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Sommer, Hans, 1837-1922

LC control 93028291
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSommer, Hans, 1837-1922
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Variant(s)Zincken, Hans, 1837-1922
Sommer, H. (Hans), 1837-1922
Zincken, H. F. A. (Hans Friedrich August), 1837-1922
Zincke-Sommer, Hans, 1837-1922
Zincke, Hans, 1837-1922
See alsoColleague: Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949
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Colleague: Rösch, Friedrich, 1862-1925
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Assistant to: Voigtländer, Friedrich, Ritter von, 1812-1878
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Friend: Hill, Karl, 1831-1893
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Chief executive of: Genossenschaft Deutscher Tonsetzer
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Chief executive of: Technische Hochschule Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig
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Officer of: Voigtländer & Sohn
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Other standard no.116911514
Associated countryGermany Braunschweig (Duchy)
Associated placeGöttingen (Germany)
LocatedWeimar (Thuringia, Germany) Berlin (Germany) Braunschweig (Germany)
Birth date1837-07-20
Death date1922-04-26
Place of birthBraunschweig (Germany)
Place of deathBraunschweig (Germany)
Field of activityComposition (Music) Physics Mathematics Optical instruments--Design and construction Photographic lenses--Design and construction Copyright--Music Copyright--Performing rights
AffiliationVoigtländer & Sohn
Technische Hochschule Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig
Anstalt für musikalische Aufführungsrechte
Richard-Wagner-Verein (Braunschweig, Germany)
Profession or occupationPhysicists Composers
Composers Physicists Mathematicians Mathematics teachers College teachers College administrators
Optical instrument designer
Special notePseudonyms not found in published works represented in OCLC database as of 28 September 2023: Neckniz, E. T., 1837-1922, Neckniz, Hans, 1837-1922
Found inSommer, H. Hunold Singuf, 18--?: t.p. (Hans Sommer)
Altmann, W. Kurzgefasstes Tonkünstler-Lexikon, 15. Aufl.: 1. T. (Sommer, Hans (real name Zincken); b. 7-25-1837, Braunschweig, d. 4-16-22, Braunschweig: doctor of philosophy, professor of physics, composer)
OCLC, Mar. 17, 2005 (hdg.: Sommer, Hans, 1837-1922; usage: Hans Sommer, H. Sommer)
German Wikiipedia, Sept. 21, 2012 (Hans Sommer, Hans Friedrich August Zincken, b. July 20, 1837, Braunschweig, d. April 16, 1922, Braunschweig)
Hans Sommer WWW site, May 31, 2017 (Hans Sommer; Sommer, Hans (August Friedrich); actually H. A. F. Zincken called Summer; born July 20, 1837, Braunschweig, died April 26, 1922, Braunschweig)
DNB GND, 28 September 2023 (authorized access point: Sommer, Hans; other names: Sommer, H., Zincken, Hans Friedrich August (real name), Zincken, Hans, Zincke, Hans Friedrich August, Zincke, Hans (earlier form of name), Neckniz, E. T. (pseudonym) [no publications in OCLC database as of 28 September 2023], Neckniz, Hans [no publications in OCLC database as of 28 September 2023]; life dates: 1837-1922; country: Germany; place of birth and death: Braunschweig; occupations: composer, music writer, mathematician, physicist, arranger; further information: German composer and mathematician; Rektor; relationship to organization: Technische Hochschule Braunschweig; record ID: 116911514)
VIAF, 28 September 2023: 39644613 (authorized access point (from National Library of the Czech Republic): Sommer, Hans; VIAF ID: 39644613)
VIAF, 28 September 2023: 107603846 (authorized access point (from ISNI): Zincke, Hans Friedrich August 1837-1922; VIAF ID: 107603846)
Hans Sommer website, 29 September 2023: main page (Hans Sommer (1837-1922); composer and mathematician) Biografie (complete name: Hans Friedrich August Zincken genannt [called] Sommer; as composer, used short form Hans Sommer and also, until ca. 1870, the pseudonym "E. T. Neckniz"; studied math and physics in Göttingen, where also received first instruction in composition with Julius Otto Grimm and Adolf Bernhard Marx; returned to Braunschweig, began academic career as mathematician; participation in stepfather's photo apparatus production company, Voigtländer & Sohn, and fundamental research in field of dioptrics made him the recognized specialist for the analytic representation of lens systems; at Braunschweiger Polytechnikum Collegium Carolinum, began teaching mathematics in 1859, became professor of mathematics in 1866, led and expanded the Institut 1875-1881 as director; first met Richard and Cosima Wagner 1875, founded Richard-Wagner-Verein in Braunschweig; retired early in his mid-40s, leaving behind his scientific reputation and company position; as freelance composer, went to Weimar, where received short-term instruction from Franz Liszt, then to Italy, then moved to Berlin 1885; married widowed daughter of musician friend, leading Wagner singer Karl Hill; 1882-1886, published more than 100 songs for piano; moved to Weimar 1888; opera compositions; ca. 1860-1922, orchestral songs; also piano chamber music; 1903-1911, was on committee of Allgemeiner Deutscher Musik Verein; together with Richard Strauss and Friedrich Rösch, one of founders of [predecessor of] GEMA [Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte]; from February 1899, chair of executive committee and thus first chair of Genossenschaft Deutscher Komponisten, renamed Genossenschaft Deutscher Tonsetzer (GDT), which institutionalized music copyright endeavors; established AFMA [Anstalt für musikalische Aufführungsrechte], which continues to this day as GEMA)
Wikipedia, 21 September 2023: Hans Sommer (composer) (Hans Sommer (born 20 July 1837 in Braunschweig (Brunswick)-26 April 1922 in Braunschweig); German composer and mathematician; born Hans Friedrich August Zincke; studied mathematics and physics in Braunschweig and Göttingen, also a noted mathematician; he served as the director of Braunschweig University of Technology, where taught mathematics, 1875-1881; most successful as a composer for the theatre; operas, incidental music, songs; also orchestral works and male-voice choruses; active in initiating the institution of composer's performance rights, instrumental in recruiting Richard Strauss to that cause)
Tradition (Baden-Baden, Germany), August 1962: Erdmann, Ilse. Vom Mechanicus Johann Christoph Voigtländer in Wien zur Voigtländer AG in Braunschweig. II. Teil, page 168 (Dr. Hans Zincke-Sommer) pages 163, etc. (Friedrich Voigtländer, from 1868 Friedrich Ritter von Voigtländer, head of camera firm Voigtländer und Sohn, in Vienna; in 1845, married Nanny Langenheim, widow of Zincke-Sommer, from Braunschweig; in 1849, they moved to Braunschweig; built second factory there; after 1857/1858, Voigtländer turned to his stepson, Dr. Hans Zincke-Sommer, as assistant; mathematical and technical background; Braunschweig company production of optical instruments: photographic lenses and apparatus, telescopes; in 1876, leadership of factory turned over to Friedrich Wilhelm Ritter von Voigtländer; in 1888, Hans Zincke-Sommer retired, to devote himself to music)
Wikipedia, die freie Enzyklopädie, 29 September 2023: Hans Sommer (Komponist, 1837) (Hans Sommer; born 20 July 1837 in Braunschweig; died 26 April 1922 in the same place; real name: Hans Friedrich August Zincken genannt [called] Sommer; German composer and mathematician; son of Otto Gustav Zincken genannt Sommer (1809-1840) and Nanny geborene [born, née] Langenheim (1813-1902))
Wikidata, 28 September 2023 (Hans Sommer (Q741034); description: German composer (1837-1922); pseudonym: Hans Neckniz [no publications in OCLC database as of 21 September 2023]; occupations: mathematician, composer, university teacher)
Wikipedia, 29 September 2023: GEMA (German organization) (Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (GEMA); antecedents: Genossenschaft Deutscher Tonsetzer (GDT) subsequently founded Anstalt für musikalische Aufführungsrechte (AFMA) (English: Institute for Musical Performing Rights) in 1903; founders of AFMA included Richard Strauss, Hans Sommer and Friedrich Rösch)
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