Inglewood Unified School District elections (2015)

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School Board badge.png
2015 Inglewood Unified School District Elections

General Election date:
April 7, 2015
Runoff Election date:
June 16, 2015
Table of Contents
About the district
Method of election
Key deadlines
Additional elections
External links
See also
Inglewood Unified School District
Los Angeles County, California ballot measures
Local ballot measures, California
Flag of California.png

Four seats on the Inglewood Unified School District Board of Education were up for general election on April 7, 2015. Seats 4 and 5 were on the ballot for four-year terms, and Seats 1 and 3 were on the ballot for two-year terms.[1][2]

Incumbents Rene Talbott, Henry Brown, Graciela Patino and Johnny J. Young representing Seats 1, 3, 4 and 5, respectively, were up for re-election. Talbott, Brown and Patino were appointed to their seats by Inglewood Unified State Trustee Dr. Don Brann on January 15, 2015, to serve until the election determined the next members.[3][4][5]

Margaret Richards-Bowers defeated fellow candidate Dionne Young Faulk to win a two-year term for Seat 1. Candidate Melody O. Ngaue-Tuuholoaki ran unopposed and won a two-year term representing Seat 3. Incumbents Rene Talbott and Graciela Patino faced challengers Margaret Evans and Darius Leevy for Seat 4. Evans and Patino advanced to a runoff election on June 15, 2016, and Evans won election to the seat. The Seat 5 race featured incumbent Henry C. Brown and challenger D’Artagnan Scorza. Scorza defeated Brown to gain the seat.[1][6][7]

The Inglewood Unified School District was taken over by the state of California and bailed out of near bankruptcy in September 2012. The district was poised to run out of money in December 2012 due to a significant decline in enrollment, cuts in state funding and poor financial decisions made by the district's officials, according to former State Sen. Roderick Wright (D). To ensure this would not happen, the state loaned the district $55 million in emergency funding during its takeover.[8] It also stripped the district's board of education of any powers, leaving members in an advisory capacity only.[9]

By May 2014, the district had used more than half of its emergency loan and ended the 2013-2014 school year with a $10 million deficit. Don Brann, the district's top administrator who was appointed by the state to help turn things around, predicted a $2 million deficit for the 2014-2015 school year. The deficit led Brann to lay off dozens of teachers, administrators and custodial and security workers.[9]

About the district

See also: Inglewood Unified School District, California
Inglewood Unified School District is located in Los Angeles County, Calif.

Inglewood Unified School District is located in Los Angeles County in southwestern California. The county seat of Los Angeles County is Los Angeles.[10] Los Angeles County was home to 10,017,068 residents in 2013, according to the United States Census Bureau.[11] During the 2011-2012 school year, Inglewood Unified School District was the 115th-largest school district by enrollment in California and served 14,279 students.[12]


Los Angeles County underperformed compared to the rest of California in terms of higher education achievement in 2013. The United States Census Bureau found that 29.7 percent of Los Angeles County residents aged 25 years and older had attained a bachelor's degree, compared to 30.7 percent for California as a whole. The median household income for Los Angeles County was $55,909, compared to $61,094 for the entire state. The percentage of people below poverty level for Los Angeles County was 17.8 percent, compared to 15.9 percent statewide.[11]

Racial Demographics, 2013[11]
Race Los Angeles County (%) California (%)
White 71.5 73.5
Black or African American 9.2 6.6
American Indian and Alaska Native 1.5 1.7
Asian 14.6 14.1
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.4 0.5
Two or more races 2.9 3.7
Hispanic or Latino 48.3 38.4

Presidential Voting Pattern,
Los Angeles County[13]
Year Democratic Vote Republican Vote
2012 2,216,903 885,333
2008 2,295,853 956,425
2004 1,907,736 1,076,225
2000 1,710,505 871,930

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

Voter and candidate information

The Inglewood Unified Board of Education consists of five members elected by geographic district to four-year terms on a staggered basis every April of odd-numbered years.[14] The elections for Seats 1, 2 and 3 are held together, and the elections for Seats 4 and 5 are held together.[15]

To get on the ballot, school board candidates had to file their nomination documents by January 9, 2015. Candidates also had to file two pre-election campaign finance reports. The first one was due February 26, 2015, and the second was due March 26, 2015.[16][17] To vote in this election, voters had to register by March 23, 2015.[18]




Seat 1

  • Margaret Richards-Bowers Green check mark transparent.png
    • Retired nurse
  • Dionne Young Faulk
    • Graduate, California State University at Dominguez Hills and the University of West Los Angeles School of Law
    • Supervising special investigator, California Department of Consumer Affairs

Seat 3

Seat 4

Seat 5

  • Henry C. Brown
    • Incumbent
  • D’Artagnan Scorza Green check mark transparent.png
    • Graduate, University of California at Los Angeles and National University
    • Executive director and founder, Social Justice Learning Institute
    • Veteran, U.S. Navy, Iraq War

Election results

Runoff election
Inglewood Unified School District,
Seat 4 Runoff Election, 4-year term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngMargaret Evans 68.3% 1,945
     Nonpartisan Graciela Patino Incumbent 31.7% 902
Total Votes 2,847
Source: Smart Voter, "Board Member; Inglewood Unified School District; District 4 Voter Information: June 16, 2015 Election," accessed January 9, 2017
General election
Seat 1
Inglewood Unified School District,
Seat 1 General Election, 2-year term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngMargaret Richards-Bowers 61.9% 3,412
     Nonpartisan Dionne Young Faulk 38.1% 2,100
Total Votes 5,512
Source: City of Inglewood, "General Municipal Election Tuesday, April 07, 2015: Official Results," accessed April 28, 2015
Seat 3
Inglewood Unified School District,
Seat 3 General Election, 2-year term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngMelody O. Ngaue-Tuuholoaki 100% 4,840
Total Votes 4,840
Source: City of Inglewood, "General Municipal Election Tuesday, April 07, 2015: Official Results," accessed April 28, 2015
Seat 4
Inglewood Unified School District,
Seat 4 General Election, 4-year term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngMargaret Evans 46.3% 2,562
     Nonpartisan Graciela Patino Incumbent 23.8% 1,316
     Nonpartisan Darius Leevy 19.5% 1,079
     Nonpartisan Rene Talbott Incumbent 10.3% 572
Total Votes 5,529
Source: City of Inglewood, "General Municipal Election Tuesday, April 07, 2015: Official Results," accessed April 28, 2015
Seat 5
Inglewood Unified School District,
Seat 5 General Election, 4-year term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngD’Artagnan Scorza 61.2% 3,360
     Nonpartisan Henry C. Brown Incumbent 38.8% 2,133
Total Votes 5,493
Source: City of Inglewood, "General Municipal Election Tuesday, April 07, 2015: Official Results," accessed April 28, 2015


The Los Angeles County Democratic Party endorsed challengers Margaret Richards-Bowers for Seat 1, Melody O. Ngaue-Tuuholoaki for Seat 3, Darius Leevy for Seat 4 and D’Artagnan Scorza for Seat 5.[19] The New Frontier Democratic Club also endorsed Richards-Bowers and Scorza.[20][21] Leevy was further endorsed by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO.[22]

Inglewood Today endorsed challenger Dionne Young Faulk for Seat 1, incumbent Graciela Patino for Seat 4 and incumbent Henry C. Brown for Seat 5.[23]

State Assembly member Autumn Burke (D) endorsed Faulk and Scorza. Faulk was also endorsed by State Senator Isadore Hall (D).[21][23] Former Congresswoman Diane Watson (D) endorsed challenger Margaret Evans for Seat 4.[24]

Inglewood Unified Board of Education members Dr. Carliss Richardson McGhee and Carol Raines-Brown also endorsed Evans.[24] Raines-Brown further endorsed Brown.[23] Former Inglewood Unified Board of Education member Bishop Johnny Young endorsed Scorza.[21]

Faulk, Patino and Brown were also endorsed by the following local officials:[23]

Campaign finance

At the time of this election, the Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk did not publish school board candidate campaign finance reports online. Ballotpedia staffers requested this information, but the only free method of viewing the files was at their office.

The Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk targeted the end of 2018 to make school board candidate campaign finance reports available online for free. From that point forward, Ballotpedia began including campaign finance data for Los Angeles County school board candidates.[25][26][27]

Past elections

Key deadlines

The following dates were key deadlines for the Inglewood Unified School District election in 2015:[16][17][28]

Deadline Event
December 15, 2015 First day to file nomination papers
January 9, 2015 Last day to file nomination papers, if incumbents file
January 14, 2015 Last day to file nomination papers, if no incumbents file
February 26, 2015 Last day to file first pre-election campaign expenditure statement
March 23, 2015 Last day to register to vote in the general election
March 24, 2015 Last day to file as a write-in candidate
March 26, 2015 Last day to file second pre-election campaign expenditure statement
April 7, 2015 General election date
May 27, 2015 Last day for newly-elected members to file Statement of Economic Interest
June 16, 2015 Runoff election date
July 31, 2015 Last day to file semi-annual campaign expenditure statement

Additional elections on the ballot

See also: California elections, 2015

The Inglewood Unified Board of Education election shared the ballot with municipal elections for the City of Inglewood, including the offices of city clerk, city treasurer and two council seats.[29]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Inglewood Unified School District California. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 City of Inglewood, "Notice of Nominees for Public Office," accessed February 12, 2015
  2. Abbey Smith, Email communication with Inglewood City Clerk Yvonne Horton," August 13, 2015
  3. Inglewood Unified School District, "Advisory Board of Education," accessed January 21, 2015
  4. Inglewood Unified School District, "IUSD’s Advisory Board of Education Welcomes Three New Members," accessed February 12, 2015
  5. Inglewood Unified School District, "IUSD Seeks Applicants for Advisory Board Seats," accessed February 12, 2015
  6. City of Inglewood, "General Municipal Election Tuesday, April 07, 2015: Unofficial Results," accessed April 8, 2015
  7. Smart Voter, "Board Member; Inglewood Unified School District; District 4 Voter Information: June 16, 2015 Election," accessed January 9, 2017
  8. Los Angeles Times, "Brown signs bailout for Inglewood schools," September 15, 2012
  9. 9.0 9.1 89.3 KPCC, "Nearly 2 years after state takeover, Inglewood schools still bleeding red ink," May 13, 2014
  10., "California County Map with County Seat Cities," accessed July 1, 2014
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 United States Census Bureau, "Los Angeles County, California," accessed January 13, 2015
  12. National Center for Education Statistics, "ELSI Table Generator," accessed April 22, 2014
  13. Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, "Past Election Results," accessed July 1, 2014
  14. Inglewood Unified School District, "Inglewood USD BB 9110 Board Bylaws: Terms of Office," accessed March 23, 2015
  15. City of Inglewood, "Elections," accessed March 23, 2015
  16. 16.0 16.1 Inglewood City Clerk, "Election Calendar for Tuesday, April 7, 2015 General Municipal Election," accessed January 21, 2015
  17. 17.0 17.1 Abbey Smith, "Phone communication with the Inglewood City Clerk's Office," February 20, 2015
  18. Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, "Frequently Asked Questions About Voter Registration," accessed March 23, 2015
  19. Los Angeles Democratic Party, "Endorsements," accessed April 2, 2015
  20. Los Angeles Wave, "Nine candidates seek Inglewood school board seats," March 26, 2015
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 D’Artagnan Scorza, "Endorsements," accessed April 2, 2015
  22. Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, "Endorsements," accessed April 2, 2015
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Inglewood Today, "My Picks for the Inglewood School Board," March 12, 2015
  24. 24.0 24.1 Margaret 4 Kids, "Endorsements," accessed April 2, 2015
  25. Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, "Campaign Finance Reports," accessed July 2, 2014
  26. Daniel Anderson, “Email communication with Brenda Duran, Los Angeles County Public Information Officer," October 7, 2016
  27. Abbey Smith, “Email communication with Brenda Duran, Los Angeles County Public Information Officer," January 2, 2018
  28. Inglewood City Clerk, "Memo: Nomination Period Extended," January 9, 2015
  29. City of Inglewood, "NOTICE OF NOMINEES FOR PUBLIC OFFICE," accessed March 23, 2015