June 8, 2010 election in California

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May 25

The June 8, 2010 election in California included a number of notable statewide and local ballot measures, in addition to the primary election contests on the ballot for Governor of California, Attorney General, other statewide elected officials, members of the U.S. Congress, seats in the state senate and in the state assembly.

A total of 108 local ballot measures, including two recall questions, were on local California ballots on June 8, in 31 of California's 58 counties.

Of the 108 local measures, 76 were approved and 32 were defeated. In both local recall elections, the recall target was recalled.

Twenty-three parcel tax measures were on the June 8 ballot. 17 of them (74%) were approved. Of the parcel tax measures on the June 8 ballot, eleven were for school funding and twelve were for non-school taxing districts, including libraries, cities and so on. A notable school parcel tax on the June 8 ballot was the San Mateo Community College parcel tax, Measure G, which narrowly passed. Measure G was the first time a community college parcel tax was on a California ballot.

Nine zoning, land use and development measures were on the June 8 ballot, including the much commented-upon Santa Clara Stadium for the 49ers, Measure J.


See also: Analysis of ballot measure information on California county websites for June 8, 2010 election


Alameda County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Creation of the Lammersville Joint Unified School District (also on the ballot in parts of San Joaquin County)
Approveda Measure B: Byron Bethany Irrigation District Size of the Board of Directors (also on the ballot in parts of Contra Costa County)
Defeatedd Measure C: Berkeley Public Swimming Pools parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure D: Pleasanton Referendum on Oak Grove


Amador County ballot measures

Approveda Measure N: Gold Rush Ranch and Golf Resort Referendum

Contra Costa

Contra Costa County ballot measures

Approveda Measure B: Byron Bethany Irrigation District Size of the Board of Directors (also on the ballot in parts of Alameda County and San Joaquin County)
Approveda Measure C: Mt. Diablo Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure D: West Contra Costa Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure E: Contra Costa County Service Area P-6 (Zone 3111) parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure F: City of Brentwood Urban Limit Expansion
Approveda Measure G: City of Kensington parcel tax


See also: Fresno County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: City of Fresno Charter Amendment about Adding City Council Seats
Defeatedd Measure P: Cutler-Orosi Unified Schools parcel tax (also on the ballot in parts of Tulare County)
Defeatedd Measure O: City of Orange Cove Mayor Appointments
Defeatedd Measure K: City of Selma Hotel Tax


Humboldt County, California ballot measures

Approveda Measure K: Blue Lake Elementary School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure L: Southern Humboldt Unified School District bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Mendocino County)
Approveda Measure M: Rohnerville School District bond proposition


Imperial County, California ballot measures

Approveda Measure H: City of Calexico Sales Tax
Defeatedd Measure I: Calipatria Unified School District


Inyo County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Big Pine School District bond proposition


Kern County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: City of Ridgecrest Trash Collection Ordinance
Approveda Measure B: City of Ridgecrest Recycling Services Ordinance


Kings County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure Q: Corcoran Unified Schools bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Tulare County)

Los Angeles

Los Angeles County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: Torrance Change in Election Schedule
Defeatedd Measure AA: Lynwood Unified School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure CS: Inglewood Civil Service Positions
Defeatedd Measure E: Los Angeles Unified School District parcel tax


June 8 2010 Election Pin.jpg
Marin County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Marin County Free Library parcel tax
Approveda Measure B: City of San Anselmo Library parcel tax
Approveda Measure C: City of San Rafael Library parcel tax
Defeatedd Measure D: Santa Venetia Flood Control District 7 parcel tax
Approveda Measure E: Muir Beach Community Service District parcel tax
Approveda Measure F: Management of the Novato Sanitary District


Mendocino County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Anderson Valley Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure B: Willits Unified School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure L: Southern Humboldt Unified School District bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Humboldt County)


Modoc County ballot measures

Approveda Measure O: City of Alturas Mosquito abatement per-meter fee
Approveda Measure P: Surprise Valley Healthcare District parcel tax


Mono County ballot measures

Approveda Measure M: Mammoth Lakes Marijuana Cooperatives
Approveda Measure U: Mammoth Lakes Utility Users Tax


Monterey County ballot measures

Approveda Measure L: Greenfield Union School District bond proposition


Orange County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Garden Grove Unified School bonds
Defeatedd Measure B: Buena Park Schools parcel tax
Approveda Measure C: Costa Mesa Vote on the Orange County Fairgrounds
Defeatedd Measure D: Mission Viejo Right-to-Vote Amendment


Riverside County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Proposed Incorporation of the City of Eastvale
Approveda Measure B: Method of Electing Members of the Eastvale City Council (The "at large" option won.)
Approveda Measure G: City of Desert Hot Springs parcel tax
Approveda Measure H: Cathedral City Sales Tax
Approveda Measure I: City of Coachella Utility Users Tax


Sacramento County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A: Arcohe Union School District bond proposition

San Bernardino

San Bernardino County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure O: City of Redlands Limits on Big Box Stores
Approveda Measure P: City of Needles Charter Amendment
Approveda Measure Q: City of Needles Sale of the Colorado Medical Center
Defeatedd Measure RR: City of Rialto Contributions to PERS
Defeatedd Measure S: Lucerne Valley Unified School District bond proposition

San Diego

Scenic, tourist-attracting Del Mar, where voters declined to impose a Cottage Tax on June 8
San Diego County ballot measures

Approveda Proposition A: East Otay Mesa Recycling
Approveda Proposition B: San Diego County Supervisor Term Limits
Approveda Proposition C: San Diego Preference in Hiring Veterans
Approveda Proposition D: San Diego Strong Mayor
Approveda Proposition G: Chula Vista Public Works and Unions
Defeatedd Proposition H: City of Coronado Traffic Tunnel Advisory Vote
Defeatedd Proposition J: Del Mar Cottage Tax
Approveda Proposition K: Oceanside Charter
Defeatedd Proposition L: Solana Beach Business Tax
Approveda City of Poway: Betty Rexford recall

San Francisco

San Francisco ballot measures

Approveda Proposition A: San Francisco Unified School District parcel tax
Approveda Proposition B: San Francisco Earthquake Safety Bond
Defeatedd Proposition C: San Francisco Film Commission Appointments
Approveda Proposition D: San Francisco Public Employee Pensions
Approveda Proposition E: San Francisco Costs of Protecting Dignitaries
Defeatedd Proposition F: San Francisco Rent Increase Hardship Appeals
Approveda Proposition G: San Francisco Transbay Terminal Advisory Vote

San Joaquin

San Joaquin County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Creation of the Lammersville Joint Unified School District (also on the ballot in parts of Alameda County)
Approveda Measure B: Byron Bethany Irrigation District Size of the Board of Directors (also on the ballot in parts of Alameda County and Contra Costa County)
Defeatedd Measure C: North San Joaquin Water Conservation District
Approveda Stockton Unified School District: Dan Castillo recall

San Luis Obispo

San Luis Obispo County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure A-10: City of Arroyo Grande Police Station bond proposition

San Mateo

San Mateo County ballot measures

Approveda Measure E: Cabrillo Unified School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure G: San Mateo Community College parcel tax
Approveda Measure H: City of East Palo Alto Rent Control

Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure J: Carpinteria Oil Drilling Initiative
Approveda Measure K: County of Santa Barbara County Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure L: Hope School District bond proposition

Santa Clara

Santa Clara County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School bond proposition
Approveda Measure B: Milpitas Unified School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure C: Oak Grove School District parcel tax
Approveda Measure E: Los Gatos Union School District bond proposition
Approveda Measure G: Campbell Union Elementary School bond proposition
Approveda Measure H: Mount Pleasant Elementary School parcel tax
Approveda Measure I: Alum Rock Elementary School parcel tax
Approveda Measure J: City of Santa Clara Stadium for the 49ers
Approveda Measure K: City of San Jose Card Clubs Expansion
Approveda Measure L: North County Library parcel tax


Solano County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: City of Vallejo Repeal of Binding Arbitration


Sonoma County ballot measures

Approveda Measure C: Mark West Union School District bond proposition
Defeatedd Measure D: Sonoma County Civil Service Ordinance Amendment
Approveda Measure E: Rohnert Park Sales Tax Increase
Approveda Measure F: Russian River Fire Protection District parcel tax


Tulare County ballot measures

Defeatedd Measure P: Cutler-Orosi Unified Schools parcel tax (also on the ballot in parts of Fresno County)
Defeatedd Measure Q: Corcoran Unified Schools bond proposition (also on the ballot in parts of Kings County)
Defeatedd Measure R: Porterville Charter Amendment


Tuolumne County ballot measures

Approveda Measure A: Tuolumne County Hotel Tax
Approveda Measure B: City of Sonora Hotel Tax


Yolo County ballot measures

Approveda Measure Q: City of Davis Sales Tax
Approveda Measure R: City of Davis Right to Vote on Open Space
Approveda Measure S: City of Woodland Sales Tax for Libraries (Advisory)
Approveda Measure T: City of Woodland Sales Tax for Parks (Advisory)
Approveda Measure U: City of Woodland Sales Tax for Public Safety (Advisory)
Approveda Measure V: City of Woodland Sales Tax
Approveda Measure W: City of Winters Utility Users Tax
Approveda Measure Y: City of Winters Police and Fire Advisory Vote


Statewide propositions

See also: California 2010 ballot propositions

June 8:

Type Title Subject Description Result
LRCA Proposition 13 Taxes Exempts construction to seismically retrofit buildings from property tax reassessment
LRCA Proposition 14 Elections Adopts a two-two primary system
LRSS Proposition 15 Elections Repeals the state ban on public funding of campaigns; creates a program to publicly fund Secretary of State campaigns for the 2014 and 2018 elections; creates a biennial fee of $700 on lobbyists, lobbying firms, and lobbyist employers
CICA Proposition 16 Elections Prohibits a local government from incurring any debt or expending public funds to expand electricity delivery services and prohibits local governments from becoming an aggregate electricity provider without a two-thirds supermajority vote of approval from voters in the local government's jurisdiction and voters within the territory that would be served
CISS Proposition 17 Regulation Allows car insurance companies to decrease or increase rates based on a driver's history of continuous car insurance coverage

November 2:

Type Title Subject Description Result
CISS Proposition 19 Marijuana Legalizes recreational marijuana for individuals 21 years of age and older; requires marijuana establishments to pay federal, state, and local taxes that are currently assessed on other similar businesses; allows state and local governments to impose additional taxes and fees
CICA Proposition 20 Elections Transfers the power of congressional redistricting from the California State Legislature and the governor to the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, which was created by Proposition 11 of 2008
CISS Proposition 21 Taxes Creates an $18 surcharge to vehicle registration fees and dedicating revenue from the surcharge to state parks and wildlife programs
CICA Proposition 22 State spending Prohibits the state from redirecting property tax revenues from local jurisdictions and using fuel tax revenue to pay for transportation bonds, even in the case of a fiscal emergency
CISS Proposition 23 Environment Suspends Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), which required greenhouse gas emissions to be reduced to 1990 levels by 2020, until California's unemployment rate decreases to 5.5% or less for four consecutive quarters
CISS Proposition 24 Taxes Repeals 2008 and 2009 tax laws that allowed corporations to lower their tax liability through transferring operating losses to prior years, sharing tax credits among affiliated corporations, and changing the tax calculation for multi-state businesses
CICA Proposition 25 State spending Changes the requirement to pass the state budget from two-thirds to a simple majority vote of the legislature and requiring legislators to forfeit pay when they do not pass a state budget on time
CICA Proposition 26 Taxes Increases the vote requirement needed to impose certain new taxes and fees by the state legislature and local governments from a simple majority to a two-thirds supermajority vote
CICA/SS Proposition 27 Elections Repeals a 2008 ballot measure that established a citizens commission for legislative redistricting and returning the power of redistricting to the state legislature


See also


  1. The status of this ballot measure is unclear. Tuolumne County election officials have been queried about it. The idea that there would be such a vote was based on a newspaper article from March 2010.