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Zasius, Johann Ulrich, 1521-1570

LC control no.n 93033530
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingZasius, Johann Ulrich, 1521-1570
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Zasius, Io. Ulricus (Ioannes Ulricus), 1521-1570
Zasius, Jo. Ulricus (Joannes Ulricus), 1521-1570
Zasius, Ioannes Ulricus, 1521-1570
Zasius, Joannes Ulricus, 1521-1570
Zasius, Joannes Udalricus, 1521-1570
Zasius von Rabenstein, Johann Ulrich, 1521-1570
Zäsy, Johann Ulrich, 1521-1570
Other standard no.0000000066348668
Birth date1521-04-11
Death date1570-04-27
Place of birthFreiburg im Breisgau (Germany)
Place of deathPrague (Czech Republic)
Profession or occupationLawyers Diplomats
Found inLe Caron, L. Lud. Charondae i.c. Parisiensis ... Ad leges antiquas Roman. à Io. Vlrico Zasio primum collectas, obseruationes, 1597: leaf 27 (... Ioannem Vlricum Zasium)
NUC pre-56 (Zasius, Johann Ulrich, 1521-1570)
BN (Zasius, Johann Ulrich)
BLC (Zasius, Joannes Udalricus)
Allg. deut. Biog. (Zasius, Johann Ulrich; imperial vice-chancellor under Maximilian II; b. 1521, Freiburg i.B.; d. 04-27-1570)
German Wikipedia, viewed on Oct 31st, 2023 (Johann Ulrich Zasius von Rabenstein (born April 11, 1521 in Freiburg im Breisgau; died April 27, 1570 Prague) was an imperial councilor on behalf of King Ferdinand I and Emperor Maximilian II)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on Oct 31st, 2023 (Zasius, Johann Ulrich; born 1521; died 1570; lawyer, diplomat; variant names (selection): Zäsy, Johann Ulrich, Zasius von Rabenstein, Johann Ulrich)
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