Maine General Highway Fund Use, Question No. 5 (1936)

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The Maine General Highway Fund Use Initiative, also known as Question No. 5, was on the September 14, 1936 ballot in Maine as an indirect initiated state statute, where it was approved.[1] The measure set limits on the use of the General Highway Fund.[2]

Election results

Maine Question No. 5 (1936)
Approveda Yes 182,012 77.58%

Election results via: Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, Votes on Initiated Bills 1910-

Text of measure

The language appeared on the ballot as:[3]


Shall a Bill Entitled “AN ACT Relating to the Use of the General Highway Fund, and to Prevent Diversion Thereof,” Become a Law?

“Section 1. All revenue received by the State from the registration of motor vehicles, and the licensing of operators thereof, from the tax imposed on internal combustion engine fuel, from fines forfeitures and costs accruing to the State under Section 118 of Chapter 29 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, and from permits granted by the State Highway Commission to open highways, shall be segregated, allocated to and become a part of the general highway fund created and existing by Chapter 251 of the Public Laws of 1931 and Chapter 175 of the Public Laws of 1933; and after payment and deduction from such funds of such sums and Chapter 175 of the Public Laws of 1933; and after payment and deduction from such funds of such sums licensing the operators thereof, for maintenance of the State highway police, for administration of the office and duties of the State Highway Commission, for the administration of the tax on internal combustion engine and duties of the State Highway Commission, for the administration of the tax on internal combustion engine fund, nor any fund derived from direct taxation imposed for highway construction, bridge construction, or the improvement or maintenance thereof, shall be diverted or expended, either temporarily or permanently, for any other purpose than set forth in this act, except for the establishment of an aeronautical fund as provided by Section 89A of Chapter 12 of the Revised Statutes.

Section 2. All acts and parts of acts, inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed.”


Question No. 5 prepared pursuant to a Referendum Petition filed with the 87th Legislature and by them submitted to the electors according to the provisions of Section 18, of Article XXXI, of the Constitution. [4]

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