Idaho initiatives are filed, but most may not make ballot
May 5, 2010
BOISE, Idaho: The deadline to turn in petition signatures to county clerks in the state was May 1, 2010. However, according to reports, of the 20 initiatives that were circulating, 18 of those may be well short of signatures required to be considered for the November 2, 2010 ballot. 17 of those initiatives have to deal with state sovereignty. Sponsors of many of the initiatives stated that they simply did not gain enough support for them to gain the right amount of signatures. According to sponsor of all 17 initiatives, Alanna Grimm, "We were a lot more effective in northern Idaho than in Boise and other parts of the state." Chris Bass of Idaho Freedom Initiatives, one of the sponsors, stated, "We fell short. It doesn’t look like we’re really going to be that close."
Another proposed measure that does not look poised to make the ballot is the bible study initiative. The measure would have asked voters if there should be classes in state schools that study the bible in literary and historical contexts. As of late April, the measure had only collected about 5,000 signatures, well short of the 51,712 it needed to be considered for the ballot.[1]
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