- 1-3 Balance of payments in Q4 2024
by Pavel Trunin & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel - 1-4 Income inequality in Russia to stop growing in 2025
by Andrei Polbin & Tatiana Ivakhnenko - 1-4 Rapid growth in money supply keeps maintaining high inflation
by Pavel Trunin & Evgeniy Goryunov & Maria Chembulatova - 1-6 Foreign trade outcome in 2024
by Alexander Knobl & Alexander Firanchuk
2024, Issue 7
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Alexander Deryugin & Andrey Kaukin & Evgenia Miller & Alexander Knobel & Alexander Firanchuk
2024, Issue 6
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Yuriy Perevyshin & Pavel Trunin & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Andrei Polbin & Andrei Zubarev & Konstantin Rybak & Andrei Kaukin & Evgenia Miller & Alexandra Savina & Yuriy Zaitsev
2024, Issue 5
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Pavel Trunin & Yuriy Perevyshin & Ilya Sokolov & Tatiana Tischenko & Alexander Deryugin & Alexander Knobel & Alexander Firanchuk
2024, Issue 4
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Pavel Trunin & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Evgenia Miller & Andrei Zubarev & Kirill Shilov & Andrei Polbin & Nikita Fokin
2024, Issue 3
- 1-16 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Yuriy Perevyshin & Pavel Trunin & Alexander Deryugin & Andrei Kaukin & Evgenia Miller
2024, Issue 2
- 1-26 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Pavel Trunin & Alexander Knobel & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Ilya Sokolov & Tatiana Tischenko & Alexander Deryugin & Alexander Firanchuk & Yuriy Zaitsev
2024, Issue 1
- 1-12 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Evgenia Miller & Andrey Kaukin & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Pavel Trunin & Yuriy Perevyshin
2023, Issue 10
- 1-14 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Evgenia Miller & Andrey Kaukin & Alexander Knobel & Alexander Firanchuk & Igor Efremov
2023, Issue 9
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Yuri Perevyshin & Pavel Trunin & Yuriy Zaitsev & Ilya Sokolov & Tatiana Tischenko & Alexander Deryugin & Sergei Zubov & Evgenia Miller
2023, Issue 8
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Pavel Trunin & Yuriy Zaitsev & Ksenia Kasianova & Andrey Kaukin & Evgenia Miller & Sergei Zubov
2023, Issue 7
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Yuriy Perevyshin & Pavel Trunin & Alexander Deryugin & Sergey Zubov & Igor Efremov
2023, Issue 6
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Sergey Drobyshevsky & Elena Sinelnikova-Muryleva & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Pavel Trunin & Sergey Zubov & Antonina Levashenko & Alexandra Koval
2023, Issue 5
- 1-14 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development
by Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Kazakova Yulia & Sokolov Ilya & Tischenko Tatiana & Deryugin Alexander
2023, Issue 4
- 1-12 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development
by Perevyshin Yuri & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Kaukin Andrei & Miller Evgenia
2023, Issue 3
- 1-11 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Efremov Igor
2023, Issue 2
- 1-25 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development
by Sokolov Ilya & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrei & Miller Evgenia & Zubov Sergey
2023, Issue 1
- 1-14 Monitoring of Russia`s Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Perevyshin Yury & Zubov Sergey
2022, Issue 12
- 1-15 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Perevyshin Yuri & Deryugin Alexander & Zubov Sergey
2022, Issue 11
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Belev Sergey & Tischenko Tatiana & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Lyashok Victor & Agranovich Mark & Ermachkova Julia & Livenets Marina
2022, Issue 10
- 1-28 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Deryugin Alexander & Semenova Elena & Zubov Sergey & Lomteva Elena & Bedareva Larisa & Perevshin Yuri & Dzhunkeev Urmat & Chembulatova Maria
2022, Issue 9
- 1-35 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Kaukin Andrey & Lyashok Viktor & Miller Evgenia & Perevshin Yuri & Dzhunkeev Urmat & Chembulatova Maria
2022, Issue 8
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Lyashok Viktor & Shagaida Natalia & Ternovskiy Dmitry
2022, Issue 7
- 1-28 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Dzhunkeev Urmat & Perevshin Yuri & Trunin Pavel & Chembulatova Maria & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Zubov Sergey & Klimanov Vladimir & Zemlyansky Dmitry & Florinskaya Yulia
2022, Issue 6
- 1-37 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Ponomareva Ekaterina & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Sitkevich D. & Lomteva Elena & Bedareva Larisa & Perevshin Yuri & Dzhunkeev Urmat & Chembulatova Maria
2022, Issue 5
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Lyashok Viktor & Abramov Alexander & Sinelnikova-Muryleva Elena & Chernova Maria & Zubov Sergey & Kosyrev Andrey
2022, Issue 4
- 1-13 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Sokolov Ilya & Deryugin Alexander & Zubov Sergey
2022, Issue 3
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Shagaida Natalia & Klyachko Tatiana & Tokareva Galina & Zubov Sergey & Ternovskiy Dmitry
2022, Issue 2
- 1-13 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Perevshin Yuri & Trunin Pavel
2022, Issue 1
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Ponomarev Yuri & Abramov Alexander & Chernova Maria & Zubov Sergey & Kosyrev Andrey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria
2021, Issue 21
- 1-18 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Deryugin Alexander & Zubov Sergey & Polushkina Anna & Kovalenko Alexei & Polushkina Elena
2021, Issue 20
- 1-16 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Zubarevich Natalia & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Zubov Sergey & Tsukhlo Sergey
2021, Issue 19
- 1-15 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Knobel Alexander & Zaitsev Yuri & Klyachko Tatiana & Semenova Elena & Larionova Marina
2021, Issue 18
- 1-20 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Abramov Alexander & Kosyrev Andrey & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria & Ternovskiy Dmitry & Shagaida Natalia
2021, Issue 17
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Lyashok Viktor & Sokolov Ilya & Zubov Sergey & Gorlin Yuri
2021, Issue 16
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Zubarevich Natalia & Zubov Sergey & Tsukhlo Sergey & Klyachko Tatiana & Semenova Elena
2021, Issue 15
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Abramov Alexander & Kosyrev Andrey & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria
2021, Issue 14
- 1-29 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Ponomarev Yuri & Belev Sergey & Miller Evgenia & Tishchenko Tatiana & Zubov Sergey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Borzykh Ksenia
2021, Issue 13
- 1-20 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Lyashok Viktor & Lomteva Elena & Bedareva Larisa
2021, Issue 12
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Tsukhlo Sergey & Zubarevich Natalia & Ponomarev Yuri & Zubov Sergey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Borzhyh K.
2021, Issue 11
- 1-16 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Klyachko Tatiana & Burdyak Alexandra & Tokareva Galina & Semenova Elena & Zubov Sergey
2021, Issue 10
- 1-16 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Belev Sergey & Zubov Sergey & Mkrtchian Nikita & Florinskaya Yulia
2021, Issue 9
- 1-27 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Ponomarev Yuri & Abramov Alexander & Chernova Maria & Zubov Sergey & Kosyrev Andrey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Borzhyh K.
2021, Issue 8
- 1-15 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Sinelnikova-Muryleva Elena
2021, Issue 7
- 1-18 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Ponomarev Yuri & Radchenko Daria & Makarov Andrey & Borzhyh K. & Lyashok Viktor & Polbin Andrei & Fokin Nikita & Tsukhlo Sergey
2021, Issue 6
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Semenova Elena & Iskhakova Farida & Evseev Aleksei
2021, Issue 5
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Grebenkina Alina & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Kazenin Konstantin
2021, Issue 4
- 1-22 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Ponomarev Yuri & Zubov Sergey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Borzhyh K.
2021, Issue 3
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Loginov Dmitry & Klyachko Tatiana & Belev Sergey & Burdyak Alexandra & Tishchenko Tatiana & Zubov Sergey & Ternovskiy Dmitry & Lomteva Elena & Bedareva Larisa
2021, Issue 2
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Ponomarev Yuri & Miller Evgenia & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Borzhyh K.
2021, Issue 1
- 1-25 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Radygin Alexandr & Ponomarev Yuri & Lyashok Viktor & Abramov Alexander & Chernova Maria & Zubov Sergey & Kosyrev Andrey & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria & Borzhyh K.
2020, Issue 21
- 1-18 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Zubov Sergey & Ternovskiy Dmitry & Shagaida Natalia & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita
2020, Issue 20
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Abramov Alexander & Radygin Alexandr & Kosyrev Andrey & Chernova Maria & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Zubov Sergey & Tsukhlo Sergey & Ponomarev Yuri & Borzykh Ksenia & Makarov Andrey & Radchenko Daria
2020, Issue 19
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Iskhakova Farida & Evseev Aleksei & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Deryugin Alexander & Klyachko Tatiana & Loginov Dmitry & Lomteva Elena & Semenova Elena
2020, Issue 18
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Ponomarev Yuri & Radchenko D. & Makarov Andrey & Borzhyh K. & Kazenin Konstantin & Zubarevich Natalia & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia
2020, Issue 17
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Radygin Alexandr & Abramov Alexander & Sokolov Ilya & Chernova Maria & Zubov Sergey & Kosyrev Andrey
2020, Issue 16
- 1-22 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Ponomarev Yuri & Radchenko D. & Makarov Andrey & Borzhyh K. & Zubov Sergey & Burdyak Alexandra & Tsukhlo Sergey
2020, Issue 15
- 1-22 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Gorlin Yuri & Lyashok Viktor & Ternovskiy Dmitry & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia
2020, Issue 14
- 1-22 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Abramov Alexander & Kosarev Andrey & Radygin Alexandr & Chernova Maria & Levashenko Antonina & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander
2020, Issue 13
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Levashenko Antonina & Magomedova O. & Sinelnikova-Muryleva Elena & Trunin Pavel & Evseev Aleksei & Iskhakova Farida & Deryugin Alexander
2020, Issue 12
- 1-32 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Kazenin Konstantin & Lyashok Viktor & Rogozin D. & Vyugovskaya E.
2020, Issue 11
- 1-38 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Zubarev Andrei & Shilov K. & Trunin Pavel & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Deryugin Alexander & Belev Sergey & Vedev Alexey & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Knobel Alexander & Miller Evgenia
2020, Issue 10
- 1-25 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Radygin Alexandr & Potapova A. & Levashenko Antonina & Girich Maria & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Sokolov Ilya
2020, Issue 9
- 1-26 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Knobel Alexander & Levashenko Antonina & Koval A. & Milogolov Nikolai & Gromov Vladimir & Zemtsov Tsepan & Tsareva Yulia
2020, Issue 8
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Tishchenko Tatiana & Pavlov Pavel & Goryunov Evgeny & Belev Sergey & Makeeva Natalia & Grebenkina Alina
2020, Issue 7
- 1-48 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bobylev Yuri & Florinskaya Yulia & Radygin Alexandr & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Larionova Marina & Sakharov A. & Shelepov A. & Miller Evgenia & Flegontova Tatiana & Chernova Maria & Ponomareva Olga & Kosyrev A.
2020, Issue 6
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Tokareva Galina & Iskhakova Farida & Evseev Aleksei & Goryunov Evgeny & Sokolov Ilya & Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Semenova Elena
2020, Issue 5
- 1-18 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Zubov Sergey & Makarentseva Alla & Khasanova Ramilya & Levashenko Antonina & Girich M.
2020, Issue 4.1 (Special)
- 1-9 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-Economic Development
by Vedev Alexei & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Sokolov Ilya
2020, Issue 4
- 1-26 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Belev Sergey & Sokolov Ilya & Arlashkin Igor & Tishchenko Tatiana & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia
2020, Issue 3
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Tsukhlo Sergey & Shagaida Natalia & Lyashok Viktor & Dobrolyubova E. & Potapova A. & Zubov Sergey
2020, Issue 2
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Zubov Sergey
2020, Issue 1
- 1-16 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bobylev Yuri & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Mikhailova Tatiana
2019, Issue 18
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Belev Sergey & Tishenko Tatiana & Deryugin Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Zubov Sergey & Burdyak Alexandra
2019, Issue 17
- 1-22 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Idrisov Georgy & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Pleskachev Yuri & Zaitsev Yuri & Zybov S.
2019, Issue 16
- 1-26 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Uzun Vasily & Trunin Pavel & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Sokolov Ilya & Nazarov Vladimir & Avxentyev N.
2019, Issue 15
- 1-18 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Knobel Alexander & Pyzhikov N. & Tsukhlo Sergey & Vedev Alexey & Zubarevich Natalia & Khasanova Ramilya
2019, Issue 14
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Deryugin Alexander & Kazenin Konstantin & Tishchenko Tatiana & Vedev Alexey
2019, Issue 13
- 1-14 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Lyashok Viktor & Avraamova Elena
2019, Issue 12
- 1-16 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bobylev Yuri & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Tsukhlo Sergey & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita
2019, Issue 11
- 1-22 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Larionova Marina & Miller Evgenia & Antonova M. & Potapova A.
2019, Issue 10
- 1-18 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Zubarevich Natalia
2019, Issue 9
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Knobel Alexander & Klyachko Tatiana & Tishchenko Tatiana & Poliakova Aleksandra & Zaitsev Yuri
2019, Issue 8
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Avdonina A.
2019, Issue 7
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Uzun Vasily & Vedev Alexey & Khasanova Ramilya & Lavrischeva A.
2019, Issue 6
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia`s Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita & Dobrolyubova E. & Yuzhakov V.
2019, Issue 5
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Khudko Elizaveta & Mikhailova Tatiana & Gadiy Ludmila & Sherbustanova Maria
2019, Issue 4
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bobylev Yuri & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Zubarev Andrei
2019, Issue 3
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Shagaida Natalia & Lyashok Viktor & Tishchenko Tatiana & Pavlov Pavel
2019, Issue 2
- 1-25 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Abramov Alexander & Miller Evgenia & Lavrischeva A. & Zhemkova A.
2019, Issue 1
- 1-16 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Burdyak Alexandra & Eliseeva Marina
2018, Issue 22
- 1-18 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Idrisov Georgy & Bobylev Yuri & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita & Miller Evgenia & Zhemkova A.
2018, Issue 21
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Zubarevich Natalia
2018, Issue 20
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Deryugin Alexander & Tishchenko Tatiana & Zaitsev Yuri
2018, Issue 19
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Khudko Elizaveta
2018, Issue 18
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Kazakova Maria & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Grishina Elena & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Vedev Alexey & Komarnitskaya Anna & Tsatsura Elena
2018, Issue 17
- 1-16 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Lyashok Viktor & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Gadiy Ludmila & Sherbustanova Maria
2018, Issue 16
- 1-20 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Idrisov Georgy & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Uzun Vasily & Shagaida Natalia & Pavlov Pavel
2018, Issue 15
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Deryugin Alexander & Lyashok Viktor & Tishchenko Tatiana & Lopatina Marina
2018, Issue 14
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Lavrischeva A.
2018, Issue 13
- 1-20 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita
2018, Issue 12
- 1-18 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Trunin Pavel & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Poliakova Aleksandra & Polbin Andrei
2018, Issue 11
- 1-30 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Khromov Mikhail & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Khudko Elizaveta & Zaitsev Yuri & Aliev Timur & Flegontova Tatiana
2018, Issue 10
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Tishchenko Tatiana
2018, Issue 9
- 1-17 Title: Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Belev Sergey & Burdyak Alexandra
2018, Issue 8
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Zaitsev Yuri
2018, Issue 7
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Berezinskaya Olga & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsarev Yuri & Kosarev A. & Sinigina N. & Barinova Vera
2018, Issue 6
- 1-20 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bobylev Yuri & Tsukhlo Sergey & Khasanova Ramilya & Tretiakova Elena & Osmakov Vasiliy
2018, Issue 5
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Lyashok Viktor & Belev Sergey & Tishchenko Tatiana & Pavlov Pavel
2018, Issue 4
- 1-27 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey
2018, Issue 3
- 1-30 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Shagaida Natalia & Abramov Alexander & Miller Evgenia & Levashenko Antonina & Koval A. & Danilov Yuri
2018, Issue 2
- 1-27 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Sinelnikov-Murylev Sergey & Drobyshevsky Sergey & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Khasanova Ramilya
2018, Issue 1
- 1-27 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita & Zubarevich Natalia & Mikhailova Tatiana & Levashenko A. & Koval A. & Aksyuk S.
2017, Issue 23
- 1-17 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bobylev Yuri & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey
2017, Issue 22
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Ponomarev Yuri & Klyachko Tatiana & Burdyak Alexandra & Tokareva Galina & Pleskachev Yuri & Zaitsev Yuri
2017, Issue 21
- 1-27 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Lyashok Viktor
2017, Issue 20
- 1-20 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita & Goryunov Evgeny & Vedev Alexey
2017, Issue 19
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Nazarov Vladimir
2017, Issue 18
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Deryugin Alexander & Burdyak Alexandra & Gromov Vladimir & Korytin Andrey & Patel Svetlana
2017, Issue 17
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Bobylev Yuri & Rasenko Oleg & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Zaitsev Yuri
2017, Issue 16
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Shagaida Natalia & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Miller Evgenia & Sokolov Ilya & Malinina Tatiana
2017, Issue 15
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Miller Evgenia & Tishchenko Tatiana
2017, Issue 14
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Gorshkova Taisiya
2017, Issue 13
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Larionova Marina & Magomedov Rustam & Makarentseva Alla & Gordeev Vladimir
2017, Issue 12
- 1-27 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bobylev Yuri & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian Nikita
2017, Issue 11
- 1-27 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Kaukin Andrey & Ponomarev Yuri & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Miller Evgenia & Pleskachev Yuri & Khudko Elizaveta
2017, Issue 10
- 1-30 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Lyashok Viktor & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Arlashkin Igor
2017, Issue 9
- 1-27 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Berezinskaya Olga & Fomina Elena & Burdyak Alexandra & Sokolov Ilya & Tishchenko Tatiana
2017, Issue 8
- 1-26 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Kaukin Andrey & Gurevich Vladimir & Miller Evgenia
2017, Issue 7
- 1-26 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Shagaida Natalia & Gurevich Vladimir
2017, Issue 6
- 1-21 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Gurevich Vladimir & Zolotareva Anna
2017, Issue 5
- 1-24 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Trunin Pavel & Ponomareva Ekaterina & Zubarevich Natalia & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Larionova M. & Sakharov A. & Shelepov A. & Gurevich Vladimir & Magomedov R. & Rakhmangulov M.
2017, Issue 4
- 1-28 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Avraamova Elena & Loginov Dmitry & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Mamedov Arseny & Fomina Elena & Gurevich Vladimir
2017, Issue 3
- 1-28 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bobylev Yuri & Uzun Vasily & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Gurevich Vladimir & Miller Evgenia & Burdyak Alexandra
2017, Issue 2
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Lyashok V.
2017, Issue 1
- 1 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Loginova Daria & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Averkiev Vladimir
2016, Issue 38
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia & Gurevich Vladimir & Miller Evgenia
2016, Issue 37
- 1-20 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchyan Nikita & Mamedov Arseny & Fomina Elena & Gurevich Vladimir
2016, Issue 36
- 1-22 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Bobylev Yuri & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Goryunov Evgeny & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey & Gurevich Vladimir
2016, Issue 35
- 1-23 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Idrisov Georgy & Avraamova Elena & Tsukhlo Sergey & Shagaida Natalia & Kaukin Andrey & Gurevich Vladimir & Loginov Dmitry & Pavlov Pavel
2016, Issue 34
- 1-29 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Grishina Elena & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Burdyak Alexandra & Gurevich Vladimir & Sokolov Ilya
2016, Issue 33
- 1-19 Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Vedev Alexey & Gurevich Vladimir
2016, Issue 32
- 1-27 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Idrisov Georgy & Loginova D. & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Tsukhlo Sergey & Uzun Vasily & Kaukin Andrey & Zubarevich Natalia
2016, Issue 31
- 1-27 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Grishina Elena & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Deryugin Alexander & Burdyak Alexandra
2016, Issue 30
- 1-25 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Berezinskaya Olga & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Ponomarev Yuri & Polyakova Alexandra
2016, Issue 29
- 1-26 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Loginov D. & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Goryunov Evgeny & Kiyutsevskaya Anna & Larionova M. & Sakharov A. & Shelepov A. & Avraamova A.
2016, Issue 28
- 1-28 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bobylev Yuri & Rasenko O. & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Shagaida Natalia & Kiyutsevskaya Anna
2016, Issue 27
- 1-24 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Kazakova Maria & Idrisov Georgy & Tsukhlo Sergey & Lyashok Viktor
2016, Issue 26
- 1-27 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Firanchuk Alexander & Shagaida Natalia & Mamedov Arseny & Fomina Elena & Zubarevich Natalia
2016, Issue 25
- 1-22 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Idrisov Georgy & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Khromov Mikhail & Tsukhlo Sergey & Goryunov Evgeny & Deryugin Alexander & Kaukin Andrey
2016, Issue 24
- 1-27 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Drobyshevsky Sergey & Turuntseva Marina & Bozhechkova Alexandra & Trunin Pavel & Knobel Alexander & Firanchuk Alexander & Khromov Mikhail & Averkiev Vladimir & Shishkina Ekaterina & Uzun Vasily & Florinskaya Yulia & Mkrtchian N. & Shagaida Natalia
2016, Issue 23
- 1-27 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Mikhail Khromov & Yuri Bobylev & Sergey Tsukhlo & E. Avraamova & D. Loginov & O. Rasenko & Ekaterina Ponomareva & Sergey Sudakov
2016, Issue 22
- 1-27 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Sergey Tsukhlo & Elena Grishina & Pavel Trunin & Alexander Firanchuk & Olga Berezinskaya
2016, Issue 21
- 1-30 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Arseny Mamedov & Evgenia Fomina & Mikhail Khromov & Natalia Shagaida & Natalia Zubarevich & Pavel Pavlov & Vasily Uzun
2016, Issue 20
- 1-22 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Arseny Mamedov & Evgenia Fomina & Alexandra Bozhechkova & Sergey Tsukhlo & Pavel Trunin & Victor Lyashok
2016, Issue 19
- 1-26 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Sergey Drobyshevsky & Marina Turuntseva & Michael Khromov & Yuri Bobylev & Arseny Mamedov & Evgenia Fomina & Viktoria Petrenko & Vasily Uzun
2015, Issue 18
- 1-26 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Alexandra Bozhechkova & Alexander Knobel & Georgy Idrisov & Yuri Ponomarev & Sergey Tsukhlo & Pavel Trunin & Sergey Sudakov & Alexandra Burdyak & Elena Grishina
2015, Issue 17
- 1-26 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook
by Sergey Drobyshevsky & Mikhail Khromov & Maria Kazakova & Sergey Tsukhlo & Natalia Shagaida & Natalia Zubarevich
2015, Issue 16
- 1-26 Online Monitoring of Russia's Economic Outlook. Trends and Challenges of Socio-economic Development
by Georgy Idrisov & Mikhail Khromov & Evgeny Goryunov & Alexander Knobel & Yuri Ponomarev & Alexander Deryugin & Julia Florinskaya & Nikita Mkrtchan