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IWC69 Plenary - Live Status of the Agenda - Updated 27/09, 02:57 AM (Peru time)

Key: item closed | item open | decision | (date/time of discussion, outcome)


The next meeting of the Commission (IWC69) will take place at the Los Defines Hotel, Lima, Peru from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th of September for plenary sessions, running from 09:00 until 17:30 each day, and will be preceded by an in-person meeting of the Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Sub-Committee from 12:00-14:30 and a Private Commissioners meeting from 15:00-18:00 on Sunday 22nd September. The hotel is located in the San Isidro district of the city and is approximately 20km from Lima International Airport (Jorge Chavez).
The other Sub-Committees and pre-meetings will be taking place virtually from 28th August to 5th September - for further details please click here.


The venue is the Los Delfines Hotel, Calle Los Eucaliptos 555, Lima and the following discounted rates have been secured for participants: Single superior room B&B $192 per night, Double superior room B&B $224 per night. These prices include all taxes.

Alternative accommodation is available in the Country Club Lima hotel (a short walk from Los Delfines) and rooms there are available at the same rate as above.


Please check with your local advisory service for relevant vaccinations and travel restrictions and ensure you have the appropriate travel and medical insurances and ID documentation in place before you travel. World Health Organisation (WHO) Country and travel information can be found here.

NOTE: Peru, the power plugs and sockets (outlets) primarily use types A and C (220V) - please bring the appropriate adapters for your devices. The Secretariat does not provide these

Transfers from Lima Airport

Please arrange your transport to and from the airport through the hotel by contacting Nathalie Loayza or +51 1215 7000 and the following rates are applicable each way: Car (1-3 pax) - $41, Van (5 pax) - $53, Minibus (12 pax) - $118, Bus (30 pax) - $271. It is not recommended to use taxi services located at the airport.


We strongly advise delegates who require visas to start their process as early as possible. Information on visa requirements for Peru can be found here (Please note that these webpages are in Spanish):
  1. for normal passport holders please click here
  2. for diplomatic and special passport holders please click here

Please direct visa enquiries to Cesar Recuenco or Carla Castillo at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For further information contact the Secretariat.


All delegations and observer organisations are required to supply credentials in accordance with the requirements of the Commission’s Rule of Procedure D.

D. Credentials
1.(a) The names of all representatives of member and non-member governments and observer organisations to any meeting of the Commission or committees, as specified in the Rules of Procedure of the Commission, Technical and Scientific Committees, shall be notified to the Secretary in writing before their participation and/or attendance at each meeting. For member governments, the notification shall indicate the Commissioner, his/her alternate(s) and advisers, and the head of the national delegation to the Scientific Committee and any alternate(s) as appropriate. 
The written notification shall be made by governments or the heads of organisations as the case may be.  In this context, ‘governments’ means the Head of State, the Head of Government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs (including: on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs), the Minister responsible for whaling or whale conservation (including: on behalf of this Minister), the Head of the Diplomatic Mission accredited to the seat of the Commission or to the host country of the meeting in question, or the Commissioner appointed under Rule A.1.
(b) Credentials for a Commissioner appointed for the duration of a meeting must be issued as in D.1(a). Thereafter, until the end of the meeting in question, that Commissioner assumes all the powers of a Commissioner appointed under A.1., including that of issuing credentials for his/her delegation.
(c) In the case of members of delegations who will attend the Biennial Commission Meeting and its associated meetings, the notification may be made en bloc by submitting a list of the members who will attend any of these meetings.
(d) The Secretary, or his/her representative, shall report on the received notifications at the beginning of a meeting.
(e) In case of any doubt as to the authenticity of notification or in case of apparent delay in their delivery, the Chair of the meeting shall convene an ad hoc group of no more than one representative from any Contracting Government present to decide upon the question of participation in the meeting.

Commissioners (or their alternates) and Heads of Observer delegations must present original copies of credentials at the meeting.  Advance notification by email is helpful but will not replace the need to provide original documents. Letters of Credentials must indicate:

  1. The identity of the Commissioner;
  2. The identify of any Alternate Commissioners;
  3. The specific meeting to which the credentials apply (i.e. the 69th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission taking place in 2024);
  4. And they must be signed by the Head of State, Head of Government, Minister responsible for Foreign Affairs, Whaling, or Whale Conservation (including on behalf of the Minister), the Head of the Diplomatic Mission accredited to the UK or Peru, or the permanent IWC Commissioner.

Instructions for Opening Statements

Contracting Governments and observer organisations are welcome to provide opening statements. Excepting for Governments which have recently adhered to the Convention, time is insufficient during plenary for allowing statements to be read out. Instead, statements should be submitted to the Secretariat no later than 17.00 local time on Monday 23rd September 2024 and they will be added to the official meeting documents, which will be available here. Following the meeting they will be retained as part of the Commission's permanent archives.
Opening statements should not exceed three pages in length and their content shall be relevant to matters under consideration by the Commission.


We are pleased to announce that registration for delegates to IWC69 is available here. Each individual participating at IWC69 must complete the form in order to gain access to the event. Once registration has been completed and approved, you must provide a passport-sized photo to the Secretariat in order to receive your security badge and clearance. Confirmation of registration approval will be sent by email to the address you provide during registration. Failure to display your security badge will result in non-entry to proceedings


Accredited observers representing Non-member Governments, International Governmental Organisations (IGOs) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) may participate in this meeting. Visit our observers page for more information on fees and requirements. Please note that due to increasing transaction charges, the IWC no longer accepts credit card payments. All payments must be made via electronic bank transfer on receipt of an invoice.

Media Accreditation

Media are welcome at the IWC69 Plenary. Information about the accreditation process is available at Media Accreditation

Delegation Offices

If you wish to book delegation offices and associated resources, please contact Nathalie Loayza Martini or +51 1215 7000.

Side Events

If you wish to arrange side events, please use the same contact for the booking and inform in order to avoid any clashes with the IWC work programme. These arrangements will be at your own expense.
Side Events planned so far:
  • Monday 23rd September - Evening Welcome Reception hosted by the Government of Peru.
  • Tuesday 24th September -  Evening Reception hosted by NGOs - 18:30-22:30 | Country Club Lima Hotel | Invitation is available here
  • Wednesday 25th September - Lunch hosted by the Permanent Commission of the South Pacific : “Echoes of the Pacific: A Regional Call for Whale Conservation” (by invitation only). Location: Virreynal Room, Country Club Lima. Ca. Los Eucaliptos 590, San Isidro 15076. Lima, Peru. Time: 12:30 - 14:00 Flyer is available here: English | Spanish
  • Wednesday 25th September - Evening meeting on Whale-watching themes hosted by Brazil  

    "Best practices in interacting with whales: lessons learned in Brazil" |SP|FR  PR|, hosted by the Embassy of Brazil in Lima, in partnership with the Instituto Baleia Jubarte and the Blue Marine Foundation, followed by a cocktail reception.

    The side-event will take place at Av. José Pardo 850 Miraflores, at 6:30pm. 

    Invitations are extended to two representatives per delegation.

  • Thursday 26th September - Evening fund-raising soirée for the IWC Voluntary Fund - 19:00 - Los Delfines hotel by the swimming pool (floor 3) - all are welcome

Video Stream

We will be running a live online video stream during plenary. Due to external factors, such as internet connection, we cannot guarantee its reliability. The live stream and any recordings can be viewed via

Local Information
  • Medical Emergencies - The nearest hospital can be found here - it is approximately 2km away. Please contact the hotel or dial 911 in case of medical emergency.
  • ATM/cash - the nearest ATM is 200m from the hotel

Additional information will be published here in due course as the information becomes available. Meeting logo here
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