Friday, 29 June)
- Clearly identify supplemental content or alternate version (Friday, 29 June)
- Include criterion 3.1.5 in levels A and AA (Friday, 29 June)
- Reading level changed to primary education level (Friday, 29 June)
- Prohibiting images of important text (Friday, 29 June)
- This SC is at a level that will not be adopted by many sites ?? it is too important to leave at ??AAA?? (Friday, 29 June)
- The phrasing of this SC is not definitive enough (Friday, 29 June)
- Time Limit for Access Control (Friday, 29 June)
- WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission (Friday, 29 June)
- WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission (Friday, 29 June)
- WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission (Friday, 29 June)
- Time Limit for Security (Friday, 29 June)
- WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission (Friday, 29 June)
- Guideline 2.2 (Friday, 29 June)
- Layout using CSS (Friday, 29 June)
- Guideline 1.3 (Friday, 29 June)
- A, AA, AAA criteria (Friday, 29 June)
- General (Friday, 29 June)
- Time Limit for Security/Access Control (Friday, 29 June)
- How to measure dB(A) SPL and Tools (Friday, 29 June)
- Grounds for \"200%\" (Friday, 29 June)
- Text resizing (Friday, 29 June)
- Clarification on Conformance Requirements for Alternative Content (Friday, 29 June)
- doing a little more for people with cognitive limitations (Friday, 29 June)
- Success Criterion score (Friday, 29 June)
- Increase SC for 3.3.4 (Friday, 29 June)
- 3.1.4 SC should be AA (Friday, 29 June)
- SC level for 3.1.3 (Friday, 29 June)
- SC 2.4.8 should be at higher level (Friday, 29 June)
- contrast ratio SC level (Friday, 29 June)
- Does HTML using pt or px meet this with today\'s user agents? (Friday, 29 June)
- Stronger statement about accessibility for people with cognitive disability (Friday, 29 June)
- Skip links are not required to be visible (G1) (Friday, 29 June)
- Add definition of testability to Guidelines (Introduction & Glossary) (Friday, 29 June)
- Not clear that it\'s ok to provide directions once for a site. (Friday, 29 June)
- Which sc covers frame names? (Friday, 29 June)
- Guideline does not mention the need for equivalent alternatives (only SC). (Friday, 29 June)
- Should Icons be included in contrast requirements? (Friday, 29 June)
- The parenthetical phrase is confusing (Friday, 29 June)
- The relationship between labels and names is not clear enough. (Friday, 29 June)
- Please Remove the \"Testability\" Requirement (Friday, 29 June)
- Site listed in resources appears to have some issues (Thursday, 28 June)
- ddncofhbvk (Thursday, 28 June)
- mclawuoouc (Thursday, 28 June)
- Testing for everything is unworkable. (Thursday, 28 June)
- Does video with synchronized captions fit into 1.2? (Thursday, 28 June)
- Multimedia and Video confusion (Thursday, 28 June)
- Add Exception to 3.1.1 (Thursday, 28 June)
- Should 2.4.9 be a AA requirement? (Thursday, 28 June)
- 2.4.8 is not clearly differentiated from 2.4.4 (Thursday, 28 June)
- 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 don\'t seem to have a clear distinction (Thursday, 28 June)
- Why is Sign Language not required on non-multimedia (Thursday, 28 June)
- confussion with non-live audio/video (Thursday, 28 June)
- WCAG 2 reads well (Thursday, 28 June)
- Testability (Thursday, 28 June)
- Wording not explicit enough, and too similar to 2.4.4 (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Suggested additional qualification (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Wording - \"easier\" (than what?) (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Exceptions for single words and other classes of words (Wednesday, 27 June)
- too vague (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Testability is dramatically hurting the WCAG (Wednesday, 27 June)
- teastability (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Remove testability requirements (Wednesday, 27 June)
- Automatic testing (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Level of priority (Tuesday, 26 June)
- H1-H6, Leval A or AAA? (Tuesday, 26 June)
- better but still dommageable concept (Tuesday, 26 June)
- WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission (Tuesday, 26 June)
- common failure and Sufficient Techniques matching (Tuesday, 26 June)
- more ergonomic problem than accessibility problem (Tuesday, 26 June)
- testability (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Use of wmode (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Invalide test procedure (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Use alternative versions only when necessary (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Limts on pronunciations (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Headings as AA (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Use Headings as well as make them meaningful (Tuesday, 26 June)
- lang in attribut (Tuesday, 26 June)
- direct context or DOM context (Tuesday, 26 June)
- WCAG 2.0 Comment Submission (Tuesday, 26 June)
- Limits on user controlled timed events (Tuesday, 26 June)
- wrong sucess criteria association (Tuesday, 26 June)
- wrong sucess criteria association (Tuesday, 26 June)
- \"Authoring tools\" section has been removed (Monday, 25 June)
- Definition of \"Technology\" should be changed to allow synchronization with AUWG\'s definition of \"content type\" (Monday, 25 June)
- Frame technique promote old fashion web (Monday, 25 June)
- UA bug on object (Monday, 25 June)
- Good job done (Monday, 25 June)
- Contents ordering is odd (Monday, 25 June)
- Inconsistent treatment of null content (2) (Monday, 25 June)
- Inconsistent treatment of null content (Monday, 25 June)
- Confusing linkage between documents (Monday, 25 June)
- Clarify 2.4.4 by adding \"taken together\" or \"together with\" (Monday, 25 June)
- Please choose your side, UA bug or not ? (Sunday, 24 June)
- Contrast value and background problem (Sunday, 24 June)
- Use of color information for contextual distinction (Sunday, 24 June)
- missing information on common failures (Sunday, 24 June)
- contextual caption and summary (Sunday, 24 June)
- level of this success criterion (Sunday, 24 June)
- contextual alternative (Sunday, 24 June)
- Definition of the wider range of people (Wednesday, 20 June)
- Example in the intent for change of context is not a change of context (Monday, 18 June)
- Adding \"at least\" to second sentances of 1.4.3 & 1.4.5 (Monday, 18 June)
- Links give context - CORRECTION (Saturday, 16 June)
- Links give context (Friday, 15 June)
- Ban hiding link text (Friday, 15 June)
- Ban hiding link text (Friday, 15 June)
- Page title as context (Friday, 15 June)
- 1.4.3 & 1.4.5 Contrast ratio of disabled elements (Wednesday, 13 June)
- Lack of attention to the deaf people needs. (Sunday, 10 June)
- Trying to help readability (Saturday, 9 June)
- user agent detection (Saturday, 9 June)
- Not clear whether web pages should use W3C technologies (Friday, 8 June)
- Should prohibit \"relies upon scripting\" (Friday, 8 June)
- No provision for link highlighting (Thursday, 7 June)
- Clarification of Text, image of text, and visually randered text (Wednesday, 6 June)
- Testing comment form (please ignore) (Wednesday, 6 June)
William Loughborough
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Last message date: Saturday, 30 June 2007 18:52:39 UTC