Marla J. Stephens

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Marla J. Stephens

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Marla J. Stephens is the director of Wisconsin's public defender’s office appellate division. She ran for the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2011.

2011 election

See also: Wisconsin judicial elections, 2011

Stephens ran in the election for Wisconsin Supreme Court, seeking the seat held by David T. Prosser. Stephens was defeated in the primary election, winning only 10.8% of the vote.[1][2][3]

She said she ran for the court to "restore people's respect for and trust in the court. The increase in partisan politics on the court and the divisiveness that comes from the extent of outside money that is spent to put a justice on the court are undermining people's confidence in the court's integrity and impartiality. We need a justice who is going to put partisan politics aside and who is willing to serve as a check and a balance against overreaching by the legislative and the executive branches".[4]

Campaign statement

Public financing

Stephens was the sole primary candidate who did not seek public financing for the election campaign.[5] At the January 2011 campaign finance report filing Stephens' report showed that she had raised less than $38,000.[6]

See also: The Cap Times, "Crime and Courts: Tuesday's primary will be a test for high court campaign finance law," February 14, 2011


Stephens graduated in 1981 from the Marquette University Law School.[7] She received her undergrad from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.[8]

Professional career

  • Wisconsin State Public Defender, staff attorney, Milwaukee Adult Criminal Trial Division
  • Milwaukee Appellate Division, First Assistant
  • Milwaukee Appellate Division, staff attorney
  • Guest lecturer on appellate practice and procedure at the University of Wisconsin law school[8]

Awards and associations

  • Chair of the Wisconsin Judicial Council, 2000-present
  • Board Member, State Bar Board of Governors, 2006-2010
  • Board Member, Association for Women Lawyers Foundation
  • Member, Joint Legislative Council Study Committee on Criminal Justice System Funding and Strategies, 2010
  • Member, Strategic Planning Committee of the State Bar of Wisconsin
  • Member, Wisconsin State Bar
  • Member, State and National Associations of Criminal Defense Lawyers
  • Member, Milwaukee Bar Association
  • Member, Association for Women Lawyers[7][8]

External links
