Gaming Committee, Florida State Senate (Decommissioned)

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The Gaming Committee was a standing committee of the Florida State Senate.


In 2014, the Florida Senate described the function of this committee as outlined below.

The Gaming Committee examines legislation in the following subject areas:
  • Gambling, Indian Gaming Compact, Pari-mutuel wagering, Amusement arcades, State lottery and Game promotions.[1][2]



The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.

Gaming Members, 2013
Democratic members (5)Republican members (8)
Maria Sachs, Vice chairGarrett Richter, Chair
Oscar BraynonLizbeth Benacquisto
Jeff ClemensCharles S. Dean, Sr.
Gwen MargolisBill Galvano
Bill MontfordAndy Gardiner
Jack Latvala
Tom Lee
John Thrasher

External links


  1. Florida State Senate, "Subject Area Trends for Senate Committees," accessed February 5, 2014
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.