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- Penal Code
Part I. General provisions
Chapter 1. Application of the criminal legislation
- Section 1. Application of the general provisions
- Section 2. Limitations under international law
- Section 3. Temporal application of the criminal legislation
- Section 4. Application of the criminal legislation to acts committed in Norway and in areas under Norwegian jurisdiction, etc.
- Section 5. Application of the criminal legislation to acts committed abroad
- Section 6. Special grounds for prosecution under international law
- Section 7. Acts deemed to have been committed in several places
- Section 8. Power to prosecute offences which have been adjudicated abroad
- Chapter 2. Statutory definitions, etc.
Chapter 3. Basic conditions for criminal liability
- Section 14. Legal authority requirement
- Section 15. Contribution
- Section 16. Attempt
- Section 17. Necessity
- Section 18. Self-defence
- Section 19. Self-enforcement
- Section 20. Accountability
- Section 21. Culpability requirement
- Section 22. Intent
- Section 23. Negligence
- Section 24. Unintended consequence
- Section 25. Factual ignorance
- Section 26. Ignorance of the law
- Chapter 4. Enterprise penalties
- Chapter 5. Overview of the criminal sanctions
Chapter 6. Sentences of imprisonment
- Section 31. Assessment of sentence of imprisonment
- Section 32. Combination of sentences of imprisonment with other penalties
- Section 33. Limited use of sentences of imprisonment for young offenders
- Section 34. Suspension of execution (suspended imprisonment)
- Section 35. Special conditions concerning compensation and redress
- Section 36. Special conditions concerning a duty to report
- Section 37. Other special conditions
- Section 38. Regulations on special conditions, etc.
- Section 39. Breach of a condition for suspension of execution, etc.
Chapter 7. Preventive detention
- Section 40. Conditions for imposing preventive detention
- Section 41. Combination of preventive detention with other penalties
- Section 42. Lapse of imposed sentences of imprisonment and community sentences
- Section 43. Duration of preventive detention
- Section 44. Release on parole
- Section 45. Conditions in connection with release on parole
- Section 46. Breach of conditions for preventive detention, etc.
- Section 47. Regulations on preventive detention and release on parole from preventive detention
Chapter 8. Community sentence
- Section 48. Conditions for imposing a community sentence
- Section 49. Number of hours, alternative sentence of imprisonment and execution period
- Section 50. Power to impose conditions
- Section 51. Combination of a community sentence with other penalties
- Section 52. Breach of conditions for a community sentence
- Chapter 8 a. Youth sentences
- Chapter 9. Fines
- Chapter 10. Loss of rights
- Chapter 11. Deferment of sentencing and waiver of sentencing
- Chapter 12. Committal to psychiatric care and committal to care
Chapter 13. Confiscation
- Section 66. Combination of confiscation with penalties and other criminal sanctions
- Section 67. Confiscation of proceeds
- Section 68. Extended confiscation
- Section 69. Confiscation of the product, subject or tools of a criminal act
- Section 70. Preventive confiscation
- Section 71. Whom confiscation may be effected against
- Section 72. The relationship to receivers
- Section 73. Relationship to rights holders
- Section 74. General rules on confiscation of proceeds and property which do not belong to the offender
- Section 75. Beneficiaries of confiscation
- Section 76. Special rules for confiscation of an information carrier
Chapter 14. General rules on determining sanctions
- Section 77. Aggravating circumstances
- Section 78. Mitigating circumstances
- Section 79. Imposition of penalties exceeding the maximum penalty (multiple offences, repeated offences, organised crime)
- Section 80. Imposition of a penalty below the minimum penalty or a less severe type of penalty
- Section 81. Circumstances which may lead to exemption from punishment
- Section 82. Follow-up sentence
- Section 83. Deduction for time spent in custody on remand
- Section 84. Deduction for executed criminal sanctions imposed abroad
Chapter 15. Limitation, etc.
- Section 85. Cessation of criminal liability upon expiry of limitation period
- Section 86. The limitation period
- Section 87. The start of the limitation period
- Section 88. Interruption of the limitation period
- Section 89. Limitation of criminal liability for enterprises
- Section 90. Interruption of the limitation period during bankruptcy and debt-settlement negotiations
- Section 91. Criminal liability which is not subject to limitation
- Section 92. The limitation period for liability to confiscation
- Section 93. The limitation period for imposed custodial sentences and community sentences
- Section 94. The start of the limitation period pursuant to section 93
- Section 95. Interruption of the limitation period pursuant to section 93
- Section 96. Imposed penalties that are not subject to limitation
- Section 97. The limitation period for imposed fines
- Section 98. Limitation period for special sanctions imposed on unaccountable persons
- Section 99. Limitation period for confiscation orders
- Section 100. Lapse of criminal liability and liability to confiscation, etc. upon the death of the guilty or liable person
Chapter 1. Application of the criminal legislation
Part II. Criminal acts
Chapter 16. Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
- Section 101. Genocide
- Section 102. Crimes against humanity
- Section 103. War crimes against a person
- Section 104. War crimes against property and civil rights
- Section 105. War crimes against humanitarian missions or distinctive signs
- Section 106. War crimes committed using prohibited methods of warfare
- Section 107. War crimes committed using prohibited means of warfare
- Section 108. Conspiracy to commit and incitement to genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
- Section 109. Responsibility of superiors
- Section 110. Minimum penalty
Chapter 17. Protection of Norway's autonomy and other fundamental national interests
- Section 111. Violation of Norway's autonomy and peace
- Section 112. Aggravated violation of Norway's autonomy and peace
- Section 113. Violation of the Norwegian constitution
- Section 114. Aggravated violation of the Norwegian constitution
- Section 115. Attack on the activities of the highest state bodies
- Section 116. Aggravated attack on the activities of the highest state bodies
- Section 117. Interference with important institutions in society
- Section 118. Aggravated interference with important institutions in society
- Section 119. Treason
- Section 120. Aggravated treason
- Section 120 a. Attack on Norwegian and allied forces
- Section 120 b. Aggravated attack on Norwegian and allied forces
- Section 121. Intelligence-gathering activity targeting state secrets
- Section 122. Aggravated intelligence-gathering activity targeting state secrets
- Section 123. Disclosure of state secrets
- Section 124. Aggravated disclosure of state secrets
- Section 125. Negligent disclosure of state secrets
- Section 126. Other unlawful intelligence-gathering
- Section 127. Conspiracy to violate Norway's autonomy and constitution, etc.
- Section 128. Unlawful military activity
- Section 129. Penalty for participation, etc. in violent organisations with political goals
Chapter 18. Terrorist acts and terrorism-related acts
- Section 131. Terrorist acts
- Section 132. Aggravated terrorist acts
- Section 133. Terrorist conspiracy
- Section 134. Terrorist threats
- Section 135. Terrorist financing
- Section 136. Inciting terrorist acts; recruiting and training for terrorist acts
- Section 136 a. Penalty for participation, etc. in a terrorist organisation
- Section 136 b. Travel for terrorist purposes
- Section 137. Contribution to evasion of a penalty for terrorist acts
- Section 138. Terrorist bombing
- Section 139. Hijacking of aircraft, ship, or similar
- Section 140. Disruption of the safe operation of aircraft, ship, or similar
- Section 141. Use and release of hazardous substances involving aircraft, ship, or similar
- Section 141 a. Hazardous use of aircraft or ship
- Section 142. Unlawful involvement with dangerous materials, etc.
- Section 143. Hostage-taking for terrorist purposes
- Section 144. Attack on an internationally protected person
- Section 145. Participation in military activity in an armed conflict abroad
- Section 146. Recruitment for military activity
Chapter 19. Protection of public authority and confidence in it
- Section 151. Purchase of votes and exercise of undue influence over voting
- Section 152. Sale of votes
- Section 153. Illicit participation in an election
- Section 154. Subsequent interference with an election result
- Section 155. Violence or threats against public officials
- Section 156. Obstruction of a public official
- Section 157. Obstruction of justice
- Section 158. Aggravated obstruction of justice
- Section 159. Grossly negligent obstruction of justice
- Section 160. Tampering with evidence and evasion of prosecution, etc.
- Section 161. Evasion of imposed penalty, etc.
- Section 162. Breach of duty to state identity
- Section 163. Breach of duty to report a death
- Section 164. Unlawful exercise of public authority
- Section 165. Misuse of public uniform, distinctive sign or title, etc.
- Section 166. Misuse of international distinctive sign
- Section 167. Unlawful exercise of a profession or operation of an enterprise
- Section 168. Breach of exclusion order and restraining order or of a decision to freeze assets
- Section 169. Obstruction of legal enforcement
- Section 170. Breach of court decision
- Section 171. Professional misconduct
- Section 172. Grossly negligent professional misconduct
- Section 173. Misuse of public authority
- Section 174. Torture
- Section 175. Aggravated torture
- Section 175 a. Enforced disappearance
- Section 175 b. Aggravated enforced disappearance
- Section 176. Entering a prohibited area
Chapter 20. Protection of public peace, order and security
- Section 181. Disturbance of the peace
- Section 182. Rioting
- Section 183. Incitement to a criminal act
- Section 184. Public order offence against a foreign state
- Section 185. Hate speech
- Section 186. Discrimination
- Section 187. False alarm
- Section 188. Careless handling of firearms or explosives
- Section 189. Unlawful carrying of a weapon in a public place
- Section 189 a. Aggravated unlawful carrying of a firearm in a public place
- Section 190. Unlawful involvement with firearms, firearm components, explosives and explosives precursors
- Section 191. Aggravated unlawful involvement with firearms, firearm components, explosives or explosives precursors
- Section 191 a. Involvement with firearms or explosives with intent to commit a criminal act
- Section 191 b. Involvement with firearms etc. with intent to commit an aggravated criminal act
- Section 192. Attack on infrastructure
- Section 193. Conspiracy to attack infrastructure
- Section 194. Disruption of safe operation of railway or bus service
- Section 195. Desecration of a corpse
- Section 196. Duty to avert a criminal offence
- Section 197. Failure to report discovery of a lost child, etc.
- Section 198. Conspiracy to commit serious organised crime
Chapter 21. Protection of information and exchange of information
- Section 201. Illicit handling of authentication details, computer programs, etc.
- Section 202. Violation of identity
- Section 203. Illicit access to television signals, etc.
- Section 204. Intrusion into a computer system
- Section 205. Violation of the right to private communication
- Section 206. Risk of operational disruption
- Section 207. Repealed
- Section 208. Repealed
- Section 209. Breach of a duty of confidentiality
- Section 210. Aggravated breach of a duty of confidentiality
- Section 211. Breach of a duty of confidentiality for certain professions
- Chapter 22. False statement and accusation
Chapter 23. Protection of public health and the external environment
- Section 231. Narcotic drugs offence
- Section 232. Aggravated narcotic drugs offence
- Section 233. Aggravated violation of the Alcohol Act
- Section 234. Doping offence
- Section 235. Aggravated doping offence
- Section 236. Unlawful distribution, etc. of depictions of gross violence
- Section 237. Transmission of a communicable disease
- Section 237 a. Aggravated transmission of a communicable disease
- Section 238. Dissemination of infectious matter hazardous to public health
- Section 239. Poisoning hazardous to public health
- Section 240. Serious environmental crime
- Section 241. Conspiracy to engage in dissemination of infectious matter or poisoning hazardous to public health or serious environmental crime
- Section 242. Cultural heritage crime
Chapter 24. Protection of personal freedom and peace
- Section 251. Coercion
- Section 252. Aggravated coercion
- Section 253. Forced marriage
- Section 254. Deprivation of liberty
- Section 255. Aggravated deprivation of liberty
- Section 256. Conspiracy to commit aggravated deprivation of liberty
- Section 257. Human trafficking
- Section 258. Aggravated human trafficking
- Section 259. Slavery
- Section 260. Conspiracy to engage in slavery
- Section 261. Removal from care
- Section 262. Violation of the Marriage Act
- Section 263. Threats
- Section 264. Aggravated threats
- Section 265. Special protection for certain occupational groups
- Section 266. Harassing conduct
- Section 266 a. Serious stalking
- Section 267. Violation of privacy
- Section 268. Unauthorised entry or presence
- Section 269. Repealed
- Section 270. Repealed
Chapter 25. Violent offences, etc.
- Section 271. Physical assault
- Section 272. Aggravated physical assault
- Section 273. Bodily harm
- Section 274. Aggravated bodily harm
- Section 275. Homicide
- Section 276. Consent of the aggrieved person
- Section 277. Contribution to suicide and to considerable self-inflicted harm to someone's body or health
- Section 278. Mercy killing
- Section 279. Conspiracy to commit homicide or inflict considerable harm to someone's body or health
- Section 280. Negligent infliction of considerable harm to someone's body or health
- Section 281. Negligent causing of death
- Section 282. Abuse in close relationships
- Section 283. Aggravated abuse in close relationships
- Section 284. Genital mutilation
- Section 285. Aggravated genital mutilation
- Section 286. Violence against particularly exposed occupational groups
- Section 287. Neglect of duty to assist
- Section 288. Abandonment in helpless state, etc.
Chapter 26. Sexual offences
- Section 291. Sexual assault
- Section 292. Minimum penalty for sexual assault involving intercourse, etc.
- Section 293. Aggravated sexual assault
- Section 294. Grossly negligent sexual assault
- Section 295. Abuse of unequal power relationship, etc.
- Section 296. Sexual activity with inmates, etc. of an institution
- Section 297. Sexual act performed without consent
- Section 298. Sexually offensive conduct in public or without consent
- Section 299. Sexual assault on a child under 14 years of age
- Section 300. Minimum penalty for sexual assault involving intercourse on a child under 14 years of age
- Section 301. Aggravated sexual assault on a child under 14 years of age
- Section 302. Sexual activity with a child between 14 and 16 years of age
- Section 303. Aggravated sexual activity, etc. with a child between 14 and 16 years of age
- Section 304. Sexual act with a child under 16 years of age
- Section 305. Sexually offensive conduct, etc. directed at a child under 16 years of age
- Section 306. Arranging a meeting to commit sexual abuse
- Section 307. Due care requirement with regard to the age of the child
- Section 308. Waiver of penalty
- Section 309. Purchase of sexual services from minors
- Section 310. Showing of sexual abuse of a child or shows which sexualise children
- Section 311. Depiction of sexual abuse of children or depiction which sexualises children
- Section 312. Incest
- Section 313. Sibling incest
- Section 314. Sexual activity between other closely connected persons
- Section 315. Controlling and facilitating prostitution
- Section 316. Purchase of sexual services from adults
- Section 317. Pornography
- Section 318. Prohibition of exhibition
- Section 319. Obligation to consider loss of rights and a restraining order
- Section 320. Regarding liability for damages for defamation
Chapter 27. Crimes of acquisition and similar offences against property rights
- Section 321. Theft
- Section 322. Aggravated theft
- Section 323. Minor theft
- Section 324. Misappropriation
- Section 325. Aggravated misappropriation
- Section 326. Minor misappropriation
- Section 327. Robbery
- Section 328. Aggravated robbery
- Section 329. Conspiracy to commit robbery
- Section 330. Extortion
- Section 331. Aggravated extortion
- Section 332. Receiving proceeds from crime
- Section 333. Aggravated receiving of proceeds from crime
- Section 334. Minor receiving of proceeds from crime
- Section 335. Negligent receiving of proceeds from crime
- Section 336. Conspiracy to receive proceeds from crime
- Section 337. Money laundering
- Section 338. Aggravated money laundering
- Section 339. Minor money laundering
- Section 340. Negligent money laundering
- Section 341. Conspiracy to commit money laundering
- Section 342. Unauthorised use of a motor vehicle, etc.
- Section 343. Unauthorised use of movable property, etc.
- Section 344. Aggravated unauthorised use of movable property
- Section 345. Possession violation
- Section 346. Unauthorised use, etc. of real property
Chapter 28. Vandalism and causing danger to the public
- Section 351. Vandalism
- Section 352. Aggravated vandalism
- Section 353. Minor vandalism
- Section 354. Causing financial loss by deception
- Section 355. Causing danger to the public
- Section 356. Negligently causing danger to the public
- Section 357. Conspiracy to cause danger to the public
- Section 358. Penalty for hindering the prevention of an accident endangering public safety or its consequences
Chapter 29. Protection of confidence in currency and certain documents
- Section 361. Document forgery
- Section 362. Minor document forgery
- Section 363. Destruction of a document, etc.
- Section 364. Removal of a border marker, etc.
- Section 365. False statement intended for use as evidence
- Section 366. Abuse of proof of identity
- Section 367. Currency counterfeiting
- Section 368. Aggravated currency counterfeiting
- Section 369. Preparation for currency counterfeiting
- Section 370. Preparation for document forgery
Chapter 30. Fraud, tax fraud and similar financial crime
- Section 371. Fraud
- Section 372. Aggravated fraud
- Section 373. Minor fraud
- Section 374. Grossly negligent fraud
- Section 375. Insurance fraud
- Section 376. Aggravated insurance fraud
- Section 377. Acts akin to fraud
- Section 378. Tax fraud
- Section 379. Aggravated tax fraud
- Section 380. Grossly negligent tax fraud
- Section 381. Limitation period for tax evasion
- Section 382. Misleading and false company information
- Section 383. Aggravated misleading and false company information
- Section 384. Grossly negligent misleading or false company information
- Section 385. Fraudulent double sale, etc.
- Section 386. Violation of security interest
- Section 387. Corruption
- Section 388. Aggravated corruption
- Section 389. Trading in influence
- Section 390. Breach of financial trust
- Section 391. Aggravated breach of financial trust
- Section 392. Accounting violation
- Section 393. Aggravated accounting violation
- Section 394. Negligent accounting violation
Chapter 31. Protection of creditors
- Section 401. Inappropriate financial operations
- Section 402. Preferential treatment of a creditor
- Section 403. Obstructing recovery by a creditor in separate debt recovery proceedings
- Section 404. Depletion of assets when at risk of insolvency
- Section 405. Aggravated depletion of assets
- Section 406. Grossly negligent depletion of assets in cases of insolvency, etc.
- Section 407. Failure to petition for debt settlement proceedings or bankruptcy
- Section 408. Depletion of an estate during joint debt recovery
- Section 409. Aggravated depletion of an estate during joint debt recovery
- Section 410. Criminal liability for persons other than the debtor. Contributing
Chapter 16. Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
- Part III. Final provisions
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Part I. General provisions
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The Penal Code
Part II. Criminal acts
Chapter 18. Terrorist acts and terrorism-related acts
Section 131.Terrorist acts
A criminal act as specified in sections 138 to 141, section 142 first paragraph, sections 143-144, 192, 238, 239, 240, 255, 257, 274, 275 and 355 is deemed to constitute a terrorist act and is punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 21 years if it has been committed with terrorist intent as specified in the second paragraph.
Terrorist intent exists if an act as specified in the first paragraph is committed with the intention of
Any person who intends to carry out an offence as specified in the first paragraph or section 132, and who commits acts that facilitate and point towards carrying out the offence, shall be subject to punishment for attempt. An attempt is punishable by a milder penalty than is a completed violation. Section 16, second paragraph, applies correspondingly.
The penalty may not be set below the minimum penalty prescribed in the provisions specified in the first paragraph.
🔗Del paragrafSection 132.Aggravated terrorist acts
The penalty for aggravated violation of section 131 is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 30 years. In determining whether the terrorist act is aggravated, particular weight shall be given to whether it
Section 133.Terrorist conspiracy
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years shall be applied to any person who plans or prepares a terrorist act by entering into a conspiracy with another person to commit a criminal act specified in sections 131, 138, 139, 141, 141 a, 142, 143 or 144.
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years shall be applied to any person who enters into a conspiracy to commit a criminal act specified in sections 137 or 140.
🔗Del paragrafSection 134.Terrorist threats
Any person who threatens to commit an act specified in section 131 or sections 137 to 144 shall be subject to a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.
If the threat results in an outcome specified in section 131, second paragraph, the penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 21 years.
🔗Del paragrafSection 135.Terrorist financing
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years shall be applied to any person who illegally provides, receives, sends, procures or raises money or other assets with the intent or knowledge that the resources will be wholly or partly used
The same penalty applies to any person who makes banking or other financial services available to persons or enterprises specified in the first paragraph, b), c) or d).
🔗Del paragrafSection 136.Inciting terrorist acts; recruiting and training for terrorist acts
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 years shall be applied to any person who
Section 136 a.Penalty for participation, etc. in a terrorist organisation
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 years shall be applied to any person who forms, participates in, recruits members into or provides financial or other material support for a terrorist organisation, when the organisation has taken steps to achieve the purpose by unlawful means.
Contribution is not penalised.
🔗Del paragrafSection 136 b.Travel for terrorist purposes
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 years shall be applied to any person who travels to another country with intent to commit, plan or prepare for an act as mentioned in sections 131, 134, 135, 136 or sections 137 to 144.
🔗Del paragrafSection 137.Contribution to evasion of a penalty for terrorist acts
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 years shall be applied to any person who transports, conceals or otherwise contributes to evasion of prosecution or an imposed penalty by a person who has committed a criminal act specified in sections 131, 134 or 135, or sections 138 to 144.
Any person who has provided assistance as specified in the first paragraph to his or her next-of-kin shall not be penalised.
🔗Del paragrafSection 138.Terrorist bombing
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 21 years shall be applied to any person who sends, places, fires or detonates an explosive charge or other potentially lethal device to, in or against a public place, a state or public facility, a public infrastructure facility or a public transport system with intent to cause loss of human life or considerable harm to body, property or the environment.
🔗Del paragrafSection 139.Hijacking of aircraft, ship, or similar
Any person who by violence, threats, technology or other unlawful means forcibly takes control of an aircraft in operation or a ship or interferes with a flight or voyage shall be subject to a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 21 years. The same penalty applies to any person who by such means forcibly takes control of installations or facilities on the continental shelf.
🔗Del paragrafSection 140.Disruption of the safe operation of aircraft, ship, or similar
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 years shall be applied to any person who by violence, destruction on property, communication of incorrect information or other means disrupts the safe operation of an aircraft, airport or ship, or installations or facilities on the continental shelf, and thereby creates a risk of loss of human life or considerable harm to body, property or the environment.
🔗Del paragrafSection 141.Use and release of hazardous substances involving aircraft, ship, or similar
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 years shall be applied to any person who creates a risk of loss of human life or considerable harm to body, property or the environment by
Section 141 a.Hazardous use of aircraft or ship
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 years shall be applied to any person who operates or uses an aircraft or a ship with the intention of thereby causing loss of human life or considerable harm to body, property or the environment.
🔗Del paragrafSection 142.Unlawful involvement with dangerous materials, etc.
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 21 years shall be applied to any person who with intent to create a risk of loss of human life or considerable harm to body, property or the environment unlawfully
The same penalty applies to any person who with intent to cause another person to be forced thereby to perform, submit to or omit to do something, unlawfully
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 years shall be applied to any person who unlawfully receives, possesses, disseminates, transports or otherwise has unlawful involvement with
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years shall be applied to any person who
Section 143.Hostage-taking for terrorist purposes
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 years shall be applied to any person who deprives another person of his or her liberty and who threatens to kill or injure the hostage or to continue the deprivation of liberty with intent to force another person to perform, submit to or omit to do something.
🔗Del paragrafSection 144.Attack on an internationally protected person
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 21 years shall be applied to any person who kills a head of state, a head of government, a foreign minister or any other internationally protected person while such person is outside his or her home country.
A penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 years shall be applied to any person who deprives such a person of his or her liberty or harms him or her bodily, or who perpetrates a violent attack on his or her place of service, residence or means of transport, if the attack creates a risk of death or considerable bodily harm.
🔗Del paragrafSection 145.Participation in military activity in an armed conflict abroad
Any person who illegally participates in military activities in an armed conflict abroad shall be subject to a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 years, unless such person participates on behalf of a government force.
Any person who intends to carry out an offence specified in the first paragraph and who initiates a journey to the area or commits other acts that facilitate and point towards carrying out the offence shall be subject to punishment for attempt. The attempt is punishable by a milder penalty than is a completed violation. Section 16, second paragraph, applies correspondingly.
🔗Del paragrafSection 146.Recruitment for military activity
Any person who recruits another person to participate in unlawful military activity, see section 145, shall be subject to a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years.
🔗Del paragraf