Maine Vehicle License and Registration Fees, Referendum Question (1958)

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The Maine Vehicle License and Registration Fees People's Veto, also known as Referendum Question, was on the March 10, 1958 ballot in Maine as a veto referendum, where it was defeated. The measure would have increased registration fees on passenger cars, increased fees on trucks weighing 0 to 26,000 pounds and raised the operators' license fees from $2 to $2.[1][2]

Election results

Maine Referendum Question (1958)
Defeatedd No106,84082.61%
Yes 22,495 17.39%

Election results via: Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, People's Vetoes 1909-

Text of measure

The language appeared on the ballot as:[2]


"Shall the whole of Section 1 (increasing registration fees on passenger cars); all references in Section 4 increasing fees on motor trucks from 0 pounds to 26,000 pounds gross weight; and the whole of Section 6 (increasing operators' license fees from $2 to $3); of the act entitled, 'An Act Increasing Registration Fees for Motor Vehicles and Operators' Licenses,' designated as Chapter 330 of the Public Laws of 1957, and also all references increasing fees on motor trucks from 0 pounds to 26,000 pounds gross weight in Section 1 of a certain act entitled, 'An Act Relating to Registration Fees on Certain Commercial Vehicles,' designated as Chapter 363 of the Public Laws of 1957, become law?" [3]

Path to the ballot

A petition with 31,390 signatures, more than the 10 percent of the total votes for Governor cast in the last gubernatorial election, was submitted to the Maine Secretary of State within 90 days of the adjournment of the regular session of the 98th Legislature. The Governor proclaimed on September 19, 1957 that the parts of the laws petitioned were suspended and fixed March 10, 1958 as the date for the laws to be referred to the people.[2]

See also

External links


  1. ;;Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library, "People's Vetoes 1909-," accessed April 8, 2014
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Lewiston Evening Journal, "Specimen Ballot," September 6, 1957
  3. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.