Part of | Post-Soviet states, European Union tax haven blacklist, Eastern Europe |
Inception | 25 Jimada gaji 1991 |
Official name | Российская Федерация |
Native label | Россия, Российская Федерация |
Short name | 🇷🇺, Россия, Росія |
IPA transcription | rɐˈsʲijə |
Official language | Russian |
Anthem | State Anthem of the Russian Federation |
Culture | culture of Russia |
Motto text | Reveal your own Russia, Datgelwch eich Rwsia eich hun, Revela la teva pròpia Rússia |
Continent | Europe |
Country | Russia |
Capital | Moscow |
Located in time zone | UTC+02:00 |
Located in/on physical feature | Eurasia |
Coordinate location | 66°25′0″N 94°15′0″E |
Coordinates of easternmost point | 65°46′52″N 169°3′25″W |
Coordinates of northernmost point | 81°50′35″N 59°14′22″E |
Coordinates of southernmost point | 41°11′7″N 47°46′55″E |
Coordinates of westernmost point | 54°27′30″N 19°38′22″E |
Highest point | Mount Elbrus |
Lowest point | Caspian Sea |
Basic form of government | super-presidential republic |
Office held by head of state | President of Russia |
Head of state | Владимир Владимирович Путин |
Office held by head of government | Prime Minister of Russia |
Head of government | Mikhail Mishustin |
Executive body | Government of Russia |
Legislative body | Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation |
Highest judicial authority | Constitutional Court of Russia, Supreme Court of Russia |
Central bank | Central Bank of Russia |
Currency | Russian ruble |
Driving side | right |
Electrical plug type | Schuko, Europlug |
Follows | Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic |
Replaces | Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Soviet Union |
Studied in | Russian studies |
Official website | |
Hashtag | russia, Russland, Россия |
Top-level Internet domain | .ru, .рф, .рус, .su |
Main regulatory text | Constitution of Russia |
Flag | flag of Russia |
Coat of arms | Coat of arms of Russia |
Geography of topic | geography of Russia |
Has characteristic | not-free country |
History of topic | history of Russia |
List of monuments | Russian cultural heritage register |
Official religion | non-denominational |
Patron saint | Andrew the Apostle |
Separated from | Soviet Union |
Railway traffic side | right |
Open data portal | Open Data Portal Russia |
Economy of topic | economy of Russia |
Demographics of topic | demographics of Russia |
Official observer status in organisation | CERN, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation |
Gregorian calendar start date | 14 Sawan 1918 |
Mobile country code | 250 |
Country calling code | +7 |
Trunk prefix | 8 |
GS1 country code | 460-469 |
Licence plate code | RUS |
Maritime identification digits | 273 |
Unicode character | 🇷🇺 |
Category for honorary citizens of entity | Category:Honorary citizens from Russia by city |
Category for maps or plans | Category:Maps of Russia |
[1]Russia,[b] au kəlakəl Russia bǝ,[c] shima lardə doni gədi Europe bǝ-a yala Asia bǝ-a kəlzənadə. Shima lardə do nəm kura lan dunyalan kurawo, loktu mewun tilon'a kozəna kuru kalangai cidiye lardə'a mewun diyau'a yeksəna. Russia də lardə do zauro bərni'a kuru bəla'a 16 am miliyon fal ma kozəna. Bərni kura lardənzəye shiro kurawo ba də shima Moscow. Saint Petersburg də shima bərni kura Russia ye kən indimi kuru bərni kura adaye
[2]Gədi Slavsyedə kufu asutənamaro Europe lan kate karnu kən 3me-a 8me-alan ciwono. Kəriye gədi slavicye buro salak yǝdə, kievan rus', karnu kən laar melan fəlango, kuru suro saa 988 yǝn adin kərista bǝ orthodoxyedə mairi Byzantineyen gowono. Kievan Rus' də dareram lan tartəna; Grand Duchy Moscow ye də shima lardə'a Russia ye'a kəlta'a fuwuzə, kuru adəye səkə Tsardom of Russia ye də'a warmatəgə badiwono suro saa 1547 yen. Badiyaram karnu kən 18th ye lan, Russia yǝ zauro faraktəna kəriwu'a, kəlta'a, kuru kasadə'a am bəla'a Russia ye'a wuzəna so'a, Russia ro wallono. Daula, shi doni gargamlan daula kura kən yakkəmewo. Attəson yayi, fitəna Russia yǝ suro saa 1917yen,
kərmai kərmaiye Russia yǝ də baro tədəna kuru dareramman Russia yǝ SFSR-- dunyaye kərmai kəla jamaye buro salak yǝ. Ngawo kəriwu fato Russia ye lan, Russia ye SFSR ye Soviet Union dəga kərmai Soviet ye yakkə'a kokkono, surodən shima kam kura kuru kura wo. Kəla am miliyon kadaye kəlanzayen, Soviet Union də suro saa 1930s yen cidaram kura sədəna kuru darelan faida kada sədəna kəriwu dunyabe kən indimi dəro, kasadə kura-kura Eastern Front ye dəro. Badiyaram kəriwu Cold War ye lan, United States'a gaska sədəna kəla nəm nguwu raayibe-a kuru taasir dunyabe-a nankaro. Zaman Soviet ye karnu kən 20th ye də zauro faida'a nzunduye Russia ye lan suruna, surodən sailna kamye sata'a kuru buro salak ye də'a na diyayero suwudəna.