Indiana 2018 ballot measures

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One statewide ballot measure was certified to appear on the Indiana ballot in 2018. It was approved.

On the ballot

Type Title Subject Description Result
LRCA Public Question 1 Gov't Budgets Requires the legislature to enact a balanced budget each fiscal year

Getting measures on the ballot

State law does not allow for initiatives or referendums; therefore, all measures are referred to the ballot by the Indiana State Legislature. The legislature can only refer measures in the form of legislatively referred constitutional amendments.

The state's 2018 legislative session ran from January 2, 2018, to March 16, 2018, during which time legislatively referred constitutional amendments could be placed on the ballot if approved in the previous successive session.

According to Article 16 of the Indiana Constitution, a bill must be approved by a simple majority of voters in both chambers of the Indiana General Assembly during two successive legislative sessions in order to send it to the statewide election ballot. The proposed amendment can become part of the constitution if a majority of voters approve the measure.

Historical facts

See also: List of Indiana ballot measures
  • A total of 11 measures appeared on statewide ballots from 1995 through 2016.
  • From 1995 through 2016, an average of one measure appeared on the ballot for even-year elections in Indiana.
  • The number of measures appearing on statewide ballots from 1995 through 2016 ranged from zero to three.
  • From 1995 through 2016, 100 percent (11 of 11) of statewide measures were approved by voters, and 0 percent (0 of 11) were defeated.

Summary of campaign contributions

See also: Ballot measure campaign finance, 2018

The following chart illustrates how much support and opposition committees had amassed in campaign contributions for each measure on the ballot:

Note: In some cases committees were registered to support or oppose multiple propositions. Ballotpedia lists the total sum that all committees registered to support or oppose each proposition have received in contributions. This means that the sum of all contributions in the chart below is higher than the total amount contributed.

Ballot Measure:Support contributions:Opposition contributions:Outcome:
Indiana Public Question 1$0$0Approveda

State profile

Demographic data for Indiana
Total population:6,612,768316,515,021
Land area (sq mi):35,8263,531,905
Race and ethnicity**
Black/African American:9.2%12.6%
Native American:0.2%0.8%
Pacific Islander:0%0.2%
Two or more:2.2%3%
High school graduation rate:87.8%86.7%
College graduation rate:24.1%29.8%
Median household income:$49,255$53,889
Persons below poverty level:18.4%11.3%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "American Community Survey" (5-year estimates 2010-2015)
Click here for more information on the 2020 census and here for more on its impact on the redistricting process in Indiana.
**Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

Presidential voting pattern

See also: Presidential voting trends in Indiana

Indiana voted Republican in six out of the seven presidential elections between 2000 and 2024.

Pivot Counties (2016)

Ballotpedia identified 206 counties that voted for Donald Trump (R) in 2016 after voting for Barack Obama (D) in 2008 and 2012. Collectively, Trump won these Pivot Counties by more than 580,000 votes. Of these 206 counties, five are located in Indiana, accounting for 2.43 percent of the total pivot counties.[1]

Pivot Counties (2020)

In 2020, Ballotpedia re-examined the 206 Pivot Counties to view their voting patterns following that year's presidential election. Ballotpedia defined those won by Trump won as Retained Pivot Counties and those won by Joe Biden (D) as Boomerang Pivot Counties. Nationwide, there were 181 Retained Pivot Counties and 25 Boomerang Pivot Counties. Indiana had five Retained Pivot Counties, 2.76 percent of all Retained Pivot Counties.

More Indiana coverage on Ballotpedia

See also


External links

  1. The raw data for this study was provided by Dave Leip of Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections.