Papers by dariusz szlachetko
ACADEMIA - magazyn Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Dec 18, 2023
m a g a z y n p o l s k i e j a k a d e m i i n a u k 4/76/2023 Wyjątkowe pod wieloma względami, ... more m a g a z y n p o l s k i e j a k a d e m i i n a u k 4/76/2023 Wyjątkowe pod wieloma względami, zjawiskowe, autentycznie piękne-storczyki.

L'étude des Orchidaceae d'Amérique Centrale a permis la découverte, au Guatemala, d'u... more L'étude des Orchidaceae d'Amérique Centrale a permis la découverte, au Guatemala, d'une nouvelle espèce de Stellilabium qui est ici décrite, illustrée et comparée à son plus proche parent, Stellilabium boylei. Une nouvelle combinaison dans le même genre est également proposée. Abstract Stellilabium auriculatum (Orchidaceae), a new species from the Guatemalan conifer forests-The ongoing exploration of Orchidaceae in Central America led to the discovery of a Stellilabium which is here proposed as a new species. It is described, illustrated and compared to its closest relative, Stellilabium boylei. Besides a new combination within the genus is validated. Resumen Stellilabium auriculatum (Orchidaceae), nueva especie de los bosques de coníferas de Guatemala-El estudio de las Orchidaceae de Mesoamérica permitió el descubrimiento de un nuevo Stellilabium, se propone como una nueva especie y se incluye su diagnosis, descriptor morfológico e iconos botánicos. Además se incluye un...
Un Sobralia (Orchidaceae) contrasté, végétativement robuste mais à petites fleurs
A contrasting Sobralia (Orchidaceae), with robust habit and small flowers – Recent field work in ... more A contrasting Sobralia (Orchidaceae), with robust habit and small flowers – Recent field work in municipality of Coban (Guatemala, Alta Verapaz) led to the discovery of a new Sobralia species, with robust vegetative parts and small flowers, member of the “Sobralia cobanensis” complex. This record raises Guatemala to the second rank among the diversity centers for Sobralia, with 42 specific or infraspecific taxa.
Adansonia, 1998
Un nouveau genre de la sous-tribu des Habenariinae (Orchidaceae), Renzorchis Szlach. & Olsz., est... more Un nouveau genre de la sous-tribu des Habenariinae (Orchidaceae), Renzorchis Szlach. & Olsz., est decrit et illustre. Sa position taxonomique est brievement discutee.
The actual variation and specific diversity of Neotropical Draconanthes aberrans is evaluated bas... more The actual variation and specific diversity of Neotropical Draconanthes aberrans is evaluated based on morphological data. As recognized in this paper D. aberrans complex includes a total of 6 species, 3 of which are described here. New combinations are proposed for Lepanthes prionota and L. trachysepala. Two species, including D. aberrans, are lectotypified. The previous incorrect typifications are discussed. Each of 6 species is morphologically characterized. The perianth segments of all discussed taxa are illustrated. The key to identification of species belonging to the Draconanthes aberrans complex is presented together with the comparative morphology of studied taxa.
Orchidaceae Lisowskianae. 4. Habenaria
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica, 1995
Genera and species of the subtribe Spiranthinae {Orchidaceae]. 9. Schidorhynchos gen. nov
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica, 1993
Genera and species of the subtribe Spiranthinae [Orchidaceae]. 11. Wallnoeferia peruviana sp.nov., a new orchid from Peru
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica, Jan 26, 1994
Orchidaceae of Ivory Coast
Schiedeella romeroana (Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae), a new and interesting species from Mexico
Rhodora, 1993
Notes on Helonoma [Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae], with a description of a new species from Venezuela
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica, 1996
Orchidaceae Lisowskianae. 1. Two new species of Eulophia from Zaire
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica, 1993
Garaya [Orchidaceae, Spiranthinae], a new orchid genus from Brazil
Genera and species of the subtribe Spiranthinae [Orchidaceae]. 10. Lyroglossa
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica, 1994
Critical Asian and Australasian orchid specimens conserved at the Museum of Natural History, Wrocaw University (WRSL)
Seven new species of the genus Liparis (Orchidaceae) from Asia
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica, Dec 2, 1993
Storczykowate Orchidaceae we wschodniej części Pobrzeża Kaszubskiego
Sarcoglottis veyretae [Orchidaceae] - a new species from Brazil
Annales Botanici Fennici, Nov 1, 2016
BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting... more BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research.
A new species of Liparis [ Orchidaceae, Malaxidinae ] from tropical West Africa
Papers by dariusz szlachetko