Català: Contingut multimèdia relacionat amb l'any 2014. Per les imatges fetes el 2014 veieu Category:2014.
Español: Contenido multimedia relacionado con el año 2014. Para imagenes hechas en 2014 véase Category:2014.
Français : Documents multimédia sur l'année 2014.
Italiano: FIle multimediali relativi all'anno 2014. Per immagini relative al 2014, vedere Category:2014.
Magyar: A(z) 2014. évhez kapcsolódó média. Az ebből az évből származó képekhez lásd a Category:2014 kategóriát.
Türkçe: 2014 yılına ait çoklu ortam belgeleri. Görüntüleri izlemek için Category:2014 sayfasına bakınız.
Македонски: Мултимедијални податотеки поврзани со 2014 година. Слики од 2014 г. ќе најдете на Category:2014.
Burg Kakesbeck (Germany, 12 April)
( → Click on photo) -
Red moon in California,
Lunar eclipse of 2014 April 15. -
ESA comet mission
Politics and Society
Pope Francis meets Barack Obama, → 2014-03-27.
Election dates of Indian general election,
→ April 2014 – May 2014. -
→ Election day, South African general election, 7 May 2014.
Philipp Lahm lifts the 2014 FIFA World Cup
2015 AFC Asian Cup Qualification
Life events
[edit]Main category: 2014 births
[edit]Main category: 2014 deaths
To display more subcategories related to Year 2014 click on the "▶": For media (F=Files) click the Category. |