Hawaii 1978 ballot measures
Thirty-four measures were on the November 7, 1978 ballot in Hawaii.
- All were convention referred constitutional amendments.
- All thirty-four amendments were approved.
On the ballot
November 7
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result |
CRCA | Amendment 1 | Trials | Proposes to increase the number of jurors in a civil case to 12 and increase the value of controversy in a civil case to $1,000 | |
CRCA | Amendment 2 | Trials | Proposes that a grand jury shall have an independent counsel | |
CRCA | Amendment 3 | Constitutional Rights | Proposes that the state recognizes the right to privacy of the people | |
CRCA | Amendment 4 | Constitutional Rights | Proposes that a method of voting shall be accessible and that voter secrecy will be maintained except in primaries which require party declarations | |
CRCA | Amendment 5 | Campaigns | Proposes that candidates who run for office and are already in a public office must resign if the two terms will overlap | |
CRCA | Amendment 6 | Campaigns | Proposes that candidates setup campaign funds, that candidate spending be limited, that contributions to campaigns be limited and that primaries precede general elections by 45 days | |
CRCA | Amendment 7 | Legislature | Proposes to establish a legislative salary commission every eight years, to make the legislature set bill deadlines and take a recess between the twentieth and fortieth session day, to open legislative committees to the public, to extend the period in which a bill is distributed and the final reading, and to stagger terms of office | |
CRCA | Amendment 8 | Legislature | Proposes to increase the waiting period between changing voting districts, extends the period of time for reapportionment plan deadlines, and gives the reapportionment commission power over U.S. congressional districts | |
CRCA | Amendment 9 | Term Limits | Proposes to limit the governor and lieutenant governor to two terms and puts similar units in the same executive office | |
CRCA | Amendment 10 | Judiciary | Proposes to create an intermediate court of appeals, makes district courts constitutional, adds limits to court case completion, removes minimum salaries and creates a salary commission, requires judges to be Hawaiian residents, creates a judicial selection commission and creates a judicial discipline commission | |
CRCA | Amendment 11 | Gov't Finances | Proposes to limit state general fund spending, excess budget refunds, a prohibition on deficit spending and the that the state subsidize mandatory county services | |
CRCA | Amendment 12 | Gov't Finances | Proposes to apply limits on state debt principal and interest, sets limits on bonds and cites limit exclusions on certain bonds | |
CRCA | Amendment 13 | Gov't Finances | Proposes to authorize legislature with a two-thirds vote to pass special revenue bonds | |
CRCA | Amendment 14 | Gov't Finances | Proposes to develop a process of budget submissions and reviews | |
CRCA | Amendment 15 | Taxes | Proposes to allow legislature to conform with federal tax law and establishes a tax review commission | |
CRCA | Amendment 16 | Taxes | Propose the method by which the county may assess and tax real property, and raise said taxes | |
CRCA | Amendment 17 | Welfare | Proposes to regulate and setup beneficiary services for those who require it | |
CRCA | Amendment 18 | Census | Proposes the either the state or counties plan and manage population growth | |
CRCA | Amendment 19 | Education | Proposes a method by which the board of education should be formed and type of district representation | |
CRCA | Amendment 20 | Constitutional Rights Education | Proposes to prohibit discrimination based on gender and the promotion of Hawaiian culture in schools | |
CRCA | Amendment 21 | Education | Proposes to clarify the jurisdiction and authority of the board of regents for the University of Hawaii | |
CRCA | Amendment 22 | Resources | Proposes that the state should create a water resources agency to regulate water usage | |
CRCA | Amendment 23 | Resources | Proposes to maintain, protect and make natural resources accessible | |
CRCA | Amendment 24 | Resources Food & Agri | Proposes to allow the state to protect and promote agricultural activity and land | |
CRCA | Amendment 25 | Resources | Proposes that the state maintain control and apply guidelines for the managing marine resources | |
CRCA | Amendment 26 | Energy | Proposes that legislature must authorize the construction of a nuclear facility and the disposal of nuclear waste | |
CRCA | Amendment 27 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes legislative funding for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands | |
CRCA | Amendment 28 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes to establish an Office of Hawaiian Affairs | |
CRCA | Amendment 29 | Culture | Proposes to protect the customary rights of native Hawaiians | |
CRCA | Amendment 30 | Admin of Gov't | Proposes the extension of the Code of Ethics and mandates financial disclosure for political candidates | |
CRCA | Amendment 31 | Statehood Con Convention | Proposes to revise the preamble, affirm boundaries, and codifies the motto and state language | |
CRCA | Amendment 32 | Property | Proposes to limit and regulate claims on real property | |
CRCA | Amendment 33 | Constitutional Rights Admin of Gov't | Proposes to restrict criminals from public office and introduce conventions to the constitution | |
CRCA | Amendment 34 | Con Language Con Convention | Proposes to revise the language of the constitution to conform with new conventions |
See also
- 1978 ballot measures
- List of Hawaii ballot measures
- Hawaii Legislature
- List of ballot measures by state
External links
State of Hawaii Honolulu (capital) | |
Elections |
What's on my ballot? | Elections in 2025 | How to vote | How to run for office | Ballot measures |
Government |
Who represents me? | U.S. President | U.S. Congress | Federal courts | State executives | State legislature | State and local courts | Counties | Cities | School districts | Public policy |