John Foust

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John Foust
Image of John Foust
Prior offices
Fairfax County Supervisor

Elections and appointments
Last election

November 4, 2014


John Foust was a 2014 Democratic candidate who sought election to the U.S. House to represent the 10th Congressional District of Virginia.[1] Foust was given the Democratic nomination by the Tenth Congressional District Democratic Committee on March 17, 2014.[2] John Foust lost the general election on November 4, 2014.

Campaign themes

Foust listed the following priorities on his website:

Jobs & the Economy

John will advocate for policies that expand the middle class by creating jobs and opportunities. He will work to end partisan gridlock that creates uncertainty in the economy and hampers expansion and growth. As Chairman of the County’s economic Advisory Commission, he has led the effort to plan and implement strategies for economic growth. He supports investments in job creators like education, infrastructure, and research and development. In Congress, he will continue his work to keep Northern Virginia’s economy strong and growing.
John believes that education is the key to creating opportunity in the innovative global economy of the 21st century. He is a strong advocate for expanding early childhood education, improving K-12 education, making college more affordable for everyone, and expanding training programs that are designed to match available jobs with a qualified and well-trained workforce.
As Vice chair of the Board of Supervisors’ Budget Committee, John has cut costs and made government more efficient. Even in the most challenging times, he has helped develop balanced budgets that protect essential services and invest in the future, like funding full day kindergarten. John will use this experience and expertise to address our fiscal challenges by identifying priorities and advocating for a comprehensive plan that funds those priorities while reducing the deficit.
Congestion is a threat to our quality of life and our ability to attract and retain businesses that provide good jobs. At the county level, John has successfully advocated for and delivered many significant road, transit and pedestrian projects. He will work to ensure the federal government does more to improve our economy and the quality of life for Northern Virginians by providing funding and financing assistance for major transportation improvements in the region.
John served for many years on the citizen council that advises Fairfax County government on environmental issues. He will work to ensure that our children and future generations have clean air to breathe, safe water to drink, and a future that is not overshadowed by the threat of climate change. John has worked to protect the natural beauty and unique historical heritage in our region. In Congress, he will continue to advocate for preservation efforts.
Federal Workers
The recent government shutdown demonstrated the value of our federal employees and contractors. As a Congressman from Northern Virginia, John believes he will have a special responsibility to ensure that our federal work force and retirees are respected for the important work they do and that they are treated fairly.
Military and Veterans
John will work to ensure that the promises we made to our men and women in uniform are honored. He understands that Congress faces tough choices, but he also understands that commitments made to our military and veterans should not be broken.
John believes in immigration reform that secures our borders and addresses in a practical and compassionate way the issue of millions of undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States. He believes our immigration laws should reflect our nation’s values as an open and inclusive society and allow us to take advantage of everyone’s talents and contributions.
Women's Health
John is pro-choice. He believes a woman should have the right to make her own health care decisions in consultation with her doctor. He will fight against efforts to dictate personal medical choices and attempts to place limitations on a woman’s health care options.
John will work to ensure that our laws reflect a society that rejects discrimination in any form. He will work to ensure that women receive equal pay for equal work and that all workers are protected against discrimination. He supports marriage equality and is pleased with the progress our country is making on that cause.
Constituent Services
John believes that a fundamental responsibility of any elected official is to provide outstanding services to his or her constituents. As a county Supervisor, he and his staff are recognized for the excellent services they provide. In Congress, he will continue the tradition of excellent constituent services that the residents of the 10th Congressional District expect and deserve.
Over the past twenty years, insurance companies hiked health insurance premiums and gouged consumers. The cost of health care outpaced the ability of many to afford it. Forty million Americans went uninsured. Insurance companies denied care to those with preexisting conditions, charged women more than men, and refused coverage to those who needed it most when lifetime limits were reached. This was not sustainable and something had to be done. Though less than perfect, John believes the Affordable Care Act begins to address these and other challenges with our health care system. We cannot go back to the days when insurance companies could arbitrarily increase rates and deny coverage.[3]

—John Foust,



See also: Virginia's 10th Congressional District elections, 2014

Foust ran in the 2014 election for the U.S. House to represent Virginia's 10th District.[1] John Foust lost the general election on November 4, 2014.

On March 17, 2014, the Tenth Congressional District Democratic Committee gave Foust the Democratic nomination. Because Foust was the only candidate to file for the nomination, the committee canceled its April 26 convention.[2] After receiving the nomination Foust said, "I am very grateful for the support I’m receiving across the district. I believe we’re unified because we represent the concerns and priorities of the residents of the 10th district, and I look forward to continuing the campaign through November and having a discussion on the issues with whomever the Republican nominee is."[2]

Election results

U.S. House, Virginia District 10 General Election, 2014
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic John Foust 40.4% 89,957
     Republican Green check mark transparent.pngBarbara Comstock 56.5% 125,914
     Libertarian Bill Redpath 1.5% 3,393
     Green Dianne Blais 0.4% 946
     Independent Brad Eickholt 1.1% 2,442
     N/A Write-in 0.1% 258
Total Votes 222,910
Source: Virginia Department of Elections


Foust listed the following endorsements on his campaign website:[4]


General Election
Poll Barbara Comstock John FoustDiane BlaisBill RedpathBill EickholtUndecidedOtherRefusedMargin of ErrorSample Size
Citizens United Political Victory Fund
October 17-18, 2014
Note: A "0%" finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to
General Election
Poll Barbara Comstock John FoustOtherUndecidedMargin of ErrorSample Size
The Tarrance Group
September 23-25, 2014
Note: A "0%" finding means the candidate was not a part of the poll. The polls above may not reflect all polls that have been conducted in this race. Those displayed are a random sampling chosen by Ballotpedia staff. If you would like to nominate another poll for inclusion in the table, send an email to


John Foust for Congress, "Waste."
John Foust for Congress, "Head Shake."
John Foust for Congress, "Hid."

Campaign finance summary

Ballotpedia currently provides campaign finance data for all federal- and state-level candidates from 2020 and later. We are continuously working to expand our data to include prior elections. That information will be published here as we acquire it. If you would like to help us provide this data, please consider donating to Ballotpedia.

Recent news

This section links to a Google news search for the term "John + Foust + Virginia + Congress"

See also

External links


District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
Democratic Party (8)
Republican Party (5)