August 2004, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 255-256 Book Review: Liberalisation and Labour (Labour Flexibility in Indian Manufacturing)
by D. K. Panigrahi - 256-257 Book Review: Extending the Eclectic Paradigm in International Business: Essays in Honor of John Dunning
by V. L. Rao - 257-259 Book Review: Human Resource Management in Japan: Changes and Uncertainties—A New Human Resource Management System Fitting to the Global Economy
by Debi S. Saini - 259-264 Book Review: Management and Language: The Manager as a Practical Author
by Shiva K. Srinivasan - 264-265 Book Review: Regional Innovation Policy for Small-Medium Enterprises
by M. M. Anand - 265-268 Book Review: Strategic Affiliate Marketing
by Mukul P. Gupta - 268-271 Book Review: Technology Transfer: Strategic Management in Developing Countries
by Pradip K. Bhaumik - 271-274 Book Review: Negotiated Change—Collective Bargaining, Liberalization and Restructuring in India
by Debi S. Saini - 274-276 Book Review: Cross-Cultural Management: Volume I—The Theory of Culture, Volume II—Managing Cultural Differences
by V. Chandra - 277-289 Making of
by Ramesh Behl
February 2004, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 1-14 Outward Looking Policies and Economic Development: A Case of Taiwan since 1952
by Kishore G. Kulkarni & Qixiang Sun - 15-25 Impact of Follower Personality and Organizational Structure on Transformational Leadership
by Haritha Vashti Kandalla & Venkat R. Krishnan - 27-49 Mapping Cultural Diversity within India: A Meta-analysis of Some Recent Studies
by Abinash Panda & Rajen K. Gupta - 51-71 Influence of TV Advertisements on Children's Buying Response: Role of Parent-Child Interaction
by D.P.S. Verma & Neeru Kapoor - 73-96 Partnerships for Urban Infrastructure Development in India
by Ashok Kumar - 97-111 Managerial and Organizational Trends in a BOT Treatment: A Study in the Indonesian Telecommunications Sector
by Cecil A. L. Pearson & Lanny V. Entrekin & Tengku H. Safina - 113-126 The Singapore Mobile Market: A Diagnostic Study
by Vinayshil Gautam & Sanjay Sinha - 129-130 Book Reviews : Debashis Sarkar, Quality in Business—76 Mantras for Managers. New Delhi: Response Books (a division of Sage Publications), 2003, 180 pp., Rs 185 (Pb)
by M. Panduranga Vithal - 130-131 Book Reviews : Jagdeep Kapoor, 18 Brand Astras: Using Brand Abilities as Weapons for CRISP Brand Building. New Delhi: Response Books (a division of Sage Publications), 2003, 134 pp., Rs 160 (Pb)
by S. Balasubramanian - 131-135 Book Reviews : Shivganesh Bhargava (ed.), Transformational Leadership: Value-based Management for Indian Organizations. New Delhi: Response Books (a division of Sage Publications), 2003, 296 pp., price not known (Pb)
by Ishwar Dayal - 135-138 Book Reviews : Hamid Etemad and Richard Wright (eds), Globalization and Entrepreneurship: Policy and Strategy Perspectives. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. 251, price not mentioned
by V.K. Kumar - 139-141 Book Reviews : Peter Boxall and John Purcell, Strategy and Human Resource Management. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, xii + 287 pp., £24.99 (Pb)
by Debi S. Saini - 142-144 Book Reviews : David Clutterbuck and Belle Rose Ragins, Mentoring and Diversity—An International Perspective. Oxford and Woburn, MA: Burrerworth-Heinemann, 2002, xii + 301 pp., price not mentioned (Pb)
by Debi S. Saini - 145-153 Book Reviews : Frank-Jurgen Richter and Pamela C.M. Mar (eds), Recreating Asia: Visions for a New Century. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons (Asia), 2002, xxxi + 314 pp
by Bhanoji Rao - 153-155 Book Reviews : Ruet Joel (ed.), Against the Current Organizational Restructuring of State Electricity Boards. New Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributors, 2003, 224 pp., Rs 500
by Asha Prasad - 155-157 Book Reviews : Andrew Leyshon, Roger Lee and Colin C. Williams (eds), Alternative Economic Spaces. London: Sage Publications, 2003, xi + 203 pp., £19.99 (Pb)
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam - 157-158 Book Reviews : Kuriakose Mamkoottam, Labour and Change: Essays on Globalization, Technological Change and Labour in India. New Delhi: Response Books (a division of Sage Publications), 2003, 182 pp., Rs 250 (pb)
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam - 158-160 Book Reviews : S.R. Mohnot, Reinventing the Public Sector. New Delhi: Samskriti, 2003, xxii + 385 pp., Rs 675 (Hb)
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam
August 2003, Volume 4, Issue 2
- 213-226 Designing Innovative Organizations in Malaysia: Do Structure and Culture Matter?
by Muhamad Jantan & Aizzat Mohd Nasurdin & Nur Fitriah Ahmed Fadzil - 229-237 Have the Monetary and Fiscal Policies been Effective in India?
by Kishore G. Kulkarni & Sweta C. Saxena - 238-238 Managing Dyadic Interactions in Organizational Leadership
by Kanika T. Bhal & Mahfooz A. Ansari - 239-254 Employing Quality of Manpower to Leverage Emergent Strategy: The Case of Indian Software Firms
by Parthasarathi Banerjee - 257-269 Strategic Management of Bio-Pharmaceutical Knowledge for Improved R&D Productivity
by Mohan R.K. Nimmagadda & B.V.L.S. Prasad - 271-283 Export Instability and Economic Growth in Pakistan
by Mohammad Pervez Wasim - 285-291 Paradigm Shift and Dimensions of Work Culture: Implications for Organizations
by Bhupen K. Srivastava & Mamta Panda
February 2003, Volume 4, Issue 1
- 1-13 The Relevance of Non-tariff Barriers to Regional Trade: Experiences of South African Exporters
by Warner Soontiens - 15-25 Vertically Challenged or Set to Metamorphosize? A Preliminary Assessment of Organizational Communication in Singapore
by Valerie Priscilla Goby - 27-39 Preparedness for Innovation: An Indian Perspective
by G.S. Das - 41-56 Consumer Satisfaction and Perceived Quality of Out-patient Health-care Services
by Vidyadhar Reddy Aileni - 57-76 Competitiveness of Indian Apparel Export Firms: An Analysis of Select Delhi-based Firms
by Anuradha Balaram & Surendra S. Yadav & Rajat K. Baisya - 77-98 Cross-cultural Comparisons of HRM Styles: Based on Japanese Companies, Japanese Subsidiaries in Bangladesh and Bangladesh Companies1
by Md Khasro Miah & Mitsuru Wakabayashi & Norihiko Takeuchi - 99-114 Strategic Human Resource Management Approaches to Workforce Diversity in Japan—Harnessing Corporate Culture for Organizational Competitiveness1
by Darren McDonald - 115-129 Resource Strategy and Signals to Resources Market in Indian Software
by Parthasarathi Banerjee - 131-151 HIVIAIDS and the Workplace: Challenges and Responses
by Premilla D'Cruz - 153-168 Energy Saving Initiatives in Lighting in India vis-Ã -vis the International Experience: A Focus on Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)
by Arun Kumar & Sudhir K. Jain & N.K. Bansal - 171-173 Book Reviews : Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura, Luis Rubalcaba-Bermejo and J.R. Bryson (eds), Trading Services in the Global Economy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2002, xiv+301 pp
by Bhanoji Rao - 173-177 Book Reviews : Charles Harvey and Boon-Chye Lee, Globalisation and SMEs in East Asia. Chelternham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2002, 318 pp., £69.95 [ISBN: 1-84064-323-4] (Hb). Charles Harvey and Boon-Chye Lee, The Role of SMEs in National Economies in East Asia. Chelternham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2002, 404 pp., £75 [ISBN: 1-84064-324-2] (Hb)
by Ashoka Chandra - 177-180 Book Reviews : R.C. Sekhar, Ethical Choices in Business (second edition). New Delhi: Response Books (a division of Sage Publications), 2002, 308 pp., Rs 290 [ISBN: 0-7619-9718-0] (Pb)
by M.V. Lakshmi - 180-186 Book Reviews : Ken N. Kamoche, Sociological Paradigms and Human Resources: An African Context. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2000, ix+209 pp., £ 39 (Hb). Aharon Tziner, Human Resource Management and Organization Behaviour. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2002, xii+374 pp., £ 52.50 (Hb). Farhad Analoui (ed.), The Changing Pattern of Human Resource Management. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2002, xi+283 pp., £ 42.50 (Hb)
by Debi S. Saini - 186-192 Book Reviews : The Evolution of the State Bank of India: 1921-1955—The Era of The Imperial Bank of India, vol. 3, New Delhi: State Bank of India and Sage Publications, 2003, 674 pp., Rs 1,100
by Ahindra Chakrabarti - 192-193 Book Reviews : A. Thillai Rajan, The Old, The New and All in Between—A Process Study of the Pioneering Power Sector Reform in Orissa. New Delhi: Classical Publishing Company, 2002, 240 pp., Rs 300 [ISBN: 81-7054-348-7] (Hb)
by K. Rangarajan - 193-195 Book Reviews : Manik Kher, Technology Assimilation in Joint Ventures: The Indo-MNC Experience, New Delhi: Response Books (a division of Sage Publications), 2001, 158 pp., Rs 325
by P.K. Bhaumik - 195-196 Book Reviews : J.C. Verma and Gurpal Singh, Small Business and Industry: A Handbook for Entrepreneurs. New Delhi: Response Books (a division of Sage Publications), 2002, 320 pp., Rs 290 (Pb)
by Ravi Shankar - 196-197 Book Reviews : Vasant C. Joshi and Vinay V. Joshi, Managing Indian Banks: The Challenges Ahead (second edition). New Delhi: Response Books (a division of Sage Publications), 2002, 341 pp., Rs 350
by S.K. Chaudhuri - 197-199 Book Reviews : Denise Tsang, Business Strategy and National Culture: US and Asia Pacific Microcomputer Multinationals in Europe, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2002, 251 pp., £ 59.95 (Hb)
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam - 201-211 Indian Cricketers Encounter Ambush Marketing 2002
by S. Balasubramanian & Barjibnder Singh & Alagu Singaram
August 2002, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 195-199 Editors' Introduction
by Bibek Debroy & Rahul Mukherji - 200-200 Entrepreneurial Policies and Strategies
by Mathew J. Manimala - 201-223 Ideological Contradictions in an Era of Coalitions: Economic Policy Confusion in the Vajpayee Government
by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta - 224-224 Entrepreneurship and Innovation
by Rabindra N. Kanungo - 225-245 A New Development Paradigm: Employment, Entitlement and Empowerment
by Arvind Virmani - 246-246 A New Institutional Approach to Economic Development
by Satu Kähkonen & Mancur Olson - 247-258 Economic Policy in a Democratic Polity: Reforms-from Rajiv Gandhi to the Twenty-first Century
by Mani Shankar Aiyar - 259-269 The Emerging Tasks Ahead
by Amit Mitra & Pyaralal Raghavan - 270-270 Financial and Consultancy Services: Issues in International Trade
by V.L. Rao & Jan ter Wengel - 271-287 Poverty, Food Security and Human Security
by Yoginder K. Alagh - 288-288 Management and Cultural Values
by Henry S. R. Kao & Durganand Sinha & Bernhard Wilpert - 289-298 Liberalization of Electric Power in India
by Sanjeev S. Ahluwalia - 299-310 The Politics of Labour Reforms in India
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam - 312-312 Managing Dyadic Interactions in Organizational Leadership
by Kanika T. Bhal & Mahfooz A. Ansari - 313-320 Reforming the State: Government Initiatives and People's Movements
by Samuel Paul - 321-340 The Geography of Post-1991 Indian Economy
by Laveesh Bhandari & Aarti Khare - 341-349 Reforms and Small Scale Industries in India
by Anil Bhardwaj - 350-350 Globalization and Nationalism
by Baldev Raj Nayar - 351-367 Small Scale Industries in the Liberalized Era Beg for Attention
by B. Yerram Raju - 369-397 Book Reviews
by N/A
February 2002, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Relation of Partner Entrepreneurial Characteristics to Strategic Alliance Success: A Comparative US-China Study
by Robert J. Mockler & Dorothy G. Dologite & Marc E. Gartenfeld - 25-37 Issues in Strategy1: Some Discussions of Irreverence
by Ajit Prasad - 39-52 Positive Action: Cultural Insights into Motivation
by C. Panduranga Bhatta - 53-61 Purchasing Power Parity Theory Revisited: Recent Evidence from US Dollar and Japanese Yen
by Kishore G. Kulkarni & Maiko Ishizaki - 63-76 Forecast of Indian Readymade Garments Exports Using the ARIMA Model
by Deepak Chawla & Ramesh Behl - 77-96 Restructuring State Owned Power Utilities: Qualitative Observations from an Indian Experience
by A. Thillai Rajan - 99-122 Learnings from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Implementation in a Bank
by M.P. Gupta & Sonal Shukla - 123-138 Entrepreneurial Strategy: The Case of Jammu and Kashmir
by Vipin Gupta & Neelu Rohmetra & Dinesh Sharma - 139-152 Perceived Role of Human Resource Management in Indian Organizations: An Empirical Study 1
by Kanika T. Bhal - 153-170 Indian Industry and Ethnicity:1 A Study of Two Organizations in Mumbai
by Ernesto Noronha & R.N. Sharma - 173-174 Book Reviews : Gavin Brigid, The European Union and Globalization: Towards Global Democratic Governance. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar Publishing House, 2001, 249 pp
by Rajyasri Roy Chowdhury - 174-177 Book Reviews : James D. Gaisford and William A. Kerr, Economic Analysis for International Trade Negotiations: The WTO and Agricultural Trade, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2001, 196 pp., price not known (Hb)
by Rajat Kathuria - 177-181 Book Reviews : Prayag Mehta, Work, Democracy and Development—Socio—psychological Monitor ing of Organizations and Programmes, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001, 203 pp., Rs 395 (Hb)
by Debi S. Saini - 181-182 Book Reviews : Srinivas R. Kandula, Strategic Human Resource Development, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt Ltd, 2001, 381 pp., Rs 225
by Mirza S. Saiyadain - 182-184 Book Reviews : Andrew Thompson, Christopher Mabey, John Storey, Colin Grey and Paul Iles, Changing Pattern of Management Devel opment. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, xv + 280 pp., price not mentioned (Pb)
by Debi S. Saini - 185-187 Book Reviews : Amitabh Kundu and Alakh N. Sharma (eds), Informal Sector in India: Perspectives and Policies, New Delhi: Institute for Human Development, 2001, 440 pp., price not mentioned (Hb)
by Pushpa Kumari - 187-188 Book Reviews : Jane Henry, Creativity and Perception in Man agement, London: Sage Publications, in association with Open University Busi ness School, 2001, 210 pp., £18.99
by G.S. Das - 188-189 Book Reviews : David C. Thomas, Essentials of International Management—A Cross-Cultural Perspective, London: Sage Publications, 2000, 319 pp
by V. Chandra - 189-191 Book Reviews : Colin Barlow (ed.), Modern Malaysia in the Global Economy: Political and Social Change into the 21st Century, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001, xvi + 244 pp
by Bhanoji Rao - 191-193 Book Reviews : Kyle Bagwell (ed.), The Economics of Adver tising, International Library of Critical Writ ings in Economics 136, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2001, 680 pp., price not known (Hb)
by M.M. Anand
August 2001, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 145-165 Crisis and Recovery: The Relevance of the Path to Emergence of East Asian Capitalism
by Chong Ju Choi & Carla Millar & Brian Hilton - 167-176 Marketing Control and Export Success: An Exploratory Study of Exporting Firms in the People's Republic of China
by Gabriel Ogunmokun & Ling-yee Li - 177-193 A Study of the Influence of Source Characteristics and Product Importance on Consumer Word of Mouth Based on Personal Sources
by Amit Mookerjee - 195-212 The Indian Foreign Exchange Market and the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate of the Rupee
by Ila Patnaik & Peter Pauly - 217-233 Orissa Finances and Fiscal Impact of PSUs
by Swapan Kanti Chaudhuri - 235-242 Multinational Banking in Pakistan
by Mohammad Hanif Akhtar - 243-257 The Polarization and Differentiation of Employment Relations and New Organizational Models
by Manfred Fuchs - 259-287 Changes in Employment Security in Asia
by Adam Lee & Sarosh Kuruvilla - 289-304 Are You Aware how Your Personality Type Affects Your Behaviour?
by S.P. Chauhan & Daisy Chauhan - 305-308 Book Reviews : Robert Williams (ed.), Explaining Corruption, Volume 1. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elger, 2000, xvi + 550 pp. Robert Williams and Robin Theobald (eds), Corruption in the Developing World, Volume 2—The Politics of Corruption. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar, 2000, xvi + 555 pp. Robert Williams, Jonathan Moran and Rachel Flanary (eds), Corruption in the Developed World, Volume 3. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar, 2000, xx + 611 pp. Robert Williams and Alan Doig (eds), The Politics of Corruption, Volume 4—Control ling Corruption. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar, 2000, xviii + 631 pp
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam - 309-313 Book Reviews : Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, Beyond Balanced Scorecard: The Strategic- Focused Organization. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001, 400 p., Rs 1434
by Moid Siddiqui - 313-314 Book Reviews : Ming-Jer Chen, Inside Chinese Business. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2001, 234 pp., $29.95 (Hb)
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam - 314-316 Book Reviews : Pradip N. Khandwalla, Turnaround Excel lence : Insights from 120 Cases. New Delhi: Response Books, 2001, 489 pp., Rs 795 (Hb)
by Ajit Prasad - 316-317 Book Reviews : R.B. Smarta, Revitalizing the Pharmaceutical Business: Innovative Marketing Approaches. New Delhi: Response Books, 294 pp., Rs 225
by S.R. Chaganti - 318-320 Book Reviews : Y.L.R. Moorthy, Brand Management: The Indian Context. New Delhi: Vikas Publish ing House Pvt. Ltd., 1999 (reprint 2001), 171 pp., Rs 350 (Hb)
by J.D. Singh - 320-321 Book Reviews : Kenneth B. Kahn, New Product Planning, New Delhi: Response Books, 2001, 254 pp., Rs 450 (Hb), Rs 250 (Pb)
by M.M. Anand - 321-322 Book Reviews : Kanakalatha Mukund and B. Syama Sundari, Traditional Industry in the New Market Economy. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001, 169 p., Rs 395
by J.V. Prabhakara Rao - 322-323 Book Reviews : Srinivas R. Melkote and H. Leslie Steeves, Communication for Development in the Third World-Theory and Practice for Empower ment. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001, 422 pp., Rs 295
by V. Chandra - 323-324 Book Reviews : Omar Bin Sayeed, Organizational Commitment and Conflict: Studies in Healthy Organiza tional Processes. New Delhi: Sage Publica tions, 2001, 337 pp., Rs 295
by Mirza S. Saiyadain - 325-326 Book Reviews : Nalini Sastry and Subrata Pandey (eds), Women Employees and Human Resource Management. Hyderabad: Universities Press, 2000, 300 pp., Rs 335
by V. Chandra
February 2001, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-13 Managing Brains
by Horst Albach - 15-35 Cross-cultural Managerial Skill Practices: Filipino and Chinese Managers under Japanese-style Management
by Mitsuru Wakabayashi & Mari Kondo & Ziguang Chen - 37-53 Managerial Work Goal Priorities in Asia: Emerging Trends from Three Divergent National Contexts
by Samir R. Chatterjee & Cecil A. L. Pearson - 55-69 Business and Newly Emerging Civil Society Actors: Between Conflict and New Forms of Social Dialogue
by Bernhard Mark-Ungericht - 71-82 Global Media Corporations and the Nation-state: Balancing Politico-economic and Socio-cultural Globalization
by Amos Owen Thomas - 83-99 Concepts and Doctrines of IW: Impact of Emerging Non-lethal and Less Lethal Technology Weapons on Limiting/Preventing Conflicts
by A.K. Pathak & Vinay Shil Gautam & Zafar Husain - 101-119 A Study of Consumer Concerns and Issues of Electronic Payments in India
by M.P. Gupta & Rohet Sareen - 121-134 Post-Seattle Environment: Developing Countries at the Crossroads
by Pradeep Kumar Mehta - 137-138 Book Reviews : Imtiaz Ahmed, The Construction of Diaspora— South Asians Living in Japan, Bangladesh: The University Press Limited, 2000, 139 pp
by Kozo Kagawa - 138-139 Book Reviews : Neol M. Tichy and Eli Cohen, The Leadership Engine. New York: Harper Collins, 1997, 367 pp., $27
by Sanjyot Pethe & Sushma Chaudhari - 139-141 Book Reviews : Rehman Sobhan, Transforming Eastern South Asia: Building Growth Zones for Economic Cooperation. Dhaka: Center for Policy Dialogue and the University Press Limited, 1999, x +199 pp. including the Appendix and Index
by Habibullah Khan - 141-142 Book Reviews : Rolf P. Lynton and Udai Pareek, Training for Organizational Transformation, Part I: For Policy-makers and Change Managers; Part II: For Trainers, Consultants and Principals. New Delhi: Sage Publications, Part I: 2000, 307pp., Rs 450 (HB), Rs 225 (PB); Part II: 2000, 411pp., Rs 525 (HB), Rs 275 (PB)
by Rajen Mehrotra - 142-143 Book Reviews : International Labour Organization, Termination of Employment Digest. Geneva: ILO, 2000, 402 pp., Sw.frs.50
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam
August 2000, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 155-171 Foreign Direct Investment and 'Less Favoured Regions': Greek FDI in Bulgaria and Romania
by Simona Iammarino & Christos Pitelis - 173-192 Significance of Cross-cultural Trust in Streamlining Supply-chains for Global Enterprises
by R. Ray Gehani - 193-206 Strategy, Perverted Competition and Social Relations
by Richard Weiskopf & Bernhard Mark-Ungericht - 207-228 Public Policy and the Role of Multinationals and Local Enterprises in the Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Industry
by Pradeep Kanta Ray & Shams Ur-Rahman - 229-247 Determinants of HRM Policies and Practices in India: An Empirical Study
by Pawan S. Budhwar - 249-277 Negative Political Advertising: Some Effects from the 13th Indian General Election 1999
by Mukul P. Gupta - 279-299 Economic Value Added (EVA): Performance Metric to Sustain Competitiveness
by Ahindra Chakrabarti - 301-326 Telecom Policy Reforms in India
by Rajat Kathuria - 327-338 E-commerce: Cyberlaws and Protection of lPRs
by P.D. Kaushik - 339-356 Book Reviews
by N/A - 357-357 Notes for Contributors
by N/A
February 2000, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-10 The East Asian Crisis of 1997-98: Implications for India
by V.V. Bhanoji Rao - 11-47 How Do Nations Increase Workforce Skills? Factors Influencing the Success of the Singapore Skills Development System
by Sarosh Kuruvilla & Rodney Chua - 49-65 Team Development Revisited: Preliminary Evidence Supporting a Two-barrier Model
by Tudor Rickards & Susan Moger - 67-74 Leader Styles: Some Implications for Organizations in India
by Ishwar Dayal - 75-89 The Dumping Issue
by Bibek Debroy & Nilanjan Banik - 91-100 Enhancing Accountability and Responsiveness in Public Utilities: Exploring the Potency of Public Feedback
by K. Gopakumar & Suresh Balakrishnan - 101-111 Technology Absorption: An Overview
by A. Rao - 113-132 Review Article : Applications of Operational Research to the Transportation Problems in Developing Countries: A Review
by S. Datta - 135-136 Book Reviews : Amiya Kumar Bagchi (ed.), Economy and Organization: Indian Institutions under the Neoliberal Regime. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999, 427 pp., Rs 495
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam - 136-138 Book Reviews : Arun Wakhlu, Managing from the Heart. New Delhi: Response Books, 1999, 239 pp., Rs 425 (Hb)/Rs 245 (Pb)
by Bhupen Srivastava - 138-139 Book Reviews : D.M. Pestonjee (ed.), Stress and Coping: The Indian Experience. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999, 320 pp., Rs 425 (Hb)/Rs 225 (Pb)
by V.S. Bose - 139-142 Book Reviews : E.A. Ramaswamy, A Question of Balance— Labour-Management Relations in Practice. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1997, Rs 395 (Hb)/Rs 250 (Pb)
by J.S. Sodhi - 142-143 Book Reviews : Mathew J. Manimala, Entrepreneurial Policies and Strategies: The Innovator's Choice. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999, 344 pp., Rs 375
by Prayag Mehta - 143-145 Book Reviews : C. S. Venkata Ratnam (ed.), Human Resource Development for Adjustment at the Enterprise Level. Geneva: International Labour Organization, 1999, 218 + 236 pp. Unpriced
by Surinder Batra - 145-146 Book Reviews : C.S. Venkata Ratnam, Cases on South Asia: Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Volume 1 (Case Studies); Volume 2 (Teaching Notes). Geneva: International Labour Organization, 1999, 277 + 82 pp., Unpriced
by Rajat Bakshi - 146-148 Book Reviews : B.R. Virmani and Kala Rao, Economic Restructuring, Technology Transfer and Human Resource Development, second edition. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1999, 323 pp., Rs 450
by C.S. Venkata Ratnam - 148-150 Book Reviews : S.V.R. Subba Rao, Game Plans for Post-GATT Era: Action Agenda of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry. Bangalore: Panther Publishers, 1999, 399 pp., Rs 540
by Mukul P. Gupta - 150-151 Book Reviews : K.C. Nanda, Credit and Banking: What Every Small Entrepreneur (and Banker) Must Know. New Delhi: Response Books, 1999, 292 pp., Rs 395 (Hb)/Rs 225 (Pb)
by Ahindra Chakarabarti - 151-152 Book Reviews : Ranjan Das, Strategic Management of Services—Framework and Cases. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999, 345 pp., Rs 200 (Pb)
by S. Balasubramanian - 152-153 Book Reviews : Saroj Iyer,The Struggle to be Human—Women's Human Rights. Bangalore: Books for Change, 1999, 107 pp., Rs 125
by V. Chandra - 153-154 Book Reviews : Sharmila Joshi and Meena Menon, The Unseen Worker—On the Trail of the Girl Child. Bangalore: Books for Change, 1998, 101 pp., Rs 100
by V. Chandra