DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
UNL's Institutional Repository
ISSN 2766-1415
- Collections-- Public Access: More than 135,000 articles, papers, ebooks, documents, presentations, creative activities, master's theses, public-access dissertations, etc. All free to all users. (Alphabetical by department, center, or group)
- Journals (open-access)
- UNL Dissertations from ProQuest-UMI: More than 16,000 PhD dissertations from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Includes all dissertations 1902-present. Free full-text access from UNL campus connections. Users from outside UNL have free abstracts and 24-page previews, with the option to purchase electronic full-text. This area is managed by ProQuest.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln users from off-campus connections should proceed directly to the resource you desire; you will be asked to authenticate with your UNL ID number for free download of full-text dissertations from ProQuest. Please remember to log out or close browser when you are done.
Open Access Publishing Agreements at UNL Libraries
Nebraska Scholarly Commons serves all four University of Nebraska campuses--Kearney, Lincoln, Medical Center, and Omaha:
The "search" box at the left conducts a full-text search of more than 1 million pages; the Advanced search link enables selection of search fields such as title, author, dates, etc.
The repository is a collaborative service of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln libraries. Faculty, researchers, and students associated with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are invited to deposit digital materials for long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility. For assistance in depositing documents or for more information regarding the Digital Commons, contact Sue Gardner, email phone 402-499-7535, or Linnea Fredrickson, email .
Instructions for would-be self-depositors may be seen at Digital Commons--Information and Tools.
Degree candidates seeking to deposit theses or dissertations should proceed to their department, program, or college (CBA, CEHS) area from the “Collections” page, or check here:
For the Media Commons (graphic materials), see
For the Data Repository, see
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