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Reidemeister, Kurt, 1893-1971

LC control no.n 84801155
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingReidemeister, Kurt, 1893-1971
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Variant(s)Reidemeister, K. (Kurt), 1893-1971
Reidemeister, Kurt Werner Friedrich, 1893-1971
Birth date1893-10-13
Death date1971-07-08
Place of birthBraunschweig (Germany)
Place of deathGöttingen (Germany)
Profession or occupationMathematicians College teachers
Found inLCCN 57-4140: His Raum und Zahl, 1957 (hdg.: Reidemeister, Kurt, 1893- ; variant: Kurt Werner Friedrich Reidemeister)
His Knot theory, 1983: t.p. (K. Reidemeister)
Wikidata via Wikipedia, December 19, 2019 (alias: Kurt Reidemeister, Kurt Werner Friedrich Reidemeister, Райдемайстер, Рейдемейстер, Курт Райдемайстер, Курт Рейдемейстер, Курт Вернер Фридрих Райдемайстер, Курт Вернер Фридрих Рейдемейстер; zbMATH author ID: reidemeister.kurt; VIAF identifier: 102384696; ISNI (P213): 0000000119536006; occupation: mathematician, topologist, university teacher; field of work: topology; LCAuth identifier: n84801155; GND identifier: 116403306; place of birth: Brunswick; place of death: Göttingen; country of citizenship: Germany; Mathematics Genealogy Project identifier: 15252; Commons category: Kurt Reidemeister; date of birth: +1893-10-13T00:00:00Z; date of death: +1971-07-08T00:00:00Z; instance of: human; Freebase identifier: /m/02kzg8; employer: University of Vienna, University of Göttingen; given name: Kurt; MacTutor id (biographies): Reidemeister; NTA identifier (Netherlands): 073411132; doctoral advisor: Erich Hecke; NLI (Israel) identifier: 000249605; SNAC Ark ID (P3430): w67f5vfj; educated at: University of Hamburg; SHARE Catalogue author ID (P3987): 58556; CONOR identifier: 9330275; SUDOC authorities: 032698968; languages spoken or published: German; BnF identifier: 12367907s; sex or gender: male; doctoral student: Günter Hotz; NKC identifier: mub2018989396; Brockhaus Enzyklop\u00e4die online ID (P5019): reidemeister-kurt-werner-friedrich; description/label: deutscher Mathematiker, Duits wiskundige, German mathematician, germana matematikisto, matamaiticeoir Gearmánach, matemàtic alemany, matematician german, matemático alemán, matematico tedesco, matematikan gjerman, mathématicien allemand, professor académico alemão, Saksamaa matemaatik, tysk matematikar, tysk matematiker, מתמטיקאי גרמני)
Invalid LCCNn 83152188 n 84802697
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