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Advanced Search Help

Advanced search help image

Advanced search lets you search selected properties of the classification. You could search all properties or a selected subset only

Please provide keywords in the Search Text field and check the properties that you'd like to include in the search.

The system will search for the keywords in the properties that you've checked

The results are sorted by how good the text entered matches the phrase in ICD. It is also grouped by using the ICD hierarchy so that if the search text matches a parent category and several children, they will appear in a fashion that is easy to identify this relation visually. The list shows only the titles or the best match among the matched terms if the title is not a match. However, button will make more matching results visible under the entity.

If the search query hits more than 200 results, then only the top 200 will be displayed.

If you provide more than one keyword, the system will search for items that have all the keywords.

Wildcards: You may also use wildcard character *

For example, searching diabet* finds all entities that have a word that start with "diabet"

Search Results

Advanced search help image

After the search the results are displayed at the lower right area of the screen. Clicking on any result will load that entity

You may close the Advanced Search window or the Search Results pane by clicking the X at the top left corner of the window.

Please check the properties that you'd like to include in the search
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Additional Information
Fully Specified Name
Narrower Term

WHO-FIC Foundation

Last Update: Mar 13

Quick Search Help

quicksearch image

Quick search helps you quickly navigate to a particular category. It searches the titles, inclusions, synonyms and narrower terms and it works by starting to search as you type and provide you options in a dynamic dropdown list.

Clicking on one of the entities that appear in the list will load the entity.

The results are sorted by how good the text entered matches the phrase in ICD. It is also grouped by using the ICD hierarchy so that if the search text matches a parent category and several children, they will appear in a fashion that is easy to identify this relation visually. The list shows only the titles or the best match among the matched terms if the title is not a match. However, button will make more matching results visible under the entity.

You may also use wildcards to find similar words or to simply save some typing. For example, transp* accident will find entities with transport and accident

[ Advanced Search ]
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WHO-FIC Maintenance Platform

Welcome to the Maintenance Platform for the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC)

This site contains work in progress versions of the Classifications

  • ICD-11
  • ICF
  • ICHI

For the latest release of ICD-11 please see ICD-11 Browser

You need to create an account for yourself if you wish to contribute to the classification by writing proposals or comments by following the link below
Please note that the accounts you've created before the release of the classification are still valid.


caveat icon
  • The audience for this site is the maintainers, contributors and translators of the classification
  • The classification seen on this is not the released version of the classification. The content in this platform may change on an ongoing basis
  • For the latest release of the ICD-11 please see ICD-11 Browser

Related Information

ICD-11 Home Page

For more information about how to use this site, please see the User Guide

For more questions, please contact

show parents and children show ancestor hierarchy icon show ancestor hierarchy icon See the linearization withinin foundation

Visualization Modes


When visualizing the foundation, all nodes look the same except the selected entity which has a darker background and larger circle. In this example the Intervertebral disc herniation is the selected entity


When browsing a linearization, only entities in that linearization are visible. Regular parent-child relations are shown in blue color. The foundation children that are not linearization children are shown with a dashed line in gray.

The color within the circle shows whether the entity is a grouping entity or a category with a code

Linearization within foundation

If you click on the button, the system displays the system shows you the foundation but highlighting the linearization within the foundation.

In this mode, the entities that are in the linearization has a blue circle whereas entities that are not in the linearization has a gray circle. As in the linearization view, the color inside circle shows whether the entity is a grouping or a codable category

The blue lines show the linearization parents where as the gray lines are other parent-child relations in the foundation

In this example, "Polycythaemia" has 3 children in the foundation.

One of them (the one with the gray circle) is not included in the linearization.

"Relative polycythaemia" is included in the linearization but the linearization parent is elsewhere (blue node with gray connection).

The third one is a proper linearization children (blue circle with blue line)

More information on the visualization feature is available in the User Guide

show/hide availability in main linearizations collapse all nodes toggle visualizations
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