Grazing permits on federal land

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The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages livestock grazing on its land. Each year the agency issues permits and leases to ranchers who graze livestock, mainly sheep and cattle, for at least part of the year. A grazing permit authorizes livestock grazing on federal land outside a grazing district; a grazing lease authorizes the grazing of a specified number and class of livestock in an area within a grazing district.[1]

To track the animals, the BLM established what are called Animal Unit Months (AUMs), or "the amount of forage needed to sustain one cow, five sheep, or five goats for a month." The BLM's objective is to provide economic opportunities for rural communities while at the same time maintaining the quality of the land.[1][2][3]

  • Ranchers held 17,792 permits and leases at the end of fiscal year 2014.
  • Montana had the most permits and leases at the end of 2014—3,768 permits and leases.
  • Nevada had the most AUMs at the end of 2014—2.16 million.
  • Fiscal year 2014

    In fiscal year 2014, ranchers held 17,792 permits and leases and used 12.4 million AUMs (the amount of forage needed to sustain one cow, five sheep, or five goats for a month).

    The table below summarizes the number of permits and leases as well as active AUMs for the 15 states with grazing on federal land. Montana ranchers held the most permits and leases at the end of 2014—3,768 permits and leases. Nevada had the most active AUMs at the end of 2014—2.16 million.

    Grazing on BLM land (FY 2014)
    State Permits and leases Active AUMs - End of FY 2014
    Arizona 769 626,338
    California 526 297,954
    Colorado 1,497 591,266
    Idaho 1,878 1,339,154
    Montana 3,768 1,272,635
    Nebraska 18 592
    Nevada 692 2,164,931
    New Mexico 2,276 1,874,303
    North Dakota 79 9,314
    Oklahoma 4 132
    Oregon 1,225 1,003,901
    South Dakota 471 73,138
    Utah 1,471 1,203,697
    Washington 266 33,428
    Wyoming 2,852 1,910,205
    Total 17,792 12,400,988
    Source: U.S. Bureau of Land Management, "Public Land Statistics - 2014"

    Fiscal year 2013

    In fiscal year 2013, ranchers held 17,737 permits and leases and used 12.3 million AUMs (the amount of forage needed to sustain one cow, five sheep, or five goats for a month).

    The table below summarizes the number of permits and leases as well as active AUMs for the 15 states with grazing on federal land. Montana ranchers held the most permits and leases at the end of 2013—3,763 permits and leases. Nevada had the most active AUMs at the end of 2013—2.13 million.

    Grazing on BLM land (FY 2013)
    State Permits and leases Active AUMs - End of FY 2013
    Arizona 764 633,081
    California 522 314,318
    Colorado 1,489 586,815
    Idaho 1,849 1,342,380
    Montana 3,763 1,269,385
    Nebraska 18 592
    Nevada 694 2,133,562
    New Mexico 2,269 1,857,520
    North Dakota 79 9,270
    Oklahoma 4 132
    Oregon 1,226 1,009,552
    South Dakota 471 73,166
    Utah 1,468 1,191,073
    Washington 265 32,897
    Wyoming 2,856 1,910,183
    Total 17,737 12,363,926
    Source: U.S. Bureau of Land Management, "Public Land Statistics - 2013"

    Fiscal year 2012

    In fiscal year 2012, ranchers held 17,729 permits and leases and used 12.4 million AUMs (the amount of forage needed to sustain one cow, five sheep, or five goats for a month).

    The table below summarizes the number of permits and leases as well as active AUMs for the 15 states with grazing on federal land. Montana ranchers held the most permits and leases at the end of 2012—3,776 permits and leases. Nevada had the most active AUMs at the end of 2012—2.1 million.

    Grazing on BLM land (FY 2012)
    State Permits and leases Active AUMs - End of FY 2012
    Arizona 767 635,539
    California 526 319,263
    Colorado 1,486 589,004
    Idaho 1,852 1,346,303
    Montana 3,776 1,271,406
    Nebraska 18 592
    Nevada 693 2,144,237
    New Mexico 2,271 1,849,894
    North Dakota 79 9,279
    Oklahoma 4 132
    Oregon 1,225 1,022,333
    South Dakota 473 73,166
    Utah 1,445 1,190,008
    Washington 266 32,943
    Wyoming 2,848 1,909,315
    Total 17,729 12,393,414
    Source: U.S. Bureau of Land Management, "Public Land Statistics - 2012"

    See also
