Judiciary Committee, New Hampshire House of Representatives

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New Hampshire
House of Representatives
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House Committees

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Senate Committees
Joint Committees

The Judiciary Committee is a standing committee of the New Hampshire House of Representatives.[1]

Per the House Rules, committees of the New Hampshire House of Representatives are assigned by the speaker of the house after consultation with the minority leader.[2] Committees are assigned after each election.[3] A majority of appointed members make up a committee's quorum.[3] The Speaker is not recognized as an ex officio member of any committee.

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: House Rules


It shall be the duty of the Committee on Judiciary to consider all matters relating to the judicial system, right-to-know law, guardianships, life and death (such as abortion or assisted death), landlord/tenant rights, civil proceedings, tort law, forfeiture, immunity, and probate; and such other matters as may be referred to it.[4][5]


2023-2024 legislative session

House Judiciary Committee, 2023-2024

Democratic members (10) Republican members (10) Third-party members(0)

2021-2022 legislative session

House Judiciary Committee, 2021-2022

Democratic members (10) Republican members (10) Third-party members(0)

Bob Greene (R) left this committee on May 27, 2022. [Source]

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Judiciary Members, 2017
Democratic members (7)Republican members (10)
Sandra KeansJoseph Hagan, Chair
Janet WallClaire Rouillard, Vice chair
Timothy HorriganGary Hopper
Paul BerchMichael Sylvia
Linda B. KenisonRobert Hull
Charlotte DiLorenzoKurt Wuelper
Mary Jane MulliganRobert Graham
Dan Hynes
Jason Janvrin
John A. Leavitt

2015 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2015 legislative session.



External links


  1. New Hampshire State Legislature, "House Rules," accessed March 1, 2021 (Rule 31)
  2. New Hampshire State Legislature, "House Rules," accessed March 1, 2021(Rule 29)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Information submitted by Ryan Mahoney via email to a Ballotpedia staffer on February 5, 2014
  4. New Hampshire State Legislature, "House Rules," accessed March 1, 2021 (Rule 31)
  5. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.

Belknap 1
Belknap 2
Belknap 3
Belknap 4
Belknap 7
Belknap 8
Carroll 1
Tom Buco (D)
Carroll 2
Carroll 3
Carroll 4
Carroll 5
Carroll 6
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Carroll 8
Cheshire 1
Cheshire 10
Cheshire 11
Cheshire 12
Cheshire 13
Cheshire 14
John Hunt (R)
Cheshire 15
Cheshire 16
Cheshire 17
Cheshire 18
Cheshire 2
Dru Fox (D)
Cheshire 3
Cheshire 4
Cheshire 5
Cheshire 6
Cheshire 7
Cheshire 8
Cheshire 9
Coos 1
Coos 2
Coos 3
Coos 4
Seth King (R)
Coos 5
Coos 6
Coos 7
Grafton 10
Grafton 11
Grafton 13
Grafton 14
Grafton 15
Grafton 16
Grafton 17
Grafton 18
Grafton 2
Grafton 3
Grafton 4
Grafton 6
Grafton 7
Grafton 8
Grafton 9
Hillsborough 1
Hillsborough 10
Bill Ohm (R)
Hillsborough 11
Hillsborough 14
Hillsborough 15
Hillsborough 16
Hillsborough 17
Hillsborough 18
Hillsborough 19
Matt Drew (R)
Hillsborough 20
Hillsborough 21
Hillsborough 22
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Hillsborough 24
Hillsborough 25
Hillsborough 26
Hillsborough 27
Hillsborough 28
Keith Erf (R)
Hillsborough 29
Hillsborough 3
Hillsborough 30
Hillsborough 31
Hillsborough 32
Hillsborough 33
Hillsborough 34
Hillsborough 35
Hillsborough 36
Hillsborough 37
Hillsborough 38
Hillsborough 39
Hillsborough 4
Hillsborough 40
Hillsborough 41
Lily Foss (D)
Hillsborough 42
Lisa Post (R)
Hillsborough 43
Hillsborough 44
Hillsborough 45
Hillsborough 5
Hillsborough 6
Hillsborough 7
Hillsborough 8
Hillsborough 9
Merrimack 1
Merrimack 10
Merrimack 11
Merrimack 12
Merrimack 13
Merrimack 14
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Merrimack 19
Merrimack 2
Merrimack 20
Merrimack 21
Merrimack 22
Merrimack 23
Merrimack 24
Merrimack 25
Merrimack 26
Alvin See (R)
Merrimack 27
Merrimack 28
Merrimack 29
Merrimack 3
Merrimack 30
Merrimack 4
Merrimack 5
Merrimack 6
Merrimack 7
Merrimack 8
Merrimack 9
Rockingham 1
Rockingham 10
Rockingham 11
Rockingham 12
Zoe Manos (D)
Rockingham 14
Pam Brown (R)
Rockingham 15
Rockingham 18
Rockingham 19
Rockingham 2
Rockingham 20
Rockingham 21
Rockingham 22
Rockingham 23
Rockingham 24
Rockingham 26
Rockingham 27
Rockingham 28
Rockingham 29
Rockingham 3
Mary Ford (R)
Rockingham 30
Rockingham 31
Terry Roy (R)
Rockingham 32
Rockingham 33
Rockingham 34
Rockingham 35
Rockingham 36
Rockingham 37
Rockingham 38
Rockingham 39
Rockingham 4
Rockingham 40
Rockingham 5
Rockingham 6
Rockingham 7
Rockingham 8
Rockingham 9
Strafford 1
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Strafford 12
Strafford 13
Strafford 14
Strafford 15
Strafford 16
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Strafford 20
Strafford 21
Luz Bay (D)
Strafford 3
Strafford 4
Strafford 5
Strafford 6
Strafford 7
Strafford 8
Strafford 9
Sullivan 1
Sullivan 2
Sullivan 3
Sullivan 4
Judy Aron (R)
Sullivan 5
Sullivan 6
Sullivan 7
Sullivan 8
Republican Party (221)
Democratic Party (177)
Independent (1)