Maine Job Development Program, Question 4 (1987)

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The Maine Job Development Program Bond Issue, also known as Question 4, was on the November 3, 1987 ballot in Maine as a legislatively referred bond question, where it was defeated.[1]The measure would have created the Maine Job Development Fund and issued $6 million in bonds to fund it. The fund would have been used to make loans incentives to meet economic development needs.[2][3]

Election results

Maine Question 4 (1987)
Defeatedd No251,42366.02%
Yes 129,433 33.98%

Election results via: Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, Votes on Maine Bond Issues, 1951-

Text of measure

The language appeared on the ballot as:[3]

Shall the State create the Maine Job Development Program to be funded with a $6,000,000 bond issue? [4]

Media editorial positions


  • Bangor Daily News said,

Should the state go into debt for $7 million or more (with interest) on the change that it might create jobs, when the private sector already has a worker shortage that is expected to worse and continue into the 1990s? The answer, clearly, is NO.

Is the bond mechanism the proper way to fund such a project if it is necessary? The answer, again, is NO. [4]

—Bangor Daily News Editorial


See also

External links
