Florida Amendment 2, Transportation Bonds Amendment (1974)

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Florida Amendment 2

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Election date

November 5, 1974

Bond issues and Taxes


Legislatively referred constitutional amendment

State legislature

Florida Amendment 2 was on the ballot as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment in Florida on November 5, 1974. It was defeated.

A “yes” vote supported extending the second gas tax until January 1, 2025, amending the purposes that bonds may be issued for transportation purposes, and allowing these bonds to be secured any legally available revenues.

A “no” vote opposed extending the second gas tax until January 1, 2025, amending the purposes that bonds may be issued for transportation purposes, and allowing these bonds to be secured any legally available revenues.

Election results

Florida Amendment 2

Result Votes Percentage
Yes 547,435 44.04%

Defeated No

695,523 55.96%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Amendment 2 was as follows:

An amendment to Section 9 of Article XII of the State Constitution to:

  1. Extend the life of the "second gas tax" to January 1, 2025.
  2. Extend the purposes for which bonds may be issued and revenues may be used to all transpor-tation facilities.
  3. Permit the bonds to be secured by tolls, portions of the "second gas tax", and any other legally available revenues.

Full Text

The full text of this measure is available here.

Constitutional changes


Section 9. Bonds.

(a) Additional Securities. Article IX, Section 17, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, as it existed immediately before this Constitution, as revised in 1968, became effective, is adopted by this reference as a part of this revision as completely as though incorporated herein verbatim, except revenue bonds, revenue certificates or other evidences of indebtedness hereafter issued thereunder may be issued by the agency of the state so authorized by law.

Article XII, Section 19, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, as it existed immediately before this revision becomes effective, is adopted by this reference as a part of this revision as completely as though incorporated herein verbatim, except bonds or tax anticipation certificates hereafter issued thereunder may bear interest not in excess of five percent (5%) per annum or such higher interest as may be authorized by statute passed by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of each house of the legislature. No revenue bonds or tax anticipation certificates shall be issued pursuant thereto after June 30, 1975.

(b) Refunding Bonds. Revenue bonds to finance the cost of state capital projects issued prior to the date this revision becomes effective, including projects of the Florida state turnpike authority or its successor but excluding all portions of the state highway system, may be refunded as provided by law without vote of the electors at a lower net average interest cost rate by the issuance of bonds maturing not later than the obligations refunded, secured by the same revenues only.

(c) Motor Vehicle Fuel Taxes.

(1) A state tax, designated "second gas tax," of two cents per gallon upon gasoline and other like products of petroleum and an equivalent tax upon other sources of energy used to propel motor vehicles as levied by Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, is hereby continued until January 1, 2025. The proceeds of said tax shall be placed monthly in the state roads distribution fund in the state treasury.

(2) Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, is adopted by this reference as a part of this revision as completely as though incorporated herein verbatim for the purpose of providing that after the effective date of this revision the proceeds of the "second gas tax" as referred to therein shall be allocated among the several counties in accordance with the formula stated therein to the extent necessary to comply with all obligations to or for the benefit of holders of bonds, revenue certificates and tax anticipation certificates or any refundings thereof secured by any portion of the "second gas tax."

(3) No funds anticipated to be allocated under the formula stated in Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, shall be pledged as security for any obligation hereafter issued or entered into, except that any outstanding obligations previously issued pledging revenues allocated under said Article IX, Section 16, may be refunded at a lower net average interest cost rate by the issuance of refunding bonds, maturing not later than the obligations refunded, secured by the same revenues and any other security authorized in paragraph (5) of this subsection.

(4) Subject to the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subsection and after payment of administrative expenses, the "second gas tax" shall be allocated to the account of each of the several counties in the amounts to be determined as follows: There shall be an initial allocation of one-fourth in the ratio of county area to state area, one-fourth in the ratio of the total county population to the total population of the state in accordance with the latest available federal census, and one-half in the ratio of the total "second gas tax" collected on retail sales or use in each county to the total collected in all counties of the state during the previous fiscal year. If the annual debt service requirements of any obligations issued for any county, including any deficiencies for prior years, secured under paragraph (2) of this subsection, exceeds the amount which would be allocated to that county under the formula set out in this paragraph, the amounts allocated to other counties shall be reduced proportionately.

(5) Funds allocated under paragraphs (2) and (4) of this subsection shall be administered by the state board of administration created under said Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, and which is continued as a body corporate for the life of this subsection 9(c). The board shall remit the proceeds of the "second gas tax" in each county account for use in said county as follows: eighty per cent to the state agency supervising the state road system and twenty per cent to the governing body of the county. The percentage allocated to the county may be increased by general law. The proceeds of the "second gas tax" subject to allocation to the several counties under this paragraph (5) shall be used first, for the payment of obligations pledging revenues allocated pursuant to Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended, and any refundings thereof; second, for the payment of debt service on bonds issued as provided by this paragraph (5) to finance the acquisition and construction of roads and other transportation facilities, including terminals, as defined by law; and third, for the acquisition and construction of roads and, to the extent permitted by federal law, other transportation facilities. When authorized by law, state bonds pledging the full faith and credit of the state may be issued without any election: (i) to refund obligations secured by any portion of the "second gas tax" allocated to a county under Article IX, Section 16, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended; (ii) to finance the acquisition and construction of roads and other transportation facilities in a county when approved by the governing body of the county and the state agency supervising the state road system; and (iii) to refund obligations secured by any portion of the "second gas tax" allocated under paragraph 9(c)(4). No such bonds shall be issued unless a state fiscal agency created by law has made a determination that in no state fiscal year will the debt service requirements of the bonds and all other bonds secured by the pledged portion of the "second gas tax" allocated to the county and the other pledged revenues, if any, exceed seventy-five per cent of the pledged portion of the "second gas tax" allocated to that county for the preceding state fiscal year, of the pledged net tolls from existing facilities collected in the preceding state fiscal year, of the annual average net tolls anticipated during the first five years of operation of new projects to be financed, and the amount of any other legally available pledged revenues that accrued in the preceding state fiscal year. Bonds issued pursuant to this subsection shall be payable primarily from the pledged tolls and portions of the "second gas tax" allocated to that county, together with any other pledged revenues that may be legally available for such purpose.

(d) School Bonds.

(1) Article XII, Section 9, subsection (d) of this constitution, as amended, (which, by reference, adopted Article XII, Section 18, of the Constitution of 1885, as amended) as the same existed immediately before the effective date of this amendment is adopted by this reference as part of this amendment as completely as though incorporated herein verbatim, for the purpose of providing that after the effective date of this amendment the first proceeds of the revenues derived from the licensing of motor vehicles as referred to therein shall be distributed annually among the several counties in the ratio of the number of instruction units in each county, the same being coterminous with the school district of each county as provided in Article IX, Section 4, Subsection (a) of this constitution, in each year computed as provided therein to the extent necessary to comply with all obligations to or for the benefit of holders of bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates issued before the effective date of this amendment or any refundings thereof which are secured by any portion of such revenues derived from the licensing of motor vehicles.

(2) No funds anticipated to be distributed annually among the several counties under the formula stated in Article XII, Section 9, Subsection (d) of this constitution, as amended, as the same existed immediately before the effective date of this amendment shall be pledged as security for any obligations hereafter issued or entered into, except that any outstanding obligations previously issued pledging such funds may be refunded at a lower net average interest cost rate by the issuance of refunding bonds maturing not later than the obligations refunded, secured by the same revenues and any other security authorized in paragraph (13) of this subsection (d).

(3) Subject to the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection (d) beginning July 1, 1973, and for thirty-five years thereafter, the first proceeds of the revenues derived from the licensing of motor vehicles to the extent necessary to comply with the provisions of this amendment, shall, as collected, be placed monthly in the school district and junior college district capital outlay and debt service fund in the state treasury and used only as provided in this amendment. Such revenue shall be distributed annually among the several school districts and junior college districts in the ratio of the number of instruction units in each school district or junior college district in each year computed as provided herein. The amount of the first revenues derived from the state motor vehicle license taxes to be so set aside in each year and distributed as provided herein shall be an amount equal in the aggregate to the product of six hundred dollars ($600) multiplied by the total number of instruction units in all the school districts of Florida for the school fiscal year 1967-68, plus an amount equal in the aggregate to the product of eight hundred dollars ($800) multiplied by the total number of instruction units in all the school districts of Florida for the school fiscal year 1972-73 and for each school fiscal year thereafter which is in excess of the total number of such instruction units in all the school districts of Florida for the school fiscal year 1967-68, such excess units being designated "growth units." The amount of the first revenues derived from the state motor vehicle license taxes to be so set aside in each year and distributed as provided herein shall additionally be an amount equal in the aggregate to the product of four hundred dollars ($400) multiplied by the total number of instruction units in all junior college districts of Florida. The number of instruction units in each school district or junior college district in each year for the purposes of this amendment shall be the greater of (1) the number of instruction units in each school district for the school fiscal year 1967-68 or junior college district for the school fiscal year 1968-69 computed in the manner heretofore provided by general law, or ( 2) the number of instruction units in such school district, including growth units, or junior college district for the school fiscal year computed in the manner heretofore or hereafter provided by general law and approved by the state board of education ( hereinafter called the state board), or (3) the number of instruction units in each school district, including growth units, or junior college district on behalf of which the state board has issued bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates under this amendment which will produce sufficient revenues under this amendment to equal one and twelve-hundredths (1.12) times the aggregate amount of principal of and interest on all bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates issued under this amendment which will mature and become due in such year, computed in the manner heretofore or hereafter provided by general law and approved by the state board.

(4) Such funds so distributed shall be administered by the state board as now created and constituted by Section 2 of Article IX of the State Constitution as revised in 1968, or by such other instrumentality of the state which shall hereafter succeed by law to the powers, duties and functions of the state board, including the powers, duties and functions of the state board provided in this amendment. For the purposes of this amendment, said state board shall be a body corporate and shall have all the powers provided in this amendment in addition to all other constitutional and statutory powers related to the purposes of this amendment heretofore or hereafter conferred upon said state board.

(5) The state board shall, in addition to its other constitutional and statutory powers, have the management, control and supervision of the proceeds of the first part of the revenues derived from the licensing of motor vehicles provide d for in this subsection (d). The state board shall also have power, for the purpose of obtaining funds for the use of any school board of any school district or board of trustees of any junior college district in acquiring, building, constructing, altering, remodeling, improving, enlarging, furnishing, equipping, maintaining, renovating, or repairing of capital outlay projects for school purposes to issue bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates, and also to issue such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates to pay, fund or refund any bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates theretofore issued by said state board. All such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates shall bear interest at not exceeding five per centum per annum, or such higher interest rate as may be authorized by statute heretofore or hereafter passed by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of each house of the legislature. All such bonds shall mature serially in annual installments commencing not more than three (3) years from the date of issuance thereof and ending not later than thirty (30) years from the date of issuance, or July 1, 2007, A.D., whichever is earlier. All such motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates shall mature prior to July 1, 2007, A.D. The state board shall have power to determine all other details of said bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates and to sell at public sale after public advertisement, or exchange said bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates, upon such terms and conditions as the state board shall provide.

(6) The state board shall also have power to pledge for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates, including refunding bonds or refunding motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates, all or any part from the anticipated revenues to be derived from the licensing of motor vehicles provided for in this amendment and to enter into any covenants and other agreements with the holders of such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates at the time of the issuance thereof concerning the security thereof and the rights of the holders thereof, all of which covenants and agreements shall constitute legally binding and irrevocable contracts with such holders and shall be fully enforceable by such holders in any court of competent jurisdiction.

(7) No such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates shall ever be issued by the state board until after the adoption of a resolution requesting the issuance thereof by the school board of the school district or board of trustees of the junior college district on behalf of which the obligations are to be issued. The state board of education shall limit the amount of such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates which can be issued on behalf of any school district or junior college district to ninety percent (90%) of the amount which it determines can be serviced by the revenue accruing to the school district or junior college district under the provisions of this amendment, and such determination shall be conclusive. All such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates shall be issued in the name of the state board of education but shall be issued for and on behalf of the school board of the school district or board of trustees of the junior college di strict requesting the issuance thereof, and no election or approval of qualified electors shall be required for the issuance thereof.

(8) The state board shall in each year use the funds distributable pursuant to this amendment to the credit of each school district or junior college district only in the following manner and in order of priority:

a. To comply with the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection (d).

b. To pay all amounts of principal and interest maturing in such year on any bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates issued under the authority hereof, including refunding bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificate s, issued on behalf of the school board of such school district or board of trustees of such junior college district; subject, however, to any covenants or agreements made by the state board concerning the rights between holders of different issues of such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates, as herein authorized.

c. To establish and maintain a sinking fund or funds to meet future requirements for debt service or reserves therefor, on bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates issued on behalf of the school board of such school district or board of trustees of such junior college district under the authority hereof, whenever the state board shall deem it necessary or advisable, and in such amounts and under such terms and conditions as the state board shall in its discretion determine.< /P>

d. To distribute annually to the several school boards of the school districts or the boards of trustees of the junior college districts for use in payment of debt service on bonds heretofore or hereafter issued by any such school board s of the school districts or boards of trustees of the junior college districts where the proceeds of the bonds were used, or are to be used, in the acquiring, building, constructing, altering, remodeling, improving, enlarging, furnishing, equipping, maintaining, renovating, or repairing of capital outlay projects in such school districts or junior college districts and which capital outlay projects have been approved by the school board of the school district or board of trustees of the junior college district, pursuant to the most recent survey or surveys conducted under regulations prescribed by the state board to determine the capital outlay needs of the school district or junior college district. The state board shall have power at the time of issuance of any bonds by any school board of any school district or board of trustees of any junior college district to covenant and agree with such school board or board of trustees as to the rank and priority of payments to be made for different issues of bonds under this subparagraph d., and may further agree that any amounts to be distributed under this subparagraph d. may be pledged for the debt service on bonds issued by any school board of any school district or board of trustees of any junior college district and for the rank and priority of such pledge. Any such covenants or agreements of the state board may be enforced by any holders of such bonds in any court of competent jurisdiction.

e. To distribute annually to the several school boards of the school districts or boards of trustees of the junior college districts for the payment of the cost of acquiring, building, constructing, altering, remodeling, improving, enlarging, furnishing, equipping, maintaining, renovating, or repairing of capital outlay projects for school purposes in such school district or junior college district as shall be requested by resolution of the school board of the school district or board of trustees of the junior college district.

f. When all major capital outlay needs of a school district or junior college district have been met as determined by the state board, on the basis of a survey made pursuant to regulations of the state board and approved by the state board, all such funds remaining shall be distributed annually and used for such school purposes in such school district or junior college district as the school board of the school district or board of trustees of the junior college district shall determine , or as may be provided by general law.

(9) Capital outlay projects of a school district or junior college district shall be eligible to participate in the funds accruing under this amendment and derived from the proceeds of bonds and motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates and from the motor vehicle license taxes, only in the order of priority of needs, as shown by a survey or surveys conducted in the school district or junior college district under regulations prescribed by the state board, to determine the capital outlay needs of the school district or junior college district and approved by the state board; provided that the priority of such projects may be changed from time to time upon the request of the school board of the school district or board of trustees of the junior college district and with the approval of the state board; and provided further, that this paragraph (9) shall not in any manner affect any covenant, agreement or pledge made by the state board in the issuance by said state board of any bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates, or in connection with the issuance of any bonds of any school board of any school district, or board of trustees of any junior college district.

(10) The state board may invest any sinking fund or funds created pursuant to this amendment in direct obligations of the United States of America or in the bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates, issued by the state board on behalf of the school board of any school district or board of trustees of any junior college district.

(11) The state board shall have power to make and enforce all rules and regulations necessary to the full exercise of the powers herein granted and no legislation shall be required to render this amendment of full force and operating effect. The legislature shall not reduce the levies of said motor vehicle license taxes during the life of this amendment to any degree which will fail to provide the full amount necessary to comply with the provisions of this amendment and pay the necessary expenses of administering the laws relating to the licensing of motor vehicles, and shall not enact any law having the effect of withdrawing the proceeds of such motor vehicle license taxes from the operation of this amendment and shall not enact any l aw impairing or materially altering the rights of the holders of any bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates issued pursuant to this amendment or impairing or altering any covenant or agreement of the state board, as provided in such bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates.

(12) The state board shall have power to appoint such persons and fix their compensation for the administration of the provisions of this amendment as it shall deem necessary, and the expenses of the state board in administering the pro visions of this amendment shall be prorated among the various school districts and junior college districts and paid out of the proceeds of the bonds or motor vehicle tax anticipation certificates or from the funds distributable to each school district or junior college district on the same basis as such motor vehicle license taxes are distributable to the various school districts or junior college districts under the provisions of this amendment. Interest or profit on sinking fund investments shall accrue to the school districts or junior college districts in proportion to their respective equities in the sinking fund or funds.

(13) Bonds issued by the state board pursuant to this subsection (d) shall be payable primarily from said motor vehicle license taxes as provided herein, and if heretofore or hereafter authorized by law, may be additionally secured by pledging the full faith and credit of the state without an election. When heretofore or hereafter authorized by law, bonds issued pursuant to Article XII, Section 18 of the Constitution of 1885, as amended prior to 1968, and bonds issued pursuant to Article XII, Section 9, subsection (d) of the Constitution as revised in 1968, and bonds issued pursuant to this subsection (d), may be refunded by the issuance of bonds additionally secured by the full faith and credit of the state only at a lower net average interest cost rate.

(e) Debt Limitation. Bonds issued pursuant to this Section 9 of Article XII which are payable primarily from revenues pledged pursuant to this section shall not be included in applying the limits upon the amount of state bonds contained in Section 11, Article VII, of this revision.

(f) If, at the general election at which this amendment is adopted, there is also adopted an amendment to this section wherein the proposed language of subsection (a) differs from that contained herein, then such other language as to subsection (a) shall prevail over the language of subsection (a) as contained herein.

(g) If, at the general election at which this amendment is adopted, there is also adopted an amendment to this section wherein the proposed language of subsection (d) differs from that contained herein, then such other language shall prevail over the language of subsection (d) as contained herein.

Path to the ballot

See also: Amending the Florida Constitution

A 60% vote was required during one legislative session for the Florida State Legislature to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot. That amounted to a minimum of 51 votes in the Florida House of Representatives and 18 votes in the Florida State Senate, assuming no vacancies. Amendments did not require the governor's signature to be referred to the ballot. Amendments on the ballot required a simple majority vote in this year.

See also

External links
