Campaign finance agencies in Maryland

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In Maryland, there are two primary agencies involved in campaign finance regulation: the Maryland State Board of Elections and the Office of the Maryland State Prosecutor. The former oversees campaign finance reporting processes for candidates and political committees. The latter investigates and sometimes prosecutes civil and criminal violations of the law.

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Maryland

Maryland State Board of Elections


The Maryland State Board of Elections is authorized to receive and process required campaign finance reports. At its discretion, the board may audit campaign finance reports and associated accounts. In addition, the board is authorized to levy fines for certain violations of the state's campaign finance laws. These fines cannot exceed $500 per violation.[1][2]


The board of elections comprises five members, all of whom are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Maryland State Senate. Three members must belong to the majority political party and two must belong to the minority party. The table below lists board members as of August 2015.[3]

Maryland State Board of Elections—members as of August 2015
Name Position Party
David J. McManus, Jr. Chairman Ends.png Republican
Patrick J. Hogan Vice Chairman Electiondot.png Democratic
Michael R. Cogan Member Ends.png Republican
Kelley A. Howells Member Ends.png Republican
Bobbie S. Mack Member Electiondot.png Democratic
Source: Maryland State Board of Elections, "About SBE," accessed August 10, 2015

Day-to-day operations are conducted by a professional staff.

Agency budget, 2014

In fiscal year 2014, total expenditures for the Maryland State Board of Elections equaled $18.8 million. See the table below for further details.[4]

Maryland State Board of Elections—agency spending in fiscal year 2014
Spending type Amount
General fund expenditures $9,065,385
Special fund expenditures $8,081,375
Federal fund expenditures $1,056,132
Reimbursable fund expenditures $549,066
Total $18,751,958
Source: Maryland Department of Budget and Management, "State Budget Books, FY 2016: Vol. 1," accessed August 10, 2015

Maryland State Prosecutor


An individual or group that unknowingly violates Maryland's campaign finance laws may be subject to a civil penalty of no more than $5,000. These penalties are issued by the state prosecutor. An individual or group that knowingly violates the law may be subject to a fine of no more than $25,000, imprisonment for one year, or both. The state prosecutor is authorized to investigate alleged criminal violations and recommend prosecution to the Maryland Attorney General or the state's attorney.[5][6][7]


The state prosecutor is appointed by the governor. Nominations are made by the State Prosecutor Selection and Disabilities Commission. The state prosecutor serves a six-year term. The table below lists key staff within the state prosecutor's office as of August 2015.[7][8]

Office of the Maryland State Prosecutor—staff as of August 2015
Name Position
Emmet C. Davitt State Prosecutor
Thomas M. McDonough Deputy State Prosecutor
Michael J. Dunty Senior Assistant State Prosecutor
Katherine Anthony Assistant State Prosecutor
James I. Cabezas Chief Investigator
Genie Gunthrop Director of Office Administration
Source: Maryland State Prosecutor, "Organizational Structure," accessed August 10, 2015

Agency budget

In fiscal year 2014, total expenditures for the state prosecutor's office equaled $1.35 million. See the table below for further details.[4]

Office of the Maryland State Prosecutor—agency spending in fiscal year 2014
Spending type Amount
General fund expenditures $1,339,713
Reimbursable fund expenditures $10,776
Total $1,350,489
Source: Maryland Department of Budget and Management, "State Budget Books, FY 2016: Vol. 1," accessed August 10, 2015

Contact information

Maryland State Board of Elections

151 West Street, Suite 200
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Telephone: 410-269-2840
Fax: 410-974-2019

Maryland State Prosecutor

300 East Joppa Road
Hampton Plaza, Suite 410
Towson, Maryland 21286-3152
Telephone: 410-321-4067
Fax: 410-321-3851

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Maryland. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
