Missouri 1992 ballot measures
In 1994, voters decided on 15 statewide ballot measures in Missouri. On August 4, voters decided on five measures. On November 3, voters decided on ten measures.
- Six of the measures were initiated constitutional amendment.
- Eleven of the measures were legislatively referred constitutional amendments.
- Two of the measures were legislatively referred state statutes.
- Voters approved seven (47%) and rejected eight (53%) measures.
On the ballot
August 4, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 11 | Education; Lottery | Require that all net state lottery and gaming proceeds be used exclusively for public education, exclude them from total state revenues under Article 10, and require a change in procedure for ticket sales to be changed by law |
818,879 (78%) |
233,408 (22%) |
Amendment 5 | Bonds | Permit local governments and school districts, with voter approval, to increase bonded indebtedness by 5% of taxable property value for earthquake-resistant public building upgrades |
454,832 (43%) |
597,647 (57%) |
Amendment 7 | Taxes | Increase the maximum property tax rate school districts can adopt without a vote and increase the maximum property tax rate with a simple majority approval; and, raise the authorized rate from $1.25 to $2.00 per $100 assessed valuation |
345,315 (33%) |
712,838 (67%) |
Amendment 8 | Taxes; Transportation | Reallocate 5% of new motor fuel tax revenues from state road projects to counties and the City of St. Louis |
532,472 (51%) |
506,998 (49%) |
Amendment 9 | Business; Taxes | Limit commercial property surcharge levies to 1992 levels with inflation and construction adjustments |
453,771 (46%) |
522,541 (54%) |
November 3, 1992
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Amendment 10 | Local government; Bonds | Require a four-sevenths majority for all bond issue elections in St. Louis |
786,231 (39%) |
1,207,497 (61%) |
Amendment 12 | Legislature; Term limits | Limit individuals to eight years in either the Missouri House or Senate, or a total of sixteen years in both, excluding service prior to the amendment's effective date |
1,610,311 (75%) |
535,562 (25%) |
Amendment 13 | Term limits | Limit Missouri’s U.S. senators to two terms and representatives to four terms, effective only if half of the states enact similar limits, with an expectation of voluntary compliance if found invalid |
1,590,552 (74%) |
558,299 (26%) |
Amendment 1 | Legislature; Taxes | Require a four sevenths majority vote to approve certain tax increases at four sevenths in municipal, county, and school district general or primary elections |
915,082 (43%) |
1,228,518 (57%) |
Amendment 2 | Transportation | Authorize the construction of toll roads and bridges, and allow toll authorities to issue bonds for design and construction of toll roads, which will not constitute a debt or liability to the state |
906,887 (42%) |
1,233,662 (58%) |
Amendment 3 | Gambling | Allow off-track wagering through simulcasting by licensed horse track operators |
1,082,086 (50%) |
1,085,336 (50%) |
Amendment 4 | Law enforcement | Establish criminal victims' rights to be informed of and be present at criminal proceedings, right to restitution, right to protection from defendant, and right to be informed of escape or release of defendant |
1,859,878 (85%) |
315,702 (15%) |
Amendment 6 | Budgets | Create a Budget Stabilization Fund to address funding shortfalls, contingent on approval by a four-sevenths approval of both legislative houses |
889,077 (44%) |
1,148,531 (56%) |
Proposition A | Gambling | Authorize riverboat gambling on the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, with regulation by the State Tourism Commission, and limit a $500 maximum loss limit per person per excursion |
1,397,750 (62%) |
839,568 (38%) |
Proposition C | Administration | Assign additional duties to the Lieutenant Governor, including serving on Tourism, Economic Development, Fund Commissioners, and Educational Programs Boards, and establish office of advocacy and assistance for elderly |
1,427,801 (67%) |
693,411 (33%) |
See also
- Laws governing the initiative process in Missouri
- Types of ballot measures in Missouri
- List of Missouri ballot measures
- 1992 ballot measures
State of Missouri Jefferson City (capital) | |
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