electrical generator that produces direct current with the use of a commutator | |||||
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This category has the following 13 subcategories, out of 13 total.
- Bipolar dynamos (23 F)
- MagnetoDynamo-MHS 642 (3 F)
- Dynamo-MHS 1702 (6 F)
- Dynamo-MHS 616 (3 F)
- Dynamo diagrams (12 F)
Media in category "Dynamos"
The following 97 files are in this category, out of 97 total.
111-SC-20463 - NARA - 55200628.jpg 8,447 × 5,717; 24.84 MB
111-SC-21922 - NARA - 55203540.jpg 8,416 × 5,776; 17.61 MB
130 Kilowatt Dynamo, System Thury.png 1,141 × 796; 741 KB
1878 A-C Krebs=machine électrique à lumière.jpg 1,717 × 1,160; 484 KB
20240823 154611 Dinamo de Pacinotti.jpg 2,331 × 1,995; 1.02 MB
Antique dynamo - Bamburgh, UK, 2013.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 5.54 MB
Brush-windmill.jpg 716 × 1,074; 165 KB
Canadian patent 24033.djvu 3,212 × 2,242, 12 pages; 284 KB
Cassier's magazine (1904) (14582203279).jpg 3,024 × 1,852; 2.19 MB
Day 47 Occupy Wall Street November 2 2011 Shankbone 15.JPG 3,450 × 2,645; 7.7 MB
Dinamo Motor Mesin Cuci 2.jpg 736 × 981; 76 KB
Dinamo Motor Mesin Cuci.jpg 736 × 981; 76 KB
Drum Wound Armature - Single Coil Example.jpg 1,933 × 1,313; 103 KB
Dynamo - commutating plane definitions.jpg 598 × 625; 144 KB
Dynamo - exaggerated rotating field distortion.png 941 × 744; 433 KB
Dynamo - iron filings show distorted field.png 861 × 619; 362 KB
Dynamo Fabius Henrion Nancy vue de face.jpg 1,005 × 856; 504 KB
Dynamo Helvétia Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Alioth N°1594 (vers 1895).JPG 3,888 × 2,592; 3.88 MB
Dynamo Jaspar.JPG 3,542 × 2,656; 3.25 MB
Dynamo test LOC 20892853693.jpg 1,024 × 699; 101 KB
Dynamo2.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 526 KB
DynamoElectricMachinesEndViewPartlySection USP284110.png 502 × 382; 55 KB
E.A.G..jpg 4,288 × 3,029; 1.19 MB
Elektrische Strassenbahn Page 25.jpg 1,924 × 2,576; 2.31 MB
Elektrische Strassenbahn Page 27.jpg 1,904 × 2,596; 2.25 MB
Elektrische Strassenbahn Page 29.jpg 2,558 × 1,912; 2.17 MB
Elektrische Strassenbahn Page 31.jpg 2,600 × 1,870; 2.31 MB
Engine dynamo.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 3.61 MB
Generatorgehäuse, beispielhaft.jpg 2,064 × 1,376; 290 KB
Generatorgehäuse, Prototyp.jpg 2,958 × 1,664; 852 KB
Gleichstromdynamo TMW 19.06.18 JM.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 7.43 MB
Gramme Ring - Modern Form.png 1,144 × 440; 90 KB
Gramme Ring Armature - Early Form.jpg 1,298 × 1,249; 85 KB
Grammescher Ring.png 667 × 645; 111 KB
GS-12TOK.jpg 960 × 640; 230 KB
Hendrina Mawdsley.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 986 KB
Hendrina v1.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 1.04 MB
Hjorth dynamo 1855.JPG 910 × 721; 117 KB
Horndal IMG 4362.JPG 2,456 × 3,544; 1.28 MB
LA2-NSRW-2-0087.jpg 1,860 × 2,793; 1.18 MB
Lauffen-Frankfurt 1891e.jpg 1,024 × 676; 916 KB
Lilliput dynamo.JPG 3,536 × 1,908; 4.01 MB
Luxembourg Groupe électrogène Deutz 1907.jpg 3,999 × 2,832; 7.58 MB
M40 főgenerátor.jpg 5,052 × 3,856; 4.29 MB
Machine de Gramme.jpg 3,611 × 3,003; 1.55 MB
Machine Gramme.jpg 2,832 × 2,128; 1.13 MB
Martian Dynamo.jpg 861 × 689; 50 KB
MayPhatTuaBin.JPG 800 × 600; 100 KB
NSRW Direct Connected Dynamo and Engine.png 1,014 × 620; 377 KB
Pacinotti dynamo.jpg 1,295 × 839; 184 KB
Pacinotti-Grammescher Ring.png 1,024 × 473; 181 KB
Petone Railway Workshops. Dynamos and switchboards. ATLIB 283396.png 6,365 × 4,637; 16.86 MB
Ruston 6VE and dynamo.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.2 MB
RutRotor.JPG 533 × 400; 42 KB
Solitary Island Pedal Radio br 3.jpg 317 × 400; 37 KB
Southdown bus 67 (CD 4867), 2009 Amberley Bus Day (5).jpg 2,616 × 3,488; 4.24 MB
The conquest of nature (1911) (14763184401).jpg 2,012 × 2,892; 1.98 MB
The Maxim Electric Light and Power Co., Philadelphia. (1882) (14593653860).jpg 2,816 × 2,672; 1.08 MB
The Maxim Electric Light and Power Co., Philadelphia. (1882) (14780302275).jpg 4,648 × 2,976; 2.08 MB
The Steam Turbine, 1911 - Fig 23 - Dynamo of 1884.jpg 1,470 × 312; 214 KB
The Steam Turbine, 1911 - Fig 24a - Dynamo of 1884 section.png 1,612 × 316; 274 KB
The Steam Turbine, 1911 - Fig 26 - Compensating Winding.png 287 × 313; 31 KB
The street railway review (1891) (14574985110).jpg 1,242 × 792; 123 KB
The street railway review (1891) (14738459726).jpg 1,231 × 775; 151 KB
The World's Greatest Dynamo (3410235196).jpg 700 × 560; 119 KB
Three-brush dynamo, circuit (Autocar Handbook, 13th ed, 1935).jpg 1,069 × 668; 94 KB
Thury Series Power Transmission, Isoverda and Genoa.jpg 1,072 × 732; 132 KB
Timing of the Martian Dynamo.jpg 1,050 × 228; 93 KB
Tobacco Museum in Maia 29.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 7.66 MB
Torren 2 - POITIERS - Intérieur de l'Usine électrique des Tramways.JPG 1,631 × 1,038; 485 KB
Traction Engine Plate (2620718933).jpg 1,600 × 1,071; 259 KB
Traction Engine Plate (2621540884).jpg 1,600 × 1,071; 209 KB
US shore patrol group operating Signal Corps radios.jpg 890 × 531; 475 KB
Usine de Bois-Noir – Génératrice à courant continu, système Thury.png 1,343 × 987; 858 KB
USS Wilhelmina (ID-2168) dynamo room.jpg 740 × 459; 52 KB
WST-Generator Prototyp.jpg 2,631 × 1,480; 759 KB
WST-Generatoren im Modelfahrzeug hinten.jpg 2,431 × 1,368; 436 KB
WST-Generatoren im Modelfahrzeug mit Prototypcharakter.jpg 3,302 × 2,202; 683 KB
WST-Generatoren im Modelfahrzeug.jpg 3,959 × 2,228; 1.2 MB
WW2 Steam Charger.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 2.31 MB
Zamracena engine.JPG 2,048 × 1,536; 1.49 MB
Zivilschutzmuseum Notstrom.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 1.55 MB
Züricher Spielzeugmuseum 1000715.jpg 2,289 × 1,716; 729 KB
直流馬達發電機.jpg 3,424 × 3,424; 5.89 MB