Maine Fore River Bridge Toll, Referendum Question No. 4 (1951)

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The Maine Fore River Bridge Toll Referendum, also known as Referendum Question No. 4, was on the September 10, 1951 ballot in Maine as a legislatively referred state statute, where it was defeated.[1][2] The measure would have made the combination highway and railroad bridge across Fore River into a toll bridge until all the bonds issued for its construction were retired.[3]

Election results

Maine Referendum Question No. 4 (1951)
Defeatedd No31,06958.94%
Yes 21,648 41.06%

Election results via: Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, Referenda Votes on Acts of the Maine Legislature 1910-

Text of measure

The Fore River in 2004

The language appeared on the ballot as:[2]


"Shall the act passed by the 95th legislature making the combination highway and railroad bridge across the Fore River, when constructed, a toll bridge until all the bonds issued for such construction have been retired, be accepted?" [4]

Similar measures

In 1950, a legislatively referred constitutional amendment was passed allowing for an issue of $7 million in bonds to construct the bridge across the Fore River mentioned in this measure.

See also

External links
