June 7, 2016 ballot measures in California

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May 3

California voters voted on one statewide ballot measure and 149 local ballot measures on June 7, 2016. The local measures on the ballot are listed out by county below.

  • California voters decided one statewide ballot measure on June 7, 2016: Proposition 50, which was designed to allow the full suspension of state legislators, including the suspension of salaries and pension benefits. It was approved.
  • California voters decided 149 local ballot measures about everything from taxes and over $6.1 billion in proposed local school debt to marijuana, fracking, and development projects. According to official, certified election voters approved 108 local measures and defeated at 41.
  • Overview

    The Statewide measure

    See also: California Legislator Suspension Amendment, Proposition 50 (June 2016)

    Proposition 50, the statewide measure before voters on June 7, 2016, was a constitutional amendment put before voters by the legislature to allow the full suspension of a state lawmaker—including the suspension of his or her pension and salary—upon a two-thirds (66.67%) vote of either the state Senate or the state Assembly, depending on the branch in which the targeted legislator serves. Without the approval of Proposition 50, state law would continue to allow suspension of legislators, but would not allow the suspension of their salaries, pension benefits, and other privileges.

    This measure was prompted by the suspensions of state Senators Ron Calderon (D-30), Roderick Wright (D-35), and Leland Yee (D-8) based on criminal allegations. While the lawmakers were suspended from voting in the legislature, their salaries and pension benefits could not be suspended. These were the first suspensions of California legislators in the history of the state.

    Local measures

    Of the 149 measures on the ballot, 108 were approved according to the official, certified election results, and 41 were defeated. Over 1.5 million Californians voted on Measure AA, a first-of-its-kind nine-county parcel tax to fund restoration and maintenance of the San Francisco Bay. It was approved, garnering nearly 70 percent approval; it needed approval from 66.67 percent of voters to be enacted.


    See also: Local marijuana on the ballot

    Eleven local medical marijuana-related ballot measures were on the California primary ballot in different cities and counties across the state. Some were veto referendums targeting cultivation restrictions imposed by county or city officials, others were citizen initiatives seeking to lift medical marijuana dispensary and home-growing regulations, and still others were put on the ballot by city councils to impose taxes on marijuana cultivation or sales.

    Defeatedd Measure C: San Jose Medical Marijuana Collectives Initiative
    Defeatedd Measure W: Nevada County Outdoor Marijuana Cultivation Ban
    Approveda Measure G: Butte County Marijuana Exclusion from "Right to Farm Ordinance" Referendum
    Approveda Measure H: Butte County "Restrictions on Cultivation of Medical Marijuana" Referendum
    Defeatedd Measure A: Yuba County Medical Marijuana Cultivation Act of 2015
    Defeatedd Measure B: Yuba County Patients Access to Regulated Medical Cannabis Act of 2015
    Defeatedd Measure A: Sierra County Commercial Marijuana Advisory Question
    Approveda Measure T: Siskiyou County Medical Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance Enforcement Reform Referendum
    Approveda Measure U: Siskiyou County Medical Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance Referendum
    Approveda Measure C: Davis Recreational Marijuana Business License Tax
    Defeatedd Measure Y: Sacramento Marijuana Cultivation Tax


    See also: Local fracking on the ballot
    Frack Free Butte County logo

    Voters in Butte County decided the fate of, Measure E, a citizen initiative designed to prohibit fracking and other high-intensity oil and gas extraction methods, such as acid stimulation. Butte County electors approved the fracking ban with 71.54 percent of voters approving the measure.

    Development and open space

    See also: Local zoning, land use and development on the ballot

    In California, some of the most heated ballot measure battles are fought over measures regarding zoning, land use, and development projects. These measures can have a significant effect on the atmosphere and quality of life in a city, as well as its economic health. It is not uncommon to see a developer at odds with a group of residents or open space advocates over a proposed residential or commercial development project, and in some cases the city council take the side of developer to encourage revenue and job creation from the developments. During the June 2016 election, voters determined the fate of 12 land use-related measures. Some were initiatives put on the ballot through signature petitions to restrict development, other measures were put on the ballot by city council members to allow city council control over zoning and development issues, and still others were measures backed by a company and by city council members to allow for a specific development or construction project.

    In Dana Point, which is in Orange County, citizens put an initiative requiring voter approval to authorize most development projects in the Town Center on the ballot, and the Dana Point City Council responded by putting a competing measure on the ballot designed to allow the city council to retain control over zoning and development decisions. Dana Point voters chose the citizen initiative over the council's referral, approving Measure H by a margin of 59-41 and rejecting Measure I by nearly the same margin.

    In Fort Bragg, a unique measure was put on the ballot through a citizen initiative drive to prohibit social services in the downtown business district in order to decrease the homeless presence in that portion of the city. Opponents argued that the initiative was discriminatory and unconstitutional. The measure was defeated with a little over 56 percent of voters rejecting it at the polls.

    School bonds

    See also: School bond elections in California]

    Local school bond authorization measures often make up a significant portion of the local ballot measures on the ballot in California each year. At the half-way mark, 2016 looks like no exception; nearly a third of the 149 measures before voters on June 7, 2016, were school bond proposals. Local voters decided the fate of over $6.2 billion in proposed local school debt spread out over proposals in 44 different school districts. These measures also determined a portion of the property tax bills California residents will see throughout the next 25-40 years since school districts use property tax increases to pay for the principal debt authorized by bond issue measures and the interest accrued.

    The two largest bond issue measures—$950 million for the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District and $485 million for the State Center Community College District—made up almost a fifth of the total requested bond money. Both were approved.

    In 2014, a total of $14.8 billion in bond issues was requested by local school districts through 157 separate measures. The election in June 2014 featured 44 of the 2014's 157 local school bond issues. Out of the 2014 total, 128 local measures received the required for approval, amounting to $12,614,740,000 in approved bond issues.

    Local measures, by county


    Approveda = This measure was approved.
    Defeatedd = This measure was defeated.
    Unresolved = Results are not yet available or are currently too close to call.
    Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot = This measure did not go on the ballot.
    See also: Alameda County, California ballot measures

    Measure K: Pleasanton Lund Ranch Development Project Referendum Approveda
    Measure E: Albany Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure H: Dublin Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure C: Hayward Charter Amendment to Move City General Elections to November Approveda
    Measure B: Albany Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure G: Castro Valley Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure D: Hayward Utility Tax Renewal Approveda
    Measure F: Piedmont Parcel Tax Approveda
    Measure I: Fremont Unified School District Parcel Tax Approveda


    See also: Butte County, California ballot measures

    Measure H: Butte County "Restrictions on Cultivation of Medical Marijuana" Referendum Approveda
    Measure G: Butte County Marijuana Exclusion from "Right to Farm Ordinance" Referendum Approveda
    Measure E: Butte County Fracking Ban Initiative Approveda

    Contra Costa

    See also: Contra Costa County, California ballot measures

    Measure B: Brentwood Union School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure C: Lafayette School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure D: Walnut Creek School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure E: Antioch Card Room Limitiation Initiative Approveda
    Measure G: Antioch Appointed Treasurer Proposal Defeatedd
    Meaure H: Clayton Parks and Trails Parcel Tax Approveda
    Measure K: Oakley Library Parcel Tax Defeatedd
    Meaure L: Orinda Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure M: Pittsburg Sales Tax Extention Approveda
    Measure N: Richmond Riviera Residential Development Initiative Defeatedd
    Measure O: Richmond City Employee Salary Restrictions and Transparency Initiative Defeatedd

    El Dorado

    See also: El Dorado County, California ballot measures

    Measure B: Cameron Estates CSD Zoning Change Advisory Vote Defeatedd
    Measure H: Camino Union School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure A: El Dorado County Charter Preamble Amendment Approveda
    Measure G: El Dorado County Zoning and Land Use Policies Initiative Defeatedd
    Measure J: El Dorado County Obsolete Language Removal Charter Amendment Approveda
    Measure E: El Dorado County Road and Traffic Policies Initiative Approveda
    Measure C: Mother Lode Union School District Bond Issue Approveda


    See also: Fresno County, California ballot measures

    Ballotpedia did not cover any measures in this county on June 7, 2016.


    See also: Humboldt County, California ballot measures

    Ballotpedia did not cover any measures in this county on June 7, 2016.


    See also: Imperial County, California ballot measures

    Measure K: Central Union High School District Bond Issue Approveda


    See also: Kern County, California ballot measures

    Meaure A: Beardsley School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure B: Fairfax School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure C: General Shafter School District Bond Issue Defeatedd
    Measure D: Wasco Union Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure E: Wasco Union Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure F: Kern County Library Sales Tax Defeatedd
    Measure G: Bear Valley Community Services District Parcel Tax Increase Defeatedd
    Measure H: Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District Hospital Lease Approveda


    See also: Kings County, California ballot measures

    Measure P: Pioneer Union School District Bond Issue Defeatedd
    Measure K: Kings County Public Safety Sales Tax Defeatedd


    See also: Lake County, California ballot measures

    Measure U: Kelseyville Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda


    See also: Lassen County, California ballot measures

    Measure G: Lassen County 51st State of Jefferson State Split Advisory Question Defeatedd

    Los Angeles

    See also: Los Angeles County, California ballot measures

    Measure LB: Long Beach Community College District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure Y: Pomona Billboard Zoning Ordinance Amendment Defeatedd
    Measure K: Redondo Beach Residential Care Facilities Amendment Approveda
    Measure C: Carson Utility Tax Extension Approveda
    Measure W: Montebello Sale of the Montebello Water System Measure Defeatedd
    Measure B: Long Beach Budget Stabilization Fund Measure Approveda
    Measure P: Compton Sales Tax Approveda
    Measure N: Glendale Utility Users Tax Repeal Defeatedd
    Measure GS: Montebello Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure E: Santa Clarita Community College District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure S: Hermosa Beach City School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure A: Long Beach Sales Tax Approveda


    See also: Madera County, California ballot measures

    Ballotpedia did not cover any measures in this county on June 7, 2016.


    See also: Marin County, California ballot measures

    Measure B: Marin Community College District Bond Approveda
    Measure C: Belvedere Authorization to Adjust Appropriations Limit for Emergency Services Vote Approveda
    Measure D: San Rafael Increased Library Tax Vote Approveda


    See also: Mendocino County, California ballot measures

    Measure U: Fort Bragg Initiative to Ban Social Service Organizations in the Business District Defeatedd
    Measure V: Mendocino County Killed and Standing Trees Prohibition Initiative Approveda
    Measure W: Mendocino County Charter Commission Initiative Defeatedd


    See also: Merced County, California ballot measures

    Measure U: Ballico-Cressey School District Bond Issue Approveda


    See also: Monterey County, California ballot measures

    Measure A: San Antonio Union School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure B: Salinas Competitive Bidding and Voter Approval Requirements Charter Amendment Approveda
    Measure C: Salinas Fireworks Legalization Initiative Approveda


    See also: Napa County, California ballot measures

    Measure H: Napa Valley Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure Y: Napa County Sales Tax Defeatedd
    Measure A: Pope Valley Union Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda


    See also: Nevada County, California ballot measures

    Measure W: Nevada County Outdoor Marijuana Cultivation Ban Defeatedd
    Measure X: Nevada City Business License Tax Simplification Ordinance Approveda
    Measure Y: Nevada City Short-Term Home Rental Ordinance Defeatedd


    See also: Orange County, California ballot measures

    Measure A: Orange County Ethics Commission Establishment Approveda
    Measure B: Orange County Fiscal Impact Statement Requirement Approveda
    Measure E: Irvine Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure G: Orange Unified School District Term Limits Approveda
    Measure H: Dana Point Town Center Plan and Parking Citizen Initiative Approveda
    Measure I: Dana Point Town Center and Public Parking City Council Referral Defeatedd


    See also: Placer County, California ballot measures

    Measure C: Placer Union High School District Bond Issue Defeatedd


    See also: Riverside County, California ballot measures

    Measure A: Riverside, California, Transferring State Misdemeanor Prosecutions to City Attorney Defeatedd
    Measure B: Riverside, California, Increasing City Council Member Salary Defeatedd
    Measure E: Hemet Police and Fire Services Sales Tax Defeatedd


    See also: Sacramento County, California ballot measures

    Measure B: Isleton Sales Tax Approveda
    Measure X: Sacramento Library Parcel Tax Approveda
    Measure Y: Sacramento Marijuana Cultivation Tax Defeatedd
    Measure Z: Sacramento Council Member Term Commencement Amendment Approveda

    San Benito

    See also: San Benito County, California ballot measures

    Measure P: San Benito County Transportation Sales Tax Defeatedd

    San Bernardino

    See also: San Bernardino County, California ballot measures

    Measure D: Colton Electric Utility Revenue Transfer and Rate Freeze Approveda
    Measure E: Morongo Valley CSD Special Parcel Tax to Replace Benefit Assessment Defeatedd

    San Diego

    See also: San Diego County, California ballot measures and San Diego Mayoral and City Council Elections

    Proposition E: San Diego Appropriations and Budget Amendments Approveda
    Proposition B: San Diego Authorization and Issuance of Bonds Amendments Approveda
    Proposition A: San Diego City Council Redistricting Commission and Process Amendments Approveda
    Proposition F: San Diego Financial Operation Amendments Approveda
    Proposition H: San Diego Infrastructure Fund Establishment Amendments Approveda
    Proposition C: San Diego Property Tax Procedure Amendments Approveda
    Proposition G: San Diego Removal of Close-Out Audit Requirement Amendments Approveda
    Proposition D: San Diego Update to Titles of City Officials and Authority Over Salaries Amendments Approveda

    San Francisco

    See also: San Francisco City and County, California ballot measures

    Proposition A: San Francisco Public Health and Safety Bond Issue Approveda
    Proposition B: San Francisco Park Fund Charter Amendment (June 2016) Approveda
    Proposition C: San Francisco Affordable Housing Requirements Charter Amendment (June 2016) Approveda
    Proposition D: San Francisco Citizen Complaints Office Investigations of Police Shootings Approveda
    Proposition E: San Francisco Paid Sick Leave Changes Approveda

    San Joaquin

    See also: San Joaquin County, California ballot measures

    Ballotpedia did not cover any measures in this county on June 7, 2016.

    San Luis Obispo

    See also: San Luis Obispo County, California ballot measures

    Measure C-16: Cayucos Fire Protection District Parcel Tax Defeatedd

    San Mateo

    See also: San Mateo County, California ballot measures

    Measure G: San Mateo County Service Area No. 1 Police and Fire Parcel Tax Approveda
    Measure D: Pacifica School District Parcel Tax Approveda
    Measure E: Jefferson Union High School District Parcel Tax Approveda
    Measure H: Ravenswood City School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure F: Half Moon Bay "Taxpayer Protection Act" Supermajority Approval of Bonds Initiative Defeatedd

    Santa Barbara

    See also: Santa Barbara County, California ballot measures

    Measure A2016: Cuyama Joint Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda

    Santa Clara

    See also: Santa Clara County, California ballot measures

    Measure I: Alum Rock Union School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure H: Franklin-McKinley School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure E: Gilroy Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure G: Moreland School District School Parcel Tax Renewal Approveda
    Measure B: San Jose Sales Tax Measure Approveda
    Measure C: San Jose Medical Marijuana Collectives Initiative Defeatedd
    Measure A: Santa Clara County Park Charter Fund Extension Approveda

    Santa Cruz

    See also: Santa Cruz County, California ballot measures

    Measure R: Live Oak School District Parcel Tax Approveda
    Measure S: Santa Cruz Libraries Community Facilities District Bond Issue and Parcel Tax Approveda


    See also: Shasta County, California ballot measures

    Measure A: Junction Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda
    Measure B: Black Butte Union Elementary School District Bond Issue Approveda


    See also: Sierra County, California ballot measures

    Measure A: Sierra County Commercial Marijuana Advisory Question Defeatedd


    See also: Siskiyou County, California ballot measures

    Measure Q: Hornbrook Fire Protection District Appropriations Limit Increase Approveda
    Measure R: Siskiyou County Service Area No. 6 Parcel Tax Defeatedd
    Measure S: Siskiyou County Sales Tax for New Jail Defeatedd
    Measure T: Siskiyou County Medical Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance Enforcement Reform Referendum Approveda
    Measure U: Siskiyou County Medical Marijuana Cultivation Ordinance Referendum Approveda


    See also: Solano County, California ballot measures

    Measure G: Solano County Transportation Improvement Advisory Measure Approveda
    Measure H: Solano County Sales Tax Increase Defeatedd


    See also: Sonoma County, California ballot measures

    Measure A: Bodega Bay Fire Protection District Approriations Limit Gann Override Approveda


    See also: Stanislaus County, California ballot measures

    Measure F: Modesto City School Board of Education Election Method Charter Amendment Approveda


    See also: Trinity County, California ballot measures

    Ballotpedia did not cover any measures in this county on June 7, 2016.


    See also: Tulare County, California ballot measures

    Measure B: Burton Elementary School Bond Defeatedd


    See also: Ventura County, California ballot measures

    Measure P: Santa Paula Unified School District Bond Issue Approveda


    See also: Yolo County, California ballot measures

    Measure A: Davis Nishi Property Land Use Designation and Development Project Defeatedd
    Measure B: Davis Hotel Tax Increase Approveda
    Measure C: Davis Recreational Marijuana Business License Tax Approveda


    See also: Yuba County, California ballot measures

    Measure B: Yuba County Patients Access to Regulated Medical Cannabis Act of 2015 Defeatedd
    Measure C: Marysville Sales Tax Increase Approveda
    Measure A: Yuba County Medical Marijuana Cultivation Act of 2015 Defeatedd

    Statewide ballot measures in 2016

    The charts below show California's statewide ballot measures for both the June and November elections in 2016:

    June 7:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    LRCA Proposition 50 Legislature Require a two-thirds majority to suspend a state legislator

    November 8:

    Type Title Subject Description Result
    CISS Proposition 51 Education $9 billion in bonds for education and schools
    CICA/SS Proposition 52 Healthcare Voter approval of changes to the hospital fee program
    CICA Proposition 53 Elections/Bonds Projects that cost more than $2 billion
    CICA/SS Proposition 54 Accountability Conditions under which legislative bills can be passed
    CICA Proposition 55 Taxes Extension of personal income tax on incomes over $250,000
    CICA Proposition 56 Tobacco Increase the cigarette tax by $2.00 per pack
    CICA/SS Proposition 57 Trials Felons convicted of non-violent crimes and juvenile trials
    LRSS Proposition 58 Education Bilingual education in public schools
    AQ Proposition 59 Campaign finance State's position on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
    CISS Proposition 60 Movies Require the use of condoms in pornographic films
    CISS Proposition 61 Healthcare Prescription drug price regulations
    CISS Proposition 62 Death penalty Repeal the death penalty
    CISS Proposition 63 Firearms Background checks for ammunition purchases
    CISS Proposition 64 Marijuana Legalization of marijuana and hemp
    CISS Proposition 65 Environment Grocery and retail carry-out bags
    CISS Proposition 66 Death penalty Death penalty procedures
    VR Proposition 67 Business reg Prohibition on plastic single-use carryout bags

    See also