Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland

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Montgomery County Public Schools
School Board badge.png
Rockville, Maryland
District details
Superintendent: Monifa Bellinger McKnight
# of school board members: 7
Website: Link

Montgomery County Public Schools is a school district in Maryland.

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This information is updated as we become aware of changes. Please contact us with any updates.

Monifa Bellinger McKnight is the interim superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools. McKnight was appointed early 2021, and took office June 30, 2021. McKnight's previous career experience involves working as deputy superintendent, principal and director for Secondary Leadership Development Program.[1]

Past superintendents

  • Jack R. Smith was the superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools from 2016 to 2021. Smith's previous career experience includes working as the interim superintendent of schools and treasurer of the Maryland State Board of Education, the chief academic officer for the Office of Teaching and Learning of the Maryland State Department of Education, and a teacher.[2]
  • Larry Bowers was the interim superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools from 2015 to 2016. Bowers' previous career experience included working as the district's chief operating officer, chief financial officer, and director of the department of management, budget, and planning.[3]
  • Joshua Starr was the superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools from 2011 to 2015. Starr's previous career experience included working as the superintendent of Stamford Public Schools in Connecticut.[4][5]

School board

The Montgomery County Board of Education is composed of seven members. Five adult members are elected to specific districts and two adult members are elected to at-large seats. Additionally, a student representative is elected by his or her peers to serve a one-year term.

This officeholder information was last updated on May 14, 2024. Please contact us with any updates.


See also: Montgomery County Public Schools elections in 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024

Members of the board are elected to four-year terms on a staggered basis. Elections are held in even-numbered years.

Three seats on the board were up for general election on November 5, 2024. A primary was scheduled for May 14, 2024.

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Public participation in board meetings

The board maintains the following policy regarding public testimony during board meetings:[6]

The Board of Education designates time, during regular board business meetings, for public comments. The Board is interested in hearing a broad range of perspectives from the community during this time. The process for signing up and providing public testimony is outlined below. If you have questions regarding this process, please submit them to

A. Sign-Up Instructions – Regular Board Business Meeting Public Comment

Individuals may sign-up to provide public comment at the next Board of Education business meeting HERE. The sign-up period typically opens to the public one week before the business meeting at 6:00 p.m., unless notified otherwise.

The meeting will be open to the public and in-person public comments will be permitted. The Board also will continue to accept pre-recorded audio and video submissions for individuals who wish to remain virtual. All testimonies will be made available to the public on BoardDocs. Individuals who wish to provide public comments will register using the online registration form and will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

In addition to the online sign-ups, the Board will return to the practice of in person, same day sign-ups when space allows. Unallocated slots may be filled on a first-come, first-served basis, on the day of the meeting.

In order to sign-up in person, please arrive at least 15-20 minutes before the start of the open session and sign the form. In person sign-ups will close 15 minutes before public comment begins or when all slots are filled.

Safety Procedures for In-Person Observation and Public Comments

  • Please avoid in-person attendance if you have symptoms of illness.
  • Congregating in the hallways and doorways will be prohibited.
  • Signs larger than an 8.5” x 11” will be prohibited.

B. Sign-Up Confirmations

Up to 20 speakers, will be accepted to provide public comments. These speakers will be accepted as follows:

1) Agenda - The first ten (10) individual speakers who sign up to speak to an agenda item will be accepted to provide testimony.
2) Non-Agenda - The first five (5) individual speakers who sign up to speak to a non-agenda item, will be accepted to provide comments.
3) Associations/Organizations – Five (5) speaking slots are reserved for associations and organizations and may be used to speak to an agenda item. Upon registration, three of these slots will be reserved for the following associations: Montgomery County Association of Administrators and Principals/Montgomery County Business and Operations Administrators (MCAAP/MCBOA); 2) Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA); and 3) Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 500. Please note: If associations do not register, slots may be offered to other individuals/organizations who signed up to testify. The other two reserved slots are for any community or school organizations or associations and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
4) Exceptions - The Board reserves the right to limit the number of speakers and/or similar perspectives on a particular agenda topic. When the Board receives more requests than the allotted number of testimony slots available, registrations from individuals who have testified at a regular board business meeting within the last 30 calendar days may be declined, so that others may have an opportunity to testify.

In the event that the slots reserved for associations/organizations are not filled, those speaking slots will be offered to those individuals who have signed up to speak on an agenda topic on a first-come, first-served basis.

C. Public Comment Format & Content

Each individual speaker, association and organization will receive two (2) minutes to provide testimony.

Once the slots for public comment are filled, speakers will receive a confirmation email with instructions about how to prepare video/audio comments for submission. Please adhere to the submission deadline and instructions which will be included in the confirmation email. All written, video and audio, comments for the meeting should be submitted to

This is not the proper avenue to address specific student or employee matters, especially those matters on appeal to the Board. Comments about the actions or statements of individual staff members are not appropriate for Public Comment and should be referred to the Superintendent of Schools or processed through available channels.

Those who are not able to sign up or not selected to provide comments during the meeting, may email comments to Emails sent to this address are automatically distributed to all Board members and leadership staff.

Additional information about public comments may be found in the Board of Education Handbook.[7]

District map


The following statistics were published by the National Center for Education Statistics, which is a part of the U.S. Department of Education.[8]

Revenue, 2020-2021
Federal: $172,565,000 $1,075 5%
Local: $2,405,966,000 $14,984 67%
State: $1,009,307,000 $6,286 28%
Total: $3,587,838,000 $22,345
Expenditures, 2020-2021
Total Expenditures: $3,183,090,000 $19,824
Total Current Expenditures: $2,850,445,000 $17,752
Instructional Expenditures: $1,880,774,000 $11,713 59%
Student and Staff Support: $314,413,000 $1,958 10%
Administration: $280,113,000 $1,744 9%
Operations, Food Service, Other: $375,145,000 $2,336 12%
Total Capital Outlay: $234,404,000 $1,459
Construction: $202,135,000 $1,258
Total Non El-Sec Education & Other: $2,686,000 $16
Interest on Debt: $45,798,000 $285

Teacher salaries

The following salary information was pulled from the district's teacher salary schedule. A salary schedule is a list of expected compensations based on variables such as position, years employed, and education level. It may not reflect actual teacher salaries in the district.

Year Minimum Maximum
2023-2024[9] $59,640 $124,416
2020[10] $50,503 $111,043

Academic performance

Each year, state and local education agencies use tests and other standards to assess student proficiency. Although the data below was published by the U.S. Department of Education, proficiency measurements are established by the states. As a result, proficiency levels are not comparable between different states and year-over-year proficiency levels within a district may not be comparable because states may change their proficiency measurements.[11]

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 27 53 15 10 20-24 39 41
2018-2019 48 76 30 25 40-44 62 69
2016-2017 50 77 32 28 35-39 61 70
2015-2016 52 77 34 29 40-44 62 70
2014-2015 46 71 29 25 35-39 56 62
2013-2014 77 92 62 61 70-74 84 91
2012-2013 82 94 69 71 80-84 88 93
2011-2012 86 96 75 77 80-84 91 95
2010-2011 85 95 72 76 80-84 89 94

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 45 65 34 25 35-39 59 65
2018-2019 55 78 41 33 50-54 68 75
2016-2017 49 72 34 27 45-49 61 68
2015-2016 51 73 36 30 45-49 62 69
2014-2015 52 72 36 30 40-44 62 70
2013-2014 87 94 79 77 80-84 92 95
2012-2013 89 95 82 81 90-94 94 96
2011-2012 90 96 83 84 90-94 94 97
2010-2011 90 95 83 84 85-89 94 97

The following table shows the graduation rate of district students each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2019-2020 89 97 91 77 >=50 95 97
2018-2019 89 97 90 76 >=50 93 96
2017-2018 88 97 90 76 >=80 94 95
2016-2017 90 97 88 79 >=80 93 96
2015-2016 90 96 88 80 >=80 93 96
2014-2015 89 96 87 80 >=50 93 95
2013-2014 90 97 86 80 >=80 93 95
2012-2013 88 96 84 77 >=80 93 95
2011-2012 87 95 82 77 >=80 91 94
2010-2011 87 94 81 75 60-79 92 94


Year Enrollment Year-to-year change (%)
2022-2023 160,554 1.4
2021-2022 158,231 -1.5
2020-2021 160,564 -2.9
2019-2020 165,267 1.6
2018-2019 162,680 0.7
2017-2018 161,546 1.6
2016-2017 159,010 1.7
2015-2016 156,380 1.2
2014-2015 154,434 2.0
2013-2014 151,295 1.7
2012-2013 148,780 1.6
2011-2012 146,459 1.7
2010-2011 144,023 1.6
2009-2010 141,722 1.7
2008-2009 139,282 1.1
2007-2008 137,717 -0.1
2006-2007 137,814 -1.1
2005-2006 139,398 0.0
2004-2005 139,393 0.1
2003-2004 139,201 0.2
2002-2003 138,983 1.5
2001-2002 136,895 2.0
2000-2001 134,180 2.6
1999-2000 130,720 0.0
Racial Demographics, 2022-2023
RACE Montgomery County Public Schools (%) Maryland K-12 STUDENTS (%)
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.2 0.3
Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 13.9 6.7
Black 21.7 32.7
Hispanic 34.6 22.0
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.1 0.1
Two or More Races 5.1 5.2
White 24.3 32.9

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.


As of the 2022-2023 school year, Montgomery County Public Schools had 11,578.19 full-time classroom teachers. The student-teacher ratio was 13.87.

Teachers, 2022-2023 school year
Prekindergarten: 237.62
Kindergarten: 571.50
Elementary: 6,157.39
Secondary: 4,611.68
Total: 11,578.19

Montgomery County Public Schools employed 912.01 district administrators and 569.00 school administrators as of the 2022-2023 school year.

Administrators, 2022-2023 school year
District Administrators: 912.01
District Administrative Support: 299.22
School Administrators: 569.00
School Administrative Support: 863.38
Other staff, 2022-2023 school year
Instructional Aides: 2,432.47
Instruc. Coordinators & Supervisors: 454.21
Total Guidance Counselors: 572.58
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 266.54
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 306.04
Librarians/Media Specialists: 203.13
Library/Media Support: 129.67
Student Support Services: 1,172.41
Other Support Services: 4,229.08


Montgomery County Public Schools operates 211 schools. They are listed below in alphabetical order.
List of schools
Albert Einstein High2,0129-12
Alternative Programs110-10
A. Mario Loiederman Middle1,0016-8
Arcola Elementary709PK-5
Argyle Middle9956-8
Ashburton Elementary810PK-5
Bannockburn Elementary418KG-5
Bayard Rustin Elementary758PK-5
Beall Elementary497PK-5
Bells Mill Elementary611PK-5
Belmont Elementary344KG-5
Bel Pre Elementary522PK-2
Benjamin Banneker Middle7816-8
Bethesda-Chevy Chase High2,3359-12
Bethesda Elementary611PK-5
Beverly Farms Elementary583PK-5
Bradley Hills Elementary464KG-5
Briggs Chaney Middle8646-8
Brooke Grove Elementary417PK-5
Brookhaven Elementary410PK-5
Brown Station Elementary617PK-5
Burning Tree Elementary437KG-5
Burnt Mills Elementary637PK-5
Burtonsville Elementary617PK-5
Cabin Branch Elementary0
Cabin John Middle9746-8
Candlewood Elementary368KG-5
Cannon Road Elementary401PK-5
Captain James E. Daly Elementary515PK-5
Carderock Springs Elementary337KG-5
Carl Sandburg Center88KG-6
Cashell Elementary336PK-5
Cedar Grove Elementary386PK-5
Chevy Chase Elementary4313-5
Clarksburg Elementary778PK-5
Clarksburg High2,2519-12
Clearspring Elementary574PK-5
Clopper Mill Elementary459PK-5
Cloverly Elementary460PK-5
Cold Spring Elementary351KG-5
College Gardens Elementary471PK-5
Col. Zadok Magruder High1,6869-12
Cresthaven Elementary4723-5
Damascus Elementary366KG-5
Damascus High1,4149-12
Darnestown Elementary340KG-5
Diamond Elementary676KG-5
Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary476PK-5
Dr. Ronald E. Mcnair Elementary729PK-5
Dr. Sally K. Ride Elementary502PK-5
Dufief Elementary245KG-6
Earle B. Wood Middle1,0686-8
Eastern Middle8936-8
East Silver Spring Elementary513PK-5
Fairland Elementary544PK-5
Fallsmead Elementary543KG-5
Farmland Elementary797KG-5
Fields Road Elementary452PK-5
Flora M. Singer Elementary634PK-5
Flower Hill Elementary460PK-5
Flower Valley Elementary540KG-5
Forest Knolls Elementary494PK-5
Forest Oak Middle9226-8
Fox Chapel Elementary593PK-5
Francis Scott Key Middle9656-8
Gaithersburg Elementary717PK-5
Gaithersburg High2,4369-12
Gaithersburg Middle8756-8
Galway Elementary733PK-5
Garrett Park Elementary686PK-5
Georgian Forest Elementary519PK-5
Germantown Elementary294PK-5
Glenallan Elementary656PK-5
Glen Haven Elementary551PK-5
Goshen Elementary516PK-5
Great Seneca Creek Elementary520KG-5
Greencastle Elementary714PK-5
Greenwood Elementary539PK-5
Hallie Wells Middle9636-8
Harmony Hills Elementary699PK-5
Harriet R. Tubman Elementary440PK-5
Herbert Hoover Middle9256-8
Highland Elementary515PK-5
Highland View Elementary382PK-5
Jackson Road Elementary661PK-5
James Hubert Blake High1,7849-12
Joann Leleck At Broad Acres Elementary761PK-5
John F. Kennedy High1,8279-12
John H. Poole Middle4436-8
John L Gildner Regional Inst For Children & Adol845-12
John T. Baker Middle School8256-8
Jones Lane Elementary449KG-5
Judith A. Resnik Elementary576PK-5
Julius West Middle1,3256-8
Kemp Mill Elementary422PK-5
Kensington Parkwood Elementary592PK-5
Kingsview Middle9606-8
Lakelands Park Middle1,0426-8
Lake Seneca Elementary459PK-5
Lakewood Elementary438KG-5
Laytonsville Elementary333KG-5
Little Bennett Elementary631KG-5
Lois P. Rockwell Elementary514PK-5
Longview School66KG-12
Lucy V. Barnsley Elementary657PK-5
Luxmanor Elementary707PK-5
Martin Luther King Jr. Middle8906-8
Maryvale Elementary631PK-5
Mcps Transitions School0UG-UG
Meadow Hall Elementary389KG-5
Mill Creek Towne Elementary468PK-5
Monocacy Elementary167KG-5
Montgomery Blair High3,2049-12
Montgomery Knolls Elementary515PK-2
Montgomery Village Middle7736-8
Neelsville Middle8156-8
New Hampshire Estates Elem434PK-2
Newport Mill Middle6236-8
North Bethesda Middle1,1106-8
North Chevy Chase Elementary2343-5
Northwest High2,4849-12
Northwood High1,7959-12
Oakland Terrace Elementary530PK-5
Oak View Elementary4153-5
Odessa Shannon Middle8236-8
Olney Elementary613KG-5
Paint Branch High2,1359-12
Parkland Middle1,0506-8
Pep - Itinerant57PK-PK
Pine Crest Elementary4683-5
Piney Branch Elementary5993-5
Poolesville Elementary567KG-5
Poolesville High1,3099-12
Potomac Elementary443KG-5
Quince Orchard High2,1549-12
Rachel Carson Elementary698PK-5
Redland Middle5716-8
Richard Montgomery High2,3909-12
Ridgeview Middle7516-8
Ritchie Park Elementary378KG-5
Robert Frost Middle School9686-8
Roberto W. Clemente Middle8576-8
Rock Creek Forest Elementary673PK-5
Rock Creek Valley Elementary385PK-5
Rock Terrace School736-12
Rock View Elementary600PK-5
Rockville High1,5169-12
Rocky Hill Middle1,0586-8
Rolling Terrace Elementary709PK-5
Rosa M. Parks Middle8486-8
Roscoe R Nix Elementary473PK-2
Rosemary Hills Elementary578PK-2
Rosemont Elementary615PK-5
Sargent Shriver Elementary734PK-5
S. Christa Mcauliffe Elementary517PK-5
Seneca Valley High2,2399-12
Sequoyah Elementary431PK-5
Seven Locks Elementary386PK-5
Shady Grove Middle4956-8
Sherwood Elementary521PK-5
Sherwood High1,7219-12
Silver Creek Middle7786-8
Silver Spring International Middle1,1586-8
Sligo Creek Elementary649KG-5
Sligo Middle6766-8
Snowden Farm Elementary668PK-5
Somerset Elementary338KG-5
South Lake Elementary797PK-5
Spark M. Matsunaga Elementary567KG-5
Springbrook High1,8389-12
Stedwick Elementary501PK-5
Stephen Knolls School67PK-12
Stonegate Elementary490KG-5
Stone Mill Elementary550PK-5
Strathmore Elementary4873-5
Strawberry Knoll Elementary500PK-5
Summit Hall Elementary473PK-6
Takoma Park Elementary579PK-2
Takoma Park Middle1,0776-8
Thomas Edison High School Of Technology0UG-UG
Thomas S. Wootton High1,9119-12
Thomas W. Pyle Middle1,2416-8
Thurgood Marshall Elementary591PK-5
Tilden Middle1,1006-8
Travilah Elementary377PK-5
Twinbrook Elementary489PK-5
Viers Mill Elementary528PK-5
Walter Johnson High2,9429-12
Walt Whitman High2,0189-12
Washington Grove Elementary434PK-5
Waters Landing Elementary753PK-5
Watkins Mill Elementary735PK-5
Watkins Mill High1,7159-12
Wayside Elementary442PK-5
Weller Road Elementary742PK-5
Westbrook Elementary496KG-5
Westland Middle8456-8
Westover Elementary289PK-5
Wheaton High2,5999-12
Wheaton Woods Elementary559PK-5
Whetstone Elementary715PK-5
White Oak Middle8526-8
William B. Gibbs Jr. Elementary632PK-5
William H. Farquhar Middle6746-8
William Tyler Page Elementary611PK-5
Wilson Wims Elementary School563PK-5
Winston Churchill High2,2349-12
Wood Acres Elementary605PK-5
Woodfield Elementary323PK-5
Woodlin Elementary560PK-5
Wyngate Elementary715PK-5

Contact information

Montgomery County Public Schools logo.png
Montgomery County Public Schools
850 Hungerford Dr.
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-740-3000

About school boards

Education legislation in Maryland

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See also

Maryland School Board Elections News and Analysis
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External links
